03/02/1993 - City Council Special
Eagan, Minnesota
March 2, 1993
A special City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, March 2, 1993 at 5:00 p.m. at the Eagan
Municipal Center building to review and discuss park neighborhood district #36, receive a report by the
Public Works Committee on the Lexington/Lone Oak Intersection project and a report of the Personnel
Committee on the job description/Community Development Director position. Present were Mayor Egan,
City Councilmembers Awada, Hunter, Masin and Wachter. Also present were Director of Parks & Recreation
Vraa, Director of Public Works Colbert, Acting Director of Community Development Hohenstein and City
Administrator Hedges.
Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa presented three (3) Issues concerning park service area 36E
stating that the need for a neighborhood park within park service area 36E should be determined, and if a
park is needed, a site should be chosen along with a method of acquisition.
The Director of Parks & Recreation reviewed four (4) alternatives stating that the proposals vary in
size from 4.4 acres to 9.34 acres, each proposed neighborhood park site has its unique topographic
features, and finally, the ownership of each of the parcels presents a different challenge for acquiring the
property. The City Councilmembers reviewed each of the four (4) alternatives and suggested a combination
of Alternate 2 and Alternate 4 that would require an acquisition from Earl Marotzke. Direction was given by
the City Council to seek a reasonable offer from the Marotzskes or otherwise wait three to four years, then
acquire the property through dedication once the various parcels, including Marotzskes are considered for
City Councilmember Wachter, Chairperson of the Public Works Committee, reported that the Public
Works Committee, which Includes Councilmember Masin, held a meeting on February 25 with Dakota
County Commissioners Dee Richards and Patrice Bataglia, along with Director of Public Works Colbert and
City Administrator Hedges, to discuss various alternatives for the improvement of the Lone Oak Road and
Lexington Avenue intersection identified as City Project 601 A. Councilmember Wachter stated that the City's
concerns about overall cost, loss of full access to affected property owners and the application of different
design standards for this Intersection as compared to Pilot Knob Road one mile to the west were discussed.
He stated that Commissioner Bataglia indicated that it would be difficult to do design comparisons without
traffic counts and turning movements for any and all intersections being compared to ensure that there are
similarities for comparison. Councilmember Masin identified concerns that were raised by Crate Prospects
as it pertains to the current problem of traffic congestion for northbound 35E through the metered ramp and
the potential for backing up Into the intersection and possibly negating any benefit from the improvement.
Councilmember Wachter also reported that there were many comments concurred by the group recognizing
hardships and impact on the adjacent property owners and further that the County Board was firmly against
compromising the design by having a median phased In over a two to three year period due to the
increased expense and disruption to perform a future improvement. Director of Public Works Colbert stated
that historical data regarding accident history and information about the proposed design were also
discussed. Director of Public Works Colbert recommended that the project proceed given traffic accidents
and the increase In traffic counts that at times are paralyzing turning movement at the intersection. Mayor
Egan asked for a consensus by the City Council that If the 4/5 vote required for approval of the project does
not exist, there is no reason to proceed with yet another public hearing given the history of public meetings
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March 2, 1993
the City Council has held In consideration of Project 601 A. After a brief discussion, there appeared to be
a consensus by the City Council that the project be considered as a consent Item for the purpose of setting
a new public hearing with the understanding that the Director of Public Works would send out a personalized
notice, minutes and a copy of the County resolution to affected property owners adjacent to the Lone Oak/
Lexington Avenue Intersection Improvements.
Personnel Committee Chairperson Awada reported that a Personnel Committee meeting was held
on Thursday, February 25, to review the position description, suggested placement of advertisements and
tentative hiring schedule for the position of Community Development Director. Along with City
Councilmember Masin, a member of the Personnel Committee, and Assistant to the City Administrator Duffy
and City Administrator Hedges, the meeting focus as reported by City Councilmember Awada pertained
specifically to the discussion of minimum qualifications and desired qualifications. She stated that the
Personnel Committee emphasized the ability to be a creative and innovative thinker, experience with
municipal development functions and other considerations while reviewing the draft position description.
After a brief discussion, the recommendation of the Personnel Committee to proceed ahead with the position
description, placement of advertisements and tentative hiring schedule as revised was given consensus
recognizing that official action will be taken at the March 2, 1993 regular City Council meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
Mach 2, 1993
Date City Clerk