03/31/1992 - City Council Special
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Eagan, Minnesota
March 31, 1992
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, March 31, 1992 In the lunchroom
of the Eagan Municipal Center building, beginning at 5:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Egan and City
Councilmembers McCrea, Pawlenty and Wachter. City Counclimember Awada was hospitalized for an
emergency surgery and was unable to be present for the meeting. Also in attendance were Director of
Community Development Runkle, Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa, Director of Finance VanOverbeke,
Director of Public Works Colbert, Water Resources Coordinator Brasch, Assistant to the City Administrator
Hohenstein and City Administrator Hedges.
City Administrator Hedges summarized the 105 page copy of the computer generated results of the
Council/Staff Retreat that was held on February 21 and 22, 1992. He stated that the Information reviews
the three main sections: 1) overview and discussion of trends affecting the City, 2) discussion and
preliminary scale vote of general fund service units and 3) a paired comparison exercise covering all twenty-
one service units. Mayor Egan asked which results are more relevant, those received in the first vote or the
second vote when the Council and staff prioritized twenty-one (21) service units. Assistant to the City
Administrator Hohenstein stated that the results of the second vote are more meaningful given the
experience of a first vote, benefit of discussing those results and additional Information and discussion about
each service unit preceded the second vote. City Councilmembers expressed the value they received in
the resource allocation management plan exercise they completed at the retreat with City staff. City
Council member Pawlenty stated that the results and prioritization of service units be further considered when
the annual operating budget is considered for ratification. City Administrator Hedges stated that the
information shared and compiled at the retreat provides a strong foundation for future decision-making by
both the staff and City Council and will be considered and used for future organizational and budget
decisions. Mayor Egan again acknowledged the success of the retreat and-stated that no formal action is
required on this item, but encouraged the City Administrator and staff to share the results during the
preparation of the 1993 budget.
City Administrator Hedges stated that a group of investors approached the City staff Indicating their
desire to execute a purchase agreement and acquire the Doubletree Hotel, formerly the Compri. He further
stated that this group of investors are seeking any economic assistance the City or State can provide as a
means to collateralize or secure their investment. He further stated that staff has researched various
alternatives that were suggested by the Investors and it appears that the only funding mechanism available
is the Omni 504 Program administered by the Department of Trade & Economic Development. City
Counclimembers responded by stating their opposition to use of any City funding, but expressed a
willingness to support a letter to DTED requesting their consideration to provide a low Interest loan to the
group of investors for the acquisition of the Doubletree Hotel. City Administrator Hedges stated that in a
telephone conversation with City Councilmember Awada, she expressed her reluctance and opposition to
any City financing toward the Doubletree Hotel acquisition as requested by this group of investors. Mayor
Egan suggested that a letter be drafted by the City to the State of Minnesota encouraging their review and
consideration for the Omni 504 Program, which can provide a loan up to $750,000 less fees if the project
is considered eligible by their standards and regulations. Assistant to the City Administrator Hohenstein
provided additional comment regarding the program. There was no official action required on this item.
March 31, 1992
Mayor Egan welcomed members of the Advisory Planning Commission and Advisory Parks,
Recreation & Natural Resources Commission to the meeting for the purpose of hearing an update by Rich
Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator, on various aspects of the water quality management program. Water
Resources Coordinator Brasch presented the work plan elements of the 1992 water quality management
program stating that completion of the Schwanz Lake Clean Water Partnership, Implementation of the Clean
Water Partnership Project for Fish and Blackhawk Lakes, continued public education and Information efforts,
improvement of the reliability and accuracy of the City water quality model In Fish Lake and Blackhawk Lake
drainages, providing assistance to residents with water quality related problems, expanding the Fish
Management Program, continuing in-lake and i itiatirg run off sampling programs and overseeing
administration of the Wetlands Conservation Act for the City are among many of the major work plan
elements planned for the water quality management program. He further stated that reducing Impacts In
new developments regarding lake water quality In a cost effective manner and developing and implementing
a capital Improvement program for certain ponds are also important priorities. City Counciimember Wachter
emphasized the Importance of public education and awareness In the area of restricting phosphorous as
a fertilizer ingredient within the City. He further indicated that an ordinance restricting the use of
phosphorous should be reviewed and given consideration by the Council as a pro-active measure to protect
the integrity of water quality In ponds within the community. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch stated
that the only City he is aware of that has a severe restriction on the application of phosphorous as a fertilizer
Ingredient Is Shoreview, who restricts the content of phosphorous In any fertilizer to 3 percent.
Water Resources Coordinator Brasch further reviewed major accomplishments for 1991 which
included: 1) review and recommendations for appropriate water quality mitigation measures for over 28
development proposals, 2) education which Included a resident water quality survey, newsletter articles and
many presentations to residents, school and other community groups, 3) the construction of a nutrient base
in JP 67, implementation of the Schwanz Lake Clean Partnership Program Grant Project and a grant
application for Fish Lake and Blackhawk Lake restoration, 4) more Intensified City operations, including
street sweeping and district drainages of high priority lakes, weed and algae harvesting and mowing
programs that mitigate any phosphorous or grass clippings In a public water body and 5) the
sampling/monitoring of thirteen City lakes. After questions and comments by members of both Advisory
Commissions and discussion by the City Council, Mayor Egan commended Mr. Brasch for his excellence
in implementing the water management program. Mayor Egan further stated that Eagan has gained a very
positive reputation throughout the seven county metropolitan area for Its leadership and Implementation of
the water quality management program and also as a first In the Implementation of the water quality
management plan adhering to an environmental mandate by the State of Minnesota.
Mayor Egan thanked members of the Advisory Planning Commission for their attendance and
participation in the water quality management update and on behalf of the City Council, stated that he was
looking forward to a joint meeting with the Advisory Planning Commission during the month of April.
Mayor Egan again welcomed and acknowledged six (6) members of the Advisory Parks, Recreation
& Natural Resources Commission and encouraged a discussion on any topics members of the Commission
or City Council felt were appropriate relative to parks, recreation and natural resources. Director of Parks
& Recreation Vraa covered three (3) topics, Including: 1) construction of Diffley Road and use of granular
material from the Lexington/Diffley athletic field site, 2) update on the status of the Caponi Art Park and 3)
the status of Blackhawk Park.
March 31, 1992
Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa stated that the Courty Is in need of approximately 96,000 cubic
yards of granular material for a sub-road base for the Diffley Road improvements. He stated that the City
could allow the successful bidder for the Diffley Road improvemerrts to buy sand and gravel from the
Lexington/Diffley site and in exchange, require the successful cartractor to grade the site, or at least a
portion of the site to athletic field standards and then reseed the site to start the process of park
development. Members of the Advisory Commission and City Council expressed support for the use of
granular material and the first phase development of the athletic field as outlined by the Director of Parks
& Recreation.
Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa also reported on various issues, mainly the wall and
underground tunnel that are being proposed as alternates for the Diffley Road project to serve the Caponi
Art Park. City Counciimembers and members of the Advisory Commission discussed the importance of the
Art Park Foundation, concerns over the funding Issues for both the retaining wall and pedestrian tunnel and
also an agreement the City Attorney's office is coordinating In response to the proposed costs associated
with Diffley Road Improvements. City Councilmembers expressed a concern that the City does not have
dollars committed or available to participate in the cost of the wall, further commenting that if a wall is
constructed, either Mr. Capons or proceeds from a future foundation would be obligated to that cost.
Following a staff presentation concerning the proposed tunnel, City Councilmembers again expressed a
concern about the financing and further that there be assurance that the tunnel is a connecting public right-
of-way or a pedestrian crossing.
Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa also provided an update on the status of Blackhawk Park
improvements, stating that several other parkland projects have delayed staff time for preparation of the
Blackhawk construction documents. However, it Is the Intention of the City to present construction
documents on that park project during the month of May. He further stated that the City still has a contract
from the State of Minnesota to provide park funding in the amount of $140,000 to be matched by the City's
parksite fund for the improvement of Blackhawk Park. This contract expires at the end of 1992 unless the
first phase of construction is under way.
Mayor Egan asked for input on the swimming pool/indoor arena project as a discussion Item.
Commission members stated that information Is the key, further commenting that many persons they have
contacted were unfamiliar with the details or cost of the project. There was also discussion regarding a
philosophy toward more user fees, a request by the Chairperson of the Advisory Parks, Recreation & Natural
Resources Commission, Jack Johnson, to consider updating the Park Master Plan In the near future and
further discussion regarding reduction of fees for developers.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. to attend the Schwanz
Lake informational meeting in the Council Chambers.
March 31. 1992
Date City Clerk