12/04/2000 - City Council Special
Minutes ofa Special Meeting of the Eagan City Council
December 4, 2000
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DECEMBER 4, 2000
5:00 P.M.
Present: Mayor A wada, Councilmembers Bakken, Blomquist, Carlson, Masin,
Councilmembers-elect Fields and Tilley, City Administrator Hedges, Director of Public
Works Colbert, Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa, City Engineer Matthys, Assistant
City Engineer Gorder, Administrative Specialist Hertel.
Mayor Awada called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Mayor A wada asked if anyone was present to speak to an issue not on the agenda.
There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor A wada closed the item and proceeded with
the meeting.
Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa introduced Mr. Jim Dvorek from SRF
Consulting, who reviewed the proposed alignment of Central Parkway. The proposal
included a three-lane roadway with 10-foot trails and a boulevard between the trails and
the roadway. He described potential landscape amenities relating to the median as
proposed. Mr. Dvorek reviewed the history of the ring road concept, originating with a
1994 study showing the need for traffic relief at the Yankee Doodle/Pilot Knob
intersection. He stated that the study demonstrated clearly that the central area of Eagan
would experience a breakdown due to traffic limitations if corrective measures were not
taken. He stated that the goal of the ring road is to provide alternatives to crossing the
Yankee Doodle/Pilot Knob intersection. He acknowledges that some focus group
members were concerned about the median and stated that the median would slow down
traffic through the roadway and increase safety.
Councilmember Masin arrived at 6:20 p.m.
Mayor Awada inquired about Lockheed Martin's position with regard to the
Central Parkway alignment. Mr. Torn Lindquist of Lockheed Martin stated that they
want to work with the planners of the road and that this alignment does not create
additional impact to their property relative to the alignment reviewed two weeks prior.
Mayor Awada stated that the ring road concept was approved in 1994 and that its
creation is a certainty. She further stated that the staff and Council are seeking federal
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Eagan City Council
December 4, 2000
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funding for the construction of the north bridge of the ring road. She stated that because
the project will move forward, the debate should focus on the details of the alignment and
not the concept as a whole. She expressed commitment to the heavily landscaped median
as a beautiful feature characteristic of the entire central area.
Councilmember Masin stated that the original discussion of the ring road concept
did not include a park and, therefore, the original concept is no longer important. She
stated that the Council needs to find new balance given the new situation and discuss the
trade-offs of the ring road.
A focus group member inquired about signalization at the intersection of Central
Parkway and Pilot Knob Road. Mr. Dvorek stated that Dakota County controls the pace
of such signalization because Pilot Knob is a county road and that the signal may take
some time before it is installed.
Focus group member Ted Wachter commented that he appreciated the new
alignment due to its special attention to preserving the cluster of trees that would have
otherwise been eliminated in previous proposals. Mr. Dvorek noted that the alignment of
the Central Parkway/Pilot Knob intersection has been angled slightly to accommodate the
tress mentioned and will consequently not be a 90-degree intersection. Focus group
member Pat Thomas expressed concern about the loss of land due to the road alignment
and concern about traffic speeds being too high on the road. Councilmember Blomquist
inquired about the anticipated speed for the roadway. Mr. Dvorek responded that they
expected the posted speed to be 35 miles per hour. Director of Public Works Colbert
stated that the original roadway had been proposed at 40 miles per hour. He further
stated, in response to Ms. Thomas' concerns, that additional property could be acquired
to realign the road and increase the size of the park, but that the funds for such
acquisitions would have to come from the site design portion of the budget referendum
and would consequently be a trade-off decision to be made by the City Council.
Focus group member Margo Danner inquired about the costs of the project. Mr.
Dvorek stated that the original report allowed for a $4.2 million project. Director of
Public Works Colbert stated that the total costs for a project of this magnitude include
utilities, streets, a lift station, storm sewer, trail, right of way costs, lighting and the
planting scheme. Mr. Dvorek estimated that the City's portion of the expenses to create
the roadway would total approximately $2.7 million.
Councilmember Carlson stated that the road should be built to accommodate large
events. Mayor A wada stated that the median may have a sidewalk to cross at at key
locations. Councilmember Blomquist stated that the Council should revisit the idea of
having a bridge over the roadway. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that public
safety traffic control measures would be needed in addition to any road design for major
events like the 4th of July. Mayor Awada asked if the roadway needed to be complete by
the 4th of July celebration in 2001. Director of Public Works Colbert advised
consultation with Dakota County about the parade route and the use of county roads.
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Eagan City Council
December 4, 2000
Page 3 of3
City Administrator Hedges stated that he did not anticipate a favorable response
from the county regarding the parade route and clarified a question about the public
hearing date for the proposed road alignment, stating that the public hearing would be
held at the regular City Council meeting on January 16, 2001.
Several focus group members expressed concern about holding the parade on the
road long-term due to the problems with the median and the overhang from plantings on
the median. Group consensus formed around the idea of creating a committee to begin
organized preparations for the 4th of July celebration for 2001. Focus group member
Raleigh Seelig volunteered to chair the committee.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
City Clerk
If you need these minutes in an alternative form such as large print, Braille, audio tapes, etc., please contact the City of
Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, 651-681-4600, (TDD phone: 651-454-8535).
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