09/26/2000 - City Council Special Special City Council Minutes September 26, 2000 Page 1 of 1 00267 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA September 26, 2000 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, September 26, 2000, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Eagan Municipal Center Building. Present were Mayor Awada and Councilmembers Blomquist, Carlson, Bakken and Masin. Also present were City Administrator Hedges, Assistant City Administrator Verbrugge, Director of Public Works Colbert, City Engineer Matthys and Administrative Specialist Hertel. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Mayor A wada acknowledged visitors to be heard. There were no visitors present interested in speaking on items not listed on the agenda. CEDAR A VENUEIHIGHW A Y 13 REDEVELOPMENT CONCEPT City Administrator Hedges gave an overview and introduced Assistant City Administrator Verbrugge and Mr. Jim Prosser with the Ehlers Group. Mr. Prosser gave an overview of the process, emphasizing the importance of the Council being comfortable with the prescribed progression. He noted that there are two key elements to the Cedarvale redevelopment: one, plan refinement and two, a communications plan. He summarized the ten steps of the redevelopment process, pointing out that the Cedarvale project is in the concept refinement phase, which is not a final product, but does give developers a sense of where the development is going so they can determine if they are interested in participating. Mr. Prosser stated that a successful development project must have: 1) Clear goals, 2) a market, and 3) adequate funding (through developer funds, public funds and TIP assistance). He stated that the buildout period could be lengthy, with the first development phase being completed in two to three years and the final development phases being completed in ten to fifteen years. He remarked that it is impossible to predict the market that far out with any certainty. He emphasized the importance the City Council places on citizen input in the process and outlined a procedure of concept refinement that subjected all plans to an Open House for all Eagan residents. He further commented on the importance of securing financing to be able to obtain developer commitment. Mr. Prosser stated that the development agreement phase would include formal approval by the appropriate commissions and Council, stating that at any point in the ten-step process, the project may be discontinued and everyone should be aware of that possibility going into the planning. He noted that redevelopment is, invariably, a highly disruptive process. Mr. Prosser went on to review the Communications Plan to obtain citizen input and participation in the redevelopment. He stated that the plan includes components to receive input from both the general public and also the property owners in the immediate Cedarvale area. He highlighted options including an answer line for citizen calls, website Special City Council Minutes September 26, 2000 Page 2 of2 updates and a series of open houses. He stated that the next two steps for the Council are to adopt a communications strategy and proceed with the project refinement stage of the redevelopment. 00268 Director of Public Works Colbert reviewed the realignment of Beau D'Rue, Cedarvale Boulevard and Silver Bell Road near Trunk Highway 13. He stated that this is not a typical intersection. He commented that the City Council directed staffto do a traffic study for full development in 2010 and 2020; the proposed design would maximize intersection improvement and handle the largest amount of traffic. Mr. Matt Hansen of SRF Consulting Group noted that the road improvement would be the first phase of the redevelopment, combining Beau D'Rue and Cedarvale at Silver Bell Road to improve the traffic flow in the area. Mr. Hansen stated that the new intersection would be signalized, with crosswalks, raised medians and landscape features. He further stated that this improvement would significantly impact the area, involving 94,000 square feet of right of way, 14 total residential and commercial properties and 3 properties that would require outright purchase. He estimated the project would cost approximately three million dollars. Director of Public Works Colbert asked Mr. Hansen about the current levels of service at the intersection and how the improvement would enhance the flow of traffic. Ms. Doris Dahline of3830 Alder Lane inquired about the intersection of Beau D'Rue and Nichols Road, referring to it as the south main entrance to the Cedarvale area. Director Colbert stated that the two intersections would be studied independently. Ms. Dahline referred to the 1984 Star City report that identified the cloverleaf interchange of Cedar A venuelHwy 77 and Trunk Highway 13 as the primary entrance into Eagan and that the adjustment felt at the south end of the proposed redevelopment was of paramount importance given the residents' singular access through Silver Bell Road. Director Colbert stated that modification of the cloverleaf interchange is under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota Department of Transportation and likely could not be changed. Director of Public Works Colbert again asked about the current levels of service at the intersection and the potential enhancement through the realignment. Ms. Marie Cote, of SRF Consulting Group, stated that the morning traffic in particular is at an unacceptable level. She stated that the current level of service at Hwy 13 and Silver Bell Road is level E. The intersections of Silver Bell Road/Cedarvale and Silver Bell Road/Beau D'Rue currently function at level F. She stated that the Hwy13/Silver Bell intersection will function in 2010 at level F as is, but with dual left turn lanes on TH 13 and other geometric improvements would function at level D. Mayor Awada asked if the cost estimate included property and right of way acquisition. Director of Public Works Colbert answered in the affirmative. Councilmember Carlson asked for clarification about the proposed Silver Bell/Beau D'Rue/Cedarvale intersection. Ms. Cote responded that in 2020 with full buildout that the intersection would function at level C or better. 00269 Special City Council Minutes September 26, 2000 Page 3 of 3 Mr. John Larson ofSRF Consulting Group reviewed the landscape/streetscape plans, commenting on the improvement as a new gateway to the City of Eagan, pointing out that cars traveling on Hwy 77 or Trunk Highway 13 or within the development itself will be able to readily identify the area. He described the new elements including a pond, fountain jets and pedestrian-oriented spaces like an arbor area and a small plaza. He pointed out the continuous median on Beau D'Rue Drive and its more modem street design with amenities for pedestrians and the median to give the road a parkway feel and slow down traffic. Ms. Doris Dahline asked if the redevelopment took into consideration airport noise. Mr. Larson commented that everyone involved was aware of the problem and emphasized opportunities to capitalize on recreational amenities. Ms. Dahline asked about zoning requirements of the MAC (Metropolitan Airports Commission). Mayor Awada stated that the MAC has no jurisdiction in Eagan; zoning authority rests with the City Council. Director of Public Works Colbert pointed out the service level improvements caused by the realignment, citing the increased distance between the Beau D'Rue/Silver Bell intersection to the intersection of Trunk Highway 13 and Silver Bell Road. Ms. Dahline asked how many car lengths of distance there would be between the intersections with the new alignment. Mr. Hansen stated that there were 400 feet between the intersections, or approximately twenty car lengths. Mr. Steve Wallick inquired about the Rahn Road redesign improvements and if there had been discussion of Nicols Road. Mr. Larson stated that Rahn Road north of Beau D'Rue would be addressed with the internal redevelopment improvements. Rahn Road South of Beau D'Rue and Nicols Road are not under consideration at this time. Councilmember Carlson asked what happened to the original specifications, which included first floor retail/office space and second floor housing, stating that the original proposal had called for more high density housing in the area. Mr. Larson commented that the 90 single family units were actually attached townhomes; he noted the lack of interest among developers in the mixed-use development proposal and stated that achieving mixed-use in that area would require higher public subsidy. Mayor A wada inquired about the timeline and prospects for securing TIF funds, financing and final cost estimates. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the road alignment was the first step and that developers wouldn't feel comfortable committing to the project ifit was not clear that the roads would be able to accommodate future traffic. He said the road would kick-start the development project and serve as a selling point for developers. Councilmember Carlson stated that the Council should move forward without delay. Councilmember Blomquist asked how the $3 million in costs would be funded. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that there are typically three funding sources for such a project. He said he expected little if any funding to come from TIF, stated that special assessments would be difficult given the widespread benefit of such a Special City Council Minutes September 26, 2000 Page 4 of 4 project and stated that most of the funding would have to come from the city's Major Street Fund. 002ilJ Mr. Hugh Fitzgerald of Cedarvale Lanes inquired about the medians asking if the medians would block any traffic flow into the existing businesses and asked how businesses that currently operate in Cedarvale can participate in improving their exteriors in a way consistent with the redevelopment plans. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the City Council was looking for a high quality development, but that the specific architectural standards had not yet been set. The final design for upgrading Beau D'Rue would address his access concerns. Mrs. Betty Bassett expressed concern about the continued increases in truck traffic on Trunk Highway 13. She commented that the whole interchange was a mess and was only going to get worse. Mr. Albert Birr of 1930 Silver Bell Road expressed frustration at the possibility of losing his property, stating that he had lived at his location for 40 years and should not have to move. He further stated that the traffic problem is not as described by the consultants and staff, that the traffic was much better than it used to be. Ms. Dahline expressed confusion now that the Community Center referendum had passed and asked why a second community center would be built as the north anchor. Mr. Lee Ashfeld stated that the community center might be more like a neighborhood facility. City Administrator Hedges clarified that the Council still needs to adopt goals for the redevelopment project and that the Village Plaza was a concept created to test the market for developer interest. He further clarified that the Community Center had been an idea early in the process but was no longer part of the concept due to the referendum. He stated that what might have been the community center would likely be replaced by an office building or other tax generating use. Ms. Dahline expressed concern that if the plaza was unsuccessful that the road improvement would not have been necessary. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the City is not proposing to improve the street without the complimentary redevelopment of the area but that even if the redevelopment did not take place, the road improvement would improve the traffic situation considerably. Councilmember Masin asked if Beau D'Rue would have to be expanded to do the improvement. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the design is intended to fit within the current curb boundaries. Mayor Awada stated that the Council needed to see a feasibility report. Councilmember Masin asked for more information about the boundaries. Councilmember Blomquist stated that she would like to see information about the improvements to Beau D'Rue all the way down to Nicols and to take into account the south entrance. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the southern 002'71 Special City Council Minutes September 26,2000 Page 5 of5 entrance was not being considered at this time but will allow flexibility for redesign, based on what the outcome of the redevelopment might be. Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded, a motion to authorize the feasibility report for the Project 800 (Cedarvale Access) realigrunent. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Mayor A wada stated that the project is ready to move forward and that the market is there for redevelopment. Councilmember Carlson clarified that the feasibility report was not an absolute. Councilmember Masin asked when the citizens would have an opportunity to give feedback on the project. Mayor Awada stated that the public hearing would be held in approximately two months. Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Masin seconded, a motion to schedule an Open House to consider the concept plan for Cedarvale. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Assistant City Administrator Verbrugge confirmed that the sketches and designs would be available on the city website. PROJECT 779/DODD ROAD City Administrator Hedges gave an overview. He noted that at the September 5 Regular City Council meeting, at the request of representatives of the Dodd Road neighborhood, the City Council had scheduled four meetings to better facilitate the process and had subsequently scheduled this meeting also at the request of representatives. He said the purpose of the meeting was to have a dialogue between the City Council and residents and that there would be no formal presentation. Mayor A wada explained the typical process for considering a road upgrade and noted that it was clear there is not a lot of support for a full three lane urban upgrade of Dodd Road. She mentioned this is one of the last remaining roads in Eagan that is not up to urban standards. She stated the Council was interested in hearing other options beyond the previously proposed three lane urban upgrade and the minimal bituminous overlay proposal. Councilmember Carlson shared her proposal with the group. She recommended a two lane road with curb and gutter with a safety lane for parking on one side and a single sidewalk on the other. She recommended decreasing the width of the greenspace between the road and the sidewalk and recommended reducing the width of the sidewalk so the entire project would only increased the width of the road by 12 feet. Councilmember Bakken stated that he had not envisioned a "Wescott-esque" upgrade for Dodd Road and suggested using the section of road south of Diffley as a guide for developing the northern section of road between Diffley and Wescott. Special City Council Minutes September 26, 2000 Page 6 of6 Mayor Awada reminded the assembled residents that this meeting was not a public hearing on a specific proposal, but an opportunity to present the Council with options to include in the feasibility reports. She emphasized the importance of bringing the road to urban standards. 00272 Mr. David Anderson of 4086 Foxmoore Court asked Councilmember Carlson if her proposal would include turn lanes. Councilmember Carlson stated that, in her proposal, turn lanes at the intersections of Diffley and Wescott were possible. Mayor A wada commented on the necessity of having pedestrian accommodations along Dodd Road. Councilmember Carlson stated that she used Elrene Road as a guide for her design. Mr. Les Portz of Bradford and Dodd expressed concern about expanding the road to 26 feet and stated that the curb and gutter were the problem because that is when trees become affected. He proposed for consideration an attached bituminous shoulder with no curb and gutter. He further stated that the car count was not accurate and should be redone. Mayor A wada asked where the car counts were taken. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the two test spots were at the north end of Dodd just south of Wescott and at the south end of Dodd just north of Diffley. Mayor Awada asked that staff do another study and notice the residents one week in advance if they wanted to do a hand- count. Councilmember Bakken asked to see data on the comparative maintenance costs of maintaining an urban road versus a rural road. Councilmember Carlson asked for information about where the water would go if curb and gutter were installed. Mayor Awada asked the assembled citizens for other proposals. Mr. Michael Morrisson of 725 Bradford Circle expressed concern about safety for pedestrians, stating that if the School Bond Referendum failed, the bus service may be discontinued and the children from the area would have to walk along Dodd Road to school. He suggested a reduced speed limit. He further noted that special assessments were historically justified when homes would benefit from the lack of dust and other problems alleviated by going from a gravel road to a paved road, but that the current improvements have more undesirable side effects than beneficial ones. He recommended reconsideration and reform of the special assessments policy. He stated that he favored an extended shoulder on one side of the road and a bike trail on the other side. Mayor Awada stated that consideration of the projects and discussion of the assessments were two separate issues. She further stated that all residents in Eagan who benefit from improved or upgraded roads have paid for them at one time either through special assessments or through costs passed on by the developer when they built their homes. She stated that the residents on Dodd Road had not paid for a road upgrade at any time during their time in Eagan. She further stated that the assessments will not push people out of their homes and that residents do have the option to defer their assessment payments. 00273 Special City Council Minutes September 26, 2000 Page 7 of7 Ms. Shelley Albalm stated that Mayor Awada was right about assessments being a separate issue, but still believed the assessments proposed for this improvement were unjust. She stated that the road does need to be widened and implored Councilmembers Carlson and Bakken to not dismiss the center lane so quickly, citing the perilous circumstance of a driver waiting to turn left as another driver approaches rapidly while a biker is also on the narrow shoulder. She asked that city staff, during the traffic recount, do a count of left turns onto Elrene and Stonebridge. Councilmember Carlson again . pointed out the merits of her proposal, stating that it resolves safety concerns without affecting trees and area topography. She stated that the Council must weigh out the convenience of a center lane. Ms. Albalm stated that the center lane was a safety precaution, not a convenience. . Councilmember Masin asked why the other options suggested at the Open House were not considered. Mayor A wada stated that staff did just what the Council asked and had prepared a report for a proposed upgrade according to Council direction. Councilmember Carlson again stated that feasibility reports are not final proposals. Councilmember Masin asked that the suggestions given at the Open House be included in any future submissions regarding Dodd Road to the Council. Mr. George Westland of 636 Leland Court expressed concerns about safety and said that one trail was needed at a minimum. He stated that his informal traffic counts yielded up to 20-30 cars per minute during rush hour traffic. He called the proposed assessments unfair and possibly illegal. Mr. Don Klein of 4070 Dodd Road stated that he had lived in his home for 30 years and described his enjoyment of the ecology, wildlife and greenspace. He pointed out that not all property owners would be able to subdivide their property and profit from the proposed improvement. He expressed concern about the lowering of the road and the slope of the new road. He further expressed concern about where the water might go after the proposed change. Mr. Christopher Foreman of Dodd and Esk stated that he had lived for 10 years on Esk Lane. He stated that the traffic count was erroneous and that he had never waited for more than one or two cars in his time living there. He stated that Dodd Road may look like a safety issue, but he questioned the actual accidents that occurred in the area and asked for the Council to consider how few accidents had actually taken place. He asked that the accident report be broken down according to accidents at Diffley and Wescott versus other accidents on Dodd. He said safety trails were unnecessary because children do not use Dodd Road. Mr. Byron Hanson of 4015 Dodd Road stated that he had lived on his property for 30 years. He stated that the curb and gutter improvements would create a need for retaining walls in his front yard. He stated that he favored the addition of a bituminous shoulder. He noted that his proposed assessment amount had increased from the first, larger project to the second, smaller project. He cautioned his neighbors about the unanticipated consequences of deferred assessments. Special City Council Minutes September 26, 2000 Page 8 of8 00274 Mr. Bob Havelik of 648 Broadlane Curve expressed frustration regarding his attempts to receive information and feasibility reports from the City. He mentioned that he tried to get a copy at the Open House, filled out a card and submitted it and also wrote a letter to which he received no response. Mr. Jack Conrad of782 Sunset stated that he appreciated the trail system in Eagan, but stated that Dodd Road was a different case. He asked where the Environmental Assessment Worksheet was for the project. He commented on the historical significance of Dodd Road as part of Eagan and asked that the City preserve that history. Councilmember Blomquist stated that she was interested in the historical preservation of the road and would bring it to the attention of the Historical Society. Ms. Sally Burmeister of 721 Bradford Circle stated that her cul-de-sac was feeling the need for this redevelopment because they do not have access to the parks and it is unsafe to walk along Dodd Roac!. Mr. Paul Martin of 700 Grand Drive asked why Rosemount wasn't changing the section of Dodd Road that remained gravel. Mayor Awada clarified that Rosemount's portion of the road did not fall within the MUSA line; she further stated that Eagan is committed to bringing all its roads to urban standards according to a decision made 20 years ago. Mr. Martin stated that the Council should listen to the people; he stated that they would be satisfied with an overlay project. He stated that action to do otherwise by the Council would be ethically and morally reprehensible. Mrs. Sannee Klein of 4070 Dodd Road stated that she had lived at her residence for 30 years and raised three healthy children there. She stated that you cannot always have everything and that Dodd Road wasn't like every other road in Eagan and she was glad for it. Ms. Jodi Schoot stated that she had heard concerns about the road directly from children who said sidewalks were needed. She said it was only a matter oftime before a deadly accident happens on the road. Mayor Awada asked for clarification on all the issues the Council would direct staff to research. The Council directed staff to do feasibility studies on the five options proposed including the Dodd Road south of Diffley-like upgrade, the bituminous overlay with no expansion, Councilmember Carlson's proposal, the bituminous overlay option with safety path, bike trail, without curb and gutter, and options for historical preservation. They further asked for a new traffic study to be noticed to the neighborhood one week in advance that breaks down the results according to specific location. They asked for information regarding reducing the speed limit, an environmental assessment worksheet (EA W), information about maintaining urban versus rural roads, resolution of the question of whether or not school bus service would continue along Dodd, review of the slope of the road under each new option and a report 00275 Special City Council Minutes September 26, 2000 Page 9 of9 on police records of accidents along Dodd. They further asked that all stonn water issues related to the improvement be included in the feasibility reports. Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Blomquist seconded a motion to direct staff to do the feasibility studies. Councilmember Blomquist specified that her second came with a strong request for extensive consideration of historical preservation as an option. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 After brief discussion, Mayor Awada asked that staff come back to the Council with a reasonable timeline for completion at the next Regular City Council meeting. DIRECTION RE: ELECTION SIGN STUDY City Administrator Hedges gave an overview. He asked the City Council to give staff direction on any additional infonnation they would like collected for consideration at the November 21 meeting. " Councilmember Carlson asked that the City look into the option of designating one comer of each intersection for signs instead of all four comers at all major intersections. Councilmember Masin asked that the City review and consider the Bumsville model. OTHER BUSINESS A. LARRY WENZEL Mr. Dennis Troyan addressed the Council as Mr. Wenzel's legal representative. He stated that they had reached agreement on seven of the eight items of dispute and asked that the Council clarify the eighth item, which was a request for compensation of Mr. Wenzel's out-of-pocket expenses totaling $400,000. He asked for clarification from the Council regarding their decision and, specifically, item number eight. Mayor Awada stated that the Council's decision had been clear. Councilmember Bakken stated that seven of the eight items had passed and that by virtue of not acting on the eighth item, it was not approved. Mayor Awada stated that for the Council to reconsider the development, a motion would have to be made by a member who had voted in the majority when the matter was first considered. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that MNDoT offered to sell lots 4 and 5 and that Mr. Wenzel had declined to purchase the property. He further stated that the City of Eagan had offered to negotiate the acquisition of the property on his behalf. Councilmember Bakken stated that the Council should not discuss the matter further without legal counsel present. Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded, a motion to table discussion. OO?~b~ Special City Council Minutes "'" . September 26, 2000 Page 10 of 10 Councilmember Carlson asked for clarification on the facts of the situation and if Mr. Wenzel was left with what was being called a "bow-tie" piece of property. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the residual property was shaped like a "bow-tie" but that it would be rezoned for commercial use. Councilmember Carlson stated that Mr. Wenzel was not getting responses from the City regarding his requests. Councilmember Blomquist stated that the Council should work with Mr. Wenzel instead of against him. Councilmember Carlson stated that if the matter was tabled it should be to obtain more facts on the situation. Mayor Awada reminded the Council that they were being threatened with litigation. Aye: 2 Nay: 3 Councilmembers Blomquist, Carlson and Masin opposed. Councilmember Carlson moved, Mayor Awada seconded, a motion to direct staff to get facts regarding MNDoT and property dimensions. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 B. CLYDE THURSTON Councilmember Blomquist left the meeting at 9:37 p.m. City Administrator Hedges gave an overview and relayed Mr. Thurston's interest in serving in a broad capacity with the Community Center, but not on a particular focus group. Mayor Awada asked the Council if they wanted to reappoint his position. Councilmember Carlson suggested opening it to all of Eagan and reappointing the position at the next meeting. Mayor Awada suggested reducing the number of adults to five and not reappointing the position. Mayor A wada moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded, a motion to accept Mr. Thurston's resignation and not reappoint the position. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 ADJOURNMENT The City Council adjourned at 9:42 p.m. SEPTEMBER 26, 2000 Date If you need these minutes in an alternative form such as large print, Braille, audio tapes, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, 651-681-4600, (TDD phone: 651-454-8535). The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or status with regard to public assistance.