12/17/1985 - City Council Regular
DECEMBER 17, 1985
A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, December
17, 1985 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor
Blomquist and Councilmembers Smith, Wachter, Egan and Thomas. Also present
were City Administrator Hedges, Consulting Engineers Bob Rosene and Mark
Hansen, Public Works Director Colbert, and City Attorney Hauge.
Thomas moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the agenda as
presented. All voted in favor.
December 3, 1985 - Regular Meeting. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the
motion to approve the minutes with the following exceptions: On page 9,
regarding Norwest 3rd Addition, the preliminary plat application was continued
indefinitely; and on page 7, regarding Eagan 40 PD, it was understood that no
action had been taken; further it was understood that cash donation for park
purposes will be required under Yorkton I and Yorkton II, Eagandale Industrial
Park 3rd Addition and Town Centre 70 2nd Addition plats. All voted in favor.
Roger Lee and Jerry Lovell of People's Gas appeared and discussed with the
Council the purchase of People's Gas by Utili Corp United, Inc. of Kansas
City, Missouri which purchased People's Gas Company as a single unit. They
expect there will be no change in the operational status or service policy,
including main extensions within municipalities.
Bill Peterson of the Dakota County Assessor's office appeared and
recommended that Parcel #10-00300-040-75, owned by Mary Post, be reduced in
assessed value from $400.00 to $40.00. Egan moved, Thomas seconded the motion
to approve the recommendation. All voted yes.
Council Minutes
December 17, 1985
Mary Martin, the Eagan area Metropolitan Council representative, appeared
and discussed with the City Council certain issues before the Metropolitan
Council at the present'time. She indicated that the Metropolitan Significance
Report had been adopted by the Metro Council for the Bloomington Mega Mall.
She also reviewed the Metropolitan Development Industrial framework and
discussed issues relating to air noise. She further reviewed the barge
fleeting area and barge terminal issues relating in particular to the
Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers and noted that the Metro Council has only
review and comment authority regarding barge terminals. She indicated that
operators are looking for a down-river terminal site. City Councilmembers'
concerns related to the impact of east-west traffic on County roads in the
event of a change in terminal sites.
Police Chief Jay Berthe was present and introduced Dave Ringberg, who was
the candidate for full-time patrolman within the City Police Department.
City Administrator Tom Hedges reviewed the report, together with Ken Vraa
from the Park and Recreation Department, dated December 11, 1985 recommending
an increase in the cash dedication fee for apartment units from $278.00 to
$300.00 per unit, for park purposes, commencing in 1987. After discussion,
Thomas moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the recommendation. All
voted yes, except Councilman Smith who voted no, indicating that no comparable
data from other municipalities was submitted to the City Council for review.
At the June 4, 1985 meeting, the City Council authorized the installation
of the stop sign at Covington Lane at the intersection with Flora Drive for a
six-month time period to evaluate the effect of that installation. The
engineering division, as reported by Public Works Director Tom Colbert,
recommended that the Council approve the permanent installation of a stop sign
at that intersection. Blomquist moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve
and implement the recommendation. All councilmembers voted yes.
The following consent agenda items were submitted for the City Council's
1. Contractor's Licenses. A schedule of licenses submitted by
contractors, including general contractors, heating and ventilating
contractors, plumbing, masonry, cement work and swimming pool contractors, was
submitted and recommended to be approved by the City Council.
Council Minutes
December 17, 1985
2. Personnel Items. The following personnel items were submitted and
recommended for approval by the Council.
a. Clerk/Typist (Administration). It was recommended the vacant
position in the clerk/typist typing pool be filled by Jane Helebrant, who
would transferred from the part-time clerk/typist position in Engineering and
Planning, as a part-time clerk/typist, effective January 1, 1986, at her
present rate of salary.
b. Resignation (Utility Maintenance Worker). On December 4, 1985,
Wilson Marker, an employee in the utility department, submitted his
resignation to be effective immediately, and it was recommended the Council
accept the resignation and authorize the advertisement for utility maintenance
c. Police Officer. Chief of Police Berthe recommended the promotion
of David Ringberg to Police Officer effective January 6, 1986 as authorized in
the 1986 Budget.
d. Internal Revenue Regulations Regarding Fringe Benefits. The
following resolutions were submitted by the Finance Department and it was
recommended that the Council approve them:
1. Resolution to Treat the Taxable Value of City Vehicles as
Being Paid in the Last Pay Period of December.
2. Resolution to Not Withhold Income Tax from the Taxable Value
of City-Provided Vehicles.
3. Resolution Selecting October 31 Special Accounting Period for
Valuation of Automobile Use.
4. Resolution Prohibiting Personal Use of Designated City
5. Resolution Requiring Certain Employees to Use City Vehicles
for Commuting Purposes.
R 85-80/84
3. Valley Sanitation/Rubbish License. An application was received from
Timothy Plan for a rubbish hauler's license during calendar year 1986 and
staff recommended approval, subject to compliance with the City Ordinance.
4. Coachman/Silver Bell Roads - Contract #84-10. The final payment
request was submitted for the 9th and final payment for Contract #84-10 for
Coachman/Silver Bell Roads in the amount of $30,838.89 from Bituminous
Roadways, Inc. and it was recommended it be approved and the project be
accepted for perpetual maintenance.
5. Spring Park Construction - Contract #85-14. The final payment request
for Contract #85-14 for the park construction performed during the Spring of
1985 by Central Landscaping, Inc. in the amount of $26,660.88 was recommended
for approval and it was also recommended that the project be accepted by the
Council Minutes
December 17, 1985
6. Rahn Park Grading - Contract #85-04. The consulting engineer
recommended approval of the sixth and final payment of $21,377.29 for City
Contract #85-04 to Enebek Construction Company and that the work be accepted
as completed.
7. Windtree 5th & 6th Additions - Project #462. The feasibility report
for Windtree 5th and 6th Additions consisting of Project #462 street and
utility improvements was submitted by the Consulting Engineer and it was
recommended that the report be received and that a public hearing be scheduled
for January 21, 1986 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Municipal Center.
8. Wyndham Corporate Center - Project #464. The next feasibility report
submitted by the consulting engineer's office covered street and utility
improvements in Wyndham Corporate Center under Project #464 and the staff
recommended the report be received by the Council and that it schedule a
public hearing to be held at the City Municipal Center at 7:00 p.m. on January
21, 1985.
9. Eagandale Office Park - Easement Vacation. A petition was received
for vacation of a certain utility easement in Eagandale Office Park and it was
recommended that the Petition be received and a hearing be scheduled on
January 7, 1986 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Center to consider whether to
vacate the utility easement.
10. Town Centre 70 and 100 Additions - Change Order #1 - Contract #85-8.
The Change Order to Town Centre 70 and 100 Additions under Contract #85-8 was
submitted in three parts and was recommended that Part A with an addition of
$37,519.58, Part B with an addition of $8,316.64, and Part C with an addition
of $2,813.68 be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute
all related documents.
11. Westbrook 1st Addition - Final Plat. The application of Tom
• Westbrook for final plat approval of Westbrook 1st Addition was submitted and
it was recommended it be approved subject to compliance with City Ordinance
requirements. R 85-85
12. Lexington Place South - Contract #85-12. The request from the
contractor for Lexington Place South street improvements under Contract
#85-12, Valley Paving, Inc., for final payment in the amount of $15,807.55 and
acceptance for perpetual maintenance was submitted and recommended for
Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the foregoing consent
agenda items as recommended. All voted yes.
Council Minutes
December 17, 1985
Mayor Blomquist convened the public hearing regarding the Federal Revenue
Sharing Funds. Tom Hedges explained that the hearing is required for the City
Council to determine how the Federal Revenue Sharing Money should be used by
the City. It had been recommended that the 1986 funds be allocated to the
Public Works Garage facility addition that is being proposed for construction
during 1986 and the balance according to the Director of Finance, in 1986 in
the amount of $624,304.00. There being no objection, Thomas moved, Egan
seconded the motion to close the public hearing and to approve the designation
of funds for the Municipal Public Works Garage facility expansion project.
4 All voted in favor.
The public hearing next convened related to Project #423 consisting of
street improvements in the Group W Addition area. Mr. Colbert explained that
on November 20, 1984, the first public hearing was held to discuss the
installation of the streets necessary to serve the proposed Group W Addition
and that the Council had directed staff to prepare an alternate proposed
improvement, based on various phases of curb and gutter installation. It was
later discovered that there was an error on the original public hearing
notification process and therefore, the City Council rescheduled a public
hearing for December 17, 1985. Mark Hansen reviewed the feasibility report
and Roger Slater was present with questions about the amount of frontage owned
by the Slater family affected by the street improvements. Also, Tom Webster
of Splashland was present and had questions concerning the project. There
were no objections and it was explained to Mr. Webster that there will be
additional assessments for road improvements against the northeastern portion
of the Splashland property in the future, when that portion of street is
approved. Egan moved, Thomas seconded the motion to close the hearing and to
order in Project #423R alternate and award that portion of Contract #85-23 to
McNamara Vivant Contracting, Inc., the low bidder on the project. All
councilmembers voted yes.
The hearing regarding the vacation of certain drainage and utility
easements in Town Centre 70 Addition required by the Council as part of the
improvement of the 2nd Addition plat was convened by the Mayor. Mr. Colbert
discussed the proposed vacation and there were no objections. Charles
Bartholdi of. Federal Lana Company was present and asked the City Council to
act upon the application of Federal Land for approval of the final plat for
Town Centre 70 2nd Addition. Mr. Colbert stated that as of 5:00 p.m. on
December 17, 1985, all plat requirements of the City had been fulfilled by the
applicant and recommended approval of the final plat. Thomas moved, Smith
seconded the motion to close the public hearing and approve the vacation of
the common lot line drainage and utility easement between Lot 1, Block 1,
Outlot D in Town Centre 70 1st Addition and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk
to authorize all related documents. All voted in favor.
R 85-86
Council Minutes
December 17, 1985
/a. l S
Egan then moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the application
for final plat approval of Town Centre 70 2nd Addition, subject to compliance
with all City requirements. All members voted yea.
The application for approval of the final resolution for $1,880,000.00 in
multi-family housing revenue bonds for Wescott Hills 4th Addition was
submitted to the Council for approval. Tom Hedges discussed the proposed
multi-family housing revenue bond issue and noted that a representative of
Miller & Schroeder, together with John Houston, representing the applicant,
were present. There being no objections, Thomas moved, Egan seconded the
motion to approve the final resolution allowing the sale of $1,880,000.00 in
multi-family housing revenue bonds, subject to the City staff and City
Attorney's final approval of the bond transcript. All members voted in favor.
The application for approval of the final resolution for $10,000,000.00 in
multi-family housing revenue bonds for Thomas Lake Place was brought to the
Council for consideration. City Administrator Hedges again briefly reviewed
the application and there were no objections to the application. A
representative of Miller & Schroeder was present and after discussion, Smith
moved, Thomas seconded the motion to approve the final resolution allowing the
sale of the bonds, subject, however, to final approval of the bond transcript
documents by the City staff and City attorney. All voted in favor except
Blomquist who voted no.
Tom Hedges indicated that a public hearing was held on September 17, 1985
to consider the proposed general fund budget in the amount of $6,200,000.00
for the general fund and the public utility fund estimated at $3,408,930.00.
In addition, the debt service fund totaling approximately $8,000,000.00, the
general revenue sharing funds totaling $624,304.00 and park site acquisition
and development fund were reviewed. There were no objections to the budget
and after discussion by members of the City Council, Thomas moved, Egan
seconded the motion to approve the 1986 City operating budget for the general
fund, public utilities fund and other funds as compiled in the staff report.
All voted in favor, except Wachter who voted no, indicating that he objected
only to the fact that the Council did not raise the budget to include the
proposed communications system for the fire and police departments.
Council Minutes
December 17, 1985
An application of Hardee's Restaurant (Stanley Schultz) for conditional
use permit to allow a drive-through facility and pylon sign for the proposed
Hardee's Restaurant, east of Pilot Knob Road and south of Duckwood Drive was
submitted. Tom Colbert introduced the application and noted that all building
and parking setbacks met City Code requirements. He recommended that the
drive-through area provide stacking for 6 cars and additional space for
another 5 cars along the south'side of the building. The proposed sign
location is approximately 20 feet from the property line and the sign will be
very similar to the approved sign at the Nicols Road Hardee's Restaurant. The
request for variance was made because the total sign area would provide for
143 square feet, due to the square foot appendage sign.
A representative from Cardinal Properties of St. Cloud, Mike Diamond, was
present and stated that the applicant may want a second user on the site, but
the Planning Commission did not endorse the future use. Mr. Colbert
recommended a minimum 100 foot stacking distance accessing to Duckwood Drive
and suggested a review of the stacking issue. Councilmembers discussed the
issue in detail, and suggested eliminating the exit from the access closest to
Duckwood Drive. The Advisory Planning Commission recommended approval,
subject to certain conditions, at its meeting on November 26, 1985. After
discussion, Smith moved, Egan seconded the motion to continue the application
to review the stacking and access issues as discussed by the Council. All
members voted in favor.
The application of Lu Vang for conditional use permit for limited meat
processing operation on 10 acres in an Agricultural District in the Wescott
Garden Lots was submitted for consideration by the Council. Mr. Hedges stated
that Mr. Vang had called the staff at the City and requested that the
application be withdrawn, noting the Advisory Planning Commission recommended
denial. Thomas moved, Wachter seconded the motion to acknowledge removal of
the application. All voted in favor.
The application of Rahn Ridge Associates for final plat approval of Rahn
Ridge Addition was submitted for approval. There was discussion concerning
the dedication of park land and City Attorney Paul Hauge indicated that the
final dedication of the park land had not been completed. In addition, there
was also discussion on behalf of Joe Christensen, attorney for the applicant,
regarding cash park dedication for the commercial area. There being no
objection, Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the application
for final plat approval, subject to compliance with all City requirements,
including park dedication. All voted in favor.
R 85-87
Council Minutes
December 17, 1985
Jim Commers of Group W was present, as was Ralph Campbell, the
Burnsville/Eagan Cable Administrator to update the City Council regarding
progress of the cable installation within the City of Eagan. Mr. Commers
noted that about 200 miles of underground cable installation had been
installed and 122 miles of overhead construction had been completed. As of
November 24, 1985, there were 3,368 customers in Eagan with 7,855 subscribers
in both Burnsville and Eagan. Mr Commers also discussed possible extension of
City offerings, and noted that the Eagan Report had been very successful,
starring Pam Wold and City Administrator Tom Hedges. He noted also that there
had been an inter-connect contract entered into with WCCO to offer connection
to neighboring communities. Ralph Campbell also made a presentation and
updated the Council on activities of the Cable Administrator.
The application of Kevin Mellon of Magnum Towing for conditional use
permit for outside storage on Lot 3, Block 1, Halley's 1st Addition came to
the Council. Tom Colbert introduced the application and Mr. Mellon was
present. Councilman Thomas suggested that a yearly renewal be required of the
applicant to insure compliance with City requirements. The Advisory Planning
Commission recommended approval, subject to certain conditions at its meeting
on November 26, 1985. The police chief strongly recommended a chain link
fence around the installation and that no towing operations be allowed until
the fence is installed. Mr. Mellon indicated that he could only accomplish
temporary installation at the present time, because of the frozen ground.
Upon motion by Egan, seconded Thomas, it was resolved that the application be
approved, subject to the following:
1. The chain link fence shall be temporarily installed before any
vehicles are towed onto the property and further, subject to the police
department's approval, and that permanent fencing be installed by April 1,
2. Adequate dust control measures shall be provided to the City staff's
3. The parcel shall include storage of vehicles and other impounded items
4. All applicable City ordinances shall be adhered to.
5. The conditional use permit shall be renewable annually.
6. In the event that the conditions are not complied with, that the City
Council may then automatically revoke the conditional use permit.
All members voted in favor.
Council Minutes
December 17, 1985
As a part of the 1985 budget, $10,000.00 was appropriated from the street
department for the replacement of broken and/or deteriorating concrete curb
and gutter throughout the City. Because the bids for the project were well
above the engineer's estimate, the work was not accomplished. In addition,
$25,000.00 was budgeted from the Park Department for water tanker truck in
1985 and it was recommended that it be reappropriated to the 1986 capital
equipment fund for the Park Department. Mr. Hedges reviewed the recommended
revisions and Thomas moved, Smith seconded the motion to approve the
reapportionment of $10,000.00 for replacement of concrete curb and gutter from
the 1986 fund balance to the proper street department account, and also
$25,000.00 for water tanker truck to the proper park department account during
calendar year 1986. All councilmembers voted affirmatively.
Ken Vraa, the Director of Parks, appeared and submitted schematic drawings
for several park shelter buildings proposed for construction during calendar
year 1986. The architectural firm retained by the City has drawn several
schematics and Mr. Vraa asked for further direction from the City Council
regarding the proposals.
1. Mr. Vraa presented a proposal for the Northview Park Building. In
addition, he submitted a proposal for the Trapp Farm Park Shelter and a Trapp
Farm Park building. Another schematic submitted was for Rahn Park facility
and in addition, the proposed Goat Hill Park building. Councilmembers
recommended that the proposed spire on the Goat Hill Park facility be revised.
No official action was taken.
2. Regarding the Ohman park property acquisition proposal, Mr. Vraa then
updated the City Council regarding the proposed purchase of approximately 30
acres of land from the Ohman family on the east side of Pilot Road, south of
Cliff Road for park purposes. Using a map that he displayed to the City
Council, the proposal was that the City acquire Parcels C, D, and E, but it
appeared that there was a conditional purchase on those parcels. Parcel F is
for sale and Mr. Vraa proposed contingent purchase of Parcel F and that the
City also attempt to acquire Parcel E, if possible. No formal action was
WELLS #8 and #9 - CONTRACT #85-26
Bids were received for the construction of Wells #8 and #9 under Contract
#85-26, and it was recommended that the low bidder, Bergerson Caswell, in the
sum of $356,010.00 be approved. Mr. Colbert noted that the bidders recognized
some risk in constructing the deeper well and recommended the approval of the
contract to the low bidder. Thomas moved, Wachter seconded the motion to
accept the bids and to award the contract to Bergerson Caswell Construction
Co. All voted yes.
Council Minutes
December 17, 1985
Mr. Nicholis Martin of 2035 Diffley Road appeared and objected to the
parking ticket that he received from the City and also the fact that the snow
removal department had not adequately removed the snow on the Diffley Road
frontage Road, adjacent to his home. Tom Colbert was asked to investigate the
issue further in an attempt to resolve the complaint.
City Attorney Paul Hauge updated the City Council regarding the action
entitled Caponi vs. City of Eagan, with the decision recently handed down by
Judge Robert Breunig in the Dakota County District Court. There was
discussion concerning a proposed action against Home Insurance Company, the
City's liability carrier for failure to defend on behalf of the City.
The Director of Finance/City Clerk received bids for the sale of City
vehicles designated as surplus property. The high bidder for the 1983 LTD was
Donn Smith in the amount of 1,765.25 and the high bidder for the 1977 LTD was
Viking Auto Salvage in tie amount of $279.00. It was recommended that the
council approve the sale to the high bidders for each of the two vehicles.
Smith moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the recommendation. All
voted yes.
Mayor Blomquist who is serving as a member of the Governor's Task Force on
Airport Noise, brought to the Council the three-mile departure corridor issue
intended for runways 11L and 11R from Wold Chamberlain Airport. It was noted
that many airplanes have been turning at two to two and one-half miles,
causing considerable noise impact on residents in northern Eagan. It was
recommended that the Resolution be approved concerning the three-mile
departure corridor from parallel runway departures over Eagan and Mendota
Heights. Thomas moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the Resolution.
All voted in favor.
R 85-88
City Planner Runkle, who is a member of the Community Development Block
Grant Program Task Force has indicated that the task force has tentatively
discussed the district housing rehabilitation program for low and moderate
income families. Mayor Blomquist suggested considering housing for senior
citizens and also assistance for a 24-hour emergency facility. No specific
action was taken.
Council Minutes
December 17, 1985
The 1986 Compensation Plan had been prepared for all non-collective
bargaining employees and was reviewed by the City Council. Mr. Hedges
indicated the results from comparable worth and the comparable worth study
should be available by January, and the plan will then be considered for
adoption and submission to the State during 1986. Thomas moved, Smith
seconded the motion to adopt the Compensation Plan for 1986 for all non-union
positions as presented. All voted yea.
A list of individuals who were recommended by the Parks Department for
employment as seasonal temporary part-time skating rink attendants for 1985-86
season was submitted and recommended to be approved. Egan moved, Wachter
seconded the motion to approve the schedule of persons recommended. All
members voted yea.
The City Council scheduled a special meeting of the councilmembers for
January 14, 1986 to interview candidates for the various openings on City
A Special Assessment Committee meeting was scheduled for 4:30 p.m. on
January 16, 1986 at the City Municipal Center.
Tom Colbert reported that he anticipated objections from property owners
within Eagandale Industrial Park regarding the proposed installation of storm
sewer under Project #458. The Council had discussed the issue at its November
19, 1985 meeting and requested additional information. It was noted that the
total undeveloped property comprised 62.68% of the drainage basin, and if the
entire cost of the project were assessed against the undeveloped property
only, it would increase the assessment from 9.2 cents per square foot to 14.6
cents per square foot. Various alternatives were discussed and it was noted
that of the 25 remaining undeveloped lots, 18 are owned by Northwest Mutual
Life Insurance Co. and 6 are owned by Alscor Investment, with 1 lot owned by
Chicago Tube and Iron Co. The Councilmembers recommended that the staff
proceed with the feasibility report to provide for the proposed assessments
at 9.2 cents per square foot; further, that a public hearing be scheduled on
the preliminary report and in addition, a hearing to include proposed
assessments to determine whether any of the property owners enter objections
in order to allow the City Council to abandon the project and not to allow
future development if the project is not installed.
Council Minutes
December 17, 1985
Tom Colbert and Paul Hauge discussed with the City Council the proposed
hiring of special counsel to act on behalf of the City in conjunction with the
City Attorney's office regarding the arbitration claim of Keller Construction
Co. under Project #361. It was noted that the project involves some detailed
construction contract issues add a letter from Phil Bruner of Hart and Bruner,
was reviewed by councilmembers. Thomas moved, Smith seconded the motion to
authorize the hiring of Phil Bruner of Hart & Bruner, attorneys, as special
counsel to act in conjunction with the City attorney's office in the defense
of the arbitration action brought by Keller Construction Co. All voted in
Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the checklist dated
December 17,.1985 in the amount of $1,132,354.60. All members voted yea.
& November 30, 1985 in the amount of $472,475.50.
Mayor Blomquist indicated that the last regular meeting of Jerry Thomas as
a councilmember was held on December 17, 1985 and presented a plaque
commemorating his four years as a very faithful and dedicated Eagan City
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.
All voted yea.
4 V
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