09/10/1984 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL` EAGAN, MINNESOTA SEPTEMBER 12, 1984 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on September 12, 1984 at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Blomquist, City Councilmembers Egan, Smith, Thomas and Wachter. Also present were Director of Finance VanOverbeke, Director of Public Works Colbert and City Administrator Hedges. 1985 BUDGET Director of Public Works Colbert introduced Mr. Paul Snyder, an architect with the firm of Armstrong, Torseth, Skold and Rydeen, who was hired to prepare a cost estimate and site analysis study for future expansion of the Public Works/Park Maintenance Garage. Mr. Snyder presented a master plan illustra- ting all future phases for improvements taking into consideration the entire site as it relates to the future upgrading of Coachman Road and the neighbor- hood area. He emphasized that this plan was prepared in concept and does not represent a specific building plan. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that a master plan is required before any improvements can be considered at the public works complex. He further reviewed the areas of critical need stating that additional vehicle storage, parks inventory storage, an all- season wash bay, additional locker rooms, private offices for personnel, a sign shop, chemical storage and a fuel station are several improvements required for that facility. Mr. Snyder indicated that in order to provide the improvements to the public works garage, a proposed budget of approximately $600,000 will be required. Mr. Snyder presented a number of options of which the City Council discussed in detail. City Councilmember Wachter stated that having reviewed the options presented by the architect, it appears there are additional options that should be considered which might be more compatible and could possibly reduce the overall cost of the project. Several options were further reviewed by the City Council regarding the expansion of the public works garage. It was decided by members of the City Council that the budget would be closely reviewed and a determination made later as to whether improvements could be funded during 1985. The City Administrator presented revisions that he was directed to consider at the last special City Council meeting when the budget was considered. Upon his review, it was proposed by the City Council to compare mutual services with the legal department, reduce $50,000 for a fire pumper, $55,000 for a snowplow, reduce the parks recreation water tanker by $25,000, reduce one Groundmaster, reduce a microprocessor and cut one police car from the proposed 1985 budget.- The City Administrator was directed to review this capital and determine whether these budgetary reductions meet the goal set forth by the City Council for the 1985 budget as it relates to capital expenditures. It was also suggested by the City Council that one new officer be allowed for the Police Department in 1985 with the starting date of July 1 and, in addition, that two existing police officers be promoted to working sergeants to be effective March 1, 1985. It was also determined that the Administrative Assistant for the Parks and Recreations Department be reduced to an Adminis- trative Intern at a total cost of approximately $12,000. After further discussion on both the capital and manpower reductions, a motion was offered by City Councilmember Thomas, seconded by Councilmember Wachter with all members voting in favor that the 1985 budget as proposed, with revisions, be Special City Council Minutes September 12, 1984 Page Two given concept approval as the general fund operating budget-for 1985. It was further determined by the City Council that the mill rate should be presented for consideration and certification at the October 2, 1984, City Council meeting based on the general fund budget that was conceptually approved at this meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. TLH Dated: September 12, 1984 I- - 0 City Clerx