02/08/1977 - City Council Special
February 3., 1977
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held
on February co), 1977 at 7-00 P.M. at the Eagan City Hall.
Members present were Mayor Herb Polzin and City Council
Members Ted V..achter, Jim Smith, Bill Rydryc3h and Art Rahn.
Also present liras City Administrator Tom Hedges and City
Attorney Paul Hauge.
Natural Gas Connections. A special meeting was called
by Mayor Herb Polzin to consider the Public Hearing which has
been set by the Minnesota Public Service Commission for an
Order to Show Cause. The City Administrator informed members
of the City Council that the City was notified that the
Order to Shove Cause hearing was rescheduled for n?arch,~9 and
that a hearing; examiner; ;!Ir. Bernard Singer, has been appointed
to review all formal statements and testimony by all inter--
veninU parties. PRayor Polzin informed Mr. Dick Stevenson;
Chairman of the Fnergy Committee, and Mr. John Klein, member
of the Ener!~y Committee, who were present at the meeting, that
the Energy Committee should continue to meet and discuss the
natural gas issue until the public hearing is held on PRarch
29, 197 7 City Council Member Wachter stated that the real
significance of Eagan7s intervention in the scheduled
hearing to show cause is the.!.fact that the City of Eagan is
being; discriminated against in the metropolitan area from
other communities who are developing L:'ith access to natural
gas connections. Glcy r:uu~+oil Monber Rydrych stated that
the City of Eagan should approach the hearing with a testi-
monial requesting that the Public Service Commission change
the franchise boundaries that are currently in effect in the
City of Eagan. He further stated that the urban framework
as set forth by the Metropolitan Council has established the
City of Eagan as a high growth area and therefore the City
of Eagan is definately being; discriminated against without
natural gas connections in comparison to other communities
located within the metropolitan framework " are apparently
receivinC all the natural gas connections they so desire.
After further discussion on the matter, it was the recommendation
of City Council Member Smith that the Energy Committee and
prepare a statement for the City Council prior to the March 1,
1977 regular City Council meeting regarding their position on
the Order to Show Cause hearing scheduled for March 29, 1977.
r?ayor Polzin directed the City Attorney and City Administrator
to send the letter of default to NorthernNatural Gas Company
which was given consideration approval at the last regular
City Council meeting.
Management Exchange and Standing Committee Organization.
A number of management concerns were discussed such as
assessment policies, personnel policy; accounting procedures,;
computer usage, office policies and other related items that
the City Administrator is working to coordinate for purposes
of more efficient and effective local government. Also a
discussion was held on each of the four standing cormmittees
that were approved at the organizational meeting held in the
month of January, 1977. The standing committees are finance,
personnel., public works and public relations and community
development. A number of goals and objectives were discussed
along with a definition stating the purpose of each standing
committee. Mayor Polzin indicated that the City Administrator
should review the goals and objectives and work with each
chairman to schedule meetings so the goals and objectives
are pursued by the City Council.
Dated . - <f 7 7