08/23/1994 - City Council Special 00277 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota August 23, 1994 A Special City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, August 23,1994 at 5:00 p.m. in the lunchroom of the Eagan Municipal Center. Those in attendance were Mayor Egan and City Councilmembers Awada, Hunter, Masin and Wachter. Also present were Director of Public Works Tom Colbert, Park and Recreation Director Ken Vraa, Finance Director Gene VanOverbeke, Assistant Finance Director Tom Pepper, Police Chief Pat Geagan, Community Development Director Peggy Reichert, Assistant to the Administrator Jon Hohenstein, and City Administrator Tom Hedges. WEST PUBLISHING/FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATION PERMIT Administrator Hedges noted that there was a request to add an item to the agenda, that being the footings and foundation permit for West Publishing. Community Development Director Reichert noted that If the Council authorizes issuance of this permit, it won't be Issued until the Pollution Control Agency approves the changes in their indirect source permit. Hunter moved, Wachter seconded a motion to approve the footings and foundation permit for West Publishing, contingent upon approval of changes to their indirect source permit by the MPCA. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 DRAFT 1995 GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUDGET Administrator Hedges gave an overview of the proposed budget, which provides for an increase of $609,100 or 4.5% over last year's budget, excluding an allocation for a contingency. He noted that due to an increase in the net tax capacity, and a decrease in the fiscal disparities contribution, there will be no anticipated tax capacity rate increase. The budget provides for two police officers and 3 1 /2 other new personnel, a 16.2% increase in capital outlay, and a reorganization of the Government Buildings budget, to be supervised from Parks and Recreation. He added that the contingency account is proposed to be increased to $199,200 to offer more flexibility. He reviewed the revenue estimates and expense appropriations, and the time table for the Truth In Taxation hearings. The Council then reviewed each department budget. Regarding the Administration budget, Councilmember Hunter questioned whether the City is getting their money's worth out of the MLC membership. Regarding the Community Development budget, the number of Inspectors needed was discussed. Regarding the Cable TV budget, Councilmembers Hunter and Awada questioned whether a full- time person is needed in that position, and would like to know what the position entails. Regarding the Police budget, the animal control position was reviewed. Councilmember Awada questioned why some of the capital outlay items were transferred from the Police Facility budget. She stated that all capital items should be a part of the construction budget. She further stated that the FF&E budget had to be cut for the new building, and adding capital isn't cutting the budget, it is just transferring it to another budget. Police Chief Geagan noted that some of these costs were due to the change in plans from a one story to a two story building. The City Administrator was directed to review this matter and provide a report to the City Council. Councilmembers Hunter and Awada questioned some of the cost estimates for various equipment. Police Chief Geagan noted that some of these items aren't critical to their operation, but will help their operations. He feels they will cost less to purchase now, and will meet their needs for quite some time. He doesn't feel there will be many requests in the next couple of years If this Is approved. ,rt. EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; AUGUST 23, 1994 PAGE 2 Discussion followed concerning the use of cellular phones, and whether they are all necessary, or whether two-way radios or other equipment could be used. Police Chief Geagan noted that the cellular phones do help to control the media and provide for other efficiency. A review of their use was discussed. Regarding the Fire budget, Councilmember Hunter Indicated he would like a report from the Fire Department about the pros and cons of a full-time fire chief. The City Administrator was directed to review alternatives. Regarding the Public Works Engineering budget, the cost-effectiveness of eliminating the Intern positions was discussed. Public Works Director Colbert stated that interns bring in revenues equal to or more than their salaries because they are paid $9 per hour, and can be billed out at $20-$25 per hour. In addition, they can do projects that would otherwise have to be done by consultants, who charge $40-$50 per hour. Hunter suggested the intern positions be put back in, and decrease the contingency fund by that amount Councilmember Awada questioned the antifreeze recycler, and suggested the city offer this service to gas stations as well. Public Works Director Colbert Indicated he will check into that possibility. Regarding the Central Services budget, Wachter questioned the $2,500 expenditure for air conditioning on the west side of the maintenance facility. Administrator Hedges noted that due to the remodeling of the Municipal Center, employees will be using that facility next summer, which will require the need for air conditioning and as a result, the expenditure should be reinstated. Regarding the Parks and Recreation budget, Administrator Hedges noted that the Youth Service Coordinator is proposed to go from 3/4 time to full time. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa stated that the department has received a tremendous response to this position, and the apartment managers in Wescott Commons have been very supportive of this position. The school district would like to see him work more In the schools, and has agreed to consider funding the difference between the position being 3/4 time and full-time. Vraa noted he would like to see him Involved In other areas of the community as well. Regarding the Forestry budget, Awada stated she feels additional dollars should be considered for containing oak wilt. Wachter concurred, and stated he would like a report on whether oak wilt has increased or decreased since the program started. He would also like to know what kind of trees are being planted in the parks. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa noted they plant a variety of trees, rather than just one or two species. Fiscal disparities was discussed at some length, as well as how the tax capacity rate is developed. Awada stated she likes to see a large contingency account. Mayor Egan complimented Administrator Hedges on the job he did on the budget. He feels the format and narrative make it very easy to read and understand. Wachter concurred. The value of activity based costing was discussed, and whether this should be pursued In the future. Administrator Hedges noted that is their goal for the next couple of years, and feels activity based costing can be used to get to program based budgeting. The consensus of the Council was that they are comfortable with the preliminary budget, with the exception of the questions raised at this meeting, and they feel they will be ready for its presentation at the September 6 Council meeting. EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; AUGUST 23, 1994 PAGE 3 Hunter moved, Wachter seconded a motion to set a special City Council meeting on September 6th at 5:00 p.m. to further review the Civic Arena project. PENDING LITIGATION/BIETER LAWSUIT Mayor Egan briefed the City Council on a question raised relative to the Bleter litigation. There was a brief discussion with appropriate direction given to the City Administrator. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. DLP August 23, 1994 U..ffM ini Date City Clerk If you need these minutes in an alternative form such as large print, braille, audio tape, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, (612) 681-4600, (TDD phone: (612) 454-8535). The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status or status with regard to public assistance.