03/13/1980 - City Council Special
0C G5S
MARCH 13, 1980
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on March 13,
1980, at 6:30 p.m. at the City Hall. Those present were Mayor Blomquist, Coun-
cilmembers Egan, Smith, Wachter and Parranto. Also present were City Administra-
tor Hedges and Director of Public Works Colbert.
Mr. Vern Peterson and Roger Peterson, representing the Association
of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM), appeared and provided the City Council
with a presentation about the purpose of the organization. Mr. Vern Peterson
stated that 65 cities within the seven county metropolitan area are members
of the organization, and regardless as to size, each city has one vote. After
discussion by the City Council regarding membership to the AMM,, a motion was
made.by City Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Egan and all members
voting in favor that the City of Eagan join as a voting member of the Association
of Metropolitan Muncipalities.
Mr. Merrit Linzie, representing the Minnesota Department of Trans-
portation District 9 Office, appeared and provided an update on the Supreme
Court decision, whereby the Minnesota Supreme Court overruled the District Court
by upholding the decision of the Department of Natural Resources to not issue
a bridge permit for the construction of I-35E across Blackhawk Lake. He further
stated that the Minnesota Department of Transportation is therefore considering
alternatives to construct I-35E around the east side of Blackhawk Lake within
the corridor defined as the A-2 Alignment. Representatives of MnDOT then ex-
plained four (4) alternatives to the A-2 alignment, showing the audience and
City Council how each alternate would affect Blackhawk Lake, Fish Lake and pro-
perty owners who would be affected by this alignment. Approximately fifty people
were in attendance at the meeting and those present were given an opportunity
to speak to the issue. Comments included how the proposed corridors would affect
certain properties, the effects of noise caused by the proposed corridor align-
ment, effects of the interstate on the quality of Fish Lake and whether the
environmental impact statement sufficiently addressed the A-2 alignment. Re-
presentatives of MnDOT stated that the EIS written for the I-35E interstate
did adequately address the A-2 alignment, there would be no adverse effect on
Fish Lake and further than they would meet with all property owners in the pro-
posed corridor to determine whether their property should be taken by the State
or remain in its present location. After further discussion on the matter,
City Councilmember Wachter stated that he was' in favor of Alternative #4 to
the A-2 Alignment, stating that the least number of people are affected, the
alignment shows the least damage on utilities, has the least impact on Fish
Lake and demonstrates a better use of property between the interstate and the
Blackhawk Park land. In a motion by City Councilmember Parranto, seconded by
City Council Minutes
March 13, 1980
Page Two
City Councilmember Egan, with Mayor Blomquist, City Councilmembers Smith, Egan
and Parranto voting aye and Wachter nay, Alternative #3 to the A-2 design for
proposed I-35E corridor was approved with the following reasons:
1. No DNR permit would be required,
2. The County Road 30 intersection with proposed I-35E remains
the same,
3. It offers a corridor alignment as similar to the A-i alignment
as possible,
4. It has as little effect as possible on City utilities,
5. It provides enough land to construct a roadway between I-35E
and Pilot Knob Road for local collector purposes,
6. It avoids as many vistas and natural areas as possible, allowing
the I-35E corridor to be a depressed freeway.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 9:00
Dated: March 13, 1980 TLH
City Clerk