06/02/1992 - City Council RegularMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE
Eagan, Minnesota
June 2, 1992
A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, June 2,1992, at the Eagan Municipal
Center. Present were Mayor Egan and Councilmembers Wachter, Awada, McCrea, and Pawlenty. Also present
were City Administrator Hedges, Community Development Director Dale Runkle, Director of Public Works
Tom Colbert, and City Attorney James Sheldon.
City Administrator Hedges requested that City Administrator Item 2 on the Administrative Agenda, 1991
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, be moved for consideration under Department Head Business. In
addition, Director of Public Works Colbert requested that Director of Public Works Item 3 on the Administrative
Agenda, Project #636, Receive Petition /Authorize Feasibility Report (Poppler Addition - Streets and Storm
Sewer), be addressed with the Consent Agenda.
Wachter moved, McCrea seconded, a motion to approve the agenda for the June 2, 1992, regular City
Council meeting as amended. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
Wachter moved, Awada seconded, a motion to approve the minutes of the May 20, 1992, regular City
Council meeting as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
Pawlenty moved, Awada seconded, a motion to approve the minutes of the May 26, 1992, special City
Council meeting as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
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After brief introductions by Mayor Egan and City Administrator Hedges, Water Quality Coordinator
Rich Brasch introduced Greg McNally, an Eagle Scout candidate who will be leading a volunteer effort by Boy
Scout Troop 510 in painting informative stencils near catch basins in the City. Mr. McNally described the
stencils and their illustration of the connection between the City's lakes and the storm sewer system that feeds
them. He also discussed his Ieadership role in the project. Mr. Brasch pointed out that while the City would
provide the materials, Troop 510's efforts would result in a savings to the City of 60 person days. The City
Council agreed that it was a very worthwhile project and expressed their appreciation to Mr. McNally for his
After introduction by Mayor Egan, City Administrator Hedges noted that this was the earliest date the
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report had been presented to the City Council. Director of Finance, E. J.
VanOverbeke, made brief opening remarks and then turned the presentation over to Jeff Radunz and Beth
Monsrud of the City's auditing firm of Deloitte Touche.
Mr. Radunz and Ms. Monsrud discussed the audit and presented their company's observations and
After questions and answers, Pawlenty moved, Awada seconded, a motion to accept the 1991
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
June 2, 1992
Councilmember McCrea wished to discuss Item B, Extension of the Agreement with the City insurance
representative and questioned whether it was a violation of policy. City Administrator noted for the record that
the insurance representative provides a service and is, therefore, exempt from the bid process.
Director of Finance VanOverbeke said it is not the insurance costs we are dealing with but only the
agent. He said First Insurance, when first retained in 1989, had the most government experience and Mr.
VanOverbeke said he believes they still provide the best value. If the City Council does not wish to extend the
contract for three years, he suggested a one year estension with review at the end of that time. The Council
agreed and the item was changed to reflect a one year extension.
In regard to Item C, Resolution Supporting MVTA Midday Bus Service From Eagan to the Mall of
America, Councilmember Awada asked several questions about transit funding for outlying suburbs.
Councilmember Wachter indicated he would vote no on Item F, Resolution for Nitti Disposal Temporary
Conditional Use Permit.
Director of Public Works Colbert addressed Item 3, Administrative Agenda, Project #636, Receive
Petition /Authorize Feasibility Report (Poppler Addition - Streets and Storm Sewer). Mr. Colbert said that
normally items such as this are placed on the Consent Agenda for approval. However, staff is looking to require
financial guarantees to cover the cost of the feasibility report if the project does not go forward. He estimated
that it will cost the City approximately $1,300 to prepare the feasibility report and that they anticipate some
objections to the project.
Mayor Egan said he had talked to Larry Poppler and the petitioner had expressed some concerns about
the cost of the project as well as indicating that the project may not go forward if the project proves too costly.
The Council agreed that some type of escrow fund may be in order but because the petitioner was not present,
deferred action to the end of the meeting.
A. Personnel Items
Item 1. Seasonal Utility Maintenance Workers - -It was recommended that the hiring of Steven Wilke
and Darren Wilke as seasonal utility maintenance workers be approved.
Item 2. Tennis Instructors - -It was recommended that the hiring of Susan Hodgson, Monica Burhow,
Molly Hansen, and Melinda Cohee as tennis instructors and Patricia Mraz as tennis director be approved for
the 1992 summer recreation season.
B. Extension of Agreement with City Insurance Representative
It was recommended that an extension of one year for the City's insurance representative agreement
with First Insurance be approved.
C. Resolution Supporting MVTA Midday Bus Service From Eagan to the Mall of America
It was recommended that a resolution supporting MVTA midday bus service from Eagan to the Mall
of America be approved.
R -92.45
June 2, 1992
D. Final Plat, Town Centre 70 - Twelfth Addition
It was recommended that the final plat for Town Centre 70 - Twelfth Addition be approved.
E. Recommendation, Eagan /Mendota Heights Corridor Test. Airport Relations Committee
R -92.46
It was recommended that the recommendation of the Airport Relations Committee regarding the
Eagan /Mendota Heights Corridor Test be approved.
F. Resolution, Nitti Disposal Temporary Conditional Use Permit
It was recommended that a resolution relative to the Nitti Disposal temporary conditional use permit
be approved.
R -92.47
G. Contract 92 -05. Approve Plans, Specifications & County Agreement /Authorize Advertisement for
Bids (Oak Cliff 6th, Woodlands North 2nd, Wilderness Ponds and Yankee Doodle - Utilities
It was recommended that the plans, specifications and County agreements associated with Contract 92 -05
(Oak Cliff 6th, Woodlands North 2nd, Wilderness Ponds, and Yankee Doddle Road - Streets and Utilities) be
approved and the advertisement for bids authorized with a bid opening to be held at 10:30 a.m., June 26, 1992,
and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute Cost Participation Agreement No. 32 -31 with Dakota
H. Project 631, Approve Plans, Specifications & County Agreement /Authorize Advertisement for Bids
(Lone Oak Road & Eagandale Boulevard - Sienalization & Intersection Improvements
It was recommended that the plans, specifications, and interagency agreements with Dakota County for
Project 631 (Lone Oak Road & Eagandale Boulevard - Signalization & Intersection Improvements) be approved
and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute all related documents.
I. Project 632, Receive Report /Order Public Hearing - (Weston Hills Addition - Trunk Utilities)
It was recommended that the feasibility report for Project 632 (Weston Hills Addition - Trunk Utilities)
be received and a public hearing scheduled to be held on July 7, 1992,
J. Project 633, Receive Report /Order Public Hearing (Great Oaks Addition - Streets & Utilities)
It was recommended that the feasibility report for Project 633 (Great Oaks Addition - Streets &
Utilities) be received and a public hearing scheduled to be held on July 7, 1992.
K. Project 635 Receive Petition /Authorize Feasibility Report (Lakeview Trails - Streets & Utilitieal
It was recommended that the petition be received and the preparation of a feasibility report and related
plans and specifications be authorized for Project 635 (Lakeview Trails - Streets & Utilities).
L. Contract 92 -02. Approve Change Order #1 (Blackhawk Cove Lift Station - Completion Date)
It was recommended that Change Order #1 to Contract 92 -02 (Blackhawk Cove Lift Station
Completion Date) be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute all related documents.
June 2, 1992
M. Contract 89 -U, Acknowledge City Maintenance (Lexington Pointe 5th
It was recommended that the completion of Project 89 -U, Lexington Pointe 5th Addition - Streets &
Utilities, be acknowledged and perpertual maintenance authorized.
N. Stipulation of Settlement. Lawrence J. Wigley vs City of Eagan
It was recommended that the stipulation of settlement in the matter of Lawrence J. Wigley vs the City
of Eagan be approved as presented. R -92.48
McCrea moved, Pawlenty seconded, a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Aye: 5
Nay: 0 Exception: Item F, Resolution, Nitti Disposal Temporary Conditional Use Permit. Aye: 4 Nay: 1
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Mayor Egan introduced this item as consideration of ratification of Meghan's Addition denial
resolution /presentation of survey results, Pulsar, Inc. City Administrator Hedges presented a history of the item
and indicated that a letter had been received from Pulsar, Inc., requesting the Council delay action on the item
until a survey of the neighboring property owners could be completed.
Mark Parranto, representing Pulsar, Inc., said that at the original hearing before the City Council, a
resident presented a petition containing "150 names." He indicated that the applicants' felt the petition had a
significant impact on the City Council's decision but when Pulsar obtained a copy, they found that it did not
contain 150 names, but 70.
Pulsar then surveyed 175 of the neighboring residents and as of June 1, 66 surveys had been returned.
Mr. Parranto said their survey indicated 54 of the 66 would prefer multifamily to commercial at this location.
He said at least eight of the families who said they would prefer multifamily had indicated otherwise on the
original petition. In addition, of the 18 families immediately adjacent to the proposed development, 8 answered
the petition and 3 of those were now in favor of the development.
Mr. Parranto said that as a result of the survey, Pulsar, Inc., had prepared a new site plan. The pond
was relocated and the buildings were rearranged and moved as far from. the single family homes as possible.
Mr. Parranto asked the Council for reconsideration of the denial of the comprehensive guide plan amendment
for the Meghan's Addition.
Mayor Egan asked Mr. Parranto what the setbacks from the property line were for the new plan as
compared to the plan presented at the April 9 meeting. Mr. Parranto said that the setbacks were 50' to 60'
previously but were 70' to 140' on this plan. In answer to a question, Mr. Parranto indicated they have not gone
to the County regarding an access onto Diffley Road.
Councilmember McCrea said that in light of the information presented and because of changes to the
project, she would be willing to reconsider denial of the comprehensive guide plan amendment. Mayor Egan
recommended that the issue be taken back to the Advisory Planning Commission for public hearing to enable
residents to give testimony. Councilmember McCrea asked Mr. Parranto if it would jeoparize the project if it
were referred back to the Advisory Planning Commission. Mr. Parranto admitted that it would be difficult to
June 2, 1992
get the project "in the ground this year" if they were required to go back to the APC. In addition, Mr. Parranto
said he appreciated the reconsideration but if the Council was going to vote to reconsider and then deny the
project again, he would like to know now. Councilmember Pawlenty advised Mr. Parranto that if he did not wish
to go through the Advisory Planning Commission's public hearing process, without the AFC's recommendation,
the Councilmember would be inclined to vote no.
Discussion then ensued as to the timing of the APC hearing and this item's return to the City Council
for consideration. Because notice requirements could not be met for the June 16 regular City Council meeting,
the earliest possible Council date would be July 7. Therefore, returning to the Planning Commission for a public
hearing would not delay the Council's consideration of the project.
McCrea moved, Wachter seconded, a motion to reconsider the denial of a Comprehensive Guide Plan
Amendment for the Meghan's Addition based on new information presented by the developer as well as a new
site plan and direct the Advisory Planning Commission to hold a new public hearing based on the revised
proposal. Aye: 3 Nay: 2 ( Awada & Pawlenty)
Mayor Egan introduced this item as reconsideration of the denial of a Conditional Use Permit for Eagan
Auto Mall Partnership, to allow an automobile service station in a CSC (Community Shopping Center) District
on Lot 1, Block 1, Town Centre 70 Sixth Addition located along Town Centre Drive in the NW 1/4 of Section
15. City Attorney Sheldon said the Council had agreed to reconsider this issue at their May 20 regular City
Council meeting and scheduled consideration of the conditional use permit for this meeting.
Councilmember Wachter asked a question regarding outside storage. He said a reference was made
in the Planning report that "no more than 12 customer vehicles will be parked outside." The Councilmember
said that the applicant had indicated at the last meeting that all vehicles would be stored inside. The issue was
clarified with Condition #1 of the Planning Commission minutes providing for "no outside storage."
Mayor Egan noted a past precedent that was not brought to the attention of the City Council at the last
meeting and which narrowed the discretion the Council had in interpreting what an auto body service center is.
He said that in light of this information, he was inclined to believe the Council was on tenuous ground to support
their last action not because he liked or had less concerns about the aesthetics of the auto mall but because he .
believed the City Council had already established a precedent.
Charles Bartholdi, representing Federal Land Company, asked that they be permitted to see the new
information and make comments; however, if the City Council approved the permit, he hoped they would limit
it to this applicant. In addition, he noted a concern that ABRA would not limit their repairs to small repairs.
Mayor Egan observed that conditional use permits run with the land and asked the City Attorney if the
Council could restrict the permit to one applicant. City Attorney Sheldon said that ABRA had indicated they
would be willing to make that restriction a part of the conditions. Bob Hoffmann, attorney representing Eagan
Auto Mall, said they would agree to restricting the conditional use permit to this applicant.
Awada moved, Egan seconded, a motion to reconsider the denial of the conditional use permit for the
Eagan Auto Mall Partnership. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
Awada moved, Pawlenty seconded, a motion to direct the preparation of a conditonal use permit for
the Eagan Auto Mall Partnership to allow an automobile service station in a CSC (Community Shopping Center)
District on Lot 1, Block 1, Town Centre 70 - Sixth Addition, located along Town Centre Drive in the NW 1/4
of Section 15. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
June 2, 1992
Mayor Egan introduced this item as a review of Dakota County's proposed five -year Capital
Improvement Program (1993 - 1997).
Director of Public Works Colbert noted that the County and City Capital Improvement Programs were
in sync with few exceptions. He explained that the intersection of Yankee Doodle Road and T.H. 149 was
unique, however, in that it involved the State, County and City. He went on to explain the various options
available to the City regarding the intersection with a final recommendation to schedule signalization for 1994
when Yankee Doodle Road is upgraded. While it will result in the loss of State design fees of $7,00049,000 by
not waiting for the State's recommended signalization in 1995, it appears to be the most prudent option.
Mr. Colbert advised that staff is not recommending any changes to the County's bikeway or road
programs; however, in addition to the signal at Yankee Doodle Road and T.H. 149, they are recommending the
following changes in signalization: 1) Cliff Road and T.H. 3 - 1994; Pilot Knob Road and Towerview Road -
1993; and Diffley Road and Rahn Road - 1996.
Resident David Mann asked if the City installed the signal at Yankee Doodle Road and T.H. 149 in
1992, whether the State would reimburse the City in 1995. Mr. Colbert said it was not State policy to do so.
Mr. Mann said that in view of the number of accidents at this intersection, he would appreciate any help the City
could provide in speeding up the process. Mayor Egan said that if possible the City would, although it probably
would not be wise without State and /or County participation.
Councilmember Awada suggested that if the only loss to the City for moving up the installation of a
signal at Yankee Doodle Road and T.H. 149 was the design fee, it could be done in 1994.
Awada moved, McCrea seconded, a motion to accept the Dakota County 5 -Year Capital Improvement
Plan (1992 -1995) as amended with the proviso that if State design fees amount to more than $9,000 for the
signalization of Yankee Doodle Road and T.H. 149, staff will bring the issue back to the City Council. Aye:
5 Nay: 0
Mayor Egan introduced this item as a Special Use Permit for Ss. Martha and Mary Church to allow a
temporary vegetable stand on an unplatted piece of property located on Parcel #10 -02300 -016 -54 in the SW 1/4
of Section 23. Director of Community Development Runkle explained the application and its location.
Reverend George Martin said Gary Pahl had approached the church with a proposal to locate a
vegetable stand on church property. Reverend Martin said access to the property would be worked out with the
County. He said they had talked to the neighbors and none were opposed. Reverend Martin also asked that
the closing date be moved to October 31, 1992, to allow the sale of pumpkins.
McCrea moved, Wachter seconded, a motion to approve a special use permit for Ss. Martha and Mary
Church to allow a temporary vegetable stand on unplatted church property and subject to the following
1. The applicant shall provide City staff written access approval from Dakota County prior to any
site preparation.
June 2, 1992
2. The parking area shall be set back a minimum of 20' from all property lines.
3. All signage shall meet sign code requirements and be subject to the one -time fee of $2.50 /s.f.
4. This permit is temporary and shall expire October 31, 1992.
5. All other applicable City codes.
Aye: 5 Nay: 0
Mayor Egan introduced this item as a Variance for Jeff & Diane Osterhaues, of 5' to the 30' setback
on Trotters Ridge for Lot 12, Block 2, Bridle Ridge 2nd Addition in the NE 1/4 of Section 23. Director of
Community Development Runkle reviewed the application and noted that the house would fit on the lot if the
house were shifted.
The applicant was not present.
After discussion, Egan moved, McCrea seconded, a motion to deny a variance of 5' to the 30' setback
from Trotter's Ridge for Jeff and Diane Osterhaues on Lot 12, Block 2, Bridle Ridge 2nd Addition, citing a lack
of demonstrated hardship or practical necessity. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
Mayor Egan introduced this item as a Conditional Use Permit, Condura Tire Groupe, Ltd., to allow an
automobile service station in a CSC (Community Shopping Center) District on Lot 1, Block 1, Eagan
Convenience Center Addition located along the south side of Duckwood Drive and east of Krestwood Lane in
the NW 1/4 of Section 15. Director of Community Development Runkle described the application and its
location. Mr. Runkle said agreement had been reached on the condition dealing with signage and two building
mounted signs and an update of the existing pylon sign would be permitted.
Director of Public Works Colbert addressed a recommendation to remove curbing located in the parking
lot's interior to aid two -way traffic. The attorney for Tires Plus said they had just become aware of the condition
but were not opposed to it.
Pawlenty moved, Wachter seconded, a motion to approve a conditional use permit for Condura Tire
Groupe, Ltd., to allow an automobile service station in a CSC (Community Shopping Center) district on Lot 1,
Block 1, Eagan Convenience Center Addition located at the intersection of Duckwood Drive and Krestwood
Lane subject to the following conditions:
1. Employee vehicles and customer vehicles left for service shall be parked on the south side of
the building.
2. No outside display, or storage, shall be allowed.
3. The sign plan shall be revised to permit two building- mounted signs and a pylon sign.
4. All trash and recycling shall be stored inside the principle building.
5. All landscape materials shall meet City size requirements.
June 2, 1992
6. Internal traffic circulation will be modified to accommodate two -way traffic flow on the east
side of the building.
Aye: 5 Nay: 0
Mayor Egan introduced this item as Interim Use Permit, R. D. Picar, to allow a compost and yard waste
facility on Outlots H and I, Gopher Eagan Industrial Park 2nd Addition, Located Along the North Side of
Yankee Doodle Road, East of Mike Collins Drive in the SE 1/4 of Sec it and SW 1/4 of Section 12. City
Administrator Hedges said the applicant would be relocating operations from the current County yard waste
compost site near the Municipal Center to a private sector site as a part of the County's overall effort to privatize
the yard waste management program. Mr. Hedges said the Municipal Center site will continue to operate
temporarily with an orderly transition to the new site during June and July. Director of Community
Development Runkle reported that one of the Advisory Planning Commission's concerns regarded the renewal
and time frame for the conditional use permit, however, agreement had been reached with the applicant for a
five year limit with annual review.
Richard Picar said the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency had visited the new site and issued a permit.
He also indicated that the APC had recommended an interim landscaping plan because of the pending
reconstruction of Yankee Doodle Road.
Councilmember Awada asked a County representative about environmental testing near the Gopher
Smelting property. John Springsted of the environmental staff said they had performed lead tests in April.
While the results have not been fully analyzed, he noted that lead levels dropped as they got further away from
the facility. He said that MPCA remediation levels are 300 parts per million and all tests indicated levels well
below that figure. Mr. Springsted said that the compost would be essentially uncontaminated by lead. Mr.
Springsted went on to say that the April testing had centered around soil lead, however, air quality monitoring
had been on -going since 1983.
John Tapper of Gopher Smelting said that the County study would be completed within 3 -6 months.
In addition, air quality monitoring has indicated levels well within EPA guidelines.
Pawlenty moved, Awada seconded, a motion to approve an interim use permit to allow a compost and
yard waste facility on Outlots H and I, Gopher Eagan Industrial Park 2nd Addition located along the north side
of Yankee Doodle road east of Mike Collins Drive and subject to the following conditions:
The permit shall be for a five -year period and reviewed annually.
2. The composting facility shall provide documentation from the Dakota County Environmental
Management Department verifying there is no soil contamination.
3. A detailed landscaping plan shall be prepared and implemented after the Yankee Doodle Road
4. The first 100' of the entrance shall be paved with the opening of the facility. The entire cul de
sac shall be paved after the Yankee Doodle Road improvement.
5. A grading /excavation permit in accordance with Chapter 4 of the City Code is required for the
grading of the site.
June 2, 1992
6. A grading, drainage, and erosion control /restoration plan is required with the
grading /excavation permit.
7. The proposed entrance onto Yankee Doddle Road will require a permit from Dakota County
prior to the issuance of the grading permit.
Aye: 5 Nay: 0
Mayor Egan introduced this item as a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment, City of Eagan, changing
the land use designation from IND (Industrial) to P (Parks) and a Rezoning, from I -1 (Light Industrial) to P
(Public Facilities /Park) for approximately 13.01 acres of land, owned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
located in the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 18.
After brief discussion, Wachter moved, Pawlenty seconded, a motion to approve the comprehensive
guide plan amendment changing the land use designation from IND (Industrial) to P (Parks). Aye: 5 Nay:
McCrea moved, Pawlenty seconded, a motion to approve a Rezoning from I -1 (Light Industrial) to P
(Public Facilities /Park) for approximately 13.01 acres of land, owned by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
located in the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 18. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 R -92.49
Mayor Egan introduced this item as an Ordinance Amendment for the City of Eagan, to City Code
Chapter 13, entitled "Subdivision Regulations (Platting)" by amending Section 13.30 regarding compliance with
the Wetland Conservation Act for plat approval, and by adopting by reference Eagan City Code Chapter 1 and
Section 13.99.
McCrea moved, Awada seconded, a motion to approve an ordinance amendment for Eagan City Code
Chapter 13, entitled, "Subdivision Regulations (Platting) by amending Section 13.30 regarding compliance with
the Wetland Conservation Act for Plat Approval and adopting by reference Eagan City Code Chapte 1 and
Section 13.99. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
Mayor Egan introduced this item as an Ordinance Amendment for the City of Eagan, to City Code
Chapter 4, entitled "Construction Licensing, Permits and Regulation, Including Signs, Excavations and Mobile
Home Parks" by amending Section 4.30 regarding compliance with the Wetland Conservation Act as an
Excavation Permit, and by adopting by reference Eagan City Code Chapter 1 and Section 4.99.
Wachter moved, Awada seconded, a motion to approve an Ordinance Amendment for the City of Eagan,
to City Code Chapter 4, entitled "Construction Licensing, Permits and Regulation, Including Signs, Excavations
and Mobile Home Parks" by amending Section 4.30 regarding compliance with the Wetland Conservation Act
as an Excavation Permit, and by adopting by reference Eagan City Code Chapter 1 and Section 4.99. Aye: 5
Nay: 0
June 2, 1992
Mayor Egan introduced this item as an Ordinance Amendment for the City of Eagan, to City Code
Chapter 10, Entitled "Public Protection, Crimes and Offenses," by amending Section 10.25 regarding compliance
with Wetland Conservation statutes and regulations, and by adopting by reference Eagan City Code Chapter 1
and Section 10.99.
McCrea moved, Awada seconded, a motion to approve an Ordinance Amendment for the City of Eagan,
to City Code Chapter 10, Entitled "Public Protection, Crimes and Offenses," by amending Section 10.25 regarding
compliance with Wetland Conservation statutes and regulations, and by adopting by reference Eagan City Code
Chapter 1 and Section 10.99. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
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Mayor Egan introduced this item as consideration for appointment of a special sign task force. This
task force would further study regulations relative to outdoor advertising. It was agreed that a representative
of the sign industry would be invited to participate as an ad hoc, or advisory, member.
After discussion, McCrea moved, Awada seconded, a motion to approve a special sign task force to
review outdoor advertising sign regulations as follows:
(3) Residents at large
(3) Chamber of Commerce members
(1) Advisory Planning Commission member
(1) Advisory Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission member
(1) Economic Development Commission member
Aye: 4 Nay: 0 Abstain: 1 (Pawlenty)
Mayor Egan introduced this item as a review of Electronic Interiors Inc.'s fees for services.
After discussion of the percentage of the contract attributed to service fees, it was determined that staff
will check further as it appears there has been a misunderstanding as to the amount represented in the contract.
Mayor Egan introduced this item as a request from the Fourth of July Celebration Committee for a
McCrea moved, Wachter seconded, a motion to approve a $1,500 donation to the Fourth of July
Celebration Committee which has been budgeted for fireworks. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
June 2, 1992
McCrea moved, Wachter seconded, a motion to approve a $500 donation to the Fourth of July
Celebration Committee which was not budgeted but will assist the Committee in offsetting electrical wiring
expenses. The Council noted that this is to be a one -time, rather than on- going, expense. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
Mayor Egan introduced this item as a joint powers agreement /award contract (Water Quality Testing
Pawlenty moved, Awada seconded, a motion to receive the bids for water quality testing services and
award the contract to MVTL Laboratories, approve the ten - community joint powers agreement and authorize
the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
Mayor Egan introduced this item as Project #623, Approve Resolution Restricting On- Street Parking
(Johnny Cake Ridge Road - Cliff Road to Apple Valley).
Pawlenty moved, Wachter seconded, a motion to approve a resolution prohibiting parking on Johnny
Cake Ridge road (Project #623) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. Aye:
5 Nay: 0 R -92.50
Mayor Egan introduced this item as Project #636, Receive Petition /Authorize Feasibility Report
(Doppler Addition - Streets and Storm Sewer). Director of Public Works Colbert said that some discussion on
this item occurred earlier in the meeting, however, further discussion and action were deferred to allow the
property owner to be present. Mr. Colbert said that because not all of the affected property owners have
petitioned for the improvement, staff is recommending financial security for the cost of preparing the feasibility
Larry Poppler asked if it wasn't usual procedure to include the cost of the feasibility report in the
assessment roll. The Director of Public Works said while that was true, financial guarantees would be required
if the report were prepared and then the contract was not awarded. In answer to an additional question from
Mr. Poppler regarding the form the guarantee should take, staff recommended the funds be escrowed.
McCrea moved, Wachter seconded, a motion to receive the petition and authorize the preparation of
a feasibility report for Project 636 ( Poppler Addition - Streets and Storm Sewer) with an escrow to be established
by the petitioners in an amount appropriate to cover the cost of preparation of the feasibility report. Aye: 5
Nay: 0
McCrea moved, Wachter seconded, a motion to schedule a special City Council meeting for 5:00 p.m.
on June 16, 1992. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
s —
June 2, 1992
Wachter moved, Egan seconded, a motion to approve the checklist dated June 2, 1992, in the amount
of $444,352.85. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
The regular meeting of the Eagan City Council adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
— N. 0% 0 1 WL 94—
E. anOverbeke
City erk