04/08/2003 - City Council Special
APRIL 8, 2003
5:30 P.M.
A Special City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, April 8, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal
Center. Those present at the meeting were: Mayor Geagan, Councilmembers Carlson, Fields, Tilley, and
Maguire, as well as City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator Lord, Director of
Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Senior Planner Ridley, Water Resources Coordinator, City Engineer
Matthys, and Public Works Director Colbert.
The Mayor called the meeting to order and noted that Councilmember Carlson would be arriving at 6 P.M.
Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Maguire seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. Aye: 4
Nay: 0
There were no visitors to be heard.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item as a discussion regarding the City's buffer requirements for
the two creeks in Special Area 5 (Cedarvale Area), located in the northeast quadrant of Cedar Avenue and
Highway 13. Senior Planner Ridley presented information on the shore land zoning requirements of the City,
as well as the requirements ofthe DNR, noting that the City's ordinance is more restrictive than the DNR's.
Ridley informed the Council of discussions with the DNR staff, who stated that the DNR would be amenable
to changes in the City's shoreland zoning regulations provided the restrictions remain the same and or more
stringent that the DNR's regulations. The City Council discussed the DNR's requirements and the rationale
behind the creek buffer area. Three Eagan residents addressed the Council, asking that the City relax their
shoreland zoning requirements. Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth addressed the Council regarding the
State's definition of shoreland, noting that the shoreland is the area within the defined 300' buffer. The City
Council noted their desire to provide homeowners with the most flexibility, while protecting the area,
meeting environmental standards, and following State requirements.
The Council directed staff to prepare information in the following areas to be brought to a Council
workshop: 1.) Issues oflegality (Were the restrictions on the land put in place after the homeowners had
purchased the land?); 2.) Show concentric circles within the buffer to identify which parcels are affected t
the shoreland zoning regulations (place an X in each parcel to identify where each home is located); 3.)
Provide a summary of the State's definitions/regulations regarding shoreland zoning requirements;
4.)Identify permitted conditional uses within the buffer area; 5) Provide a brief history on the conditions
the stream; and, 6.) Research why Eagan created regulations that are mores strict than the State's
requirements. The Council also directed that the residents affected by the 300' buffer again be noticed '"
the item is scheduled for a Council workshop.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item, noting that the City Council directed the consideratim
Kennerick Addition/Pond HDP-l Storm Sewer Improvements to a workshop due to new information
presented at the February 18,2003 City Council meeting. Public Works Director Colbert introduced J
Kimmis and Dave Bennett of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik, and Associates, as well as Russ Matthys,
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April 8, 2003
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Kimmis explained the various project options including the base alignment and the common lot line
alignment. Including open cut, directional drilling and grass removal and no grass removal (assuming
excavation) a total of eight (8) options along with cost estimates were presented. City Council consensus
was to proceed with the common lot line alignment, directional drilling and to remove the grass at an
estimated total cost of$218,525. Numerous citizens addressed the Council with questions and comments
about the project, which the staff addressed. The Council noted that the intent of the Kennerick
neighborhood meeting was to review options for the project, but not bring any new requests to the table.
The Council discussed the direction they wanted to take, and Public Works Director Colbert noted that no
direction was needed; rather, bids will be opened to determine actual bid prices versus the engineer's
estimates currently be used. Colbert also informed the Council that he would provide an update at the April
15 Council meeting regarding the easement acquisition process, following which will be the public hearing
on the project. Upon closure of the public hearing, the Council will consider approving the project and
awarding the contract. Lastly, the Council inquired about the County's role in the project, which Colbert
responded to, noting that the Council has no obligation on this particular project.
City Administrator Hedges provided an introduction to this item by providing background on the process in
place to review the winter trail maintenance program. He noted that three (3) specific trail segments were
referred to this Special City Council Meeting for additional review. He also reiterated the City Council's
concern for the cost ofthe program in light ofthe State's budget deficit and its impact on Eagan.
The Council first considered a trail maintenance request that was initiated by a required petition, containing
more than 50 signatures. The petition requested that the north side of Yankee Doodle Road from Coachman
to Central Parkway be plowed. Director Colbert explained the two (2) options available for consideration, if
the City Council desired to add this trail segment. The first was to plow the trail on the north side of Yankee
Doodle and maintain the trails on both sides of Yankee Doodle in that area. The second was to switch the
plowing from the south side to the north side, and plow only the trail on the north side in that area. Since
protected crossings exist on both ends of the segment, either option would be feasible. Director Colbert also
called the Council's attention to the historical cost information included in the packet material. An Eagan
resident spoke to the merits of the petition.
Councilmember Carlson moved and Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to direct the action to the
April 15, 2003 Consent Agenda approving a change to plow both sides of Yankee Doodle in this area per the
petition, and to extend plowing on the north side to Pilot Knob Road to facilitate trail access to the new
Community Center. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
The second request was heard by the City Council, which was a petition to plow the trail on the west side of
Pilot Knob Road from Tower View Road to Lone Oak Road. Colbert noted that this request had been a part
of a larger petition with the other part covering internal trails. The request to plow the internal trails was
denied at the regular Council meeting on April 1, 2003. Colbert informed the Council that since there is no
signalized crossing at Tower View Road, the remaining request could not be met by switching sides of Pilot
Knob and would result in an increase to trail plowing. Councilmember Fields noted that the request did not
meet the City's trail maintenance policy. Councilmember McGuire explained his desire to make
opportunities for walking available to seniors and voiced his support for the request, adding that it meets the
intent and needs of senior housing. Councilmember Tilley suggested that the request be brought back at
another time.
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April 8, 2003
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Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to deny the request at this time.
Aye: 4 Nay: 1 (Councilmember Maguire voted against the motion)
Public Works Director Colbert introduced the third request, which was a request to plow the trail on the east
side of Pilot Knob Road between Wescott Road and Duckwood Drive. Colbert noted that the segment being
requested was moved from the east to the west side in 1999 in response to a citizen request. Two (2) options
to meet the request were presented by Colbert: 1.) Add the east side to the existing plowed trails, plowing
both sides of Pilot Knob Road in this particular segment; and 2.) Move the plowed side back to the east side
of Pilot Knob. Councilmember Fields noted that the trail on the east side of Pilot Knob Road is plowed from
Cliff to 1-494 with the exception of this short segment. The importance of the connection with the MVTA
Park and Ride site was also noted.
Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to move the trail plowing back to
the east side of Pilot Knob Road. the motion and it passed unanimously. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
City Administrator introduced the item and provided background information. Director Vraa outlined the
need for a second pond (JP-4 7, 2) to provide treatment to storm water passing from Hurley Lake into Fish
Lake. Director Vraa noted two (2) objectives in acquiring the additional pond. First, the existing pond, JP-
47 can then be returned to its original state. Secondly, treatment capacity to protect the water quality in Fish
Lake can be increased. Director Vraa noted three (3) items for consideration by the City Council. First, the
new pond would require approximately 2.5 acres of land to be acquired from the land owner through
condemnation action due to other legal issues not involving the City. Vraa added that the condemnation
process seems to be acceptable to the land owner and his attorney. Second, a timeline would be needed to
determine acquisition and design in order to bid by late fall, preferably so the new pond would be functional
in the spring of2004. Cleaning of JP-47 would take place in the January/February time frame. Third,
payment for acquisition would come from funds collected through the development process in lieu of land to
meet water quality obligations.
Questions were raised about the temporary construction access road and Director Vraa noted that staff is
working with neighbors on access and construction issues. The existing access road has been cleared but
would be somewhat more disruptive to use than the temporary road shown on the diagram. A question was
raised about the issue of restoring trees previously removed. Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth
responded that he as met with the affected property owner and his neighbor and a plan has been agreed to.
Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to direct this item to the April 15,
2003 Regular Meeting Consent Agenda for ratification. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item by providing background on the approval process for Cedar
Villas. Mr. Hedges introduced Mark Ulfers, Executive Director of the Dakota County Community
Development Agency (CDA) who provided additional background on the project and explained how a TIP
application came about. The City Council expressed concerns about the TIF application surfacing after the
City land use approvals for the project had been granted, and questioned whether or not the project would
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have been approved if nF had been a part of the original application. Mr. Ulfers explained that because of
changing financial parameters, projects that appear financially feasible at the time of the original application
may not be financially feasible as development progresses; hence request for nF assistance may be
processed later in the development timeline. He also explained the CDA's responsibility to the public
process and the diligence they put into reviewing applications. Mr. Jay Jensen of Shelter Corporation was
introduced and addressed the development history and the developer's investment in the Cedar Villas
project. Councilmember Carlson expressed her appreciation for the explanations, however reiterated her
concern about the "after the fact" approach to this nF application and the potential Eagan taxpayer annual
impact of approximately $38,000 that was not disclosed to the public at the time of the application. Mr.
Jensen explained the difficulty in obtaining private investors due to the changing tax laws and the minimal
availability to sell tax credits on this project. The City Attorney explained the relationship between the CDA
and the City as it relates to housing projects and the use ofnF along with notification requirements. The
City Council inquired about a method of requiring a second approval when a financing component was not
part of the original approval process, including the possibility of requesting nF legislation to resolve the
Councilmember Tilley moved, and Councilmember Maguire seconded a motion to consent to the creation of
a County nF district for Shelter Corporation for Cedar Villas. Aye: 3 Nay 2 (Councilmembers Carlson and
Fields voting against the motion)
Mr. Ulfers addressed the Council to express his concern about any potential nF legislation and requested an
opportunity to work with the City to address concerns rather than using the legislative approach.
Councilmember Maguire noted that the City Council had not addressed a request for legislation and has not
taken a formal position. Councilmember Carlson noted that any individual member can work for legislation
as an individual not representing the Council or the City. Mayor Geagan stated that he would like to see Mr.
Ulfers meet with the Council to provide additional education on housing and the CDAlCity relationship. Mr.
Ulfers stated he would be happy to do that and also again expressed his appreciation for the work that
Councilmembers Tilley and Carlson did on the Cedar Villas project.
Hilltop Pond - Danner Contract
City Engineer Russ Matthys provided an update on his discussions with the contractor who is attempting to
complete the project by the May 31, 2003 completion date included in the contract. To this point staff has
not initiated a change order request to delay the work. The change order request would need to be directed
by the City Council and may come with a cost. Mr. Robert Peterson, 4175 Strawberry Lane, proposed that
the City discuss postponing the project until the fall at no additional cost to the City in order to protect the
nesting wildlife. The City Council expressed an interest in protecting the wildlife. Council consensus was
that no additional money should be spent to get an extension. City Engineer Matthys was directed to ask the
contractor about his willingness to execute a change order to postpone the project at no additional cost to the
Stafford Place Parkin2
Public Works Director Colbert provided an update on the neighborhood parking problems related to
activities at the Eagan High School site. In response to previous research he noted that the City Attorney
reviewed the South St. Paul signage and responded that any signage must be specific as to time and place in
order to be enforceable. Director Colbert also noted the difficulty in getting neighborhood consensus
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April 8, 2003
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because of the divergent interests and impacts. Colbert added that the cost estimate for changing the parking
on Braddock Trail from the east to the west side is approximately $19,000 due to seal coating and striping
issues, and that work could not be completed until mid-July due to striping scheduling.
The Council directed that Stafford Place Parking be scheduled as an agenda item for the May 20, 2003 City
Council Meeting. Council directed staff to notice the Stafford Place neighborhood about the meeting and
prepare an enforceable, written proposal for the Council's consideration.
City Administrator Updates
City Administrator Hedges informed the City Council of the weather related siren testing scheduled for
Thursday, April 10th. He also noted that the Lioness statute has arrived and that City staffhas been working
with the seniors who have scheduled three events at the Community Center: a dance on May 13, a get
acquainted gathering on May 15 and a spring "shower donations" event on May 28. Mr. Hedges informed
the City Council of an e-mail received form Linda Haugen to which a City Attorney update will follow. He
also noted that he will be providing updates on the Community Development Director position and on the
2004 operating budget. The City Council directed that the picture display of City Council members should
display the photos of City Councilmembers currently holding office.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
City Clerk
If you need these minutes in an alternative form such as large print, Braille, audio tapes, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob
Road, Eagan, MN 55122, 651-675-5000, (TDD phone: 651-675-8535).
The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment
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