11/26/1991 - City Council Special
ILA 91--e
Eagan, Minnesota
November 26, 1991
A special City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, November 26, 1991, In the lunchroom
of the Eagan Municipal Building at 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing the proposed 1992 general fund
and public enterprise fund budgets. Present were Mayor Egan and City Councilmembers Gustafson,
McCrea, Pawlenty and Wachter. Also present were Director of Finance VanOverbeke, Director of Public
Works Colbert, Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa, Director of Community Development Runkle, Fire
Chief Southorn, Police Captain Aszmann, Assistant to the City Administrator Hohenstein and City
Administrator Hedges.
City Administrator Hedges reviewed a timeline for adoption of the 1992 operating budget
stating that a truth in taxation public hearing is set for December 3 with a contingency date if the budget
is continued to December 17 of which both dates are scheduled for regular City Council meetings. He
reviewed information the staff has compiled for the truth in taxation hearing that will be available as a
handout and further responded to questions City Councilmember Pawlenty raised about data that appeared
in a publication prepared by the Minnesota Taxpayers Association. Director of Finance VanOverbeke
presented an analysis of the data that was printed in an article entitled, "Understanding Your Property Taxes
1991," written by the Minnesota Taxpayers Association and stated that there are many discrepancies in how
funds are reported stating that the per capita expenditures are skewed and cable tv franchise, HRA and
recycling proceeds, as an example, are listed in one community as general government and excluded in a
comparable community.
City Administrator Hedges reviewed a memo, attachments and the detailed budgets for both
the general fund and public enterprise fund stating that any changes in this document are revised per
direction of the City Council from the October 22 meeting. After a brief discussion on the handouts
prepared for the truth-in-taxation/1992 general fund and public enterprise fund budgets hearing, the City
Administrator was directed to prepare the final budget document as presented.
City Administrator Hedges presented the five (5) year capital improvements program
proposed for 1992 through 1996 stating that the budget is presented in three (3) parts. Following a
presentation of Part I, Public Facilities, the City Administrator was directed to reallocate $500,000 in capital
expense under community investment for parkland in 1994 to 1992 for the ice arena facility and outdoor
swimming pool project. There was also consensus by the City Council to designate $850,000 the City has
received for restructuring the 1980 single family mortgage bonds for the ice arena and outdoor swimming
pool capital project. City Councilmembers also requested that the municipal site preparation be separated
from the ice arena facility and outdoor swimming pool project as a community investment fund expenditure
in the amount of $500,000 due to the fact that allocation will actually prepare the entire local government
complex site for the eventual expansion of law enforcement/municipal center building, the ice arena/outdoor
swimming pool project and any future capital building projects that might occur. Mayor Egan summarized
the revisions to the capital improvements program by stating that these revisions call for $1,350,000 to
finance the ice arena/outdoor swimming pool project with the remaining balance to be financed through
the sale of general obligation bonds and corporate donations. He further directed the City Administrator
to prepare changes to the CIP as directed by the City Council and prepare a revised budget at the next City
Council work session.
November 26, 1991
Director of Community Development Runkle presented a study that was undertaken by his
department at the direction of the City Council to compare development related fees in various cities in the
metro area. He stated that sixteen (16) cities were evaluated on the basis of two separate scenarios - one
residential and one commercial. Director of Community Development Runkle presented the study which
outlined individual and cumulative costs for services, escrow fees, graphs and computations for water quality
as prepared by the City's Water Resources Coordinator. City Councilmembers expressed concern that the
City of Eagan maintain a competitiveness with other developing communities and gave direction to the City
Administrator and Director of Finance to provide some additional analysis of development fees presented
by Community Development.
City Administrator Hedges stated that at a special City Council meeting during July, 1991,
scope and funding for the ice arena/outdoor swimming pool project was given consideration. A
determination was made by the City Council that there would not be any further consideration of a bond
referendum until after the school levy referendums were held on November 5, 1991. He stated that all three
(3) districts had successful bond levies and presented a number of issues for City Council consideration If
the City is to proceed with the ice arena/outdoor swimming pool project. The issues that were presented
Included selection of architect/engineer, confirmation of site location, financing alternatives, fundraising,
Involvement of the Recreation Facilities Advisory Committee, community information, adoption of a CIP,
timetable, tour of facilities and ultimately, a referendum question. City Councilmembers discussed the
various issues confirming the municipal center site as a location for a future ice arena/outdoor swimming
pool and further that staff should give consideration to an RFP process during December for the purpose
of proceeding ahead with the ice arena/outdoor swimming pool project. City Councilmember Gustafson
stated that additional consideration should be given to an additional allocation of community investment
dollars for the project. City Councilmembers also expressed a desire to continue review of the CIP to
provide direction to the community on the scheduling of public improvements over the next five (5) years.
The City Council adjourned into executive session for the purpose of discussing collective
bargaining proposals for the LELS, representing police officers, and the Teamsters, representing dispatchers.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
November 26, 1991
Date City Clerk