08/30/1977 - City Council Special IdINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF "HE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, IZINNESOTA AUGUST 30, 1977 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on August 30; 1977 at 6:30 p.m. at Pilot Knob School. All Councilmen trere present. Also present were City Engineer Rooene, City Administrator Hedger; and City Attorney Hauge. 197^v BUDGET. City Administrator Hedges distributed copies of the 1978 pro- posed City ?:udget and reviewed b=ie-ly ce:_tain portions of the budget with the Council. Ito action was taken. 1977 Pa a ItiimaymmIIT PROJECT. John Voss of Urban Planning eras present and submitted plans and specifications for the 1977 Park Improvement Project covering four parks including Pilot Knob Park the Wellsite Park, South Oaks, and 17orthview Park. After review upon motion :,y Polzin, seconded by Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications be approved and that the Clerk be authorized to advertise _or bids to be received on September 23, 1977 at 3 p.m. at the City Hall. POLICE FACILITY PLAITS. James Horne of Horne Architects appeared and reviewed in some detail the present plans for the proposed police facility and indicated that the final plans would ae ready by approximately late September. Recommenda. bony Oy the Council members were considered and no action was taker.. JEP.RY'S NURSERY. The owner of Jerry's Nursery appeared and requested approval for the installation of a well at his new location on Cedar Avenue. Polzin moved and Wachter seconded a motion with all members voting in favor to approve the request. PILOT IOIOB P.OAD CONTINUED HEARING. At 7:30 p.m. I ayor Polzin convened the continued hearing regarding Project ,1-200 - Pilot Knob road Improvements from High- way ;p494 to Yankee Doodle road, and Project ;#177 consisting of storm sewer improve- ments adjacent to Pilot Knob road in the came vicinity. lie announced that the hearing had been first held on June 23, 1977 and that it had been closed at that time. H,2 further outlined the procedure for the evening's hearing and discussion -1- C-30-77 and a large group of affected property owners were present at the school with the hearing having been changed from the City Hall 4o Pilot Knob School. Herritt Linzie of the T.innesota D?partment of Transportation was present. Mayor Polzin introduced Robert Sandeen, the Dakota County Engineer,, who reviewed briefly the propoced road improvements as did Cary Erickson; the Assis- tant Coun::y Engincer. It was noted that the proposed plans included a divided highway with four lanes with 10-foot raised median. `"here were no changes in she plans from the June 28 hearing,. 'Where would be lef: turn lanes at intersec':ions with approximately 100-foot right o-f way on the two m_le stretch. I'obert ro :enes the Be an City Engineer, reviewed Be-an's portion of the project including stox 4-1 -m sewers proposed under Projec+: #177. _'he Citizens Concerned for Pilot Knob representa-i_ves next made p::esen ations including Svenn Dorgerson, ?jo , Losinski, and P.obert Egan. '.Whey discussed potential noise levels and recommended that an undivided roadway with :suture widenin- capac- ity >>e provided. Hf. Egan stated ;.hat a divided hi-hway was unreasonable and irdi-- cated that le-al action potentially would 15e '---oughi: by affected residents in ~-he event the Council o:dered in the improvement as proposed. "here was discussion concerning a flyer sent around en::itled '/.scessment Plotice" distributed to a large r_udoer of property owners adjacent to Pilot Kno', %.oad in Eagan and Apple Valley. ,here were concerns about ^afe'y along the highway, depreciation of property to aL)utting residential propert.y., water and air pollution, and alleged irreparable harm '.o affected property owners. Ro';ert Losinski su7mit.ed a petition si-ned by a large group of what he indicated was nearly 2;500 residents of the area opposing an in_erchange on Pilot Pnob :toad at A94 and supporting an interchange at Highway #13 and and -further, opposing inctalla`.ion of storm sewer- along Pilot Knob-ad and a lane divided improvement to Plot Knob Toad. A petition was accepted 7 ;y the Tiayor and 11r. Sandeen and made a pa-r'. of the record of the hearing. John Klein asked to be heard and discussed several aspects of the propocal and -2- G- 30- 77 suggested that a non-divided road )e ordered and that no storm sewers 'be installed in conjunction with the road project. City Administrator Hedges explained the recommendation of she Assessment Committee in regard to assessments affecting abutting property owners along major roads. Other a"fec-:-ed residents were given the opportunity to be heard and question officials present. Smith moved and rRahn seconded a motion than the County be requested to install a two-lane road and to acquire the abutting property necessary for the u1=.imae -suture proposed right of way to permit expansion to four lanes in the future if needed. It was further moved that the Minnesota Dcpa_tment of Transportation be requested to investigate the change of the interchange from Pilot Knob toad to Highways 7#13 and I-494, and also that the Cagan City staff investigate the impact of this possible change in the location of the interchange upon the City of Eagan. Smith and Rahn voted yes; Polzin, ?'ydrych, and L•l:chter voted no, and the motion died. Councilman Ilachter then suggested that the examination of the upgrading of Plot Knob road take place aster the installation of Highways I-491 and 1-35H. At this point Councilman Rydrych indicated aster questioning that he would abstain from voting on any motion concerning the upgrading of Pilot ';nob road. Wachter then moved that the Council not order in the project as proposed including the storm sewer Project #177 and Pilot Knob ZT'oad Project 1'`200. There was no second, and the motion died. At 9:30, 1Ir. Sandeen closed the Dakota County portion of the hearing and indicated that the County will continue to restudy the project. Ile stated that there would be ten additional days for written input to the County concerning the road project. Glachter then made a motion and F:hn seconded a motion that Improvement Project: #177 and t'200 not be approved or ordered in as proposed and that the Dakota County Highway Department be requested to re-evaluate its plans for Pilot Knob Road and resubmit revised plans for a two-lane road from I-494 to Yankee Doodle Road. Councilmen Wachter, Smith, and Rahn voted in favor, Rydrych and Polzin did not - 3- 8-30-77 vote,and the motion was adopted. Smith then moved and Wachter seconded a motion that the Minnesota AOT' be requested to examine a revision of I-494 to provide for a change in the location of the interchange from Pilot Knob road and YA+94 to Highway 013 and I-494•, and that the City staff be directed to examine the potential impact upon the City of Eagan in the event of the relocation of the interchange. Wachter, Smith, and Rahn voted in favor of the motion;.and Polzin and Rydrych did not vote on the motion. The motion was adopted. The meeting adjourned at about 10:15 p.m. PHH DATED: -4-