09/29/1987 - City Council Special r~ n MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, September 29, 1987 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center, according to mailed and posted notice. Present were Mayor Blomquist and Councilmembers Smith, Wachter and Ellison; Councilman Egan arrived at 7:00 p.m. Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Public Works Director Tom Colbert, Assistant City Engineer Mike Foertsch, Consulting Engineers Robert Rosene and Jerry Bourdon, and City Attorney Paul Hauge. FIRE PUMPER TRUCK City Administrator Tom Hedges introduced the subject concerning the bids from Luverne Fire Apparatus and Custom Equipment for fire pumper trucks. The Luverne bid was $141,133 per truck and the Custom Equipment bid was $154,795. The estimate for each pumper truck was $160,000 and the Public Works Committee recommended the bid submitted by Custom in the amount of $154,795 per unit be approved. Mr. Hedges indicated that the Fire Department Truck Committee performed a thorough evaluation of the bids and summarized their findings in a notebook that was enclosed and reviewed by the City Council. Fire Chief Southorn made a detailed presentation and analysis and introduced the Truck Committee members who were present at the meeting. He reviewed the two bidding companies, including their backgrounds, he indicated that the City of Eagan had no direct experience with Luverne, that Waterous, which was bid by Custom, was specified for the pump because of its consistency with other pumps on trucks owned by the Eagan Fire Department; that Waterous is manufactured in South St. Paul and maintenance and parts are very accessible; that a number of construction components on the Custom trucks were preferable, including the thickness of the chassis frame and many other minor comparisons were also discussed. There were questions from City Council members concerning the lowest responsible bidder and it was noted that the specifications were not written to preclude any specific bidder. Fire member Diloia and Assistant Chief Dick Schindeldecker were also present and answered questions of the City Councilmembers. There was no specific action taken. 1 Special Council Minutes September 29, 1987 STORM SEWER REPORTS Public Works Director Tom Colbert was present and introduced the two written reports that were prepared by Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Assoc. regarding River Hills 9th Addition and also a special study entitled Storm Drainage Review of July 1987. In addition, Bob Rosene and Jerry Bourdon of BRAA were present. Jerry Bourdon presented a very detailed explanation of the River Hills 9th Addition report, including the recommendation being made for attempting to resolve the flooding problems. A schematic plan and proposed modification was introduced and he also noted that two other projects are in process, including Beacon Hills and Cedar Cliff Commercial Park, in addition to Lexington Square Addition. Six other areas were also identified, but the complete study was deferred until later. He noted that the intensity of the storms appeared to be the cause of the flooding in each of the cases, rather than any obvious defects in the system. He explained that River Hills 9th Addition had been flooded at least three times, noting that three residential homes were in the flood plain. Another pond had been established but had overflowed, or the outlet had plugged. Further, he noted that the storm drained downstream and had been obstructed by debris. BRAA increased the values and suggested an increase in the capacity of each pond in the River Hills 9th Addition by additional berming and recommended a flap gate to allow water from the River Hills 9th Addition lots into the pond, adjacent to the three homes flooded. The estimated cost was approximately $12,000 to $20,000 and suggested negotiating with one of the current contractors on another project in the City. Several affected owners, including Dick Victor and Mr. and Mrs. VanPutten were present and stated that the area had been flooded more than three times, it is important to proceed this fall on corrective action, and also that the existing pipe should be maintained in order to avoid debris obstructing the inlet to the pipes. Mr. Rosene, in answer to a question, indicated that the design had been for a 100 year storm when the pipe was originally constructed. Mr. Hedges outlined the following issues if the Council decides to proceed with the improvements: 1. Whether to bid the project as a change order to an existing contract. 2. What financing methods are available. 3. A presentation should be made to affected property owners. 2 Special Council Minutes September 29, 1987 Mr. Colbert noted that the 100 year storm criteria changed through the years, and also there had been an attempt to be more conservative in the design proposals. Also, many other steps are being proposed in order to minimize future water storm drainage problems. Alternative financing include the following: 1. Special assessments. 2. Use of general funds. 3. Trunk storm sewer fund which would require increased rates for the balance of the City. 4. A watershed district tax. He noted there would be a meeting at City Hall on October 5, 1987 at 6:30 for interested neighborhood property owners. A notice will be sent to all affected property owners. In addition, certain easements will be required in the back yards of at least one of the affected homes, in order to complete the proposed construction. LEXINGTON SQUARE ADDITION Jerry Bourdon again gave a report with respect to the tentative findings of BRAA regarding storm drainage in the Lexington Square Addition area. He noted that the low point catch basins were filled with dirt as a result of the construction process in Newton Court. Two other locations also experienced certain flooding problems. Solutions include the possibility for more inlet capacity, one pipe may need to be enlarged and some side lot drainage does not take water out. He further noted that the engineers have been working with the developer in the area in order to attempt to correct the problem. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM Mr. Hedges submitted a Resolution authorizing the City to commit time, participate in funding and explore funding alternates for the cost sharing of the computerized parcel base map. He noted that Dakota County is investigating the potential of a pilot project with the cities of Apple Valley, Burnsville and Eagan that will provide a computerized parcel base map for several sections or areas where the three corporate boundaries meet in the southwest portion of the City of Eagan. He noted that the objective is to utilize up to $3,000.00 of funds to review the project, that it would be used for utilities, gas cable, including the location of easements and would act as a general data bank. There was discussion about possibly funding the project with cable franchise TV fees. There was also discussion about upgrading the council chambers for cable TV public access purposes and the use of cable TV funds for that use. 3 Special Council Minutes September 29, 1987 Ellison moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the resolution concerning Geographic Information System development. All members voted yes. R87-72 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING A special City Council meeting was scheduled for October 13, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the Northwest Airlines Economic expansion and to allow the Solid Waste Abatement Commission a presentation concerning solid waste. In addition, there was discussion concerning the need to have a Planned Unit Development annual review, to review freeway zoning, mass transit opt-out, and the #494 corridor study. REAL ESTATE JOURNAL MARKET FOCUS Tom Hedges requested whether the City Council desired to be involved in purchasing an ad in the Real Estate Journal, noting that a special emphasis is intended by the Real Estate Journal covering the City of Eagan. Councilmembers indicated they had, at an earlier time, determined that the City would not participate in such an ad and renewed their earlier position. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - FIRE RELIEF PENSION BENEFITS Tom Hedges next reviewed the request of the Volunteer Fire Relief Association for an increase in pension benefits effective January 1, 1988. A letter from City Attorney Paul Hauge was also discussed, indicating that the City may not be required to retroactively increase the level of or benefits for active members of the Volunteer Fire Department for pension purposes in the event of an increase in the future. Mr. Hauge was asked to review the potential for an Attorney General's opinion, to determine how quickly a special opinion would be available and in addition, to explore further the issues relating to the retroactivity of pension benefits. DEVELOPMENT ITEMS The Director of Public Works and City Administrator discussed in some detail with the City Councilmembers various development issues that confront the Planning and Engineering departments. Those items include the following: 1. Development standards - community standards and engineering standards. 4 Special Council Minutes September 29, 1987 2. Policy enforcement. With the volume of development, there is need for specific policies and uniformity in the policies. 3. Application processing. The City is receiving pressure from residential, commercial and other developers to process applications for planning, zoning and other processes that are incomplete, inaccurate or inadequate for proper staff review. In addition, requests have been made for extension of final plat applications that have expired according City Code. There were strong concerns by both Tom Colbert and Tom Hedges concerning the rate of growth and the allowance of exceptions to City development procedures. The question was asked whether the City staff should accept and process only a specific number of applications that the staff and City are capable of handling. It was noted that there are certain applicants where emergency time lines and critical time frames must be met and priority treatment is required in certain instances. It was suggested that priority be based on the adequacy of compliance with City standards and requirements and further, that the City Council support the staff when recommendations are made that an applicant is not complying with the City procedures or standards. Mr. Colbert and Mr. Hedges both strongly emphasized that it is important that the staff be given an opportunity based upon the number of applications being submitted and the size of the staff, to handle the applications in an expeditious, efficient and accurate manner so as to avoid mistakes that would create problems for the City in the future. The staff was directed to do the following: 1. Formulate a list of requirements necessary for accepting, including an order of allowing applications to be accepted. 2. Submit a list of proposals limiting the numbers of applications, noting that the balance of any applications would be required to be submitted at the next regular meeting. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. All voted yes. PHH Ci erk 5