07/16/1985 - City Council Regular
JULY 16, 1985
A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, July 16,
1985 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Blomquist
and Councilmembers Smith, Wachter, Egan and Thomas. Also present were City
Administrator Hedges, Assistant City Engineer Hansen, City Planner Runkle,
Public Works Director Colbert, and City Attorney Hauge.
Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the agenda as
presented. All voted in favor.
July 2, 1985 - Regular Meeting. Egan moved, Smith seconded the motion to
approve the minutes as distributed. All voted yea.
June 18, 1985 - HRA Minutes. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to
adjourn the regular council meeting and to reconvene as the Eagan HRA. All
voted yes. Wachter then moved, Smith seconded the motion to approve the HRA
Minutes of June 18, 1985. All voted in favor. Thomas moved, Egan seconded
the motion to adjourn the HRA and reconvene as the City Council. All
councilmembers voted yea.
Police Chief Berthe was present. City Administrator Hedges discussed with
the Council the proposed purchase of an all-terrain vehicle from Burnsville
Sports, which is going out of business and has offered to sell the ATV for
$1,600.00 which funds, it was noted, were within the current police budget for
1985. Smith moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the recommendation.
All voted in favor.
Several alternates were presented by Public Works Director Colbert for the
Council's consideration for the renaming of County Road #63A. Names have been
solicited from area residents and after discussion, Blomquist moved, Wachter
seconded the motion to approve Becker Road as the official name. All voted
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
The following consent agenda items were presented to the City Council and
recommended by the staff for approval and implementation:
1. Personnel Items.
a. Accountant Position. It was noted the City received over 45
applications for the newly created position of staff accountant in the
Finance Department and it was recommended that Linda Fink be hired at a
starting salary of $1,600.00 per month, effective July 22, 1985.
b. Clerk Typist Pool. Shelly Lysne has resigned as part-time clerk
typist and it was recommended that the Council authorize the advertising
for a replacement in the position.
c. Internal Revenue Service Regulations - City Owned Vehicles. The
City staff has reviewed the developments relating to the IRS regulations
for City owned vehicles and it was recommended that certain public safety
vehicles be exempted from the recent Internal Revenue Service regulations
as outlined in the Council packet.
2. Contractors Licenses. A schedule of contractors licenses, including
water softener, plumbing, heating, and ventilating, homeowner and general
contractor, was attached to the packet material and it was recommended that
the licenses be issued.
3. Suncliff 5th Addition - Easement Vacation. A petition had been
received from the developer of the Suncliff 5th Addition and it was
recommended that the Council receive the Petition and authorize the public
hearing on the petition to be held on August 20, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. at the
Eagan Municipal Center.
4. Northwestern Bell Transfer Station - Lease Agreement. The lease
agreements covering the proposed Northwestern Bell Transfer Station at Pilot
Knob Road and Wescott Road and the second one at the Towerview site, both on
City property, were presented and it was recommended that both leases be
approved with the inclusion, in the Wescott Road site lease, of a 10 foot
utility easement for access to the building.
5. Sunset 6th Addition - Final Plat. The application of Tri-Land
Development Co. for final plat approval of Sunset 6th Addition was presented
to the Council and it was recommended that it be approved, subject to
compliance with all necessary City requirements. R 85-45
6. Blackhawk Glen - Project #454. A Petition had been received from the
developers of the Blackhawk Glen subdivision, requesting installation of
streets and utilities for Ashbury Road and it was recommended that the
Petition be received by the Council and that the Council authorize the
consulting engineers to prepare the feasibility report.
Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the aforementioned
consent agenda items as recommended. All voted yes.
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
1471 f , ;17 11G,
Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Egan, it was resolved that the following
checklist dated July 16, 1985 in the amount of $490,767.52 be approved. All
voted in favor. & June 30, 1985 in the amount of $358,715.85
Mayor Bea Blomquist convened the public hearing regarding the vacation of
utility and drainage easements over Lots 11 and 12, Clearview Addition. Tom
Colbert briefly reviewed the proposed revisions and there were no objections.
Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to close the hearing and authorize the
vacation of the drainage and utility easements with the understanding that the
necessary easements will be dedicated by the owner, subject to the City staff
approval. All voted in favor.
The next public hearing convened by the Mayor dealt with the vacation of
the right-of-way and utility easements within Sunset 4th Addition including
Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3. Brad Swenson appeared for the applicant and there
were no objections. Smith moved, Thomas seconded the motion to close the
hearing and to authorize the vacation of public right-of-way with the
understanding that adequate easements will be provided according to City
requirements. All voted in favor.
Mayor Blomquist then convened the public hearing regarding Project #449
consisting of driveway improvements for the Country Club Market area near
Cedarvale Blvd. in Cedarvale 2nd Addition. Tom Colbert introduced the project
and noted that a hearing had been held in 1984 on Project #84-7 and at that
time the representatives of Country Club Market indicated that Country Club
would prefer -to perform their own landscaping privately rather than through
City contract. It was noted that the landscaping has not been completed and
therefore the Council requested a new hearing and new feasibility report. A
letter from the President of Country Club Markets that was received on the
evening of July 16, was read, indicating that Country Club opposed the
project, but there was no representative present. There were questions about
maintenance of the newly improved street right-of-way and it was suggested
extending the curbing beyond the plan provision. There were no other
objections to the project. After discussion, Smith moved, Egan seconded the
motion to close the hearing, to order in the project as proposed with the curb
revisions, and to authorize the preparation of detailed plans and
specifications. All members voted in favor.
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
The hearing regarding Project #447 consisting of trunk water main in the
Lone Oak Addition was then convened by the Mayor. Tom Colbert explained the
project and Mark Hansen, consulting engineer, also discussed the proposal. It
was recommended that a 24 inch diameter watermain be installed, although there
was a suggestion that alternate bids for a 20 inch watermain also be
requested. The area proposed to be assessed was described and there were no
objections but there were questions from affected neighboring owners in the
audience.- After review, Thomas moved, Egan seconded the motion to close the
hearing, to order in the project and authorize the preparation of the plans
and specifications. All councilmembers voted positively.
The hearing regarding the trunk storm sewer outlet from Pond LP-55 in Ches
Mar 4th Addition under Project #448 was convened by the Mayor. Tom Colbert
and Mark Hansen reviewed the project, including the historical background and
noted that there had been problems with Pond LP-55A in the past. Neighboring
property owners were present and requested lowering LP-55A an additional 4
feet but the staff recommended that if done, the affected owners should pay
the additional cost, because it is not required in order to resolve the storm
sewer problems in the area. It was noted that a 35 foot cut would be required
by lowering LP-55A to the extent requested, but that the owners around Pond
LP-55A have not been noticed and a new hearing would be required for
additional improvements. There was discussion concerning the possibility of
an underground aquafier and Councilman Smith recommended that before a
decision is made that all owners be notified and given an opportunity to
express their opinions.
Dick Ney, the owner of Lot 5 of Oak Chase Addition asked that Pond LP-55A
be restored to its natural level and described the historical problems around
that pond. He noted that 55A is now storing some City water and the neighbors
should not pay all of the additional improvement cost.
Larry Sibley, an owner of parcel 016-52 appeared before the Council and
recommended fill be placed around the ponds to avoid damage and was concerned
about the proposed assessments against his unplatted property.
After lengthy discussion, Smith moved, Wachter seconded the motion to
close the hearing and to direct the staff to discuss with the affected
property owners alternate solutions and further, that a revised feasibility
report be ordered and reconsidered by the City Council. All members voted
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
The hearing regarding proposed street reconstruction work for Pine Ridge
Drive under Project #414 came before the Council. Tom Colbert and Mark Hansen
detailed the project which included street reconstruction.- Jim Woods,
together with other affected property owners were present. They were
concerned about the proposed assessments and Mr. Woods also discussed the
proposed preliminary report of 1984 and the difference between that report and
the 1985 project #414 feasibility report. Mr. Colbert stated the 1984 report
was a draft document and Council did not proceed because staff did not
recommend proceeding with that proposal. It was also mentioned that
additional deterioration of the street has taken place since 1984 and that the
proposed assessment would cover only about 1/3 of the total cost.
A petition from all except one of the previous petitioners now opposing
the project, was submitted. The street is in bad disrepair, according to Mr.
Colbert and would need constant repairs to maintain it. Councilmembers
recommended to the neighboring owners present that they reconsider and
therefore Mr. Woods requested a continuance. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the
motion to continue the hearing until the August 6, 1985 regular meeting at
which time an indication will be requested from the affected residents present
at the meeting as to their intentions. All voted yes.
The annual review of the conditional use permit for Werner Lembke was
again considered by the City Council, last having considered it at its June
18, 1985 regular meeting. Mr. Lembke was present at that meeting upon notice
by the City and was directed to bring his property into compliance with the
City's conditions set forth in the approval of the original conditional use
permit, and according to the agreement entered into between the City and Mr.
Lembke dated April 19, 1983. Mr. Hedges introduced the subject and Dale
Runkle explained to the Council the minor changes in landscaping that have
taken place since the June meeting. Mr. Lembke was not present, although was
on notice of the meeting. The requirements of Mr. Lembke under the
conditional use permit were discussed and it was noted that very few of the
conditions had been fulfilled. After extended discussion, Wachter moved, Egan
seconded the motion that the conditional use permit not be renewed, based upon
the following:
1. The applicant has not completed the conditions that were outlined in
the conditional use permit originally approved in July of 1980.
2. The development contract dated April 19, 1983 has not been fully
complied with as required by the City.
3. Neighboring property owners, including West Publishing Company have
strenuously objected to the conduct and use by the owner of the property,
noting that it is in extreme disarray and adequate steps have not been taken
to correct the deficiencies.
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
4. Mr. Lembke has been given adequate time and notice to correct the
deficiencies and has failed to do so.
5. Although Mr. Lembke was given notice of the hearing on July 16, he
failed to appear and explain any reasons for noncompliance with the conditions
imposed by the City and has not contacted the City staff concerning any
revisions that he has made to his property to comply with the City's
6. Further resolved that the Council schedule a public hearing under the
Eagan Code section for August 20, 1985 to consider the cancellation of the
conditional use permit and formal steps necessary to terminate or enjoin the
use of the property for the purpose provided under the conditional use permit.
Steve Bryant of West Publishing was present and strongly requested that
the City Council take affirmative action to restrain Mr. Lembke from operating
his property in defiance of the requirements of the City. Ted Grindall,
attorney from Opperman & Paquin on behalf of West Publishing Company, stated
that his client recommends that the Council terminate the use and that it
enjoin Mr. Lembke from operating the business on the property without
complying with the City's conditions. All members voted in favor.
At the last regular meeting, the City Administrator updated the City
Council concerning the status of renewal of the 1985-86 general liability and
workers compensation insurance. The Director of Finance had been working with
Bruce Medvec of First Insurance Valley View which is the City's agent of
record, in an effort to secure favorable bids and Councilman Smith has been
consulted on the status of the insurance coverage and helped to review the
proposal. A memorandum from Finance Director Gene VanOverbeke dated July 11,
1985 and letters from First Insurance, including the various options for
liability and workers compensation through the Home Insurance Company, Great
Global and League of Minnesota Cities were reviewed.
Gene VanOverbeke and Bruce Medvec were also present and it was noted that
two other agencies have requested opportunities to bid on the liability and
workers compensation coverage, including Consolidated Agency, Inc. of Eagan
and Alexander & Alexander, Inc. through Dale Turnham. Bruce Medvec
recommended Home Insurance Company and explained that the loss experience for
the City has been favorable. Councilmember Smith also made comments and
recommended Home Insurance Company based on its proposal and the history in
relation to the City. After considerable discussion, Smith moved, Thomas
seconded the motion to authorize the one million dollar underlying insurance
package through Home Insurance Company and two million dollar umbrella policy,
according to the proposal. All members voted in favor.
The City Council at its last meeting had continued for further
consideration by the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission, the revised
preliminary plat of Lexington Place South 2nd Addition. The Commission met on
Thursday, July 18, 1985 and recommended that Outlot C remain as previously
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
proposed, as open space and that Outlot A be reduced to two lots and a
variance for lot frontage and Lot B be granted in order to protect the pond
and vegetation within Outlot A. An extensive memorandum from Ken Vraa dated
July 12, 1985 was discussed and George Kubik of the Parks Commission was
present and explained the recommendation of the Park Commission. Also, a
memorandum from Roger Martin, the Chairman of the Parks Commission was
presented to the Council.
After discussion, Blomquist moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the
recommendation of the Park Commission and that Outlot C remain as an outlot,
and that Outlot A be reduced by two lots from the proposal by U. S. Homes,
with no variance granted. There was a suggestion that the lot lines within
Outlot C be extended, but Bob Hoffman, attorney, on behalf of U. S. Homes, was
present and stated that the applicant will not extend the lot lines within
Outlot C. He stated further that there is no Homeowners Association that has
been formed, and that the Planned Development Agreement does not require a
homeowners association to be organized unless the association were required to
operate the amenities, including the pool and tennis courts, which the buyers
have refused to do. Those in favor were Blomquist and Egan; those against
were Smith, Thomas and Wachter.
Mr. Hoffman stated that the proposal included a reduction of 6 lots from
what was originally proposed in Outlot C and that most exceed 80 feet in
width. Councilman Smith was concerned about the maintenance for Outlot C.
After further discussion, Blomquist moved, Egan seconded the motion to
continue consideration of the application until the next regular meeting and
to acquire a recommendation from the Park Commission as to alternates, if the
City acquires the property, and also the cost involved in approving and
maintaining the parcel, with a full report from the Park Commission, including
its proposal regarding the outlot; further, that the preliminary plat for
Outlot A be approved with the reduction from 5 to 3 single family lots. All
voted in favor.
The application of R. J. O'Neil to rezone 100 acres to Commercial Planned
Development with 20 acres proposed to remain R-4 Residential Multiple, was
then brought to the Council. Presently the property is zoned A, and the
Comprehensive Guide Plan designates the property as R-III with a density of 6
to 12 units per acre. The proposal is to convert 100 acres to Limited
Business/Roadside Business/High Tech Office Warehouse/Ponding and Road Right-
Dale Runkle reviewed the Advisory Planning Commission recommendations made
at its June 25, 1985 meeting, at which time the Planning Commission
recommended approval of the application with certain revisions. It was
indicated the City Council had requested the application be returned to the
Commission for further review, including more specific designation of uses,
noting that no application for preliminary plat had been submitted nor
specific uses for the property.
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
Harold Sheff, Mr. & Mrs. O'Neil, John Klein and Bill Price appeared for
the applicants. Mr. Sheff made a presentation, noting the motion by Mayor
Blomquist at the meeting that the Council last considered the application,
requesting a more specific designation of future uses. He distributed new
drawings dated July 15, 1985 with changes recommended by the Advisory Planning
Commission, explaining the rezoning of the north 20. acres to R-3 and
Agricultural zoning of the northeasterly parcel, with no access directly to
the north.
After his presentation, Mayor Blomquist commented that she was concerned
about the buffers and Mr. Sheff stated that the applicant would comply with
all requirements of the Advisory Planning Commission, including the grant of
the three storm sewer ponding easements to the City without cost.
Mayor Blomquist indicated that the applicant did not address the adjacent
buffers for the densities within the parcel, including the flow and
compatibility with the neighboring property. She noted the compatibility of
uses is never premature. Councilman Eagan noted that the land south of Yankee
Doodle Road was rezoned after intense replanning and extensive plans being
brought before the City Council designating uses of the property. He also
stated that the Council would be put under pressure to rezone the land to the
east and the north, claiming that the owners could not develop under a
residential use. Further, the schematic would set a precedent and the only
changes from the previous proposal are a few ideas that are designated on the
drawing for uses that can be found within the ordinance.
He further mentioned that there are no specifics to the proposal, no
designs that have been submitted, no densities for the development, no
indication as to what the buildings would consist of or look like or what
their architectural scheme would be, how they would fit into the surrounding
area and further, that most developers have concrete plans before submission
to the City and that this proposal only tailgates on other proposals in the
Councilman Egan further recommended some hard tangible ideas on what the
developer plans to do before approval by the City. Councilman Wachter stated
that the other planned developments have been submitted and approved without
any greater detail.
Councilman Egan further brought out the fact that it could have a rippling
effect on the land uses to the east and to the north.
Mayor Blomquist objected, and noted that the developer must look at the
Comp Guide during the 1985 revision process, and further the Council must
review the total city requirements for commercial use and determine whether
the proposed uses would be compatible with other uses within the City and the
general area. Councilman Egan further noted that in the event of rezoning
from Residential category to Commercial category, there must be greater detail
than provided by the developer. Councilman Smith suggested that the land may
some time be zoned for the proposed uses and further, that he understood that
the developer would dedicate all of the necessary ponding areas without cost
to the City.
Council Minutes
July 16 , 1985 01 ' t~s
Smith moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the application with
the recommendations proposed by the staff and further, those recommendations
submitted by the Advisory Planning Commission, including the dedication of all
three ponds without cost to the City, subject to the completion of an
appropriate resolution to be approved by the City Council, incorporating an
agreement between the developer and the City, which would be submitted to the
City Council for approval at the next regular meeting, covering in detail the
dedication. of the necessary pond and utility easements without cost to the
City. The objections made by Mayor Blomquist and Councilman Egan were
generally as follows:
1. There are not adequate buffers along the northerly and easterly
boundaries of the property adjacent to residential uses.
2. The flow and compatibility with the neighboring property are not
adequately addressed in the proposal being submitted.
3. The City Council requires intense planning and detailed plans before
approval of rezoning, particularly from a residential to a higher or
commercial type use.
4. The City Council would be put under pressure to rezone land to the
east and the north to commercial use by owners whose claim would be that they
could not develop under a residential use.
5. The schematic plan submitted was not submitted in sufficient detail
and the only changes from the previous proposal are a few ideas designated on
the drawing for uses that were simply delineated from the ordinance without
showing specific purposes for the various parcels.
6. No designs have been submitted, no densities for the development were
submitted and there was no indication on the plans as to what the buildings
would consist of, architecturally or by design, and also there were no plans
indicating how the buildings would fit into the surrounding area.
7. The developers should submit concrete plans before submission of a
schematic plan to the City.
8. The developer should be required to comply with the comprehensive
guide designation and further the City Council has directed the staff to
commence a comprehensive guide revision during 1985 which should be complied
with prior to designation of the uses for the subject parcel.
9. The City Council should review the total City requirements for
commercial use and determine whether proposed uses would be compatible with
other uses within the City and the general area.
Those in favor were Smith, Thomas and Wachter; those against were
Blomquist and Egan, and the motion died for the lack of the required 2/3 vote
of the entire council. It was noted that a court reporter was again present
to report the Council proceedings regarding its consideration of the
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
The Council again considered the off-sale liquor license policy after
directing the City Administrator at its July 2, 1985 meeting to review the
policy in some detail, making recommendations to the Council regarding the
defining of the geographical locations for the granting of the licenses. Mr.
Hedges had outlined in the packet approximately 6 options, including
abolishing the guidelines, several options regarding areas and further, a
minimum square footage or free standing building concept requirement.
Councilman Thomas was concerned about keeping the stores within commercial
areas and favored alternate 2 - providing for establishing the number of off-
sale licenses, and 4 - removing all regulatory guidelines pertaining to
geographic boundaries. Councilmembers discussed all of the alternates and
noted that it would be necessary to review the guidelines and the geographic
areas periodically.
After extensive discussion, Egan moved, Thomas seconded the motion to
approve a maximum of four off-sale licenses with geographic boundaries
generally according to the existing areas, more precisely outlined in Exhibit
"A" attached to the Council packet with one license located in the north area
(southerly boundary shall be Silver Bell Road/Wescott Road - excluding Silver
Bell Shopping Center); one in the southeast area and two in the southwest area
with the easterly boundary located east of I-35E (including the Silver Bell
Shopping Center). Those in favor were Blomquist, Wachter, Egan and Thomas;
Smith voted no.
The application of David Perrier of Perrier & Associates for off-sale
liquor license for the Cedar Cliff Commercial Park Center was presented and
Mr. Perrier was present. He indicated that a lease had been negotiated with
Federal Land Company for nearly 3,000 square feet in the shopping center. A
letter from Spirits of Eagan, signed by Jerome Miller was submitted and Mr.
Hedges indicated several other requests are also being submitted by proposed
applicants. After review, Thomas moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve
the application of Perrier & Associates for the Cedar Cliff Shopping Center
location, subject to compliance with all City ordinance requirements and the
applicant must also comply with all conditions that the Council has placed
upon the Cedar Cliff Commercial Addition, including the planned development
for that parcel.
Jerry Miller of Spirits of Eagan was present and stated that he had become
aware of the license availability two weeks earlier and had hurriedly
submitted an application but had no specific location at the present time. He
stated he owned an off-sale liquor store in Burnsville, operating under the
MGM name. The owner of Dakota Liquors in Burnsville was also present and
objected to an additional application, noting that the industry has been
seriously affected in recent years by a variety of factors and asked the
Council to consider the closeness of the proposed store to his existing
location. Those in favor were Egan and Thomas; abstaining were Wachter and
Blomquist; and Smith voted no. Wachter indicated that it was his opinion that
it was not necessary to locate an additional off-sale liquor store within the
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
._y c
The application of Easter Lutheran Church for preliminary plat approval,
located at the southeast intersection of Pilot Knob Road and Diffley Road was
brought to the Council. Dale Runkle introduced the application and noted the
Advisory Planning Commission recommended approval. The plat would consist of
3.8 acres for the church facility and noted that the plans are to
substantially increase the church building. Mr. Colbert stated that the
engineering recommendations were not included with the Advisory Planning
Commission recommendations, and reviewed with the Council 4 additional
proposed conditions. He noted that churches are assessed with the full
residential equivalent adjacent to County roads, and there was discussion
concerning the proposed sanitary sewer easement requested by the neighboring
property owners to the south. Roger Sjobeck, architect for the church, was
present, as well as Reverend James Borgschatz and others. Larry Erdos, a
neighbor to the south, appeared and had concerns about the sanitary sewer
connection, requesting an easement along Outlot A. Pastor Borgschatz
indicated there was no objection to the easement on behalf of the church. It
was recommended that there be a 15 foot easement on the east side of the
church property, if there is no 5 foot easement along the adjoining lot, but
only 10 feet would be required if there is a 5 foot easement on the adjoining
platted lot. Smith moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the
application, subject to the following conditions:
1. A detailed landscaping plan shall be submitted for City staff
approval, and the plan shall detail how the entire property shall be
landscaped with particular attention being given to maintaining the steep
grade on the east side and to include a buffer between the garage being built
and the residence to the west, and a $10,000.00 landscape bond shall be
2. A sanitary sewer and water easement shall be provided along the
southwest lot line of Outlot A, 15 feet in width if there is no adjoining 5
foot easement, 10 feet in width if there is a 5 foot adjoining easement, and
that the easement may be relinquished if the Erdos property acquires sanitary
sewer access from a different direction.
3. Access to Diffley Road shall line up with Hilltop Lane when it is
4. There shall be 75 feet right-of-way dedicated for Pilot Knob Road.
5. A 33 foot right-of-way shall be dedicated for Diffley Road.
6. The frontage road shall be installed at the time of upgrading of
Diffley Road at full cost to Easter Lutheran Church.
All members voted in favor.
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
V FL+ ..e~
The application of Terry Stover for preliminary plat approval of Woodhaven
Addition, consisting of 5 townhouse lots, 2 duplex lots, one outlot on
approximately 2 acres and rezoning to R-2 and R-3 from R-4 was next heard
before the Council. The Advisory Planning Commission, at its meeting on June
25, 1985 approved the application with the conditions allowing for the
construction of one four-plex and one duplex on two acres of property with the
second application requesting preliminary plat of Woodhaven Addition,
consisting of 7 lots along Beau-D'Rue Drive and Rahn Road. Dale Runkle
detailed the application and there was discussion concerning the Park
Committee's recommendation for trail dedication and cash dedication. Terry
Stover was present and had questions concerning the development. Thomas
moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the application for rezoning,
subject to the understanding that the number of units previously approved in
the area not covered by Lots 1 through 7 are in excess of the number of units
now approved, cannot be transferred to Outlot A; further, resolved that the
application for preliminary plat approval for Woodhaven Addition consisting of
5 townhouse lots, 2 duplex lots and 1 Outlot, be approved with the following
1. The approval shall be subject to the Park Committee's review and
approval of park dedication.
2. The standard plat conditions shall be applied to this development.
3. All general engineering conditions that are applicable shall be
adhered to.
4. The sanitary sewer extension shall be constructed to City standards.
5. A 40-foot half right-of-way shall be dedicated for Rahn Road and Beau
D' Rue Drive adjacent to Outlot A, and a 33-foot half right-of-way shall be
dedicated for Rahn Road adjacent to the remainder of this development.
6. This development shall be responsible for lateral benefit from trunk
water main assessment at the rates in effect at the final platting.
7. All costs associated with this development shall be the sole
responsibility of this development.
8. A park trail dedication easement of 10 feet shall be dedicated along
Rahn Road.
Mr. Stover requested that the water service costs be reduced because of
the access problems across Rahn Road and Mr. Colbert explained the current
credit policy which would resolve the issue. All members voted affirmatively.
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
The application for preliminary plat approval of Sunset 9th Addition
submitted by Jack Germaine was brought before the Council. It provides for
residential single-family for 4 lots on 5 acres of property on future Golden
Meadow Road. Mr. Runkle noted the property is zoned Agricultural and would
allow one dwelling unit on the 5 acre parcel at the present time. A portion
of the property is within Schwanz Lake. Brad Swenson appeared for the
applicant and it was noted that at the Planning Commission meeting, some
neighboring owners had concerns about preservation of trees along the western
border, which apparently has been resolved. The Park Commission has
negotiated park land on the southerly 1/3 of the plat in lieu of cash
dedication. Smith moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the
application, subject to the following conditions:
1. The developer's responsibility for additional trunk area storm sewer
assessments shall be based upon the net square footage of the parcel.
2. A 30 foot half right-of-way for Golden Meadow Road shall be dedicated
to the City.
3. All lots shall be served by municipal sanitary sewer and water.
4. No driveways shall exceed 10% slope.
5. All standard preliminary plat conditions shall apply.
6. The developer shall meet the applicable requirements of the standard
engineering guidelines.
7. This development shall be responsible for additional trunk area storm
sewer assessments without a large lot credit.
8. A thirty foot half right-of-way for Golden Meadow Drive shall be
9. Preliminary plat approval is subject to Park Commission approval of
park dedication.
10. A 10-foot variance is granted from the front lot line for all four
11. The developer shall maintain and maximize the trees on the west
boundary as a buffer.
All members voted yea.
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
An application by Richard Nordlund for Industrial Revenue Financing in the
amount of $400,000.00 for construction of the 7,000 square foot office
building on Lot 6, Knob Hill Professional Park was brought to the Council.
Mr. Hedges briefly reviewed the application and Mr. Nordlund was present at
the meeting. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to schedule a public
hearing for the application at 7:00 p.m. at the August 6, 1985 regular City
Council meeting. There was discussion concerning the $500.00 minimum IDB
limit, according to policy, and Councilman Smith was concerned about the
applications being brought by proposed smaller restaurant type uses, noting
the cost of issuance for small bond issues. Those in favor were Blomquist,
Wachter, Egan and Thomas; Smith voted no.
The bids under Contract #85-15 for the Royal Oak Circle improvements were
submitted and the low bidder was Orfei & Sons, Inc. in the sum of $272,017.82.
Thomas moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the low bid as recommended.
All members voted in favor.
Tom Hedges explained to the Council that representatives of UPS were
present in the audience and had requested a variance from the platting
requirements and that the Council issue a building permit. He stated that the
City staff had reviewed the reasons for the variance to the normal procedure
in some detail and recommended denial, noting that the Council's policy had
been very firm regarding completion of the platting process before building
permit approval.
Paul Addison, real estate manager for UPS was present, as well as the
project manager, and made a very determined presentation requesting the
variance because of inadvertence on his part in completing the final plat
requirements. He noted, however, that the application for final plat had been
submitted on the day of the meeting and he further mentioned that some
easement revisions are being completed and that final plat can be submitted by
the end of the current week. The park dedication fee will be paid according
to City requirements and he submitted a check for the required fees, together
with a check for the guaranteed escrow required by the City. Mr. Colbert
stated that it will be necessary to guarantee the cost of easement acquisition
and some easements may be acquired through the condemnation process, noting
that UPS has not agreed to cover such costs at the present time.
After a lengthy presentation and discussion by Council and staff, Smith
made a motion noting that he reluctantly would allow a variance for approval
of the final plat, subject to final approval by the staff and completion of
all City requirements and further, to grant the building permit upon such
completion. Thomas seconded the motion. Mr. Addison stated that if the
permit is not granted, it's possible that the building will not be completed
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
J k- d()
in 1985, that there will be penalties imposed and other delays, including
over-runs which will very seriously hamper the completion of the project.
Further conditions of the motion would also include a temporary building
permit for a 30 day period and if the final plat is not completed and
submitted with all the accompanying requirements to the staff's satisfaction,
then the building construction will cease; further, that all necessary
requirements being submitted to the City by August 15, 1985 for final approval
by the City Council at its August 20, 1985 meeting. All voted in favor except
Egan who voted no. SEE-PLAT FILE
The bids for the utility and street improvements in the UPS 1st Addition
under City Contract #85-18 (Project #442) were submitted and it was noted that
Encon Utilities which was the apparent low bidder, had made some errors in its
bid and that the actual low bidder was American Contracting Corp. in the sum
of $273,963.66. The staff recommended approval of the American Contracting
Corporation's low bid and it was noted that two easements will be necessary
from an owner along the newly named Becker Road. Wachter moved, Smith
seconded the motion to approve the low bid and further, in the event that the
negotiations for the easements are not successful, that the Council authorize
the condemnation of the necessary easements at its regular meeting on August
6, 1985. All voted in favor.
The bids for the sealcoating for the City streets for 1985 were submitted
from three bidders and the low bidder was Allied Blacktop in the sum of
$103,723.22. Thomas moved, Egan seconded the motion to award the contract to
the low bidder as recommended, with the understanding that the staff will add
additional streets by change order to the Contract, to cover the allocation in
the budget for sealcoating purposes. All councilmembers voted yes.
The plans and specifications for Cedar Industrial Park trunk storm sewer
under Contract #85-5 have been prepared and it was recommended the plans and
specifications be received and that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for
bid opening for the project for 10:30 a.m. on Friday, August 9, 1985 at the
Eagan Municipal Center. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve
the recommendation and order its implementation. All members voted yes.
The plans and specifications for trunk storm sewer and sanitary sewer for
Lexington Square 2nd Addition under Contract #85-20 were submitted. It was
recommended the plans and specifications be approved and that the City Clerk
be authorized to advertise for bids in the legal newspaper, with the opening
to be held at 10:30 a.m. on August 13, 1985 at the Eagan Municipal Center.
Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the recommendation of staff
and order it to be implemented. All members voted yea.
Council Minutes
July 16, 1985
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There was discussion by the City Council regarding the representative from
Precinct "H", to the Regional Transit Board, noting that Dakota County
Commissioner Steve Loeding and Ed Kranz from Hastings are current
representatives on the Board. With redistricting, there will be one
representative from the surrounding area and it was noted that Carolyn
Rodriguez has requested endorsement for the position. Egan moved, Blomquist
seconded the motion to endorse Carolyn Rodriguez to that position. All voted
in favor.
The application of Joseph Steininger for a permit to allow the placement
of 22,000 cubic yards of material on the property owned by him located at 670
Lone Oak Road was submitted and it was recommended that the application be
approved. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the application
subject to compliance with necessary City requirements. All voted yes.
After discussion concerning the proposal of MnDOT for the temporary
closing of Pilot Knob Road during its reconstruction at I-35E, Blomquist
moved, Egan seconded the motion to revise the decision to provide for patrol
officers assisting in directing of traffic to begin at the time of the closing
of the road. All voted in favor.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was resolved that the meeting
adjourn at 1:15 a.m. All members voted yes.
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