12/12/1989 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL December 12, 1989 A special City Council meeting was held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12, 1989 in Conference Rooms A and B of the Eagan Municipal Building. Those present were Mayor Ellison, City Councilmembers Egan, Gustafson and McCrea. City Councilmember Wachter was absent. Also present were Director of Public Works Colbert, Director of Community Development Runkle, Director of Finance VanOverbeke, Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa, Planner I Marvin and City Administrator Hedges. WATER TREATMENT PROPOSAL Director of Public Works Colbert presented a site plan for the proposed water treatment plant that was authorized for construction at the intersection of Cliff Road and Pilot Knob Road to serve the south portion of the utility system. He explained the site sensitivity the City staff has given to the placement of the treatment plant to cause the least impact on the adjoining neighborhoods and to preserve trees and other natural vegetation. The Director of Public Works also introduced the concept of a 100 foot by 200 foot plaza which could be constructed over the underground water reservoir that is planned adjacent to the treatment facility. He stated that trees and other rooted vegetation cannot grow over the water reservoir and that a plaza adjacent to the City's trailway system at that intersection would present a nice statement to the motorists, community and especially pedestrians and bicyclists who could utilize the plaza. City Councilmembers expressed interest in the concept of the plaza asking for a more detailed plan and cost estimates to be included with the final design and eventual bids for the water treatment facility. There was also a strong concurrence given to the location of the treatment plant as presented by the Director of Public Works. TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT BEACON HILL AND CUFF ROAD City Administrator Hedges stated that there has been some confusion on action that was taken at the December 5 City Council meeting regarding the date for installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Beacon Hill Road and Cliff Road. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the City Attorney's notes and official Council meeting tape will verify the action as 1991. Members of the City Council indicated that it was their understanding and eventual representation that, due to the various changes that were recommended after reviewing the five year Capital Improvements Plan, the proposed signal light was considered for installation in 1990. After further review and a request to analyze the street construction fund budget to determine whether cost for installation is feasible in 1991, a motion was made by City Councilmember Gustafson, seconded by Councilmember Egan, all members voting in favor, to recommend revision to a December 5 resolution that approved the Dakota County Capital Improvements five year transportation plan with a recommendation that the traffic signal proposed for Beacon Hill Road and Cliff Road be considered for installation in 1990. MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LAND STUDY Director of Community Development Runkle stated that the Community Development Department has completed an update of the recent multi family residential land study plus a review of four (4) study areas. Those areas are identified as C, N, V and W. Areas V and W were not included in the original study, and the City Council requested further analysis of Areas C and N. The Director of Community Development also stated that after direction is given on these four (4) areas, the owners of all parcels identified for changes in the multi-family residential land study will be notified and informal meetings with staff will be scheduled. Kristy Marnin, Planner I, presented Area V, stating that consideration had been given to rezoning to R-3, or a rezoning to LB and a comprehensive guide amendment to LB. It was generally the direction of the City Council after review of Area V to rezone this study area to R-3 and amend the comp guide for this study area to D-II. Planner Marnin also reviewed Area W, stating that consideration had been given to: 1) a rezoning to R-2 (PD) and a comp guide amendment to D-II; or 2) a rezoning to R-3 (PD) and a comp guide amendment to D-Ill; or 3) a rezoning to LB (PD) and a comp guide amendment to LB. After Council discussion, there was a concurrence with the recommendation to rezone Area W to R-3 (PD) and amend the comp guide for Area W to D-III. She further reviewed Area C, stating that staff felt that either 1) leaving the area as it is currently zoned; or 2) a rezoning of that part of Area C currently zoned R-4 (PD) to R-3 (PD), so that all of Area C would be zoned R-3 (PD), would be appropriate. No change in the comp guide plan for Area C was recommended. City Councilmembers discussed the possibility of an R-1 zoning and D-I comp guide designation and, after discussion, decided a rezoning of that part of Area C currently zoned R-4 (PD) to R-3 (PD), so that all of Area C would be zoned R-3 (PD), was most appropriate. The last parcel to be reviewed was Area N. It was agreed after Planner Mamin's presentation to leave those parcels in Area N on the east side of Blackhawk Road at the current Ag zoning and D-III comp guide designation, but to rezone those parcels on the west side of Blackhawk Road to R-1 and amend the comp guide plan for those same parcels of Area N to D-I. PUBLIC ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET City Administrator Hedges reviewed the Public Enterprise Fund Budget, which includes water and sanitary sewer utility and streetlighting. He stated that these accounts are revenue based and have no reliance on property tax. The City Administrator stated that two (2) additional full-time employees are requested, one (1) for each the water and sewer utility departments. He reviewed several of the accounts, stating that cost for electric utility charges due to the expansion of the system, the continued increase of disposal charges by the MWCC, land acquisition and office expansion of the existing Public Works utility garage are the main increases proposed in the operating budget. He stated that the total Public Enterprise Fund Operating Budget presented for 1990 is $5,367,874, an increase of $636,434 over the 1989 budget. After review of the budget and questions by the City Council, it was determined that the Public Enterprise Fund Budget as presented would appear on the December 19 City Council agenda for final ratification. PROPOSED 1990 GENERAL FUND BUDGET City Administrator Hedges also reviewed the proposed 1990 General Fund Budget, stating that no changes had been made since the last City Council review. The City Administrator did present the Capital Equipment Revolving Fund and asked for direction on the total amount the City Council would fund in calendar year 1990. Items were reviewed and the City Administrator offered suggested revisions that would lower the proposed total for the Equipment Revolving Fund by approximately $200,000. After review of the items, the City Administrator was asked to make some additional revisions to the Equipment Revolving Fund for a final ratification during January. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa appeared and presented expenditure and revenue data for both the park maintenance and recreation activities. The breakdown included a detailed analysis of the cost and revenue for each recreation program, the expenditure breakdown by activity for parks maintenance and an inventory of the City parks, including the number of shelters, hockey rinks and other related facilities and equipment. City Councilmembers expressed an interest in the data and stated that this is the type of information that is required to determine certain policy regarding the expansion of the City parks, which could include a third community athletic field. City Councilmembers expressed a strong appreciation for the data and requested another presentation when some of the information has been refined by the City Administrator and the Director of Parks and Recreation. EXECUTIVE SESSION There being no further business, City Administrator Hedges asked for an executive session to request direction on pending labor negotiations with both the Police Association and the clerical unit. A motion by City Councilmember Egan, seconded by Councilmember McCrea, all members voting in favor, executive session was scheduled immediately following the special City Council meeting in the office of the City Administrator to provide the required direction on labor negotiations for the Police Association and clerical workers. TLH (Z!WQA4,L4WA December 18, 1989 City rk