07/13/1983 - City Council Special 0€ 1s: MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 13, 1983 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Wednesday, July 13, 1983 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan City Hall. Present were Mayor Blomquist and City Councilmembers Smith, Thomas, Egan and Wachter. Also present were Public Works Director Colbert, City Planner Runkle and City Attorney Hauge. PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION INTERVIEWS Mayor Blomquist convened the meeting at 6:30 to interview applicants for the two positions that currently are vacant on the Advisory Park and Recrea- tion Commission. Tom Gustafson, whose term expires December 31, 1984 and Donn Schumaker whose term expires Decemebr 31, 1984 have both resigned from the Commission. The interviews took approximately one hour. PROJECT #297R - STORM SEWER ASSESSMENTS JAMES HORNE AND HORNE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION At 7:30 the Mayor reconvened the meeting and announced the convening of the continued assessment hearing covering Project #297R regarding the James Horne and Horne Development Corporation storm sewer assessments. Mr. & Mrs. Horne were present. Tom Colbert introduced the subject in some detail and indicated that the hearing had been continued on several occasions due to the objections filed by the Hornes regarding the storm sewer assessment. He stated that the current proposed assessments are $43,500.00 for the R-1 and Agricultural property, but that the Hornes are now proposing to rezone the property to Commercial category and R-4 Multiple, which would result in 1983 rate assessments of $76,550.00. Several meetings had been held between Mr. Horne, his attorney and City staff and a proposal for settlement would be to eliminate approximately $11,550.00 which would constitute the area that is being proposed to be acquired for ponding purposes by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. There was extensive discussion concerning the application for rezoning of the property, and Mr. Horne made an informal presentation of his proposal. There was also dicussion regarding the agreement being condi- tioned upon the rezoning, but the Councilmembers indicated that they could not approve as a condition, the rezoning. It was proposed, however, and Mr. Horne agreed, that upon execution of the Agreement and approval by the City Council, the assessments for the property would be levied on the basis of the Commer- cial and R-4 rates for 1983 and in the event that the property is not rezoned, that the assessments would then revert to 1980 R-1 and Agricultural rates. The detailed agreement prepared by City Attorney Paul Hauge was reviewed and after lengthy discussion, and upon motion by Egan, seconded Wachter, it was resolved that the hearing be continued to August 2, 1983 to allow additional time to negotiate the settlement and to submit a signed Agreement by the Hornes to the City Council. All voted in-favor. 1 00195 Special Council Minutes July 13, 1983 EAGANDALE CENTER OFFICE PARK PARK DEDICATION Mr. Colbert stated that negotiations had taken place between the Developer of the proposed Eagandale Office Park as being replatted to cover a portion of Eagandale Center Industrial Park and the Developer objects to the payment of park dedication fees for the replat. The attorneys for North- western Mutual Life Insurance, the owner, have indicated that they feel that it is illegal to require park dedication fees for commercial and industrial areas, particularly where the fee is being exacted at the time of the grant of the building permit on existing platted property. Questions concerning valua- tion of the commercial and industrial property is an issue, in that there is a big disparity in values for such property throughout the City. Extended discussion by the Council took place, including the need for the City to be certain as to whether the fees can be used for improving park property or purchase of park property and whether, in the event of a contest on the issue, refunding of the fees would be required. Several options were discussed and the Council determined that it would not change its current ordinance policy at the present time, but would certainly be receptive to negotiating for the acquisition of land in lieu of cash payment for dedication under the Indus- trial and Commercial Park Dedication Ordinance provisions. SINGLE FAMILY LOT SIZES Councilman Smith had requested that an item be placed on the Agenda relating to single family lot sizes in the City. He stated that it was his opinion that the Council was being inconsistent in its decision on small lot subdivisions and lengthy discussion took place concerning the issue. Council- man Egan stated that he felt there were insufficient reasons given at the June meeting regarding the Mallard Park Second Addition application for reduction in lot sizes and the Council should be consistent in deciding to allow such deviations. Mayor Blomquist and Councilman Wachter disagreed and indicated they felt the Council has been consistent in its approach towards deviations in lot sizes and indicated that they felt that sufficient reasons had been given by the Council in turning down such applications. Dale Runkle reviewed the minutes of the May 10, 1983 joint meeting with the Planning Commission regarding the issue and his May 11, 1983 report. He stated that the City is now requesting more specific information, including designation and types of construction, grading plans, etc. for such developments. They also discussed the possibility of an additional session with the Advisory Planning Commission members to discuss the issue in more detail. Councilman Smith submitted a letter from Mark Parranto at Councilman Smith's request concerning the alleged increase in profits to developers in the case of smaller subdivisions. He stated that there was not a substantial difference in the profits to developers. Smith stated the Housing Plan pro- vides for a variety of housing and the City should allow for smaller lots. Mayor Blomquist stated that she opposed reduction in lot sizes in subdivisions where the services to the units will be common for more than one lot and could create problems in the future. No action was taken. 2 X9 Special Council Minutes July 13, 1983 UNITOG - INDUSTRIAL REVENUE FINANCING A request had been received from representatives of Unitog Corporation to increase the amount of the industrial revenue bonds from 1.8 million to 2 million because of additional equipment. However, Paul Hauge stated that contact with the attorney for Unitog had resulted in a withdrawal of the request for the increase, so no action was required. COUNTRY STANDARD - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The City Attorney discussed with the Council the negotiations that have been taking place between representatives of Country Standard and its neighbors concerning its conditional use permit application. Another meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 18 concerning the issue and the matter is scheduled to be heard before the Council on July 19, 1983. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. All voted yes. PHH urck Cit erk 3