12/11/2000 - City Council Special Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Eagan City Council December II, 2000 Page I of I MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 11, 2000 11 :30 a.m. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER CONFERENCE ROOMS 2A&B Present: Councilmembers Bakken, Blomquist, and Carlson, City Administrator Hedges, Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa, Administrative Specialist Wielde, Administrative Specialist Hertel. CALL TO ORDER The meeting began at 11 :30 a.m. No action items were on the agenda for the Facilities Design Team meeting and no action was taken. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE AND PENDING ISSUES Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa reviewed the issues to be discussed during the course of the meeting, including the floor plan and the space for the Historical Society, the Community RoomlBanquet area size and budget issues, the proposal received by Xcel Energy, operations revenue streams and the meeting on December 19, 2000. Members in attendance discussed the merits of different types of space for the Historical Society, ranging from full office to work station to fireproof storage. Director Vraa distributed his research and analysis on the issue of how large the banquet facility should be, demonstrating that the 500 person accommodation was not desirable because there are relatively few groups being turned away of this size and the overflow costs of having additional restrooms, larger kitchen space, and other increased support systems would never be offset by the small number of groups seeking to rent this space for 500 persons. Councilmember Blomquist arrived at 12:10. Also discussed were soundproof doors between the multipurpose gymnasium and the adjoining banquet room, a covered terrace area outdoors and the option of reversing the position of the auxiliary gym and the senior center. Director Vraa shared with the group a proposal from Xcel Energy to bundle the energy and utility costs for running the community center, including augmented levels of service and additional opportunities for credits and maintenance options. Discussion included whether or not People's Natural Gas could offer a similar option. The group concluded that because People's could not bundle the two together, their package would be unable to compete with Xcel. The Facilities Design Team recommended acceptance of the Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Eagan City Council December 11, 2000 Page 2 of2 agreement for consideration at the regular City Council meeting to be held on December 19,2000. Director Vraa stated that he and his staff are reviewing the budgets of six or seven comparable facilities from across the region and the country to find useful trends in staffing issues, and revenue sources. He stated that a primary revenue source is memberships, but that those memberships usually include access to a swimming pool. After brief discussion, the group recommended that the issue be taken to the Partnerships/Operations Team for review. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m. Date City Clerk If you need these minutes in an alternative form such as large print, Braille, audio tapes, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, 651-681-4600, (TDD phone: 651-454-8535). The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or status with regard to public assistance.