08/27/1985 - City Council Special
AUGUST 27, 1985
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, August
27, 1985, at 6:30 p.m., at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor
Blomquist and City Councilmembers Egan, Smith, Wachter and Thomas. Also
present were Director of Finance VanOverbeke, Director of Public Works Colbert,
Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa and City Administrator Hedges.
City Administrator Hedges reported that an all employee committee
has been meeting with representatives of Jack Boarman Architects, Inc.,
to review concepts and alternatives for the proposed addition to the Public
Works Maintenance Garage facility. He further stated that a Public Works
Committee meeting was held on August 15, 1985, at which time City Councilmember
Wachter had an opportunity to review in detail the various alternatives
that were being considered by the Committee and architect. The City Administra-
tor further indicated that before the architect can proceed any further
with various schemes, action is requireti to establish a budget and desirable
concept plan for the proposed Public Works Garage addition. Mr. Jack Boarman
and David Kroos both representing Jack Boarman Architects, Inc., appeared
and presented several alternatives for considering an addition to the Public
Works Maintenance Garage facility. He stated that site plans were reviewed
for both schemes A and B and that these schemes were based on a budget of
$600,000 - $650,000. Mr. Boarman then stated that after the Director of
Public Works and Director of Parks & Recreation completed an inventory of
all operating maintenance equipment, it was recognized and proposed that
a larger facility be considered to meet both present and future storage
needs. Mr. Boarman emphasized the necessity of organizing a central equipment
and fuel dispensing location, further stating that the City will benefit
through inventory control and greater efficiencies in record keeping. He
further stressed the importance of centralized fuel dispensing at the
Public Works Garage Maintenance facility which provides security by requiring
all police vehicles to fuel at the garage location. Mr. Boarman indicated
that the last addition to the Public Works Garage was a $14,000 pole building
in 1977. He further stated that many vehicles have been purchased in the
past few years and with the expected growth, additional space will be required
making a larger addition a necessity at this time. Mr. Boarman also discussed
the concept of acquiring land to build a satellite Public Works Garage facility
in the future that would also provide space for cold storage to be located
in the southeastern area of the City. He further stated that the current
site of the Water Treatment Plant and Public Works Garage will not accommodate
all the long-range needs for both facility and outside storage needs.
The City Administrator presented a financing plan for the proposed
Public Works Garage Addition stating that approximately $900,000 - $950,000
can be available in 1986 if the remaining entitlements for federal revenue
sharing are earmarked for the project in addition to general fund expenditure
commitments for both 1985 and 1986.
Special Council Minutes
August 27, 1985
Mr. Boarman stated that plans and specifications should be ready for
review and bidding by December, 1985, and construction is to be completed in
the summer of 1986.
After further discussion and review by the City Council, a motion was
introduced by City Councilmember Thomas, seconded by City Councilmember Wachter,
with all members voting in favor, that the architects be directed to proceed
with the preparation of more detailed plans considering Scheme B - 2 which is
considering a larger addition to the Public Works Garage'as presented.
City Administrator Hedges stated that resolutions were prepared by the
city of Mendota Heights to exercise the Joint Powers Agreement allowing the
City of Eagan to transfer $3,260,000 of tax exempt status for selling industrial
revenue bond financing to the city of Mendota Heights. Mr. Larry O'Shaughnessy
appeared on behalf of the city of Mendota Heights with the proper documentation
and at the request of the City Council, reviewed the project that was proposed
in their community. After further review, a motion was introduced by City
Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Wachter, with all members voting
in favor, that a Joint Powers Agreement be approved between the city of Mendota
Heights and the City of Eagan to allow the transfer of $3,260,000 of tax exempt
industrial revenue bond entitlement funds from the City of Eagan to the city of
Mendota Heights to allow for partial funding of a new conference center in the
city of Mendota Heights. R 85-53
R 85-55
The City Administrator presented the 1986 budget outlining general fund
expenditures that were proposed by all department heads and his revised budget
that was submitted for consideration. He further indicated that a specific
review of manpower and capital equipment was included for City Council considera-
tion. The City Administrator stated that the 1986 budget that he is proposing
would raise the mill rate by 1.808 mills, however, due to recent changes in the
homestead tax credit, most all residential property owners would realize a
property tax decrease despite the mill rate adjustment. Director of Finance
VanOverbeke reviewed the breakdown of the proposed mill rate distribution, how
the assessed valuation if calculated and further the impact on each house unit.
for taxes payable. He further reviewed all proposed revenues stating that
certain permit fees were increased due to historic information and departmental
All departmental budgets were reviewed in detail by the City Council.
While reviewing each departmental request, the City Administrator's budget was
revised to specifically reflect a reduction in the number of manpower and
capital equipment as proposed.
Special Council Minutes
August 27, 1985
City Councilmembers generally agreed that a mill rate should not exceed
approximately one-half to three-fourths for mill increase and further that
revenue projections for permits and project administration should be reduced.
After an extensive review, the City Administrator was directed to
make a number of modifications both to expenditures and revenues in addition
to special research in several areas where programs or expenditures were
questioned by the City Council. This information will be presented at the
next special budget workshop to be held on September 10, 1985.
There being no additional business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50 P.M.
City Clerk
August 27, 1985