10/24/1995 - City Council Special 00 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota October 24, 1995 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, October 24, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. at the Police Department Conference Room. Present were Mayor Egan and Counciimembers Awada, Wachter, and Masin. Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Director of Public Works Tom Colbert, Finance Director Gene VanOverbeke, Police Chief Pat Geagan, Assistant to the Administrator Holly Duffy, Communications Coordinator Joanna Foote, Fire Chief Dale Nelson, and Utility Superintendent Wayne Schwarz The agenda was adopted as presented. COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Communications Coordinator Foote made a presentation covering the communications plan she had prepared. The City Council was supportive of the plan. They especially liked the Idea of an additional summer newsletter to cover the existing gap between the spring and fall issues. In a previous communication with Administrator Hedges, Councilmember Hunter had expressed the important role that E-mail will play in future communications. Discussion followed regarding E-mail and the potential to partnership with Eagan High School to develop home pages In the world wide web. These items will be pursued after the move back to the remodeled City Hall. PRESENTATION BY THE WALLACE GROUP Roy and Sherie Wallace gave a presentation to the City Council regarding the possibility of providing communication consulting services to the City of Eagan. Mr. Wallace presented basic premises about the City and the need to present a clear and consistent message to the public through the various media opportunities. The proposal of the Wallace Group included work in the areas of focus, communications assessment, developing a communications plan, skill training, opinion research, public relations counseling, media relations, backgrounders and publications. The Wallace Group went on to explain why they were the best firm for the City to engage and distributed several examples of their work product. The City Council discussed with staff the merits of the proposal and the benefits to the City. Consensus was that implementation of this proposal would provide a special benefit to the City. It was agreed that a project by project arrangement rather than a retainer situation would work best for the City. Consensus was also reached that an additional $15,000 should be budgeted for this communications effort In 1996. Councilmember Wachter suggested that a six month evaluation be undertaken to determine the effectiveness to date of the relationship. Councilmember Masin suggested that the Business Newsletter be thrown into the mix. Councilmember Hunter had expressed through Administrator Hedges agreement in concept through items delineated as program number 1 and program number 2. RESPONSES TO GENERAL FUND BUDGET OUES71ONS The City Council next considered the responses provided In staff memos to various questions raised regarding the preliminary 1996 General Fund Budget. The cost benefit of continued participation in Dakota County Economic Development Partnership was discussed In detail. The benefits are derived primarily in the short-term from the development of a GIS system In a relatively cost-effective manner. Concerns was expressed by Councimember Masin about the truly county-wide benefit of the organization and what the City's membership dollars were actually accomplishing. Administrator Hedges was directed to inquire about a different type of membership which would be less expensive to the City while allowing the organization the benefit of membership of the county's largest city. Councllmember Wachter expressed concern that salary increases do not reflect full benefits or full City cost. Staff suggested that employees be provided with more information to make them aware of these total costs. General discussion followed regarding payments to volunteer firefighters and the impact upon recruiting additional volunteers. Assistant to the Administrator Duffy cautioned that volunteers should not be compensated on an hourly basis to EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, OCTOBER 24, 1995 PAGE 2 avoid FLSA problems. Consensus was reached that the 1996 volunteer compensation In the preliminary budget be Increased to the level of the department request. Direction was given to staff to provide Information about the pensions provided to employees through PERA. PUBUC UTILITIES BUDGET Administrator Hedges made a general presentation covering the Water and Sanitary Sewer Department budgets. Administrator Hedges stressed the continued emphasis on using parttime personnel to provide for seasonal assistance and peak work loads. Councilmember Wachter expressed concern about the cost of providing clothing to certain employees and about the need to address this Issue In subsequent negotiating sessions. Councilmember Awada concurred with this process. There was general discussion about certain City reservoirs including the type of construction and maintenance requirements. The Cliff Road reservoir and Its future use were specifically reviewed by Director of Public Works Colbert.. Regarding the Sanitary sewer Budget, Councilmember Wachter asked if money is budgeted for emergencies. Most emergencies can be handled through the regular line Item budget accounts. Counclimember Masin followed up on the use of part-time employees and questioned whether it Is to save costs or because of need. Administrator Hedges and Director of Public Works Colbert responded that the use of part-time employees is to meet peak demand for seasonal operations. Part-time employees work primarily during the summer, providing a supplement to regular employees. To have enough regular employees to meet peak summer demand would result in too many employees on staff during winter or off- peak operational times. There were no questions raised about the Street Lighting budget or about the estimated revenues raised to support the water, sanitary sewer or street lighting operations. Councilmember Wachter asked whether technology is helping to reduce the cost of intersection signaiization. Director of Public Works Colbert responded that cost drivers include programming and related activities to provide integration of signals. Technology has not really had the effect of reducing overall costs. Fire Chief Nelson suggested implementation of a signal pre-emption system for public safety vehicles. It was agreed that spot Implementation is probably not appropriate and that a study outlining cost and safety Issues should be presented at a future work session. 1996-2000 CIP Administrator Hedges began by presenting the Part I CIP (General Government Facilities) Information, Counclimember Awada stated that park items do not belong In Part I of the CIP. There was concern expressed specifically about the Holz Farm Improvements and not being clear about potential extra costs when the farm was purchased. Counclimember Wachter noted that he would be attending a task force meeting on the Holz Farm on October 25. Awada moved, Wachter seconded a motion to eliminate all three park (Holz Farm) items from the proposed Part I CIP. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 There was consensus that the farm should be maintained but other funding sources should be explored for potential improvements. Administrator Hedges was directed to communicate the need for a strategic plan/program for Holz Farm to Parks and Recreation Director Vraa to be shared with the Holz Farm Task Force and/or the Advisory Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission. Discussion was then undertaken regarding the balance of the items In the Part I CIP which were all Fire Department related. Counclimember Wachter requested information regarding how much space Is available at the Fire Administration site. Concern was expressed about the feasibility of building a $1,000,000 training facility ($200,000 land and $800,000 building) and whether combined construction and use is feasible and practical. Fire Chief Nelson noted that with the acquisition of the tax-forfeit property, some training could take place on that site. An access road would probably be required for even this limited utilization. Wachter moved, Awada seconded a motion to remove the $200,000 training facility land bank and the $800,000 training facility from the Part I CIP. Aye: 3 Nay: 1 (Masin opposed.) Counclimember Wachter asked additional questions about the current Fire Administration building and site, along with the ambulance service. Fire Chief Nelson Inquired about potential uses of the site and Councilmember Awada asked if a Station #6 and a station in the northwest quadrant were needed. Consensus was reached that these two items should remain In the Part I CIP for 1996 and that the land banking was appropriate. Administrator Hedges was directed to work with the EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; OCTOBER 24, 1995 PAGE 3 Executive Board to determine the feasibility of cost sharing on a training facility, to develop a comprehensive plan for the Fire Administration site and department needs, and a comprehensive plan for additional stations. Administrator Hedges Introduced Part II of the proposed 1996-2000 CIP by explaining the material that had been provided to the City Council. Councilmember Wachter questioned how much boulevard the City actually needs to cut and what the cost savings would be to cut the boulevards once or twice per year with a flail mower. He suggested there could be cost savings In both equipment and personnel. He also suggested the City do mulching rather than using fertilizer. Councimember Hunter had previously communicated to Administrator Hedges his appreciation of the 15 year analysis of equipment. He felt the annual allocation should be Increased to replace existing equipment. He was not supportive of the requests for Increased funding for new equipment. The issue of plowing traps was raised since some new equipment proposed is for that purpose. It was determined that perhaps the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission study this Issue during 1996. Counclimember Awada stated that some additional purchases in Streets and Police may be required, although she was not supportive of expansion In the Park Department. Consensus was reached that 1996 needs to be firm for the departments and work would continue for the final four years of the CIP. Staff was directed to work up different options for additional City Council consideration. Concern was expressed about the difficulty for either the City Council or the staff to determine and project exactly what is needed. OTHER BUSINESS Administrator Hedges briefed the City Council on the status of the City's attempts to negotiate with Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance on the potential land acquisition. There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. DLP October 24, 1995 Date e