09/12/1989 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL September 12, 1989 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, September 12, 1989, at the Eagan Municipal Center building. Present were Mayor Ellison and City Councilmembers Egan, Gustafson, McCrea and Wachter. Also present were Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works, Dale Runkle, Director of Community Development, Gene VanOverbeke, Director of Finance, Kristy Marnin, Planner I, Jim Sheldon, City Attorney, and City Administrator Hedges. MULTI-FAMILY PRESENTATION City Administrator Hedges stated that a comprehensive study to examine all land parcels, either comp guided or zoned multi-family, has been completed. He stated that the study was directed as a result of the top goal identified at a strategic planning session held earlier in 1989 that suggested a change in land use designation of certain R-3 and R-4 properties to either a lower residential density or commercial designation. Director of Community Development Runkle reviewed the purpose, scope and methodology of the study that was completed by his department. He reviewed eleven (11) criteria used in the analysis stating that after each of the twenty (20) parcels were studied, certain determinations in land use recommendations were concluded by the staff. Kristy Marnin, Planner I, reviewed all twenty-one (21) study areas concluding,each of the presentations with a recommendation of staff regarding a proposed change in land use designation. City Councilmembers raised questions and provided input on several of the study areas during the presentation. Two (2) parcels were removed by the City Council for additional review, and they include study areas C and M. City Attorney Sheldon reviewed the legal parameters if the land use designation for certain study areas is to be changed by City Council action. Director of Community Development Runkle stated that with the exception of study areas C and M, the City staff will proceed with contacting the landowners for all other study areas to determine whether they are in agreement with the City's findings. He further stated that after initial review with the landowners, a public hearing scheduled at the Advisory Planning Commission meeting would be appropriate. Mayor Ellison and members of the City Council thanked the City staff for the report and asked that the Director of Community Development proceed with the contact of the landowners to review the proposed changes as identified in the study entitled, "Multi-Family Residential Land Study". STREET RECONSTRUCTION/SPECIAL ASSESSMENT POLICY Director of Public Works Colbert stated that a survey of other suburban communities was completed for the purpose of reviewing special assessment policies relating to reconstruction of City streets. He further stated that from review of the survey results, it is apparent that other communities have not adopted such a policy. Director of Public Works Colbert presented a policy for street construction that includes 100% financing on the part of the benefited property owner for new street construction, 75% funding ^i1 by the benefited property owner for reconstruction, 50% financing for overlays and no cost participation for the sealcoating maintenance application. He stated that cost participation by the property owner is according to the approved rate by the land use or zoning classification for each property. City Councilmembers referenced certain aspects of the survey, and after further review and a general consensus on the policy recommendation for financing new street construction, reconstruction and general maintenance of all City residential and collector streets, the Director of Public Works was asked to utilize the proposed policy in determining the method of financing of the Rahn Road reconstruction project. 1990 PROPOSED GENERAL FUND BUDGET The City Administrator provided a recap of the special studies that he is coordinating for the 1990 General Fund Operating Budget and stated that he would prepare a memo on the study for distribution and consideration at the September 28 City Council work session. There was a limited discussion by members of the City Council regarding the high increase in legal costs and further direction was given to the City Administrator regarding specific points to be included in that special study. AUTHORIZATION TO PAINT THE LEXINGTON AVENUE/DIFFLEY ROAD RESERVOIR Director of Public Works Colbert asked for consideration by the City Council to allow for the painting of the water reservoir that is currently under construction and located at the intersection of Diffley Road and Lexington Avenue. After a brief review and in a motion by City Councilmember McCrea, seconded by Councilmember Gustafson, with all members voting in favor, the Director of Public Works was given authorization to proceed with the painting of the Lexington Avenue/Diffley Road water reservoir. ADJOURNMENT There being no additional business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. TLH September 12. 1989 Dated City Clerk