05/04/1993 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota May 4, 1993 A special City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, May 4, 1993 at 5:00 p.m., in Conference Rooms A and B of the Eagan Municipal Building, to discuss the Daniel Drive property disposal, review proposed language for the sign ordinance amendment and, further, discuss plans for a new public safety facility. Present were Mayor Egan and City Councilmembers Awada, Hunter, Masin and Wachter. Also present were City Attorney Sheldon, Acting Director of Community Development Hohenstein, Fire Chief Nelson, Police Chief Geagan, Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa and City Administrator Hedges. DANIEL DRIVE PROPERTY DISPOSAL City Administrator Hedges stated that discussion at the Special City Council workshop should be specific to the disposal of the Daniel Drive property owned by the City of Eagan and to save any discussion about the merits of the plat for the regular City Council meeting scheduled for May 18. Acting Director of Community Development Hohenstein presented the preliminary plat layout for the purpose of identifying the location of each of the eight (8) lots. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa discussed a request that was presented to the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission by adjacent property owners on Curry Trail that asks the City to consider the dedication of a portion or all of the lots as public park land. City Attorney Sheldon presented information on a process the City can use for determining a fair market value for each of the lots if the City Council decides to dispose of the subject property. Staff also discussed alternatives for a staged development in which the City could develop the property and prepare the site for a building pad or dispose of the property, allowing a private developer to grade the lots and prepare each of the building sites. Mayor Egan stated that it was his opinion that the City could maximize the value and financial return to the community and control the development If the City prepares the site for residential building pads. City Councilmember Hunter also stated that if there are no legal impediments, it is in the City's best interests to maximize the profit and would support a plan in which the City would actually develop the site. City Councilmember Wachter agreed that the City should develop the property and further that a developer/builder may acquire all eight (8) lots and coordinate the building of homes so the City Is not involved in marketing individual lots. City Councilmember Awada responded to the neighborhood concerns that were addressed by the Director of Parks and Recreation and suggested an alternative that the City proceed as far as it can with development, then work with a developer or builder and consider selling the east half of lot eight to the adjacent property owners located on Braddock Trail and combine the west half of lot eight with the other seven lots, causing each of those lots to be larger and of greater value. Acting Director of Community Development Hohenstein explained that most of the adjacent lots are less than standard size and, as a result, larger lots may not demand any increase in value. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that the City has approximately $200,000 Invested in the project which includes acquisition of the property from HUD, special assessments and other development costs. Mayor Egan provided direction that staff resolve certain questions for review at the May 18 City Council meeting, when the platting Is considered. DISCUSSION/PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Acting Director of Community Development Hohenstein reviewed the proposed amendment to the sign ordinance and the changes as proposed to the City Council in a letter by Naegle Outdoor SCC MEETING MINUTES' „ MAY 4, 1993 PAGE 2 by Naegle which include maximum height of off premise signs and new off-premise signs. Mayor Egan stated that the no-net Increase is essential to the proposed sign ordinance regulations and, further, that any change, as presented under section six, would result in a change to Table A of the sign ordinance. City Councilmember Masin stated that if the Naegle proposal was adopted, the 300 foot separation on the opposite side of the road should remain. Mayor Egan suggested that the Community Development Department inventory the outdoor advertising signs and prepare additional visual aids and research that address the proposed ordinance amendments in preparation for the May 18 City Council meeting. City Councilmember Masin asked that the City Council address signs that advertise home occupations at some future City Council meeting, stating that concerns have been raised to her by constituents about the inconsistency of signs advertising daycare and other business uses in homes. PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING EXPANSION UPDATE Fire Chief Nelson discussed the progress of meetings he and Chief Geagan and members of his executive committee have had to consider the merits and feasibility of constructing a public safety building to be used by both police and fire. He also stated that according to the preliminary calculations it appears that Fire Administration will require approximately 7,000 square feet of space in a new facility. City Administrator Hedges stated that the concept of a public safety building is specifically for centralization of common space needs and equipment and was clear that there are no organizational plans to centralize personnel from police and fire under one department head. After review and discussion by City Councilmembers and staff, City Councilmember Wachter encouraged the staff to continue planning efforts for a joint facility, further stating that one building centralizing police and fire administration needs is good public policy. OTHER BUSINESS There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. HAz 4. 1 OA -3 Om"OAALL-= Date City Clerk If you need this information in an alternate form such as large print, braille, audio tape, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, 681-4600, (TDD phone: 454-8535)