11/24/1992 - City Council Special
0%- 0606
Eagan, Minnesota
November 24, 1992
A special City Council meeting was held in the lunchroom of the Municipal Center building on
Tuesday, November 24, 1992 for the purpose of discussing outdoor storage and the zoning ordinance with
members of the Advisory Planning Commission. Those In attendance were Mayor Egan and City
Councilmembers Awada, McCrea and Wachter. City Councilmember Pawlenty was absent. Also present
were City Councilmembers Elect Hunter and Masln. It was noted that Councilmember Elect Hunter was also
representing the Advisory Planning Commission as a member. Also in attendance from the Advisory
Planning Commission were Members Miller, Graves, Voracek, Merkley and Hoeft. Staff in attendance
included Recycling Coordinator Hageman, City Planner Sturm, Acting Director of Community Development
Hohenstein and City Administrator Hedges.
Mayor Egan welcomed members of the Advisory Planning Commission to the joint City Council/APC
workshop. After additional comments by the City Administrator, the outside storage ordinance was reviewed
by City Planner Sturm. City Planner Sturm stated that the Planning Division is suggesting that outside
storage be permitted on propane, firewood and up to 50% of store shopping carts as suggested uses.
Recycling Coordinator Hageman spoke concerning the trash/recycling options. City Councilmember
Awada stressed uniformity if outside storage uses are to be specified for all outside storage applications.
The City Administrator stated that the Tom Thumb applications are scheduled for the December 1 agenda
which necessitates a direction by the City Council if standards are to be set forth for outside storage
provisions. Commissionmember Graves suggested that the building footprint include a section for the
outside storage items. Discussion by both the City Council and Advisory Planning Commission centered
around how subjective the ordinance should be. There were a number of alternatives discussed, such as
eliminating outside storage completely, designated certain permitted uses or to be subjective and consider
each conditional use application on a case by case basis. After general discussion, there was consensus
to limit outside storage to propane tanks only and, further that future building designs take into consideration
attached enclosed areas for storage which look exactly like the existing or proposed building. There was
also general agreement that there is no outside storage to be permitted on sidewalks.
Mayor Egan thanked the members of the Advisory Planning Commission for their patience as the
City Council reviewed this matter during the past several months. He also stated that these policy
recommendations will be taken into consideration when the City Council reviews the Tom Thumb
applications at the December 1 City Council meeting.
City Administrator Hedges discussed the process for reviewing the zoning ordinance. After
discussion, Advisory Planning Commissionmember Voracek and City Councilmember Wachter both
volunteered to serve on a review committee with staff and further that notices will be provided to the
Advisory Planning Commission and City Council if any members wish to join in the detailed review. It was
also suggested by Mayor Egan that any additional comments be provided to the City staff during the next
two to three weeks so the detailed review can begin in early January.
There was discussion regarding the D-II comprehensive guide plan study...
November 24, 1992
Dick Herzog, representing Postell Express, appeared and stated that he prefers the location of his
sign at the highest location on the I-35E side of the Rahn Cliff Shopping Center complex. City
Councilmember McCrea stated her preference for uniformity, however in this case, the sign height in her
opinion would not be a problem. City Councilmember Awada was concerned that if the sign is located at
a higher elevation, the color of the sign should be uniform. City Councilmembers, after a discussion,
suggested that the tree adjacent to the Postell Express business be relocated. After further discussion and
In a motion by City Councilmember Awada, seconded by Councilmember McCrea, all members voting in
favor, permission was granted to locate the sign at the same elevation as Jerry's Floor Store with the
understanding that the elevation be the same height as Jerry's Floor Store, the sign be white in color and
the tree adjacent to the Rahn Cliff Shopping Center building be relocated and further that this action be
granted to Postell Express as a waiver to the Rahn Cliff sign regulations for the planned development
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
November 24, 1992
Date qty Clerk