01/29/1991 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL January 29, 1991 Eagan, Minnesota A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, January 29, 1991, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Egan, City Councilmembers Gustafson, McCrea and Wachter. City Councilmember Pawlenty was under doctor's care and disallowed any mobility from his home and therefore was unable to attend the meeting. Also present were Director of Community Development Runkle and City Administrator Hedges. SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT Mark Ulfers, Executive Director for the Dakota County HRA, and Karl Gill, Assistant to the Executive Director for the Dakota County HRA, were present and explained the proposed senior housing project the City and County are coordinating for development on Outlot A of the Park Center plat on the north side of Cliff Road, west of Cliff Lake Road. Mr. Ulfer's presentation and review of the senior housing project included alternatives to providing senior housing in addition to an examination of private and public ownership for the financing and management of a senior housing project. He further reviewed the joint City of Lakeville/Dakota County HRA housing project and explained the financing, number of units and success that project has had under public ownership and management. After further review and presentation by Mr. Ulfers, the City Council expressed their support for the public ownership option which lowers monthly rents by $300 - 400, reduces the total development cost and eliminates the necessity for a developers equity. After additional discussion, the Director of Community Development was given direction by the City Council to prepare the necessary documentation and agreements with the Dakota County HRA for a 65 unit rental senior housing project to be located on Outlot A of the Park Center subdivision. BUDGET REDUCTIONS City Administrator Hedges reported on a bill that was enacted by the Minnesota Legislature during their first week of the 1991 session that imposes a reduction in the July payment of HACA aid from the State of Minnesota. He stated that the impact on the general fund budget is approximately $200,000 requiring an amendment to the 1991 operating budget. The City Administrator further suggested that a spending reduction plan be authorized by the City Council to adjust the operating budget according to the decrease in the state aid appropriation. City Councilmember Wachter commended the City Administrator on a memo he prepared entitled "1991 Spending" advising all departments of the City to practice expenditure constraints due to the anticipated mid-year budget cuts by the State Legislature to offset the state budget deficit. He further suggested that a framework for managing all expenditures during 1991 be established and that specific recommendations be made to the City Council for an amendment to the 1991 general fund operating budget due to the reduction in HACA aid. City Councilmembers discussed various spending proposals and suggested that the police accreditation program be placed on hold and, further, that certain departments may receive larger budgetary adjustments due to the necessity to prioritize the delivery of City services. The City Administrator was directed to prepare an amendment to the 1991 general fund operating budget that reduces total 1991 expenditures in the general fund by an equal amount of revenue reduction in HACA aid that we received as a part of the July payment by the State of Minnesota. The City Administrator stated that a plan will be presented at the February work session with ratification proposed for the March 5, 1991 City Council meeting. PUD REVIEW Mayor Egan reconvened the Special City Council meeting by welcoming members of the Advisory Planning Commission including its Chairperson Gary Graves, Joyce Staehli, Mark Miller, Ron Voracek, Scott Merkley and Lori Trigg to the traditional and annual review of all planned unit developments. Director of Community Development Runkle Introduced the PUD review referring to the City Code regulations that require an annual review of all planned unit developments. He further introduced Kim Eggers, Project Planner In Community Development, who prepared the document analyzing the status of each inactive, semiactive and active PUD. Project Planner Eggers briefly reviewed the Inactive planned developments for several parcels and, due to the lack of activity and status of each project, there was little discussion by either members of the Advisory Planning Commission or City Council. Project Planner Eggers also reviewed the semi-active planned developments which are thirteen (13) various subdivisions that are not fully developed. There was limited discussion on each of the various parcels basically focused on current ownership of properties remaining to develop within each of the PUDs. There were no presentations by property owners, developers or residents for either the inactive or semi-active development reviews. Project Planner Eggers continued her presentation by reviewing those planned unit development projects that are considered as active development projects within the community. Those PUDs represented by a property owner or developer that included a formal presentation were as follows: Blue Cross - Blue Shield Earl Milbridge Cray Addition Ron Zamanski Diffley/Cedar Mike Gould Eagan 40 Dan Dolan Eagan Center Paul Gross Eagan Heights Commercial Park Charles Bartholdi Eagan Hills West Greg Hoffman Eagandale Center Ind. Park #9 Bob Worthington Eagan Lemay Lake Bob Worthington Gaiaxie Cliff Plaza Paul Gross Gopher-Eagan Industrial Park John Tapper Knob Hill of Eagan Paul Olmschenk Lance Properties John Klein Park Center Charles Bartholdi West Publishing Steve Bryant Following each of the aforementioned presentations, members of the Advisory Planning Commission and the City Council asked various questions regarding development plans, ability to secure financing and other relevant development discussions. Most of the presenters indicated a slowdown in development due to the recession, inability to secure lending and as a result of an overbuild during the 1980s in commercial, office and retail space. Presenters, despite the present downward trend in development, were confident that certain projects and development would continue in the City of Eagan. Members of both the Advisory Planning Commission and City Council asked a number of questions that were project specific of each of the presenters and following the last formal presentation Mayor Egan commended the staff on their preparation and thanked each of the landowners or developers who were present for their cooperation and presentations. After general discussion on the PUD process, staff was directed to finalize the annual review of all PUDs taking into consideration any questions or additional research that was recorded during the presentations and present all the development proposals for official action by the City Council at a March meeting. Mayor Egan stated that no formal action was required on this item however thanked members of the Advisory Planning Commission for jointly participating in the annual review of all the planned unit developments. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. TLH January 29, 1991 Date City Clerk