10/19/1982 - City Council RegularOC2 s9
OCTOBER 19, 1982
A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, October
19, 1982 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan City Hall. Present were Mayor Blomquist
and City Councilmembers Smith, Wachter, Thomas and Egan. Also present were
Public Works Director Colbert, Consulting Engineer Rosene and City Attorney
Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the Agenda as distri-
buted. All voted yea.
1. October 5, 1982 _ Regular Meeting. Smith moved, Thomas seconded the
motion to th
approve e Minutes of October 5, 1982 with the exception that on
page 4 regarding Brittany 4th Addition, Project #364, it was noted that the
project did not include the installation of water services; further, that
Odell's Addition on page 5, Councilman Egan had stated that if the subdivision
were allowed, there would be a misuse of the non - conforming use and also
objected to the subdivision of the property being accomplished purely for
economic reasons. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was resolved that
the Minutes be approved with the foregoing revisions, including the Resolution
submitted by the City Attorney regarding the preliminary plat application of
Odell's Addition. All voted in favor.
2. Special Meetings - September 2, 1982, September 16, 1982, September
30, 1982, and October 12, 1982. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to
approve the minutes of the foregoing meetings. All voted in favor.
Chief DesLauriers appeared and reviewed with the Council the findings of
the Police Department regarding the traffic study at the intersection of
Sigfrid and Sequoia Drive in Evergreen Park and noted that two vehicles drove
over the speed limit during certain hours that were patrolled at that inter-
section. He recommended against any further traffic signs and upon motion by
Wachter, seconded Egan, the report was accepted with no further action. All
voted yea.
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Council Minutes
October 19, 1982
Tom Colbert was present on behalf of the Public Works Department.
1. Project #306 (County Road #30), and Project #342 (Cedar Grove Street
Construction). Mr. Colbert recommended to the City Council that it hold a
special hearing for December 16, 1982 at Cedar Elementary School to discuss .
with affected neighboring property owners, proposed improvements for County
Road #30 and Cedar Grove street reconstruction. He stated that the County
intends to install the improvements during 1983 and it would be necessary to
schedule the hearings so that the plans and specifications can be prepared as
soon as possible. He also recommended a workshop session with the City
Council concerning the procedure for the hearing and proposals for the im-
provements. Smith moved, Wachter seconded the motion to schedule a special
hearing for December 16, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. at the Cedar Elementary School
regarding the above projects. All voted yea.
The following consent agenda items were submitted to the City Council for
review and approval:
1. St. John Neumann Temporary Licenses. Upon motion duly made and
seconded it was resolved that the application of St. John Neumann Church for
temporary bingo and non - intoxicating liquor license for November 21, 1982 be
2. Temporary 3_2 Liquor License _ St. John Neumann. It was recommended
that the application of St. John Neumann for non - intoxicating malt liquor
license for the church for November 12 and 13, 1982 dance be approved.
3. Ordinance Codification Public Hearing. The staff recommended that a
public hearing be scheduled for the November 9, 1982 City Council meeting to
allow public input into the ordinance codification project that is currently
being prepared by Municipal Ordinance Codifiers, Inc. The City staff has been
meeting with the ordinance Codifiers periodically, and it is expected that the
codification process will be completed by November 9, 1982.
4. 1983 Beer and Liquor Renewals. A list of on -sale and off -sale
liquor, wine, club, on -sale and off -sale beer license renewals for 1983 were
submitted for approval by the City Council, a copy of which is attached to the
5. Robin Lane - Street I A petition has been received
from Metram Properties and Hillcrest Development Co. for the proposed improve-
ments to Robin Lane for apartment construction in the Outlot A, Townview 1st
Addition. It was recommended that the petition be received and that the City
Engineer be authorized to prepare a feasibility report for Project #368.
Council Minutes
October 19, 1982
6. Contract #81 -5 _ Cinnamon Ridge 1st Addition, et al, Utilities. It
was recommended that the eighth and final payment of $2,000.00 for Contract
#81 -5 to Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. be approved and that the improvements be
accepted for perpetual maintenance.
7. Contract #81 -13 - Windcrest 2nd and Windtree 2nd Addition,
Utilities. It was recommended that the fifth and final payment for Contract
381 -13 be approved, payable to Erickson Construction Co. in the amount of
$14,911.48 and that the project be accepted for perpetual maintenance
Upon motion by Smith, seconded Egan, it was resolved that the foregoing
Consent items be approved with the exception, however, that the on -sale liquor
License #9 to Norman Vogelpohl not be granted for the same reasons as were
given by the City Council on November 17, 1981 in that no changes have taken
place in respect to the building. All voted in favor.
The City Council on November 4, 1981 had officially approved a special
permit to Hardrives, Inc. to allow the construction and operation of a temp-
orary asphalt plant in the Eagan Industrial Park located between Trapp Road
and I -494. It was noted that there was two violations of the conditions
imposed by the City Council including a restriction concerning the location
for the asphalt and also access to the facility being restricted to Trunk
Highway #13 and Trunk Highway #55 only. A request from Hardrives, Inc. to
allow the use of the excess material on County Road #11 in Burnsville, was
reviewed and upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all voted in favor, it
was resolved that a modification of the temporary special use permit be
granted, as requested, noting that the material would have to be removed from
the site in any event. All voted in favor.
On March 3, 1981, the City Council approved a conditional use permit to
allow outside storage and variance from setback requirement for bituminous
surface parking lot for Barrel Reconditioning, Inc. at 3370 Mike Collins
Drive. It was noted that both conditions are being violated and a contact was
made with the company with a reply from Barrel Reconditioner. The company now
indicates that the original applicant has gone out of business and a successor
corporation has taken over and requested an extension of time because of a
very low profit margin to provide for compliance with the conditions within
one year. There were questicns from Councilmembers concerning the visual
screening and whether storage was below the six foot fence. It was noted that
the parking lot had not been hard - surfaced, but after consideration, Wachter
moved, Egan seconded the motion to extend the conditional use permit until
June 1, 1983 under the same conditions, with the requirement, however, that a
$500.00 bond or letter of credit be posted with the City satisfactory to the
City staff. All voted yes.
Council Minutes
October 19, 1982
The public hearing concerning the vacation of a trail easement in
Brittany Manor First Addition was then considered by the City Council. Tom
Colbert explained the vacation of what was intended to be a park trail but no
longer was required by the City and recommended approval of the vacation.
There were no objections and no appearances. Smith then moved, Thomas.
seconded the motion to close the hearing and to approve the recommendation of
the Parks and Recreation Committee that the trail easement be vacated and
authorize the execution of the appropriate documents. All voted in favor.
R 82 -52
At the last regular meeting of the City Council, action was taken to deny
the preliminary plat application of Sheffield Addition. Gabbert Development
Company has now asked the Council to reconsider its motion and also to clarify
the action taken at that meeting. It was noted that the Council had indicated
that certain lots in the plat did not provide for 60 foot minimum width at the
front lot line, but it was noted that normally the minimum frontage required
for a subdivision is computed at the setback line particularly relating to
those lots in cul de sacs. Other subdivisions with smaller frontages approved
include Wedgewood and Northview Meadows. Mr. Runkle and Mr. Colbert explained
the policy of the City and Wallace Gabbert was present for the applicant.
After dicsussion, Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to reconsider the
motion of the City Council at its regular meeting regarding Sheffield Addi-
tion. All voted in favor. The Council then reviewed Plans A and B as resub-
mitted at the October 5 meeting and Mr. Gabbert recommended Plan B with 39
lots rather than 42 lots in Plan A. Mayor Blomquist suggested that an island
be provided in the middle of the eyebrow and Mr. Colbert explained certain
problems and objections to such an island, including maintenance and safety
factors. A question from Lakewood Hills residents concerning drainage tile
running into Lakewood Hills Lake from the north, was answered by the City
Engineer. Smith moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the preliminary
plat including Plan B with an eyebrow cul de sac, including a center island,
subject to the following:
1. Reduction in the number of lots in the subdivision to provide mini-
mum 60 foot lot widths at the setback on all lots.
2. A development agreement shall be executed prior to the final plat
approval of Sheffield Addition.
3. No variances for side setbacks or lot coverage shall be approved
unless related to trees or topographic hardship for the particular lot as
determined by the City.
4. The easterly access of the looped street shall be shifted westerly
in order to obtain a 4 -way intersection with the access of Oakwood Heights.
Council Minutes O(. 283
October 19, 1982
5. No direct access shall be allowed from Wilderness Run Road.
6. A blanket variance or deviation would be allowed to create the
smaller single family lots in accordance with the planned development.
7. An 80 foot right -of -way for Wilderness Run Road shall be dedicated
if not previously dedicated under Oakwood Heights preliminary plat.
8. The east intersection at Wilderness Run Road shall be relocated to
provide proper allignment or separation with the private drive for Oakwood
9. This development shall accept all standard City assessments levied
and assigned to it.
10. A detailed grading, drainage and erosion control plan shall be
submitted and approved by the City prior to final plat approval.
11. If installed privately, the utility layout and design shall be as
approved by the City.
12. Necessary ponding easements must be dedicated along the easterly
border of this development and also for the southwest corner of the develop-
ment as a part of the final plat.
13. A 10 foot drainage and utility easement shall be dedicated adjacent
to all public rights -of -way, private property and centered over all internal
lot lines, except for the proposed storm sewer locations which shall be 20
feet wide.
All voted in favor except Wachter who voted no, objecting to the center
island in the eyebrow.
The application of Gabbert Development Company for grading permit for
Sheffield Addition was submitted and recommended for approval. Egan moved,
Wachter seconded the motion to approve the application, subject to compliance
with the applicable City Ordinance. All voted yes.
Council Minutes
October 19, 1982
Mr. Colbert reviewed with the City Council the Subdivision Ordinance that
has been under study and in the drafting stage for nearly two years. Numerous
meetings have been held with Planning Commission members, Council members,
Developers representatives and other interested citizens during this period of
time. The City Council reviewed the proposed Ordinance at its October 12
workshop meeting and the Planning Commission had submitted the Subdivision
Ordinance to the City Council and recommended approval. There was no further
discussion and no objections to the draft Ordinance. Egan moved, Thomas
seconded the motion to approve the Subdivision Ordinance as submitted and to
order its implementation and publication. All voted yes.
On July 20, 1982, the City Council decided to install a water treatment
system for the City. City staff and Public Works Committee have been re-
viewing several proposed treatment processees and existing plants have been
toured, including the Cities of Burnsville and Plymouth. The City Council
members at a workshop meeting on October 12, 1982 determined that a gravity
system water treatment plant would be preferable and a time schedule has now
been prepared for authorization of preparation of plans and the advertisement
for bids, award of contract, construction and a completion date of September
to October of 1984. Construction would take place on City property at
Coachman Road and Yankee Doodle Road and it was recommended that the firm of
Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates be engaged to design and do the
engineering services for the plant. Councilman Wachter stated he had mixed
emotions about voting on such an extensive project without a referendum, but
stated that there is clearly a need for the improvement and favored the
Council's action to proceed with the project. Wachter moved, Thomas seconded
the motion to authorize construction of the 12 m.g. gravity filtration water
treatment plant as authorized in the July 20, 1982 City Council Resolution and
that the firm of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates be engaged for
design and engineering services as provided in their proposal and the Contract
to be entered into with the engineering firm. All voted in favor.
The application of Richard Buchan for waiver of plat to split off one
homestead and create a five acre parcel on the Buchan property on Dodd Road
was then considered by the Council. Mr. Buchan was present and explained the
reasons why he asked for the split. The Advisory Planning Commission recom-
mended approval subject to certain conditions. There were no objections and
after consideration, Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the
application for waiver of plat, subject to the following conditions:
1. Only one home shall be allowed on the 5 -acre parcel and this home
shall be located within one of the lots proposed on the overlay plan.
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Council Minutes
October 19, 1982
2. Adequate rights -of -way should be planned in order that the street
meets the City of Eagan's standards at the time development occurs.
3. This area shall be platted prior to any more development on the
4. The park dedication shall be satisfied for this newly - created
5. The applicant should not object to the installation of utilities
when they are available to this area.
6. All easements shall be dedicated as required by City staff.
All voted in favor.
R 82 -53
The application of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scott for preliminary plat approval
of Clarkson Place on Highway #3 was then brought before the Council. Mrs.
Scott was present and the Advisory Planning Commission recommended approval
subject to certain conditions. It was noted the existing driveway on Lot 2
would be used for both lots and eventually access would be installed at the
property lines between Lots 1 and 2. The topography is very rough at the
present time and after consideration, Smith moved, Thomas seconded the motion
to approve the application subject to the following conditions:
1. An easement be grantd to Lot 1 from the southerly access on Lot 2 to
provide access.
2. If Lot 1 is sold for the storage of refuse trucks and a building is
constructed for this storage, no other construction or development shall be
allowed on these lots until such time that utilities are provided to the site.
3. The access to Lot 2 shall be graded and a slope approved by the City
Engineer and the disturbed area should be seeded in order to prevent soil
4. There shall be adequate screening provided to the City's satisfac-
tion for the two storage areas.
5. A 10 foot drainage and utility easement shall be dedicated adjacent
to all lot boundaries in the plat.
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Council Minutes
October 19, 1982
All voted in favor. The developers of the plat requested authority for
a building permit before the completion of the final plat, in order to con-
struct a storage building in the fall of 1982. Because of the lateness of the
season, Wachter moved, Thomas seconded the motion to approve the request for
building permit, subject to the execution of an agreement concerning the
construction of the building prior to final plat approval, which shall be
approved by the City staff. All voted yes.
The application of Kinder Care Learning Center for revised preliminary
plat in Pilot Knob Associates First Addition and to adjust lot lines to allow
Kinder Care facility as a part of Pilot Knob Center preliminary plat, was then
considered by the Council. Mr. Robert Fors was present for the applicant. It
was noted that the important issue was that there is no building in the
commercial shopping center district of 20,000 square feet or greater, as
required under the Ordinance as the initial building in the shopping center.
Also, the building is included within a parcel that has only preliminary plat
approval and a request for extension has now been submitted and is on the
current agenda. The Council has insisted on a minimum 20,000 square foot
building in other comparable centers and although clearly the City Council
noted that need for such a facility may exist in the area, there were ques-
tions concerning future development of the area as a community shopping
center. Wachter moved, Thomas seconded the motion to continue consideration
of the application until there is a determination by the developer as to the
platting and scheduled use of the plat within which the Kinder Care Learning
Center is intended to be located. All voted yes.
An application from Gregory Dale Heuer, 901 Cherokee Ave., West St. Paul
for 3.2 beer license to operate Piccolo's Pizzeria was considered by the
Council. Mr. and Mrs. Heuer were present. There were no objections and Smith
moved, Thomas seconded the motion to approve the application subject to staff
approval and compliance with the necessary ordinance requirements. All voted
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Council Minutes
October 19, 1982
An application of Yankee Doodle Development Company and Dennis Peck for
reduction of the 30 foot spacing requirements between lot lines for the con-
struction of townhouse units, rather than quadraminium units, in the Wescott
Hills Fourth Addition was then discussed by the Council. Mr. Peck was present
and he stated that the intention is to provide a 96 foot building on each
quadraminium site with the quads in a straight line rather than in 4 -plex
clusters. He stated the reason is to reduce expense and also provide double
tuck -under garages for each unit. There was discussion concerning the
possibility for one homeowner's association in the event of the split and sale
of any of the individual units separately and a request to divide each of the
4- plexes into separately owned parcels. Smith moved, Egan seconded the
motion to approve the variance subject to compliance with all necessary ordi-
nance requirements and the following: That there would be a maximum of 2
access locations to the public street for each 4 -plex and further, that there
be a maximum of one homeowner's association for all common areas, in the event
of any split up of the units within the entire subdivision. All voted in
An application of Federal Land Company for 3.25 million dollar motel
industrial revenue financing for the Bicentennial Planned Unit Development
near the Yankee Square Shopping Center, was then considered by the Council.
Martin Colon and Charles Bartholdi appeared for the applicant. Smith moved,
Thomas seconded the motion to schedule a public hearing for November 16, 1982
at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall to consider the Industrial Revenue Financing for the
motel project as requested. All voted yes.
A request from Kenneth M. Erickson for one year extension of the prelimi-
nary plat of Cottonwood Addition north of Lone Oak Road was, upon motion by
Smith, seconded Wachter, approved as requested. All voted in favor.
The request of the developer of L & F Addition for one year extension of
the preliminary plat was then considered. Thomas moved, Egan seconded the
motion to approve the request. All voted in favor.
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Council Minutes
October 19, 1982
The request of Kenneth Applebaum for extension of Pilot Knob Office Park
preliminary plat for 12 months was then considered by the City Council.
Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the request for extension.
All voted in favor.
A request for one year extension for preliminary plat of Country Glen
Condominiums project was brought before the Council and upon motion by Egan,
seconded Wachter, it was resolved to approve the one year extension. All
voted yes.
The request for extension of a 12 month period for the preliminary plat
approval of Berry Ridge Condominium project was reviewed by the council and
upon motion by Wachter, seconded Thomas, it was resolved that the request be
approved for the extension. All voted in favor.
Tom Colbert explained to the City Council that on August 17, 1982 the
final plat approval of Lone Oak Heights Addition was approved by the City
Council subject to developer complying with all ordinances including submis-
sion of financial guarantees. It was noted that the financial guarantees
submitted to the City were inadequate according to City standards and 60 days
will have expired by October 19, during which time the final plat is required
to be completed under City requirements. Orrin Aune was present and submitted
shortly before the meeting, two performance bonds and a letter of intent to
submit letter of credit which Mr. Colbert indicated were not sufficient,
according to city requirements. Staff recommended against approval of the
documents and Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to revoke the final plat
approval previously granted on October 17, 1982, due to non compliance with
the subdivision ordinance pertaining to financial guarantees. All voted in
Mary and Paul Teske appeared and were concerned about the potential
problems with the water treatment plant if the system is found to be defec-
tive. Mr. Colbert was asked to investigate the potential defects in water
treatment plants and was asked to report to the Council.
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Council Minutes
October 19, 1982
Mr. and Mrs. Teske and another neighbor also objected to the sign being
constructed by Naegele Outdoor Advertising Co. on Cedar Avenue between Cliff
and Nicols Roads claiming it was causing a nuisance and was an eyesore in the
area. The Council explained that a recent review of the billboard ordinance
had taken place by the City and after discussion, Blomquist moved, Egan
seconded the motion to instruct the staff to determine whether the billboard
construction complies with the ordinance requirements and the application with
the staff to determine its impact on the neighboring residential owners with
the possibility of revisions to the sign ordinance, including potential revo-
cation of the permit for the billboard in the event it does not comply with
ordinance requirements. All voted yes.
Upon motion by Egan, seconded Wachter, it was resolved that the following
checklist be approved dated: 9 -30 -82 &11-
All voted in favor.
lil) I k 1; 1:4 k ii
Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, it was resolved that the meeting
adjourn at 10:20 p.m. All voted yea.
Secr y