04/27/1978 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA April 27, 1978 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on April 27, 1978 at 7°00 p.m. at the Eagan City Hall. All Council Members were present. Also present was City Administrator Hedges. LEAGUE CONVENTION. City Administrator Hedges reported that the League of Minnesota Cities convention is to be held on June 7,8, and 9 at the Downtown Minneapolis Radisson Hotel. It was generally agreed that one reservation be made for a City Council Member to attend the convention in addition to members of the City staff who are planning to attend various parts of the convention. ORR PROPERTY. The City Administrator recommended that the farm house which is presently occupied by Hollis Orr and owned by the City of Eagan be toured by the Public Works Committee to determine a rent for the house which will be evacuated on June 30, 1978. The City Administrator stated that Mr. Orr is asking that the City of Eagan purchase a security light for $60. After a discussion by the City Council it was determined that the security light is part of the real estate and therefore is owned by the City of Eagan. City Council Members Parranto and Wachter agreed to investigate the farm house and other buildings on Monday, May 1, 1978 so that a rate of rent and improvements that are necessary to the property can be determined. PUBLIC FACILITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. The City Administrator reported that the Volunteer Fire Department is working on plans for Fire Station #3 which is planned for the Wilderness Run area. The City Administrator also reported that it was learned in a recent meeting with the Dakota County Library Board that a 50,000 square foot library facility could be constructed on City property if adequate land is available. After discussion`by City Council Nemb$rs, it was generally agreed that the City should pursue the feasibility.of purchasing 4-27-78 additional property adjacent to the 20 acres owned by the City southeast of the intersection at Wescott Road and Pilot Knob Road. It was generally agreed by members of the City Council that 20 acres would more than likely not be an adequate amount of land to provide facilities for government services for the City of Eagan and possibly Dakota County in future years. There was also a discussion as to when the second story addition to the Police Department facility should be built to accomodate administrative offices and City Council chambers. Without detailed study available, it was generally discussed that the facility would be needed in three to five years. DAKOTA COUNTY CENTRAL DISPATCH CENTER. Chief of Police DesLauriers reported that a committee has been investigating the feasibility of establishing a county wide central dispatch center in Dakota County for the past several years. He stated that a federal grant was received by the Dakota County Law Enforcement Association approximately a year and a half ago to study the cost and feasibility of a central dispatch system for Dakota County. Chief of Police DesLauriers reported that Ralph White and Associates were hired and the report was completed in September, 1977. Ile stated that the City of Eagan could encounter additional costs of approximately $20,000 per year for the City's share of a central dispatch center. He further indicated that the capability of the County computer is not known and it appears there could be duplication at the local level. Chief of Police DesLauriers also stated that the City of Eagan would continue its 24 hour operation to properly handle local service calls and also that the level of dispatching that is now provided could not be provided through a central dispatch system. Chief of Police DesLauriers stated that the County Board is asking that governing bodies in Dakota County comment on the central dispatch system project by Junel, 1978. After a discussion on the matter it was generally agreed that the City Administrator would be directed to send a letter to the Dakota County Board of 2 4-27-72 Commissioners and that the letter from Chief of Police DesLauriers be included as an attachment to this letter. It was further discussed by members of the Council that communities should not be levied 1/2 mill by Dakota County if there is no participation in the dispatch center by that community. 9-•11 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SERVICE. Chief of Police DesLauriers reported that the 9-11 emergency telephone service is to be implemented throughout the State of Minnesota by 1980 as mandated by the Minnesota State Legislature. He further stated that a 9-11 committee was appointed by the Dakota County Commission- ers which has been meeting on a regular basis. It appears that the local share to the City of Eagan for 9-11 equipment to serve the City°s dispatch center would be approximately $6,520 per year. Chief of Police DesLauriers stated that either state or federal funds are available to pay for installation and trunk line charges. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN. Mr. John Voss, Planning Consultant representing Urban Planning and Design, appeared and explained the comprehensive plan as it relates to the Mandatory Planning Act that was approved by the Minnesota State State Legislature. He stated that the City of Eagan has received a Planning Assistance Grant from the Metropolitan Council in the amount of $24,700 which is the highest amount allocated for any community with the exception of the Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul in the seven county area. Mr. Voss indicated that the City of Eagan ranked very high because of its size, growth rate, proximity to the Zoological Gardens, International Airport and the large number of freeways that will be built through the community which are all deemed as a critical need portion of the funding by the Metropolitan Council. Mr. Voss stated that the Planning Assistance Grants to individual communities are conditional upon the formula of 752 grant and 256 local government funds for planning. The cost estimate of preparing a plan for the City of Eagan is $34,800. Therefore, with a grant of approximately $24,700 the City would be expected to appropriate approximately 3 4-27•-78 $10,000 for preparation of the plan over a two year period of time. Mr. Voss explained the various aspects of the comprehensive plan stating that a considerable amount of data will be provided to the City in text form and in addition the City staff, Planning Commission, Park Advisory Committee and City Council will have continued participation in the preparation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan process. The Zoning Administrator, Mr. Dale Runkle, was asked by members of the City Council whether he felt a Comprehensive Land Use Plan or a portion of the plan could be written by City staff, therefore saving a part of the expense for hiring a consultant. Mr. Runkle stated that with the involvement and work load that is being experienced by hid department and the lack of experience in writing a Comprehensive Land Use Plan required to satisfy the Mandatory Planning Act it is not recommended that the City staff attempt to engage in the writing of the Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Murphy stated that it might be feasible for the City of Eagan to consider hiring a City Planner for performing the work on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and therefore limiting the amount of outside consulting, involvement in the preparation of the plan. Mr. Voss and 111r. Runkle indicated that because of the time constraints and the involvement of writing the Comprehensive Land Use Plan; it was suggested that an in house City Planner would be placed at a disadvantage in his or her ability to prepare the comprehensive plan without considering a considerable amount of outside consulting assistance. Mr. Voss did indicate that he foresees his firm phasing out of the City of Eagan. After Mr. Runkle has gained the experience with Mr. Voss in writing the comprehensive plan and also the experience of planning in the next two years, the City will be in a position to perform much of the day to day planning operations as a City department. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by City Council Member Wachter, seconded by Council Member Parranto with City Council Members Parranto, Smith, Wachter, and Egan voting yes and Mayor Murphy voting no, the Mayor and City 4 4-27-78 IIIClerk were authorized to enter into a contract with Urban Planning and Design for the purpose of preparing a Comprehensive Plan for the City of Eagan to satisfy the Mandatory Planning Act. STREET SWEEPER. The City Council continued discussion on whether to consider the purchase of a street sweeper for the City of Eagan at this time. After a brief discussion on the matter, it was agreed that a street sweeper would not be purchased at this time, however, considered as a part of the budgetary process and that the City Administrator be directed to receive quotations for the rental of a street sweeper to sweep the entire City this spring. QUARTERLY BUDGET REPORT. The Quarterly Budget Report was commented on by the Chairman of the Finance Committee, City Council Member Parranto. Council Member Parranto stated that the Finance Committee met and reviewed the Quarterly Budget III Report and with a few questions that are being analyzed by the City Administrator, the Quarterly Budget Report appeared to be in line with the approved 1978 Budget. SCHOOL SITE SELECTION. The City Administrator informed the City Council that the Board of Education of Independent School District 196 has agreed to construct a new elementary school in the City of Eagan. He further indicated that the City had made efforts to have both an elementary school and a middle school located within the community and it now appears that the middle school will be placed in the City of Apple Valley. The City Administrator further indicated that one site under consideration for the elementary school is south of Cliff Road and east of Johnny Cake Ridge Road and the other site is west of Evergreen Park and north of the NSP highiine and Thomas Lake Park which is located in the Blackhawk Park PUD. City Council Member Smith stated that he was not pleased with the Board of Education's action to not locate the middle school in the City of Eagan. He IIIfurther indicated that with this action and recent action whereby students who attend the Burnsville School System from the City of Eagan were eliminated in a Burnsville Lion's relay at the Burnsville High School, he felt that it was time 5 4-27._.78 IIIthe City of Eagan investigate a school system of its own. After discussion by the City Council on the matter, the City Administrator was directed to research with the City Attorney the feasibility of forming a school district within the corporate boundaries of the City of Eagan. COUNTY ROAD 31. Mayor Murphy asked that the City Council discuss the status of road improvements for County Road 31 (Pilot Knob Road). City Council Member Smith stated that the Dakota County Highway Department has not responded to a request that was made by the City Council in a formal motion at the August 30; 1977 special City Council meeting at which time that department was requested to pre- pare plans for a two lane road improvement for Pilot Knob Road from Yankee Doodle Road to proposed 1-494. City Council Member Smith asked that the City Council reaffirm the request for that study from the Dakota County Highway Department. III City Council Member Parranto stated that he favors a four lane road from Yankee Doodle Road to the proposed I-4944 however.safety factors such as a reduction of speed limits and addition of traffic signals should be considered for the residential areas. City Council Member Egan questioned whether Pilot Knob Road could be upgraded in the same matter as Trunk Highway 13 with turn lanes and widening of the road in some areas to accomodate the increased traffic flow. City Council Member Wachter stated that he felt I-35E as proposed through the City of Eagan is the key to the overall highway network and that the completion of that freeway will relieve traffic on County Road 31. He further stated that County Road 31 should be signalized at major intersections and that the Dakota County Highway Department should consider several alternate plans for the upgrading of County Road 31 as it extends through the City of Eagan. Mayor Murphy asked that the Dakota County Highway Department be directed to provide the City with a cost IIIanalysis comparison of a 44' wide road as opposed to a 52' road. City Council Member Smith stated that with the eventual completion of I--35E, County Road 31 south of Yankee Doodle will more than likely be a 529 wide road improvement from 6 4_27-75 IIIthat portion north of Yankee Doodle Road. After further discussion on the matter, the City Administrator was directed to contact the Dakota County Highway Engineer and ask that the Dakota County Highway Department reevaluate its plans for Pilot Knob Road and submit revised plans for a two lane road krom i-404 to Yankee Doodle Road. In addition, the Dakota County Highway Engineer was directed to provide the City with the minimum width requirements for the upgrading of County Road 31 (Pilot Knob Road) and also the cost differential between a 44' and 52' wide road. City Council Member Smith asked the City Administrator to review with Dakota County the feasibility of upgrading frontage roads which are located adjacent to Cedar Avenue north of Cedar Elementary School and south of Peace Reformed Church located on Cedar Avenue. Dated! &l e� f, �% c_ City Clerk III III 7