03/22/1994 - City Council Special
Eagan, Minnesota
March 22, 1994
A Special City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, March 22, 1994 at 5:00 P.M. in the Eagan
Municipal Center Building. The meeting was held to continue review of the South Dodd Road development
options, as well as other items that were deferred at the March 15, 1994 work session Special City Council
meeting. Those in attendance were Mayor Egan, and City Councumember Awada, Hunter, Masin, and Wachter.
Also present were Director of Public Works Colbert, Director of Community Development Director Reichert,
Director of Finance VanOverbeke, Director of Parks Vraa, Administrative Intern Pruitt, and City Administrator
Announcements were heard first. Among those announcements were a cancellation for the Economic
Development Commission meeting in St. Paul meeting scheduled for Saturday, April 2, 1994, an announcement
of a school board meeting scheduled for Friday, April 8, 1994 at 7:30 a.m. at the Eagan Holiday Inn for
discussion with the City Council, and an announcement of the League of Minnesota Cities Legislative Conference
on Term Limits at 4:00 p.m. on March 24, 1994.
Director of Community Development Reichert explained the location and current zoning of the area
on Dodd Road south of Fitz Lake. She reviewed the four options outlined in a March 8, 1994 City Council
memorandum. Option One included the establishment of a rural service area in Eagan. Under this option,
Director of Community Development Reichert noted that the west side of Dodd Road, south of Cliff road, as
well as the east side of Dodd Road, south of Fitz Lake, would be designated rural. She went on to explain the
pros and cons associated with Option One. Option two, she explained would establish a rural service area on
the west side of Dodd road south of Cliff Road and south of the Waterview Subdivision South of Fitz Lake.
Under this option, Director of Community Development Reichert explained, Waterview Addition would be
allowed to develop at R-1 densities, but the rest of the area would be maintained as rural. Pros and cons of this
option were also presented by Director of Community Development Reichert. Option three was presented next,
which called for the retainment of the current policy of a full urban service area and subdivisions at R-1 lot
densities. Option four was also reviewed, proposing the maintenance of a full urban service area, but requiring
estate zoning at 20,000 Sq. Ft./Acre. Pros and Cons developed by staff on options three and four were reviewed
by Director of Community Development Reichert.
General discussion followed on each of the development options. It was recommended that the South
Dodd Road area should continue to be part of the City's urban service are an consideration would be given to
deferring trunk assessments that might result from the extension of utilities to the Waterview Addition. The City
Council determined that Arcon Development should be permitted to develop at R-1 lot densities. In order to
mitigate the impacts of Waterview Addition on the Dodd Road area, Council suggested that the plat be revised
to provide access to Highway 3 rather than gaining access from Dodd Road. The City Council also directed that
the preliminary plat be brought back for consideration at the April 19, 1994 regular City Council meeting.
City Administrator Hedges recalled that a proposed utility rate increase was given consideration at the
February 28 regular City Council meeting. The Director of Finance VanOverbeke addressed the cash position
of the public enterprise fund and the impact if the percentage is decreased for there is not increase proposed
for 1994. He added that it would be ideal if the increase could be in effect for the March 31, 1994 utility bill,
as it will be the first full quarterly billing since the beginning of the new year.
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MARCH 22,1994
Councilmember Wachter stated he protested the increase. Hunter made a motion, Awada seconded,
to approve the utility rate increase. 5-0
Director of Parks Vraa explained the Legislature's interest in funding two ice facilities with a focus of
50% of ice time for women. The Legislature is interested in located one facility in the south and one in the
northern area of the state. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that due to the excellent accessibility,
Eagan should have a strong chance of locating one of the ice facilities within the City.
City Administrator Hedges noted that this discussion was to update the Council on the option, and that
this option would be progressing along a dual track with the City's proposed ice facility. The City Council
expressed their support for this option, and stated they would be willing to cooperate in order to assist in
investigating the possibility of locating such an ice arena within the City.
Director of Public Works Colbert provided a brief explanation of the Pavement Condition Index Rating,
or PCI. He requested whether the City Council would be interested in a instruction on the PCI process.
Councilmember Awada requested a copy of life cycle cost by the State Asphalt Association, if one exists.
Director of Public Works colbert said he had a similar chart that he would share at a future workshop meeting..
Following discussion, it was determined that the PCI process would be shown on a tour of the
Timberline Addition prior to a future Special City Council meeting.
Director of Community Development Reichert presented the policy question of whether the City should
acquire the Remo Caponi property for parkland to add to the City's present inventory of passive parkland area,
or to hold the property for a specified period of time and sell it to Mr. Caponi for the foundation to be added
as part of the Art Park holdings. Councilmember Awada stated that Mr. Caponi is currently working with the
Public Land Trust Foundation, and the City will know within approximately a month whether the Foundation
will approve the proposal.
It was determined to defer action on this item, until it is known whether an agreement between the
Public Land Trust is created.
City Administrator Hedges explained he had met with Architect Dewey Thorbeck to discuss options for
the interior design of the new Council Chambers with notes he had generated from earlier Council discussions.
He stated that the preliminary design was presented as only as a starting point for further Council direction
After some general discussion, the Council noted they would like to see less chairs located on the council
dias, that the Council's conference room be able to perform dual functions and be enlarged by scaling down the
mechanical room, the photo and award walls be placed in the entry way rather than inside the Council
Chambers. City Councilmembers also noted they would like to see symmetry issues addressed in the plan, and
that the podium should remain at the distance it presently is arranged at.
MARCH 22, 1994
There being no further discussion, the Special City Council meet was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
March 22, 1994
Date ene VanOverbeke
ity Clerk
If you need these minutes in an alternative form such as large print, braille, audio tape, etc., please contact
the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122, (612) 681-4600 (TDD phone: (612) 454-8535).
The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services,
activities, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, natural origin, sex, disability,
age, marital status, sexual orientation, or status with regard to public assistance. Auxiliary aids for persons
with disabilities will be provided upon advance notice of at least 96 hours. If a notice of less than 96 hours
Is received, the City of Eagan will attempt to provide such aid.