03/11/1980 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA MARCH 11, 1980 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on March 11, 1980, at 6:30 p.m. at John Metcalf School. Those present were: Mayor Blomquist, Council- members Egan, Smith, Parranto and Wachter. Also present were City Planner Runkle, Public Works Director Colbert, Consulting Planner Voss and City Administrator Hedges. NOISE BARRIERS - CEDAR AVENUE FREEWAY An informal hearing was held with approximately twenty people present to discuss proposed noise barriers for the Cedar Avenue Freeway project for its location in the City of Eagan. Mayor Blomquist informed those persons in attendance that the City Council was asked by the Minnesota Department of Transportation to review the final plans and specifications for the noise barriers along the Cedar Avenue Freeway. However, before a decision is reached by the City, it was felt that this informal hearing should be held with residents to learn whether they are in agreement with the proposals set forth by the State for the noise barrier con- struction. Public Works Director Colbert stated that approximately 35 notices were sent out to residents who are directly affected by the Cedar Avenue Freeway project. Mr. Larry Erb, representing the Minnesota Department of Transportation, was then introduced to present the noise barrier proposal for the Cedar Avenue Freeway. He stated that a natural earthen barrier was proposed for the East side of the Cedar Avenue Freeway, South of Highway 13. He then stated that a natural earthen barrier was also proposed for the West side of the Cedar Avenue Freeway, South of County Road 30 which would specifically affect residents living in the River Hills Addition. Mr. Erb then presented the proposal by MnDOT to construct noise walls the length of 950 feet with a height of five to fifteen feet by James Court and approximately 800 feet of noise wall with a height of approximately ten feet along Kings Road. People representing the River Hills 9th Addition felt the berm was not high enough, stating they could see the Cedar Avenue Freeway standing in their backyards. Mayor Blomquist suggested that River Hills 9th Addition invite the City Council to review the matter and MnDOT be encouraged to make any adjustments to the earthen mound to satisfy the noise barrier concerns. Persons residing in the James Court and Kings Road area expressed the need for the noise walls and appeared to support the presentation by MnDOT. Since there were several concerns regarding planting on the earthen berms such as trees, shrubs, etc., and how the noise wall would actually affect properties located in the James Court and Kings Road area, Mayor Blomquist suggested that residents contact the Director of Public Works with their concerns before April 1. The City would then address these concerns with MnDOT during the month of April by meeting with property owners and then the City Council would consider the final plans and specifications for the noise barriers at a regular City Council meeting in May. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Members of the City Council and Planning Commission held the third and final informal hearing to review the Comprehensive Land Use Plan that was drafted during 1979 and is scheduled for a final hearing before it is presented to the Metro- politan Council for consideration in approximately two months. The Advisory Planning C11", C C 3"J" City Council Minutes March 11, 1980 Page Two Vice Chairman Charles Hall acted as the moderator for the meeting. Several persons were in attendance to hear the review and explanation of the plan by the Consulting Planner John Voss, representing Urban Planning & Development, Inc. TEMPORARY TRAILER PERMIT - EDMUND SCHWANZ PROPERTY A request from Anna Goers for permission from the City Council to park a rented mobile trailer on her uncle's property, the Ed Schwanz property located at 810 Yankee Doodle Road, was considered. The City Administrator explained that the trailer would be used to house Mr. Schwanz' mother who is required to move from her existing apartment because the apartment building is being torn down. It was stated by the City Administrator that she is 90 years old and having to re- locate to another apartment would be financially and physically a hardship. The Public Works Director explained that there would be a small amount of water usage required for the mobile home and all waste would be pumped into Mr. Schwanz' septic facility. In a motion by City Councilmember Wachter, seconded by City Councilmember Smith, all members voting in favor, a special use permit was granted to allow Mr. Edmund Schwanz' mother to reside in a mobile trailer on his property located at 810 Yankee Doodle Road, with the condition that the special permit is temporary and once she no longer uses the trailer, it must be removed from the property. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. DATED: March 11, 1980 TLH City Clerk