02/14/1978 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 14, 1978 A special meeting of the Eagaf'City Council was held on February 14, 1978, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were: Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Egan, Parranto, Smith and Wachter. Also present were: City Administrator Hedges, City Clerk Bolke, City Engineers Rosene and Gordon, and City Attorney Hauge. AGENDA. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, it was RESOLVED that the agenda as distributed be approved. AYEs: Murphy, Egan, Parranto, Smith and Wachter. NOs: None. CEDAR AVENUE UPDATE. Mr. John Sandahi of MN/DOT appeared at the request of the Council and reviewed proposed changes to the West frontage road of Cedat South of Cliff Road which will be changed slightly to accommodate an existing residence. The property owner appears to agree with the change. In addition, Mr. Sandahl reviewed the progress of Cedar Avenue construction and award of contracts and also stated that the target completion date for 35E from 35W to Cedar Avenue will be 1981. The scheduled completion date for the Cedar Avenue bridge is 1980. Periodic progress reports will be given by MN/DOT to the City Council. HISTORICAL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. Persons who have agreed to become mem- bers or submitted requests to become members of the Historical Committee are as follows: Herb Polzin, Arthur Rahn, Rodger Slater, Leotta Schwanz, Elizabeth Kennealy, Frank Dembrowski and Arnold Carlson. Council members also suggested that Jim Diffley be asked to become a member of the committee. Wachter moved to appoint the foregoing persons to the Hietoric#j Committee to be composed of up to ten persons with their duties generally.,prexlbed by the City Adminis- trator in his memorandum to the Council of FeE'i 3 I97#, -Including review- ing the history of the City and compi.44'& historical data `ai further, review- ing possible historical sites. Egan seconded the motion. s: Murphy, Egan, Parranto, Smith and Wachter. NOs: None. 2-14-78 STREET LIGHTINGbOMMITTEE. The following persons have volunteered to become members of the Street Lighting Committee: Tom Gits, Dustin Merrick, Ed Brunkhorst and Richard Victor. Egan moved and Smith seconded a motion to accept the requests and appoint the persons named above with the understanding that Ed Brunkhorst be a member of the committee on an informational help basis and not a voting member because of his connection with Dakota Electric Association and that Kathy Robinson and Sven Borgenson be added as committee members. AYEs: Murphy, Egan and Smith. NOs: Wachter and Parranto voted no because of the restriction on Ed Brunkhorst's membership. STREET LIGHTING AND HISTORICAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN. Smith moved and Parranto seconded a motion that the following persons be appointed chairmen of the respec- tive committees: Historical Committee - Herbert Polzin, chairman; Street Lighting Committee - Richard Victor, chairman. AYEs: Murphy, Egan, Parranto, Smith and Wachter. NOs: None. 1978 PROPOSED UTILITY RATE SCHEDULE. The City Engineer reviewed his letter dated January 17, 1978 covering trunk area and lateral benefit charges for the City for 1978. The average proposed increases were in the neighborhood of 6% to 7%. After considerable review and discussion, Smith moved and Egan seconded a motion to accept and endorse the letter from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates dated January 17, 1978, covering trunk area and lateral benefit charges except the water supply and storage and main oversizing for commercial and indus- trial to be changed to $1,130 per net acre, which rates will become effective immediately. AYEs: Murphy, Egan, Parranto, Smith and Wachter. NOs: None. MAJOR STREET CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PLAN. City Engineer Rosene reviewed a proposed major street construction financing plan with the Council. He explained that under the town form of government the extra width and extra thickness for over 5-10 ton roads and over 32 foot driving surface was paid for from funds other than assessments collected against benefited property. Until Eagan was incor- porated, county roads were paid for entirely from coi.nty financing and after that - 2- time, the basic funding for city streets included the following: 1) Municipal state aid funding covering 20% of city streets, which funds are acquired for gas tax; 2) Dakota County turnback funds; 3) Assessments against adjoining benefited property owners; 4) Escrow from developers in new developments for residential equivalent; 5) A special levy in the event the above sources were insufficient. The report submitted to the Council suggested a per unit connection charge of $75 for residential equivalent building permit at the present time and approximately three residential equivalent connection charges per acre for industrial and com- mercial property to imposed at the time of issuance of a building permit as the policy for financing major street improvements. The developer's escrow would no longer be used for residential equivalent for major streets with restricted access under this method, although a special levy may be required in the event funding is insufficient in the future. It was also suggested there be a special road fund to include MSA, county turnback and connection charges accounted for separately within the same fund. Smith moved and Wachter seconded a motion to adopt the policy as proposed in lieu of the escrow in the case of new developments for future major street financing intended to supplement other road funding sources, more speci- fically according to the resolution attached to these minutes. AYEs: Murphy, Egan, Parranto, Smith and Wachter. Nos: None STORM SEWER SYSTEM REVIEW. The City Engineer next briefly reviewed a pro- posal expected to be included in the storm sewer study undertaken by the City Engineer's office for Eagan. He informally suggested that single family platted lots with existing residences be assessed on a per lot basic rather than square foot basic. He estimated the reduction is about two-thirds of the average current assessment for single family platted lots. There was considerable discussion concerning the impact on the City and on existing residential homeowners. No action was taken pending submission of the report. LONE OAK ROAD SPEED STUDY. A letter from Mr. Glen Wan Wormer of MN/DOT District 9, dated February 1, 1978, reporting on MN/DOT's speed zone survey on CSAH26-Lone Oak Road requested by the City Council was reviewed. -Mr. Van Wormer -3- 2-14-78 determined that no reduction in speed limit is required and suggested that in- creased patrolling of speed violators be undertaken by the City. Council members expressed their discontent with Mr. Van Wormer's report and requested that the Administrator invite Mr. Van Wormer to the next meeting to discuss the serious traffic problem adjacent to Pilot Knob School. CITY COUNCIL LOUD SPEAKER SYSTEM. City Administrator Hedges reviewed the cost of additional microphones for the City Council members estimated from $300 to $500 and indicated that the system could be tried on a temporary basis without cost. Wachter moved and Parranto seconded a motion that City Administrator Hedges arrange for installation of the microphone system on a temporary basis for trial by the Council. AYEs: Murphy, Egan, Parranto, Smith and Wachter. NOs: None. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. AYEs: Murphy, Egan, Parranto, Smith and Wachter. NOs: None. PHH DATED: February 14, 1978 -4-