05/25/1993 - City Council Special
Eagan, Minnesota
May 25, 1993
A special City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, May 25, 1993 at 5:00 p.m., In
Conference Rooms A and B of the Eagan Municipal Building. Present were Mayor Egan and City
Councilmembers Awada, Hunter and Masin. Also present were Assistant to the City Administrator Duffy and
City Administrator Hedges.
City Administrative Hedges Informed the City Councilmembers that after numerous meetings
and negotiations with the MWCC to resolve an outstanding escrow balance for expenses incurred by the
City for involvement in the MWCC federal lawsuit and contested hearing for the dewatering associated with
the Seneca Plant expansion program, the City is proceeding to another level of dispute resolution. It has
been agreed upon by the staff for the City and the MWCC that binding arbitration may be the best means
of settlement to allow both parties to avoid a lawsuit In order to resolve the issue as to whether the MWCC
is responsible for the outstanding escrow balance of approximately $30,000.
The City Administrator distributed the 1992 Annual Financial Report, stating that presentation
and acceptance of the financial report is scheduled for the next regular City Council meeting on June 1.
The City Administrator also informed the City Council that Liz Witt was selected by the
League of Minnesota Cities as the first recipient of the leadership award and, further, that the award will be
presented at the League of Minnesota Cities banquet on Thursday, June 10, in St. Cloud. The City
Administrator reminded the City Council that Administrative Assistant Witt is not aware that she has been
nominated and will be the first annual recipient of the award.
Mayor Egan moved the Special City Council meeting to the lunchroom of the Municipal
Center Building where the Solid Waste Abatement Commission was holding its monthly meeting.
Representatives of DCCAB and the Clean Water Fund were present and presented information regarding
a grant they had received from the Otto Bremer Foundation. The goal of their grant was to build the
capacity of three targeted communities (Eagan, Inver Grove Heights and South St. Paul) to maximize the
reduction, reuse, recycling and composting of municipal waste. The presentation called for the involvement
of citizens, local business and public officials in developing model waste management strategies,
emphasizing cost effective and environmentally sound technologies such as waste reduction, reuse,
recycling and composting. Following the presentation, City Councimembers participated In questions to
the presenters and a brief discussion with the Solid Waste Abatement Commission members.
Mayor Egan reconvened the Special City Council meeting in Conference Rooms A and B,
for the purpose of discussing the selection process for the Community Development Director position. City
Administrator Hedges introduced Jim Brimeyer of the Brimeyer Group, an executive search firm. He stated
that the Personnel Committee has narrowed the applications from approximately 80 to 18 and it is felt that
an assistance of an executive recruiter to evaluate the list of final candidates would be beneficial to the
selection process. Mr. Brimeyer introduced himself and outlined a number of options as to how the
Brimeyer Group could assist the Personnel Committee, City Council and City Administrator in the recruitment
and evaluation of candidates for the Community Development Director position. Mr. Brimeyer stated that
his firm can assist in the preparation of a position profile, Interview members of the City Council and
Department Heads, in addition to the City Administrator, to better determine the type of candidate the City
MAY 25, 1993
is seeking in this position. He also commented on how the pre-screening process can occur through
telephone interviews or personal interviews with all candidates prior to a final interview by the City Council.
Councilmember Awada stated as Chair of the Personnel Committee it is her
recommendation that the Brimeyer Group be retained to work with the City Administrator and City Council
through the final steps of the selection process. She stated that in reality the involvement of Mr. Brimeyer
will not delay the selection process more than a couple of weeks which will be more than offset by the
benefit of involving an executive recruitment firm in the selection process. After discussion and several
questions by City Council members to Mr. Brimeyer, it was agreed that Mr. Brimeyer would submit a contract
for services to the City Administrator for his review and ratification by the City Council. Mr. Brimeyer stated
that the cost of his services would be in the range of approximately $2,800 - $3,500 and that final interviews
could occur in early to mid-July. Mr. Brimeyer recommended that the City Council decide on a date In
which a report will be submitted to the City Council on the screening process and an opportunity to review
the final candidates before the interviews are scheduled. After a review of calendars and a motion by City
Councilmember Hunter, seconded by Councilmember Awada, a meeting was scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on
Wednesday, June 30, to review the findings and recommendation by the Brimeyer Group for the purpose
of deciding on a list of candidates and a date for the final interview for the Community Development Director
City Councilmember Awada suggested that a Personnel Committee meeting be held for the
purpose of reviewing the mini-profile of the position of Director of Community Development which will be
prepared by Mr. Brimeyer and its application to the remaining candidates. In a motion by City
Councilmember Awada, seconded by Councilmember Masin, all members voting in favor, a Personnel
Committee meeting was scheduled for 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 8 for the purpose of reviewing the mini-
profile of the position of Director of Community Development which will be prepared by Mr. Brimeyer and
its application to the remaining candidates.
City Administrator Hedges presented an outline for a work program for the next several
months consisting of goals that were set forth by the City Council and Department Heads in a Council staff
retreat held in March, and other topics that were recognized on the Open Issues list by the City Council.
He stated that City Council priorities consisting of the Community Development Director selection process,
right-sizing analysis, park systems study, consultants selection, development of the 1994 operating budget,
preparation of a revised CIP and, finally, the major capital building program for the municipal center/public
safety building will all require Council direction during the next 3 - 4 months. After a review and discussion
by the City Council, Mayor Egan suggested that Special City Council meetings focus on these priorities
during the next 3 - 4 months and that staff be encouraged to continue their research and review of other
Council objectives identified on the Open Issues list. City Councilmembers also concurred that dates for
Special City Council meetings during the month of June be coordinated with City Councilmember Wachter
and will be scheduled at the regular meeting on June 1.
There being no further business, the meeti w s a umed at 8:15 p.m.
Mw 25, 1993
Date Gerk
If you need this information in an alternate form such as large print, braille, audio tape, etc., please contact
the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, 681-4600, (TDD phone: 454-8535)
Eagan, Minnesota
June 1, 1993
A special City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, June 1, 1993 at 5:00 p.m., In the lunch
room of the Municipal Center Building. The purpose of the meeting was to consider an update on the
recreation facility project and consider a grant application for a recreation trail funding program. Those
present were Mayor Egan and City Councilmembers Awada, Hunter, Masin and Wachter. Also present were
Director of Finance VanOverbeke, Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa, Director of Public Works Colbert,
and City Administrator Hedges.
City Councilmember Wachter stated that Henry Braun contacted him and asked for a
meeting with City staff to review the financial obligation that was Identified against a lot in his development.
Director of Finance VanOverbeke provided an explanation and background information on the request by
Mr. Henry Braun to reduce the obligation. He further stated that any reduction is clearly a City Council
policy requiring a specific action. City Councilmember Wachter stated that a consulting engineer with the
firm of Bonestroo, Rosene and Anderlik who Is no longer assigned projects in the City of Eagan, may have
led Mr. Braun to believe that the City would assume all or a portion of the cost of the public improvement.
He further stated that it is his opinion that there should be a cost reduction to Mr. Braun. Mayor Egan
suggested the City split the difference between $7,072 which is the City amount and $2,000 which Mr. Braun
has indicated he is willing to pay. City Councilmembers concurred with Mayor Egan and the Director of
Finance was given a directive to negotiate with Mr. Braun.
Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa presented a set of drawings prepared by ARCNA
Consulting Construction for the proposed recreation facility building. He stated that according to ACC,
preliminary cost estimate and building construction cost can be held at approximately $1.9 million. City
Councilmember Wachter asked a number of construction related questions during the City Council's
preliminary review. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa also discussed sweat equity options that were
identified by ACC stating that internal painting, installation of the rubber flooring and other related
applications should save up to $30,000 - 50,000 of the total project cost. He further stated that tip up panels
are proposed for the exterior walls which is cost effective and, after looking at several examples of that type
of construction the appearance can be compatible for the Eagan Municipal Center campus.
Pat Dill appeared and informed the City Council that he Is the chairperson who is
coordinating the fund raising drive for the named Eagan Civic Arena project. He stated that the committee
has divided the fund raising efforts into four (4) categories including corporations, non-profit organizations,
materials and volunteer labor. Mr. Dill stressed the Importance of keeping the community's appropriation
under $500,000 given all the other fund raising that is occurring In the community. He further stated that
it is necessary that the committee receive formal documents from the City that verity information such as
project cost. Mr. Dill also stated that the committee would like the City Council to consider policies for the
naming of dressing rooms, scoreboard, equipment and other parts of the facility If corporations wish to
provide a donation with the understanding that they will receive corporate name recognition in the facility.
He further stated that the fund raising group is ready to proceed as soon as the project cost and criteria
for receiving corporate donations is set forth by the City.
Mayor Egan thanked Mr. Dill for his hard work and fine presentation and further expressed
the importance of involving other community organizations in the fund raising drive to integrate a diverse
community support base for the mufti-use recreation facility project. Mayor Egan assured Mr. Dill that
information will be reviewed at a special City Council meeting to be scheduled for 5:00 p.m., June 15.
Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa presented funding options for consideration of a
recreation trail funding program that could provide grant proceeds up to $50,000 for trailway extensions.
He further stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission and staff have reviewed the comprehensive trail
plan and outlined a list of trails that are scheduled for expansion. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa
further stated that the two (2) trails that are recommended for the grant program are the Highline - Walnut
Hill connection at Trapp Farm Park and the Wandering Walk Trail located in Trotter's Ridge. After review
and discussion by the City Council, Mayor Egan summarized a consensus that the City proceed with an
application for the recreation trail funding program stating that the Highline - Walnut Hill Trailway connection
and the Wandering Walk through Trotter's Ridge Park are the two (2) priorities.
City Councilmember Hunter stated that in his travels through other communities and a
review of outside storage that exists around convenience centers is suggesting that the City Council may
want to reexamine certain uses such as ice containers as a permitted use. He further stated that in his mind
the question is where the City draws the line relative to outside storage. City Councilmembers suggested
that no deviation be made for one year and the regulations regarding outside storage be reexamined at that
There being no Other Business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
Juie 1, 1993 AL 0 to
Date City CAerk
If you need this information in an alternate form such as large print, braille, audio tape, etc., please contact
the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, 681-4600, (TDD phone: 454-8535)