11/09/2004 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 9, 2004 5:30 P.M. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER EAGAN ROOM City Councilmembers present: Mayor Geagan, Councilmembers Carlson, Fields, Maguire and Tilley. Staff members present: City staff members present: City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator Miller, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, City Engineer Matthys, Public Works Director Colbert, Parks and Recreation Administrative Coordinator Mesko, Communications Director Garrison, Chief Financial Officer Pepper, City Planner Ridley and Community Development Director Hohenstein. I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION Councilmember Fields moved, Mayor Geagan seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. III. EAGAN CONVENTION AND VISITORS' BUREAU (ECVB) BUDGET City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that by agreement renewed in October 2002, the Eagan Convention and Visitors Bureau promotes the City as a tourist, conference, meetings and visitor destination. Hedges added that its funding source is primarily the City's local lodging tax, supplemented by a small amount of advertising and partnership income. Hedges summarized the 2005 ECVB budget and proposed initiatives. Communications Director Garrison and ECVB Director Carlon provided a brief presentation regarding the 2005 proposed budget. The City Council discussed partnership opportunities and the proposed budget. Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to direct the ECVB budget to the December 13, 2004 City Council meeting for formal consideration. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 IV. CASCADE BAY BUDGET City Administrator Hedges introduced the preliminary 2005 Cascade Bay budget. Hedges noted the relatively low attendance in 2004 due to an extremely cool summer. Hedges also added that registrations for group sales were very high in 2004. It was noted that no rate change for 2005 was being recommended. Parks and Recreation Administrative Coordinator November 9,2004 Special City Council Minutes Page 2 Mesko and Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke provided additional information about the proposed 2005 Cascade Bay budget, which the City Council discussed. Councilmember Carlson requested that staff come back with a recommendation on the currently vacant Cascade Bay Manager position, as to how the position can further be used during the off season. City Administrator Hedges noted that the review of the position will take place during the current organizational study which is scheduled to be concluded in January 2005. The Council discussed the repayment of the Community Investment Fund, which was used to fund a portion of the building expenses of Cascade Bay. The Council directed staff to explore options to repay the loan from the Community Investment Fund to be brought back to a City Council workshop. Council also asked staff to prepare a list of competing priorities within Cascade Bay for the City Council to address through the budget process. The Council directed that the Cascade Bay budget be included on the December 13, 2004 City Council agenda for formal consideration. V. GUN CLUB LAKE WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION (WMO) PRESENT A TION City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the City Council had requested a presentation by members of the Watershed Management Organization (WMO). WMO Chair Jerry Walerak and three members of the WMO provided the Council with a presentation on the purpose, goal and mission of the WMO. Per the Council's request, Public Works Director Colbert provided an updated on the drainage issues at Lebanon Hills Regional Park. The consulting engineer to the WMO also discussed the impact of the watershed on JP47. The City Council and WMO concluded their conversations with the discussion regarding the Watershed Management Plan. The City Council thanked the WMO for their work and for attending the workshop. VI. CRITERIA FOR COMMUNITY TRAIL SYSTEM City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that last fall when the Council revisited the schedule of trails, they requested that the staff provide them with the status of all remaining trails. Hedges also noted that this past spring, staff brought the results of the evaluation of the remaining uncompleted portions of the trail system for the City Council's consideration. It was at that time that the Council directed staff to create a community trail system policy. City Engineer Matthys and Director of Public Works Colbert provided an overview of the proposed community trail system policy. The City Council discussed the policy as well as timing of traffic signal lights, particularly at the intersection of Pilot Knob and Yankee Doodle Road. Upon discussing the policy, the City Council directed that the community trail system be added to a regular City Council agenda as a revision to the 5-year CIP. November 9, 2004 Special City Council Minutes Page 3 VII. LAND PRESERVATION DISCUSSION City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that at a recent workshop, the City Council directed staff to review options associated with preserving agriculturally zoned land. Community Development Director Hohenstein provided further introduction and discussed the purpose of agricultural preserves. City Planner Ridley addressed the role of agricultural preserves in the context of state law. There was City Council consensus to bring this item to a City Council land acquisition committee, made up of those Councilmembers serving on the Caponi Study Committee, which includes Councilmembers Carlson and Maguire. VIII. PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF 2005 CDBG APPLICATION City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides block grant funding for programs that conform to national objectives and eligible activities that need community development block grant (CDBG) program regulations. Hedges added that the City of Eagan' s CDBG allocation is administered through a sub-recipient agreement with the Dakota County CDA. Hedges also added that the CDBG fiscal year begins July 1 and in order to provide timely review of program applications, the application deadline for local governments is January l, 2005. Community Development Director Hohenstein provided additional background on the item. Hohenstein added that in addition to fiscal year 2005 funding available, unexpended balances from previous years carryover for a total available funding of $265,900 for 2005. The City Council discussed the various alternatives to which CDBG funding could be allocated. The Council inquired about requirements for low and moderate income (LMI) persons and families. There was Council consensus to include the following proposed allocations in the CDBG application: $122,500 for the Cedar Grove Redevelopment area; $32,500 towards Cedar Grove LMI eligible acquisitions; $100,000 to swap with HOME funds (Scattered site CGD LMI); and $10,000 towards Youth and Family Development Services programming. The City Council took a short break. The City Council reconvened along with members of the Advisory Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission at 7:30 p.m. IX. JOINT MEETING WITH THE ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION (APC) AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (EDC) A. Cedar Grove Redevelopment District - Master Developer Presentation - Mayor Geagan welcomed the Commission members. City Administrator Hedges provided an overview of the purpose of the meeting and presentation by the proposed Master Developer for the Cedar Grove Redevelopment Area. He noted that time would be set aside for dialogue between the Commissions and the City Council following the Master Developer presentation. Members of the Commissions, staff, and audience introduced one another. Community Development Director Hohenstein provided additional background regarding how the Commissions and City Council have gotten to this point with the presentation tonight by the proposed Master Developer. November 9,2004 Special City Council Minutes Page 4 Representatives of Ryland Homes and Shaffer-Richardson provided a presentation on the refined site plan and development program for the Cedar Grove Redevelopment District. Following the presentation, the City Council offered their input on the proposed site and concept plan. It was suggested that the proposed plan is a housing development and mixed uses should be included. It was also suggested that more neighborhood businesses be included in the plan, as was consistent with previous plans. It was suggested that more character be added in the area with features such as additional bike paths, sidewalks and neighborhood businesses. It was also suggested that additional features that provide a "downtown/uptown" feel be added, such as mixed used buildings with businesses on the lower levels and residences on the upper level. Members of the APC and EDC provided their reaction and input to the concept plan. The City Council and Commission further discussed their reactions to the plan. The City Council recessed at 9: 15 p.m. for a short break. The City Council and Commissions reconvened at 9:25 p.m. After additional discussion by the Council and Commission regarding the proposed plan, there was consensus by the City Council that a communications plan and timeline need to be developed with regard to the plan. The Council suggested open houses be held with businesses in the Cedar Grove Area, and it was also suggested that Cedar Grove homeowners be involved in the process. Cedar Grove business owners in the audience offered their input to the plan. The Mayor brought the discussion back to the Council. The Council asked staff to come back with a communications plan and timeline for the Council's review. The Council also asked for responses to the number of housing units being proposed in the development, the impact on the school district, and the impact on City services/tax impact. B. General Discussion of Commission Issues - City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that time had been set aside to discuss issues of interest to the City Council, Advisory Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission. Economic Development Commission Chair Wayne Gilbert addressed the Council and suggested that the Commissions and City Council meet on another night to discuss the issues of the APC and EDC given the late hour. Staff was directed to schedule a time when the EDC and APC can again join the City Council for discussion. X. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. XI. ADJOURNMENT The City Council adjourned at 10:00 p.m.