06/14/1994 - City Council Special
Eagan, Minnesota
June 14, 1994
A Special City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, June 14, 1994 In the lunchroom of the Eagan
Municipal Center building. Those present were Mayor Egan and City Councilmembers Awada, Hunter and
Masin. City Councilmember Wachter was absent. Also present were Director of Community Development
Reichert, Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa, Director of Finance VanOverbeke, Assistant Director of
Finance Pepper and City Administrator Hedges.
Director of Community Development Reichert provided a community development update,
discussing: 1) recent publicity on the downtown Eagan vision, 2) status of the Easter Lutheran Church
expansion at Cliff Road and Pilot Knob Road, 3) redevelopment Issues/standards surrounding a proposed
expansion by the Stinar Corporation and 4) other brief reports.
City Administrator Hedges stated that If the City Council would prefer to discuss community
development related policy issues, it was recommended that a Special City Council meeting be scheduled
for that purpose. After brief discussion and in a motion by City Councilmember Awada, seconded by
Councilmember Masin, with all members voting in favor, a Special City Council meeting was scheduled for
Tuesday, June 21, 1994 at 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing various community development related
policies, such as development review procedures and an HRA housing site.
City Administrator Hedges stated that the comprehensive annual financial report for the year ending
December 31, 1993 has been completed and will be presented for final ratification by the City Council at the
June 21 meeting. He stated that the financial condition of the City is excellent and that a specific
presentation by the Director of Finance will allow for sharing of information about the various funds,
Investments and status of general fund and public enterprise fund operations for 1993.
Director of Finance VanOverbeke stated that the fund balance at the end of 1993 reflects 35.8% of
the operating budget. He stated this is consistent with the City's philosophy of maintaining 30%-35% of the
next operating expenditure budget as a fund balance. He further commented on the general fund, stating
that total revenues and other financing sources exceeded expenditures and other financing uses by $760,287
as a favorable variance for calendar 1993 as it pertains to the general fund operation.
Director of Finance VanOverbeke reviewed several special revenue funds, Including the status of the
housing revenue bond fund, mortgage bond redemption fund, cable tv franchise fees fund, Housing &
Redevelopment Authority fund, police forfeiture fund and recycling fund. He specifically stated that the
Housing & Redevelopment Authority fund Is a receivable and will be available to the City in the future when
the Cinnamon Ridge Apartment debt is retired.
Debt service funds were then discussed by the Director of Finance which include all bond
Indebtedness from the 1972 park and fire station bonds through the 1993 equipment certificate sale. He
stated that a fund balance existing in the 1972 park and fire station bonds could be transferred to either the
community investment fund or the park site development fund, realizing those bonds are officially paid in
full by the City. He further reviewed special assessment funds, stating that all bond accounts from the
consolidated debt service account through 1982 are pre-arbitrage and there is approximately $3,000,000
June 14, 1994
available in those fund balances that could be transferred to the community investment fund. He then stated
that regarding the other bond accounts, beginning with 1989 through 1993, which Include refundings,
projections show assets exceeding liabilities; however, it is anticipated that If there are strict post-arbitrage
rulings, there will be little in the way of fund balances when these bond accounts are closed out.
Director of Finance VanOverbeke also reviewed several capital project funds, commenting on the
designated and undesignated fund totals for each of the various activities.
The final presentation was a schedule of cash investments through December 31, 1993. Director
of Finance VanOverbeke explained the methodology of Investments and stated that he and the City
Administrator would be submitting a quarterly summary of all investments to the City Council on an ongoing
basis. With the exception of some statistical tables that will be reviewed in further detail during development
of the 1995 operating budget, the detailed review of the 1993 comprehensive annual financial report was
Members of the City Council asked questions throughout the presentation and praised the Finance
Department, under the leadership of the Director of Finance and Assistant Director of Finance, for their
excellence in financial reporting.
The APRNRC, City Council, City Administrator Hedges, Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa, Parks
System Consultants Barry Warner and Donn Wiske, along with other members of the Parks & Recreation
staff, were present to discuss the Parks System Plan.
Barry Warner, Barton-Aschman & Associates, recapped the progress on the various chapters in the
plan noting that draft chapters will be available for the June 20 Parks Commission meeting. He then went
on to review the Advisory Commission's discussion at their last workshop with Mr. Warner, Including needs
analysis and funding and financing. Mr. Warner highlighted sections of the needs analysis section noting
that the City will be challenged by three capital intensive aspects including; land acquisition for active and
passive uses as well as open space, new facility development, and redevelopment or renovation of existing
facilities. He noted that the Advisory Commission and Council had previously looked at the natural resource
section which Identified areas for land acquisition for various purposes. He indicated he would not review
that at this time, but would focus on some conclusions including the need for a community park to meet
future population demands In the northeast section of the community. He also reiterated the neighborhood
park service area demands which were previously identified in Chapter 5. These areas include areas 15,
18, 21, 22 and 36E. He noted the third land acquisition need would be for a future youth baseball and girls
softball complex to also Include youth soccer. The exact need was contingent upon the timing of the
growth of the community, participation rates and community demographics. He also indicated that there
were other opportunities for parks development and passive open space acquisition.
Relative to development of land and facilities, he noted that the development of the Lexington Diffley
Athletic Park as an adult softball complex had been Initiated while support facilities were also required. The
lighting of both softball and soccer fields should occur by the year 2000 to accommodate the extra
participation levels. He also noted that Northview Park lighting Improvements should also be completed by
the year 2000 in conjunction with the Lexington Diffley Athletic Site lighting to obtain lowest Installation cost.
Other development included the youth baseball complex which will include a 4 to 6 field facility. He also
noted a girls softball field for use is required along with soccer. Mr. Warner then reviewed facility
distributions noting that ice hockey, pleasure skating, in-line skating, tennis, volleyball and unique activities
needed some attention in the future.
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Mr. Warner summarized these two sections of the chapter by indicating that Eagan's opportunities
for additional parks and open space acquisition were rapidly diminishing as continued private-sector
development was occurring. It was critical that the City continue to concentrate efforts on land acquisition
to meet future activities and programming while preserving key open space and natural resources parcels.
In terms of long-range facility maintenance and replacement, Mr. Warner suggested that there were
several areas In which focus had to be given If the City is to maintain its current standards of providing
facilities to keep up with safety standards.
In Mr. Warner's presentation, there were several questions regarding the acquisition and
development section, which Mr. Warner clarified.
Don Wiske then presented his chapter on funding and financing, noting that he was presenting a
strategy. He explained how he had divided the cost based on the current CIP and many of the needs
Identified within the Needs and Analysis section. In response to a question, Mr. Wiske noted that Council
and Commission should not look at these numbers as "costs," but rather as value. He noted land
acquisition as an example. He had placed a value of $40,000 per acre, but that does not necessarily mean
that the City would have to acquire or purchase the property at $40,000, but the value of it could be included
In the parks system whether by donation, gift or preservation through other means. During Mr. Wiske's
presentation, he noted current expenditures for parks and recreation relative to other communities was in
the lower one-third. He also suggested that the City allocate on an annual basis, dollars for renovation and
replacement as the City and park system continued to grow older. Throughout Mr. Wiske's presentation,
there were several questions relative to cost values and approaches for "opportunity parks."
Upon completion of this presentation, there was extensive dialogue between the Advisory
Commission and City Council relative to the need for identifying additional funding sources. Both
Commission and Council agreed that a referendum would be necessary If the City is to accomplish land
acquisition and development priorities as identified. Councilmember Awada suggested that the City needed
to come up with a more realistic figure than what had been presented to this date. Commission members
responded that it was Important that once the systems plan was complete, an effort begin on a prioritization
process and a strategy be set. After further discussion, it was the consensus that the Advisory Commission
would develop a list of projects for further discussion. Consultants Warner and Wiske were thanked for their
presentation. Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa noted that the Advisory Commission would be holding
as part of their June 20 Commission meeting, a public hearing on the park system plan draft. This will
provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the systems plan. A telephone call in opportunity was
also explained to the Council.
There were not further items with the Advisory Commission. The Commission excused themselves
from the Council's workshop.
Mayor Egan Informed the City Council that he was notified by the Chairperson of the Nominating
Committee of the N.O.I.S.E organization that he Is being recommended as President for a two-year term
beginning In 1994. Members of the Council highly encouraged Mayor Egan to consider the appointment,
recognizing that there would be some additional obligation and minimal travel required if elected to the
City Councilmember Hunter shared with the City Council a meeting he and the City Administrator
had with Mike Gresser and specifically asked that an alternative to the feasibility report for the Sibley
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June 14, 1994
Terminal Drive Improvements be given consideration. He stated that Mr. Gresser is requesting that the
feasibility report include a cost proposal for mill and overlay as an option to total reconstruction. Members
of the City Council concurred that the engineering division be directed to Include, as an addendum to the
feasibility report, options for a mill and overlay, recognizing that the cost and payback may be greater In
the long run than a total reconstruction.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
June 14, 1994 A hA Date City Clerk