11/09/1976 - City Council Special I.1Ii~TJTES OF A ; ~ P^.ErTING OF' THE EC!G,'iTJ CITY COUPICIL E~ GAAI, r-~I2JNESOTA IJovember 9; ~ 976 A Special Meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tjo~rember 9y 1976 at 700 P.Rq. at the City Ball. All members :~r~re present. Also present were City Administrator Hedges and Police Chief DesLauriers. Police Facility Grant Application. A Special PZeetin~ was called b~~ P~3yor Herb Polzin to review the feasibility of suumittin~; a grant application to the Economic Development Administration for the new Pi~lice Department Facility pre- viously approved by the City Council. The City Administra~:or eVn~.ained the Federal grant program in detail stating that if the City is successful in receiving funding; the bids receivAr_~. on October 28, 1976 would be rejected and bids re~?~~ertised due to Federal grant regulations. Mr. Jim Horne, Horne Architects, appeared and stated that the appa»ent low bidder, hang Construction is willing to table his base ~..id of `~2~t7,000 for 45 days. P~Zr. Schroeden, representing the second low bidder, D.J. Kranz; appeared and stated that t:ie bid amount of $256.,.500 submitted by D.J. Kranz is valid until. the City of Eagan is notified about the Federal f~~nc?in~;. After further discussion on the matter and in a 2.'~t1r'in by Council Member Smithy seconded by Council Nlembe~. ~y~.ry^h, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that trP city Administrator be directed t~ submit a Local Puh_~~.~ 6~1orl:s Capital Development and Investment Program Application to Lhe Economic Development Administration in the amount of X387,573.00 to construct a new Police Department Facility. 11--•g--7G 1;'77 Proposed Budget. The City Administrator presented a revised addition of the proposed 1977 General Government Ilud~et and after discussion and re~rision of the departmental funds, direction was given to the City Administrator to submit another revision to the proposed 1977 Budget for consideration at a later date. City Council P?ember Rydrych stated that in future years it will more than likely be necessary for the City of Eagan to consider full time City employees in various departments that consultants are presently performing all the services for the City of Eagan. After further discussion on the matter and upon motion by City Council. Member Rydrych, seconded by City Council I•Zember Smith, it was RESOLVED that the City Administrator investigate and study the cost of hiring full time City employees in depai'-~• ments where consultants are currently used! prior to writing; the 1878 budget. Councilmen Smith, Rahn, ti~tachter and Rydrych voted yes and Polzin voted no. There being no further business, upon motion duly made and seconded the meeting was adjourned at 11.00 P.M. DATED ; ~L~w-~- ~ l y ~ G / ) ` / . ~ CITY CLERK a ~~,e.,-