06/24/2003 - City Council Special
TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2003
3:30 P.M.
Members present: Mayor Geagan, Councilmember Carlson, Fields, Tilley and Maguire. Staff
members present: City Administrator Hedges and Assistant City Administrator Duffy.
The City Council held interviews for the three finalist candidates for the position of Director of
Community Development: Jon Hohenstein, Dennis Welsch and Scott Clark.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2003
5:30 P.M.
Councilmembers present: Mayor Geagan, Councilmember Carlson, Fields, Maguire and
Tilley. Staff members present: City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator Lord,
Chief Financial Office Pepper, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Senior Planner
Ridley, Police Captain McDonald, Police Chief Therkelsen, Parks and Recreation Director Vraa,
Communications Director Garrison, Fire Chief Jensen, City Engineer Matthys and City Attorney
Mayor Geagan opened the meeting and asked City Administrator Hedges for
modifications/additions to the agenda. Hedges noted that under Other Business there were two
items to be discussed; 1.) review signage stating, "Guns are Not Welcome in these Premises", and
2.) address the action taken by the City Council at the June 17 meeting regarding the temporary
liquor license provision per the request of the Eagan's Lions Club. Councilmember Fields moved;
Councilmemer Maguire seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 4 Nay: 0
(Councilmember Tilley not yet present.)
Jim Cooper of Eagan Auto and Tire addressed the City Council to inform them that he has
presented staff with the first two phases of an environmental assessment as well as an appraisal for the
acquisition of his property in the Cedar Grove Redevelopment Area, and wants to know if the City is
interested in purchasing the property. The City Council briefly discussed Mr. Cooper's request, and
City Administrator noted that the Cedar Grove Redevelopment Area is on the agenda for discussion at
tonight's meeting. Hedges also noted that should it be the Council's desire, Mr. Cooper's suggestion
could be brought to the EDA at a future City Council meeting.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the City Council received an
application from Delta Development for a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment at the June 17,2003
City Council meeting, at which time the Council directed the City Attorney to prepare Findings of Fact
for denial. D ue tot iming issues associated with the 6 O-day a gency action requirement, the Council
directed the City Attorney to prepare the Findings of Fact to be acted upon at the June 24th Council work
Special City Council Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2003
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Councilmember Fields moved; Councilmember Maguire seconded a motion to adopt the Findings
of Fact and to deny a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment to change the land use designation of 6.29
acres from OS ( office/service) to MD - medium density to allow for development consisting of 42
townhome units and six building located on the east side of Pilot Knob Road and south of Northwood
Parkway in the SW 1/4 of Section 10. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 (Councilmember Tilley not yet present.)
Councilmember Tilley arrived at 5:45 p.m.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that at the May 13, 2003 Special City
Council meeting the Council directed staff toe nter into a study to: 1.) determine a sale p rice for a
developer's acquisition (assembly and demolition); 2.) timeline; and 3.) financial realities for the
proposal by Bakken Properties of Minnesota, LLC.
Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke provided a summary of the study to the City
Council, which included the assembly of costs incurred to-date resulting from the acquisition of 13
properties in the Cedar Grove Redevelopment Area. VanOverbeke also summarized cost projections to
acquire other parcels in the TIF District.
Jim Prosser, financial consultant to the City from Ehlers and Associates, presented a summary of a
memorandum to the City Council, which stated that the study conducted by City staff is consistent with
Ehlers and Associates redevelopment projections for Cedar Grove. The City Council discussed the
study and cost to acquire properties. Mayor Geagan inquired whether a market analysis has been done
to know what uses will support themselves in Cedar Grove. Prosser responded that a market analysis
was done in 1998; however, the market has changed considerably since that time. The City Council
discussed the possibility of conducting a market analysis and whether or not to focus on specific areas
within the Cedar Grove Redevelopment Area, primarily the central area. Prosser noted that it would be
helpful to receive a market analysis update from Maxfield Research regarding the outlook for the Cedar
Grove Area, which would cost approximately $9,000. Prosser stated that it is customary for developers
to pay for a more detailed market analysis.
Councilmember Tilley moved; Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to direct a market
analysis update from Maxfield Research to be ratified at the July 1 City Council meeting on the Consent
Agenda. Aye 5 Nay: 0
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the Council had discussed the process
for the 2004 budget preparations at their May 21, 2003 Special City Council workshop. Included in
those discussions were questions about reform, revenue projections, use of reserves and philosophies on
budget reductions. Hedges informed the Council that due to the comprehensive process required for
budget preparations, a detailed budget would not be available until early August for Council review, at
which time the City Administrator will have had the opportunity to meet with each of the Department
Directors about the budgets being presented. Hedges noted to the City Council that included in their
packet were charts showing that the City of Eagan has the lowest per capita expenditures in cities of
50,000 or more in the state of Minnesota, as well as the lowest personnel per 10,000 population.
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June 24, 2003
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Director 0 fA dministrative Services provided a summary 0 f t he narrative presented tot he City
Council. Included in his presentation was a summary that Local Government Aid (LGA) and the
Homestead Market Value Credit (HMVC) will no longer be available in 2004 due to reductions by the
state; however, the City is able to levy back 60 percent of the 2004 loss. The City Council discussed the
public policy questions presented to them in their packets. The City Council requested the following
information and/or responses as part of the budget preparation process:
1.) If the City levied to the max, what would it cost the average homeowner?
2.) Research user fees in order to determine what increases could be made (i.e., building permits,
plan check fees, Parks and Recreation program revenues, and licenses).
3.) Research the effects of using the fund balance to make up '04 losses.
4.) Provide an income to expense ratio for the City Council (include the Community Center's
"over budget").
5.) Provide information as to what would occur if the City used the contingency to make up '04
losses and/or to be used at the Community Center.
6.) Administrative transfers - what transfers are being proposed?
7.) Provide revenue options for the City Council's information (i.e., antennae lease, not using
contingency, reallocating levy, etc.).
The City Council discussed expenditure and revenue projections as presented to the City Council.
Upon further discussion, there was City Council consensus for each Councilmember to e-mail City
Administrator Hedges with their comments on the proposed General Fund Operating Budget
information, as well as top rovide responses tot he public policy questions raised 0 n page 26 0 f t he
Council packet. The Council directed that all e-mails should be sent to City Administrator Hedges by
Monday, June 30.
Presentation of Holz Park Master Plan:
The Mayor welcomed the APrC and thanked them for joining the Council for the joint meeting.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the first item, noting that in late October of 2003 the Council
directed the City to begin the master planning process for Holz Farm Park. In December, Council
approved Brower and Associates as the firm to conduct the study. Since that time, the consultants met
several times with members of Friends of the Farm, the group of volunteers who conduct stewardship of
Holz Farm, and have had two meetings with the neighboring property owners in the vicinity of Holz
Farm Park.
Parks and Recreation Director Vraa introduced the consultants from Brower and Associates, who
gave a presentation on the proposed Holz Farm Master Plan. The City Council discussed the plan as
presented. The consultant noted that an approximate cost of $400,000 to $500,000. Parks and
Recreation Director Vraa noted that the purpose of tonight was to expose the City Council to the initial
plan before proceeding onto an adoption stage.
The City Council discussed the plan and, in particular, parking needs, historic preservation, trail
system, and projected timeline for completion.
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June 24, 2003
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Councilmember Carlson noted that the City should explore the acquisition of conservation
easements for the 20 foot setback along the Holz Farm property line.
The City Council inquired with the consultants about the priorities of the neighbors. The
consultants noted that upon meeting with the neighbors, the neighbors' priorities included completing
the trail system and expanding the play space. Mayor Geagan stated to the Council and APrC that this
may be a slow process given the budget environment in which the City is in. Councilmember Carlson
noted the importance 0 f preparing access points before 1 and i s developed. C ouncilmember Maguire
stated his hope that the neighborhood park improvements remains on the same improvement schedule
with other Eagan parks. Members of the City Council also expressed their hope that the historic nature
of the park remained a priority.
The City Council and members of the APrC discussed designating Holz Farm Park as a state historic
site. The City Council directed the APrC to acquire more information about the historic preservation
process ofthe State of Minnesota.
Caponi Art Park Collaboration Review:
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item, noting that in April of 2003 the City Council met
with Tony Caponi regarding a proposed collaboration between the City, the Art Park Trustees (and later,
possibly, the Board) and Macalester College. At that time, the City Council directed the APrC to
investigate several aspects of the collaboration as proposed by Caponi, including public purpose,
governance, operations and organization, and funding.
APrC Chair Terry Davis and APrC member Dorothy Peterson provided a summary of the APrC's
Caponi Art Park proposal. Included in the report was a summary of the advantages of having a public
park, the governance structure, operations and maintenance, and funding suggestions. The City Council
and APrC discussed the report.
Mayor Geagan noted that, as with all items, competition for funds exists. The City Council
discussed the possibility of a referendum to pay for the acquisition of Caponi Art Park as well as other
green space initiatives.
Cheryl Caponi was present at the meeting and noted her hopes that collaboration could be reached
with the City. City Administrator Hedges informed the Council that the City must give at least 49 days
notice before an election regarding the ballot question to be asked through the referendum process.
Cheryl Caponi addressed the City Council with her hope that a Caponi Board of Directors could be in
place and encouraged the City's involvement on the Board.
Three Eagan residents addressed the City Council regarding Caponi Art Park. The first suggested
a referendum in 2004 to acquire property within the Eagan core-greenway. The second citizen
recommended the City focus on existing parks and to enhancing Central Park rather than acquiring new
property such as Caponi Art Park. The third resident suggested the preservation of Caponi Art Park,
Patrick Eagan Park and the McCarthy property.
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June 24, 2003
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Upon further review of the APrC's recommendations, the Council provided the APrC with the
following direction:
. Explore the option of a referendum, and attach a monetary value to it
o Explore possibilities and issues associated with putting it on the '03 ballot
o Explore possibilities and issues associated with putting it on the '04 ballot
o Explore issues associated with having Caponi on a referendum ballot as a stand
alone item
o Explore issues associated with having Caponi on a referendum ballot as part of a
larger Eagan open space acquisition referendum
. In regards to the funding options, brainstorm where the City would find 50 percent of the funding
not covered by the Park Site Fund
. Provide further detail into funding / Option 2: two-phased approach with no purchase obligation.
"Option 2 uses the same techniques as preferred Option 1, except there is no obligation for the
City to purchase the property using internal funds as described in preferred Option 1, phase 1.
Phase 2 would remain unchanged."
. The APrC should prepare to suggest nominees for the Caponi Art Park Board and the time frame
for completion.
The City Council voiced their appreciation for the work that the APrC did in preparing the
Caponi study.
Burr Oaks Trail Study:
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the Council had charged the APrC
with undertaking a study regarding possible improvements to the Burr Oaks Park trail system and to
report back their findings.
Parks Superintendent Olson provided a summary to the Council of the proposed Burr Oaks Park
improvements. Olson noted that the improvements are scheduled in the 2004 CIP with a place holder of
$50,000. The City Council reviewed and discussed the proposed plans and members voiced their
opinion that the plans may be a bit extensive for one neighborhood. Councilmember Maguire added
that the neighborhood needs a trail connection to 149.
The City Council directed the APrC to refine the Burr Oaks trail study for consideration as part
of the 2004 CIP process.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the Council considered parking by
permit system at their May 20, 2003 City Council meeting. The City Council was presented with a
matrix prepared by the City Attorney's office providing various options for the Council to consider in
defining the appropriate policy to be used as the basis for the parking by permit system ordinance. City
Administrator Hedges noted that staff needs direction for an ordinance to be prepared for the July 15th
City Council meeting in order that signs could be ordered and installed before the 2003/2004 school
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June 24, 2003
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The City Council gave the following direction regarding permit parking regulations:
1.) Permit issued to the property address only
2.) 3 permits to be issued to each address
3.) No age specification
4.) No visitor permits
5.) Service/contractors to be exempted from parking restrictions
6.) Permits will be transferable with restrictions; need to identify
7.) Permit duration will be as long as it is held by the resident
8.) No Permit fee charged
9.) No duplicate permit fee charged
10.) No additional parking restrictions
11.) No additional permit parking requirements
12.) Permit must be displayed
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that per Council direction, over the past 2
plus years staff and more recently staff and a security consultant, have been working on available
options to provide additional building security at certain City facilities. Hedges summarized the
estimated costs based on the specifications provided by the security consultant.
The City Council discussed the security measures and noted that given the economic climate
that the City is in, the security improvements would not be in order at this time. The Council
encouraged staff to continue to establish a culture of everyone wearing identification badges. Director
of Administrative Services informed the Council that the Police security system is aging and will need
to be looked at in the future for replacement, which the City Council acknowledged.
Conceal and Carry Gun Shmae:e:
City Administrator Hedges presented draft samples of the signage to restrict weapons on City
property. The signs state "guns are not welcome in these premises". There was City Council consensus
to order the signs as presented. The City Council directed that the signs will be hung at all City
buildings, not including parks or park shelters.
Temporary Liquor License and Temporary On-Sale Liquor License Ordinance Amendment:
The City Council discussed the ordinance amendment that the Council approved at the June 17
meeting. The Council directed that in Chapter 5, Section 5.60, Number 10 be amended to delete the
reference to no alcohol consumption within 12 hours of the event, and rather state that no person selling
alcohol shall consume and/or be intoxicated during their work shift. The City Council directed that the
change be included on the July 1 Consent Agenda to be formally be corrected.
Councilmember Maguire moved; Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adjourn the
meeting at 10:40 p.m.