10/24/2000 - City Council Special
Special City Council Minutes
October 24, 2000
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OCTOBER 24, 2000
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tue::JY, October 24,
2000, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Eagan Municipal Center
Building. Present were Mayor Awada and Councilmembers Blomquist, Carlson, Bakken
and Masin. Also present were City Administrator Hedges, Assistant City Administrator
Verbrugge, Senior Planner Ridley and Administrative Specialist Hertel.
Councilmember Blomquist moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded a motion to
approve the agenda with the addition of Administrator's Update to Other Business. Aye:
5 Nay: 0
City Administrator Hedges gave an overview. Councilmember Bakken suggested
that Council and staff look to the past examples because the times that are most
noteworthy are the ones when proposals have been turned down. He stated that the City
should find a way to codify the standards and aim for lot size consistency in
neighborhoods. Councilmember Carlson stated that the City should get rid of the
ordinance and all preliminary subdivisions should go through the full preliminary and
final subdivision process. She expressed concern about property owners that divide their
property, sell and leave Eagan; she further stated that the neighborhoods and the City
would benefit from the full public notification process.
Councilmember Masin asked if it was true that the area property owners were not
noticed regarding the subdivision proposals that had come before the Council. Senior
Planner Ridley stated that, per the ordinance, all property owners contiguous to the
property require notice. Councilmember Masin asked if there had been any surveys of
the subdivision applicants after the process was complete. Senior Planner Ridley
responded that the City conducts quarterly surveys of all development projects completed
during the previous quarter in the City. Councilmember Masin stated that she had
received a complaint that the subdivision process took too much time.
Mayor A wada asked that the Council provide direction to Community
Development and the City Attorney so they would be able to prepare a draft with the
Council's changes. Councilmember Bakken stated that the City should proceed with
adopting an ordinance that sets standards for neighborhood consistency, but if it is not
legal or feasible to do so, the ordinance should be eliminated. Councilmember Carlson
asked that the staff and City Attorney write a set of standards that regulates setbacks and
other related subdivision components. Senior Planner Ridley stated that the City can
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October 24, 2000
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likely write the ordinance in a way that requires use of average neighborhood lot sizes as
the standard.
City Administrator Hedges gave an overview. Senior Planner Ridley reviewed
the picture representation of the proposed development and explained that the City could
retain control of the easement for future development for future streetscaping purposes.
Mayor A wada stated that her primary concern was having the ability to do
streetscaping according to a yet undefined streetscaping plan, but wanted to retain the
flexibility to do so in the future. Councilmember Carlson expressed concern about who
would pay for the development of that easement since it had been MVT A's responsibility
according to the development agreement.
Councilmember Masin asked if the City would have to pay for the clock on the
structure. Senior Planner Ridley stated that the MVT A or the developer would pay for
the clock. Councilmember Masin stated that the intersection should have benches and a
community space for gathering. Councilmember Carlson stated that the intersection is
busy and loud and not conducive to public gatherings. She restated her concern about
who would pay for the streetscaping.
Councilmember Blomquist stated that the clock tower on top ofthe building was
unique. She commented that the MVT A may not assume responsibility for maintenance
of the easement if they do not develop it as part ofthe agreement. Mayor Awada stated
that the Council can require maintenance as part of the development agreement.
Councilmember Carlson stated that the Council should hold the MVT A responsible for
maintenance of the easement. Councilmember Blomquist echoed her comments.
Councilmember Masin informed the Council that they comprised 1/6th of the MVTA and
should consider the development as a partnership. Councilmember Bakken cautioned
that the development would not look like the picture after the addition of signage and
traffic to the busy intersection. Councilmember Masin suggested the MVT A escrow the
amount it would have spent developing the easement to the City.
Mayor A wada moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to require
MVTA maintenance of the easement, a clock feature with four faces on the grid above
the proposed structure, and the MVT A to escrow the amount to spend on the easement
development to the City for future use. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
City Administrator Hedges gave an overview. He stated that the engineering RFP
is overdue, but noted the Council's decision to delay the RFP in 1998 due to the
workload. Councilmember Blomquist stated that the Council needs a "report card" to
ensure that the City is getting the best value for its' citizens' dollars. She commented that
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October 24, 2000
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a review of the consultants should be done every three years and stated that it was
inexcusable for the Council in 1998 to have ignored engineering. Councilmember Masin
stated that there is no accountability at the City and there is no documentation of the RFP
process. She stated that in her eight years on the Council, she had only had one
opportunity to review the City Administrator, one to review the City Attorney and one to
review the engineering consultants. Mayor A wada stated that except for engineering,
which was delayed by the Council, the other RFPs are on schedule. Councilmember
. Carlson stated that the Council should move forward with the engineering RFP
immediately and should expand the process to include communications/public relations.
Councilmember Masin stated that no matter what, when the timeline for reviewing
consultants comes due, the staff should proceed with the RFP process. Mayor Awada
reiterated that the Council decided to delay the engineering RFP in 1998 and that the staff
had followed the Council's explicit direction.
Councilmember Blomquist suggested scheduling a consultant review in the non-
election years to give new Councilmembers the chance to spend a year in office before
making decisions regarding consultants. Councilmember Bakken suggested that the RFP
process be cascaded so the workload is manageable every two years, but emphasized the
importance of having a set schedule.
Mr. Ross Johnson expressed concern that there is no set schedule for the RFP and
review processes and stated that citizens should be able to participate in the evaluation
Mayor Awada stated that the consultants are hired on a project basis and there is
some flexibility about which firms the staff may go with for a given project. She likened
it to a preferred vendor list instead of a strict consultant system.
City Administrator Hedges clarified that a review and a new RFP were two
separate items and suggested establishing schedules for each. He stated that the Council
has not done reviews of consultants in the past, but the staff will coordinate such a review
if it is the pleasure of the Council.
Councilmember Bakken suggested the Council proceed with the RFP process on a
two year basis beginning in 2001 with Engineering, Legal, and CommunicationslPublic
Relations, followed in 2003 by Fiscal and Auditing services and in 2005 with Banking
and Insurance. City Administrator Hedges asked the Council if they wanted to set a
review schedule as well. Councilmember Carlson stated that the review of the
consultants should be done by the staff. Councilmember Masin stated that she wanted
the engineering RFP to be top priority.
Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded a motion to
schedule the RFP process with engineering, legal and communications/public relations to
be completed in 2001, fiscal and auditing services to be completed in 2003 and banking
and insurance to be completed in 2005. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
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Councilmember Carlson asked for the information generated in the retreat settings
with the organizational consultant. Councilmember Masin stated that this review should
happen this year and that the review should be contracted to an outside firm. Mayor
Awada moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded a motion to refer this matter to the
personnel committee. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
City Administrator Hedges reviewed the application for the Red Robin's license
to use amusement devices. Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a
motion to approve the license. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
City Administrator Hedges reviewed the meeting schedule for October,
November and December and gave a brief update on the recent fire and explosion.
The City Council adjourned at 6: 17 p.m.
OCTOBER 24, 2000
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