08/10/1983 - City Council Special
AUGUST 10, 1983
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Wednesday, August
10, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. at the Eagan City Hall. Present were Mayor Blomquist
and City Councilmembers Smith, Thomas, Egan and Wachter. Also present were
City Administrator Hedges, City Planner Runkle, Chief of Police Jay Berthe,
Assistant Chief of Police Pat Geagan and City Attorney Hauge. Also present
was Barton Schmidt.
Mayor Blomquist convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and indicated that one
purpose of the meeting was to discuss the complaints that have been received
by the City staff and officials concerning air noise over the City. Mr. Tom
Hedges reviewed the progress to date by the staff, including the request sent
to Tim Anderson of MAC for information and stated that Mr. Anderson replied
that the information would be forwarded to the City within a short period of
time. City Attorney Paul Hauge discussed with the Council his letter dated
August 4, 1983 covering information that had been received and some options
that the City could take concerning the complaints. It was noted that com-
plaints have been forwarded to Mr. Anderson's office at the MAC concerning
deviations from the flight paths and also the excessive noise. A second
alternate would be to request an EAW and EIS covering the two-year experiment
that commenced in early 1983. The third possiblity would be an injunction
action against the MAC requesting several types of relief, including re-
straining the MAC from continuing the experimental program until further study
has been made including the potential EIS. The fourth possibility discussed
concerned possibile legislation for submission to the 1984 Legislature.
Bart Schmidt stated that take-offs from Runway #22, thirty degrees
further east, over Cedar Grove is one of the important areas where complaints
have arisen. Councilmembers indicated they vigorously opposed the thirty
degree shift and favored an EIS on the basis of the social implications, the
noise issues and the impact on property values, amongst others. The staff was
requested to study further the EAW and EIS procedure and to forward the
information received from Mr. Anderson to the Council at the soonest possible
The City Administrator explained at the Advisory Planning Commission
meeting held on July 26, 1983, that some members of the Commission felt the
City Administrator should coordinate an in-depth socioeconomic review of
horse racing tracks, their impact on communities and other related concerns
before their final decision on the rezoning and preliminary plat is recommended
to the City Council. The City Administrator explained that in order to
conduct an in-depth socioeconomic review, there would be a considerable
time commitment made by the City staff and possibly expenses incurred if
Council Minutes
August 10, 1983
travel time was to be authorized to review other racing facilities, telephone
conversations and possibly consulting time which could also delay any consider-
ation of the rezoning and preliminary plat under consideration by the Planning
Commission. After a discussion and review by the City Council, it was decided
that any socio- or economic-review concerning the horse racing track facility
proposed before the Advisory Planning Commission would not be reviewed until
after the rezoning and preliminary plat were considered by that Commission.
The socioeconomic review would only be directed to the City staff if the
Planning Commission/City Council vote in favor of the rezoning and preliminary
plat for the proposed horse racing facility. Therefore, the City Administrator
was directed to inform the Advisory Planning Commission that the proposed
horse racing facility should be reviewed as a zoning/land use issue at this
time and any socioeconomic concerns will be addressed by the City Council
at a later date if the proposal is approved by both the Commission and the
City Council.
The City Administrator reported that with the current vacancy in the position
of Assistant Chief of Police, there is a recommendation by Chief of Police
Berthe that the reorganization to eliminate the Assistant Chief position
and establish two (2) captain positions is in order for consideration by
the City Council. Police Chief Berthe appeared and stated that it was his
recommendation that the City consider an operations captain and an administra-
tive captain. With the elimination of team leaders, it is possible with
the Police Department reorganization to eliminate one administrative position
allowing a shift in that position to police patrolling. After a review
of the proposed reorganization and discussion by the City Council, a motion
was made by City Councilmember Smith and seconded by Councilmember Wachter,
with all members voting in favor, that effective during the month of August
1983 the position of Assistant Chief of Police would be abolished and two
(2) captains positions would be established and given titles of Administrative
Captain and Operations Captain at a rate of compensation equal to.$
per month.
The City Administrator reported on a number of items that are directly
related to construction of the new city hall facility. He stated that
a tentative budget has been prepared that includes landscaping, furnishings,
carpet, landscape screens, driveway/parking lot and curb and gutter, and
a telephone system. The City Administrator stated that all six (6) of these
items create a budget in the amount of approximately $130,000. The City
Administrator further explained that revenues are available from several
sources to include those dollars remaining in the City Hall referendum budget,
accrued interest on the sale of the bonds, federal revenue sharing and possibly
an allocation from the general fund. There was discussion regarding all
items under consideration, however no action taken at this time. The City
Administrator was directed to present each of the items for final consideration
and ratification by the City Council at future Council meetings.
Council Minutes
August 10, 1983
The City Administrator presented a summary of the proposed 1984 budget
for review, consideration and direction by the City Council. He stated
that the purpose of reviewing the budget at the first workshop session was
to adopt a procedure in how the City Council wanted to review and develope
the budget leading to it's final adoption. He stated that the Director
of Finance has reviewed all revenues and is compiling all the additional
information for the proposed expenditures. The City Administrator stated
that he had reviewed all expenditures as proposed by the departments, however
at this time is making no recommendation for budgetary adjustments. Members
of the City Council stated thata budgetary workshop session should be held.
The City Administrator was directed to prepare a revised budget considering
a mill rate constant with payable 1983 with the exception that additional
property taxes may be levied to make up the loss in local government aid
as projected for 1984. The next budgetary workshop was scheduled for August
23, 1983.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 11:20p.m.
Dated: August 10, 1983
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