03/06/1980 - City Council Special 00055 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA MARCH 6, 1980 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on March 6, 1980, at 7:00 p.m. at Pilot Knob Elementary School. Those present were: Mayor Blomquist, Councilmembers Egan, Smith and Parranto. Also present were City Planner Runkle, Consulting Planner Voss and City Administrator Hedges. Councilmember Wachter was not present. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Members of the City Council and Planning Commission held an informal hearing to review the Comprehensive Land Use Plan that was drafted during 1979 and is scheduled for a final hearing before it is presented to the Metropolitan Council for consideration in approximately two months. The Advisory Planning Commission Vice-Chairman Charles Hall acted as the moderator for the presentation and citizen input. Approximately sixty people were in attendance to hear the review and explanation of the Consulting Planner, Mr. John Voss, representing Urban Planning and Design. Questions raised by the audience consisted of the following: 1. Why is property located south of the Dayton Hudson parcel between Lone Oak Road and T.H. 55 illustrated as R-II? The resident was concerned by noise caused by air traffic and thought the property should be zoned Industrial or Commercial. 2. Mr. James Horne stated that his property should be considered for zoning other than residential due to the noise caused by the Police Department and future public facility on the East side of his property, the I-35E corridor located to the West of his property, and Pilot Knob Road to the East of his pro- perty. He also suggested that the City consider purchasing additional land to the Southwest of the old town hall to be used for park land or a related civc use. It was stated by Mr. Hall that the area between Pilot Knob Road and I-35E would be restudied when the I-35E alignment is decided. 3. A number of residents expressed a concern about the location of Four Oaks Road as proposed through the Univac property which would ultimately connect Four Oaks Road at its present terminus to Pilot Knob Road. 4. Questions were raised about Multiple Family zoning in the South Delaware Hills area; however, in reviewing the land use map, it appeared no density existed higher than an R-II zone classification. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approxi- mately 9:00 p.m. DATED: March 6, 1980 TLH City Clerk