10/11/1994 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota October 11, 1994 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, October 11, 1994 at 5:00 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Egan and Councilmembers Wachter, Awada, and Masin. (Councilmember Hunter participated in the meeting by telephone.) Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Community Development Director Peggy Reichert, Director of Public Works Tom Colbert, Asst. to Administrator Jon Hohenstein, Police Chief Pat Geagan, Parks & Recreation Director Ken Vraa, and Finance' Director Gene VanOverbeke. ;IGENDA Administrator Hedges noted there was a request by Councilmember Awada to discuss the assessment of the Toni Caponi property on the Diffley Road project later in the meeting. REVIE1il SCREENING FOR. GENERATOR Administrator Hedges noted that Council members reviewed the structure for the screening wall, which will cost approximately $12,000. The consensus of the council was to go ahead with the screening wall. Councilmember Wachter asked whether the ends will be anchored to the building. Assistant to the Administrator Hohenstein stated he will follow up on that, noting that if it is felt it is structurally sound, a change order will not be requested. E R IF` >#9 irNERA FU D BUD ET There was some discussion regarding answers to questions raised previously concerning membership in the Municipal Legislative Commission, and use of cellular phones. Administrator Hedges reviewed the activity based costing report, five year General Fund budget projections and other budgetary matters discussed at the August 23 City Council meeting. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa gave an oak wilt management presentation, comparing the 1993 and 1994 programs and explained why it is felt they are on top of it. Gregg Hove, City Forester, reviewed the special appropriation for oak wilt measures, which included prevention and education; control measures; and reforestation of oak resource. He explained the educational brochure, and video presentation; and the use of aerial photography, vibratory plower and diseased tree/stump removal as control measures. Jeff Perry, Parks/Forestry Maintenance Worker, noted that there has been a substantial reduction in the number of trees being lost to oak wilt, noting that the vibratory plowing has helped significantly in public areas. He reviewed where the infection centers have been located, and the reforestation project. Councilmember Hunter stated he would like to know where people are hearing about these services when they call City Hall. Jeff Perry indicated that approximately 75% of the callers referred to the educational brochure. Councilmember Awada expressed a concern about the cellular phone bill in the Parks & Recreation Department, noting it has doubled since last year. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa noted that they have additional park programs and gave some examples where the phones have been used. EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; OCTOBER 11, 1994 PAGE 2 Administrator Hedges stated that the Water Department budget, without capital increases, results In a 1.6% increase over last years budget. He noted that the Sanitary Sewer budget, without capital increases, results in an Increase of 1.9%. He added that there were no requests for additional personnel. Councilmember Wachter asked about the water treatment plant repairs listed in the budget, and Wayne Schwanz, Superintendent of Utilities, noted that this Is the contingency account for unforeseen repairs. Councf member Wachter asked about the Sanitary Sewer budget, stating he thought the city already had a TV line camera. Public Works Director Colbert noted that the city doesn't have one; they have rented one in the past. Wayne Schwanz, Superintendent of Utilities, noted that the city has spent over $7,800 in rental fees for this equipment. Public Works Director Colbert noted that the advantage of having one of these cameras is that they can tell whether a problem lies In the city's portion of the pipe, or in the private portion of the pipe. Councilmember Hunter raised a question about the increase in MWCC charges. Administrator Hedges noted that all streetlighting, Including semaphores and intersection lights, was moved to the enterprise budget about three years ago. He noted that the Storm Water/Water Quality budget is based in Park and Recreation, noting there Is a deficit In that account. He stated that the percentage projections were disproportionate, especially with the amounts expended for renewal and replacement. He noted the public Improvement projects for the redevelopment of streets In Cedar Grove have created a significant short-term deficit in the Storm Water/Water Quality fund. They have received some grants to offset some of the deficit. Administrator Hedges noted that 73% of the user fee revenues anticipated in 1995 will be dedicated to operations, which doesn't leave much for the other categories, such as expansion and modifications. Councilmember Awada asked why there is so much allocated to engineering in 1995. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa noted that a grant for the Schwanz Lake project will be reimbursing 80% of that amount. Considerable discussion followed concerning Insurance, chemical, and electrical costs. Administrator Hedges noted they are getting a better handle on the operations budget. Discussion followed on the percentage allocations of user fees. Councilmember Awada stated she feels that $300,000 is a lot to allocate to operations, and asked whether it Is working. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa reviewed how the water quality program got started. Awada suggested they look back at the program since it started and evaluate whether it Is working. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa Indicated they are seeing some indications of success. Discussion followed on the computer model. Mayor Egan added that he would like to have that analysis. Administrator Hedges suggested that the Council discuss the civic arena budget at a later date due to time constrains. Councilmembers concurred. Regarding the five year budget projections, Councilmember Awada expressed a concern that there was an overall 5% budget increase in 1995, but it is being said there Is no Increase. Administrator Hedges noted that it is the tax capacity rate which is not increasing and that there was also a 4 1/2% increase in revenues. He added that the city won't always have as much revenue from building permits as there has been in the past, and as a result, the Council and staff need to start planning for that. Awada noted that a 3% Increase In salaries amounts to more than that when step Increases, increases in hospitalization, etc. are taken into consideration EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; OCTOBER 11, 1994 PAGE 3 Community Development Director Reichert noted staff is looking at some major changes to the zoning ordinance. She noted that any major changes will be brought back to the Council at a workshop for discussion and direction, and that small issues will go to the Planning Commission. She led the Council In a discussion about whether churches should be allowed In industrial areas. Awada stated she likes that idea because they utilize parking lots when most other businesses don't. Masin concurred, stated she doesn't see any reason not to allow them. The consensus of the Council was that free standing churches should not be permitted, but can be a conditional use In a multi-tenant building. Community Development Director Reichert raised the Issue of zoning enforcement. She stated that Dakota County standards have been used in the past for nuisance complaints, and she doesn't feel they are strict enough. There are things failing through the cracks and there is no one to enforce It. A housing code or some other type of regulatory process is needed. Hunter stated a regulatory ordinance is fine, but he feels It should be written broadly. Councilmember Awada stated she would support some kind of process. Community Development Director Reichert noted that she met with representatives of Opus regarding development of the O'Neil property in concert with the ring road project and the necessary Comprehensive Plan amendments, as well as transportation improvements. She further led the Council in a discussion about the land area generally bounded by Highway 149, 1-494, and Highway 55 that is designated Planned Development on the zoning map. Community Development Director Reichert stated there is no planned development agreement, or any planned developed plan for this area in the records. She Is recommending that the City initiate a land use study of the area to determine what It should be guided and zoned. Councilmembers gave their concurrence, stating that this area is logical for redevelopment in the near future. Community Development Director Reichert stated that the Advisory Planning Commission has expressed interest in meeting with the City Council to further determine their role as an advisory commission. She further stated that it is important that the city recruit some good candidates for the Planning Commission in the future to deal with comprehensive projects such as the central city, ring road and other developments. She stated that both Ron Voracek and Mark Miller's terms will be expiring and due to their consecutive three year terms, they will no longer be serving as advisory commission members. She further stated that the Economic Development Commission has had some very good meetings over the last several months, discussing the potential development of an economic development authority or port authority In Eagan. There was some discussion as to whether the city should proceed ahead with an economic development authority and whether legal assistance should be pursued through a law firm specializing in preparing economic development authorities. There was a general consensus that the firm of Holmes & Graven be contacted for some consultation. ASSESSME T O TONY !'t?Ni l +R ER TY There was also a discussion regarding the proposed Tony Caponi assessment. Councilmember Awada stated she had met with Mr. Caponi, and he raised some excellent arguments relative to the special assessment proposed for the Diffley Road improvements and why the amount is deemed excessive. Staff members stated that Mr. Caponi's property is zoned Public Facilities, and the assessment rate applied to the Diffley Road improvements are no different than the city would apply to its own park land, churches, or any other property zoned Public Facility. Councilmembers stated that there is some difference in that churches do collect revenue through offerings and the city has the authority to tax for these Improvements. EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; OCTOBER 11, 1994 PAGE 4 It was generally agreed that the assessments were excessive and should be revised to coincide with an agricultural zoning as a matter of fairness and for the uniqueness of his development as an art park. D1FtNEN There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. DLP October 11, 1994 Date City Clerk If you need these minutes in an alternative form such as large print, braille, audio tape, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, (612) 681-4600, (TDD phone: (612) 454-8535). The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status or status with regard to public assistance.