05/11/2004 - City Council Special
Tuesday, May 11,2004
5:30 P.M.
City Councilmembers present: Mayor Geagan, Councilmembers Carlson, Fields, Maguire
and Tilley.
Staff members present: City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator
Lord, Director of Communications Garrison, Superintendent of Parks Olson, Parks & Recreation
Research and Special Projects Wielde, Parks & Recreation Office Supervisor Mesko, Chief
Building Official Schoeppner, Community Development Director Hohenstein, Director of
Administrative Services VanOverbeke, and City Engineer Matthys.
The Mayor called the meeting to order. City Administrator Hedges had no additions to the
Councilmember Fields moved; Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to approve the
agenda as presented. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 (Councilmember Carlson not yet present)
There were no visitors to be heard.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the City Council, working
through the Communications Committee, had expressed concern over at least five different fonts in
which the Eagan name appears, the at least six ways the tree appears, and a lack of standard usage
through different departments. Per the direction of the Communications Committee, alternative
logos are being presented to the City Council for their consideration. Communications Director
Garrison and Sexton Art Director Kim Weeks provided a brief presentation on potential logos and a
proposed logo usage policy.
Councilmember Carlson arrived at 5:40 p.m.
The City Council discussed the two logo options. The City Council received input from APrC
members in the audience.
The City Council directed that Communications Director Garrison continue working with Ms.
Weeks to bring back three options for the Council's consideration. The three options should
include a 2,3, and 4 color design to be brought back to the City Council, with costs associated with
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each of the designs. The Council also requested that five additional fonts be brought back to the
City Council for their consideration.
In addition to the direction provided, Councilmember Tilley moved; Councilmember Fields
seconded a motion to adopt the logo usage policies and direct the City Attorney to register and
protect the City's logo mark. Aye: 5 Nay 0
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the Advisory Parks & Recreation
Commission (APrC) has held several meetings during the past few months to develop a 2004 CIP
Action Plan and a list of potential development projects for future years. Superintendent of Parks
Olson presented the Parks & Recreation CIP, including descriptions of the proposed 2004 projects.
Olson also suggested that an update be completed on the Park Systems Plan which was last updated
in 1995. Olson noted that the Park Systems Plan serves as guide and is important in grant requests.
The City Council discussed the CIP as proposed, including the $20,000 allocation to "small
project opportunities." Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke noted that the allocation
serves as a contingency within the CIP. The City Council also discussed the sun shelter that was
proposed for Wescott Square. In particular, the Council discussed whether the Wescott Square
owners should participate in the costs of the sun shelter. The City Council discussed the
relationship between community parks, neighborhood associations and homeowners associations.
Members of the APrC in the audience offered their input on the proposed sun shelter at Wescott
Square. The City Council directed that Youth Development Coordinator Callahan meet with the
owners of Wescott Square to inquire whether: I) there is a need for a sun shelter; and, 2) if the
owners would participate in the cost to build the sun shelter. The Council directed that after
meeting with the owners, a response be brought back to the City Council.
Councilmember Tilley moved; Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to approve the 2004
estimated expense for the Park Site Fund, excluding the Wescott Square sun shelter until further
discussions with the Wescott owners are complete. Aye: 5 Nay 0
Superintendent of Parks Olson provided a presentation to the Council on the proposed future
Parks & Recreation CIP projects and turned the presentation over to APrC Chair Terry Davis.
The City Council welcomed members of the APrC and Chair Davis.
Chair Davis suggested that the Council wait to identify future projects until the Parks Master
Plan update is complete, ifthat is the desire of the City Council. Members of the APrC and the City
Council discussed potential funding sources for the future projects. Councilmember Carlson
inquired as to why repair and replacement for City parks comes from development funds. City
Administrator Hedges noted that the City Council may wish to consider an ongoing renewal and
replacement fund (tax levy). The Council referenced the APrC's alternative funding study as a
source for data.
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The City Council directed that the next step is to update the Park Systems Plan and determine
funding mechanisms (general levies) for Parks & Recreation CIP projects. Councilmember Carlson
also requested more information about the APrC's long-term intent in regard to the Park Systems
Plan and funding mechanisms.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the City Council had previously
authorized the preparation of an ordinance to authorize the City to issue permits for the sale of
fireworks under State law and to charge a fee for such permits. Hedges added that at the time the
Council adopted the ordinance on May 4, the permit fees were set at $100 for existing retail outlets
and $350 for transient businesses. The City Council, at the May 4 meeting, requested that the issue
of the fees return to a workshop for further discussion.
Community Development Director Hohenstein and Chief Building Official Schoeppner
provided a brief presentation on the item being considered. The City Council discussed whether the
$100 and $350 fees were appropriate. Mayor Geagan questioned how many transient sales we
could expect, and noted that the costs for a preliminary investigation by the City's Police
Department would likely not be covered by a $350 permit fee. Councilmember Fields inquired
about the number of operations to be allowed in one parking lot or any particular area. Director of
Community Development Hohenstein noted that spacing requirements and performance standards
would be brought back to the City Council when the land use piece of the discussion is before the
There was City Council consensus for the fees to remain as approved, which would be $100 for
existing retail outlets and $350 for transient businesses.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item, noting that since 1998, the City has been
providing winter maintenance on a portion of our transportation trail system. Hedges added that
when the program was originally adopted, the related policy stated that the City Council consider
requests for changes/additions to the program once a year.
Public Works Director Colbert provided a presentation on the historical costs of the winter trail
maintenance program as well as a summary of three requests being made for the upcoming winter
trail maintenance program.
The City Council discussed the three requests being made. There was City Council consensus
to approve the request to plow the south side of Duckwood Drive from the intersection of Pilot
Knob Road to Town Centre Drive. There was also consensus to approve plowing a continuation of
the existing trail that will be installed on the east side of Lexington Avenue from Lone Oak Road to
Kenneth Street. There was City Council consensus to deny the request to plow the east side of
Sandstone Drive between Shale Lane and the Rahn Park east/west trail. Public Works Director
Colbert noted that these items would be scheduled for the June l, 2004 Council meeting for formal
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City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the direction being sought is for the
Council to reaffirm or revise the comprehensive community trail system, and draft specific
segments (if any) to be included in the Five-Year CIP.
City Engineer Matthys provided a presentation on the remaining trail segments within the City.
Matthys noted that it would be appropriate for the Council to determine ifthere are any segments
that should be permanently removed from the comprehensive trail system plan as not being
practical or economical for future consideration. The Council was also asked to identify which
segments should be included in the Five- Year Capital Improvements Plan. Matthys also noted that
the Council may wish to establish criteria/guidelines to identify when any specific segment should
be programmed into a CIP in the future (i.e. roadway improvements, petition, development, etc.).
Lastly, City Engineer Matthys asked that the Council determine the extent and method of public
notification that should be provided for trail construction programming.
The City Council discussed the community trail system and there was consensus that criteria
must be established to determine when a specific trail segment should be programmed into a CIP in
the future. The Council noted that in establishing the criteria, it would be helpful to know street
speeds/driving habits, accident reports, pedestrian traffic, traffic volumes and proximity to
schools/facilities. The City Council directed that staff come back to the City Council when a
criteria for the community trail system has been developed.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that each year the City adopts a CIP
for the community that becomes the planning guide for initiating and programming various capital
improvements. Hedges added that the Public Works Department has completed the preparation of a
draft CIP for Part III (Public Works Infrastructure) for 2005-2009.
The City Council discussed the CIP including street projects, financial analyses, and collector
and arterial roadways. Public Works Director Colbert and City Engineer Matthys noted that they
met with Dakota County, and through that meeting found that both the County and the City's CIP's
are in line with one another.
The City Council had no changes or suggestions on the proposed CIP.
City Administrator Hedges inquired with the City Council as to how they wish to handle the
consideration of the Fire Relief Pension. The City Council directed consideration to the City
Council's Personnel Committee.
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The City Council workshop adjourned at 9: 13 p.m.