08/01/2000 - City Council Special
Eagan. Minnesota
August 1, 2000
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, August 1,2000 at 5:00 p.m. in
the Eagan City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Awada and Councilmembers Bakken,
Blomquist, Carlson and Masin. Also present were Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa, and City
Administrator Hedges, Senior Planner Ridley and City Attorney Dougherty.
Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to approve the
agenda. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
There were no visitors to be heard.
Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that the Green Space Committee had met several
times to research green space standards. Vraa introduced Terry Davis, Chair of the APrC, who updated
the Council on the Committee's findings. He noted that the Committee had agreed to establish
minimum green space area requirements for commercial and industrial uses. He stated that the
Committee also suggested reducing the parking lot dimension requirements for retail/commercial uses.
He further stated that the size and number of stalls based on the use and occupancy of the property is
greater than required. He said that some developers feel that more trees could be saved if the parking
lot size and stall numbers were reduced. He noted that at the present time the minimum stall size is 10'
X 20' and the Committee is recommending a reduction to a 9' X 19' stall size. He also noted that the
Committee was recommending revising the parking supply requirements for retail commercial and
office uses. He furnished the present square footage requirement for off-street parking for both retail
commercial and office uses. He added that the current standard results in excessive impervious surface
coverage. He stated that the Committee is recommending one off-street parking space for every 200
square feet of floor area for retail commercial and office uses.
Mr. Davis went on to explain that staff was asked to develop concepts changing four sites
within the City, Eagan Promenade, Cliff Lake Center, Thomas Lake Center Texaco and Trapp Road
Commerce Center, by overlaying them with the Committee's recommendations to determine whether
there is any benefit to developers. He noted that it was determined that there was a positive impact on
water quality with a cost benefit to developers. He stated that the Committee suggested the minimum
green space be 30%.
Carla Heyl, Chair of the APC, concurred with Mr. Davis' comments, noting that the APC
generally agreed with the Green Space Committee's recommendations. She added that some of the APC
members felt that 30% green space was too excessive for industrial but might be adequate for
commercial uses. She further noted that variances have previously been approved for smaller parking
stalls. She added that the Planning Commission questioned whether a percentage of smaller and larger
stalls could be considered along with a graduated increase. She further added that members concurred
with the 9' X 19' requirement.
Councilmember Blomquist stated that the 10' stall size was approved in an effort to prevent
damage to cars. She said she was not willing to gain additional green space if damage to cars will
increase due to smaller parking stalls. She commented that more green space could be available from
the number of lots that are larger than necessary rather than by decreasing the size of parking stalls
which could result in damaged vehicles.
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Mayor Awada supported the use of the graduated scale for parking. Councilmember Carlson
referenced the excessive number of parking stalls in the Wal-Mart parking lot and said she concurred
with the graduated scale. She expressed concern with the high cost of industrial property. She further
said that 20% green space for industrial property and 25% green space for commercial property would
be sufficient. She stated that she was agreeable to easing up on the parking requirements in order to
obtain more green space. She added that she was not opposed to the 9' width for parking stalls. She
further added that if the developer is going to be required to add more green space then something
should be offered to the developer.
Mayor Awada said she did not support the 9' width for parking stalls but would be agreeable to
reducing the length from 20' to 19'. She added that if the length of the parking stall is reduced and a
graduated scale is used in addition to the increase in green space it would result in smaller lots.
Councilmember Carlson stated that the reduction in parking requirements and the increase in green
space would work in tandem. Senior Planner Ridley mentioned that there are merits to requiring a
minimum amount of green space and stated that Wal-Mart desired to provide more parking stalls than
were required by Code.
Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Blomquist seconded a motion to amend the City Code
to require that not less than 30% of a commercial site and 25% of an industrial site be devoted to green
space, to reduce the parking stall dimensional requirements for retail commercial uses to 10' x 19' and to
approve the APC sliding scale as determined by staff.
Councilmember Masin suggested amending the Code to allow for a certain number of smaller
and larger parking stalls within a parking lot. Mayor Awada stated that there would be no way to
police this. She added that a developer could request a variance to the parking width requirements.
Councilmember Bakken suggested a friendly amendment adding language to the ordinance that
will accommodate those properties that are currently developed so they will not have to undertake any
renovations in order to be in compliance. Mayor Awada and Councilmember Blomquist accepted the
City Administrator Hedges noted that the APrC, the APC and the City Council would have an
opportunity to further review the draft ordinance.
Councilmember Masin asked if the Green Space Committee received feedback from any
developers. Mr. Davis stated that one developer participated and commented that the parking stall
sizes were prohibitive to increased green space.
Councilmember Carlson asked how the property owners who live outside the City would be
contacted to obtain their feedback. City Administrator Hedges stated that staff has a list of developers
and will make every effort to contact them.
A vote was taken on the motion. Aye: 5 Nay: 0
City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item.
Mayor Awada asked about the increase to the operating expenses. Director of Parks and
Recreation Vraa stated that the increase is attributable to salaries, the home and garden/variety show,
marketing costs and advertising for the shows, and capital items. He said that a gas edger was being
Eagan Spedal City Council Meeting Minutes; August 1, 2000
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replaced with an electric edger for air quality reasons. He further said that a floor scrubber would be
purchased. Mayor Awada asked if the need for the electric edger was solely for air quality reasons.
Vraa explained that the new edger would help to better maintain air quality standards.
Discussion occurred regarding the increased energy costs. Mayor Awada asked why salaries
were 10% higher than year 2000 salaries. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that all
employees will receive step increases and further noted that the compensation study also resulted in
salary increases. City Administrator Hedges said that the increase reflects the outcome of the
compensation study, which indicated a disparity in wages in comparison to other civic arenas.
Councilmember Carlson asked why there was an increase to the salaries of temporary workers. Vraa
stated that the temporary employees will also receive salary increases and are needed to work
additional hours to staff other events.
Mayor Awada said that the electric edger should not be purchased at this time. Councilmember
Carlson stated that she did not think more temporary employees should be hired and added that the
schedule should be re-evaluated to determine what amount of staffing is adequate. She questioned the
$1,000 that was budgeted for conferences and schools. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa said that
he wanted Civic Arena Manager Mark Vaughan to attend a Revenue Resources and Management school
put on by the National Recreation and Park Association, which addressees elements of revenue
production and control.
Councilmember Carlson questioned the amount budgeted for maintenance contracts. Director
of Parks and Recreation Vraa explained the purpose of the maintenance contracts. Councilmember
Carlson said she would like to know what other area arenas are charging for ice time. She added that
concern had been expressed about the softening market for ice time. She noted that last year the Eagan
Hockey Association had to purchase 150 hours from another arena. She disagreed that a soft market
existed. She questioned if scheduling of ice time was being maximized. She further questioned how
many hours were rented on Sunday nights. She added that the City Council needs more information.
Councilmember Masin noted that maximizing the schedule regarding ice time is staff's responsibility.
Mayor Awada said she would be interested in knowing what other arenas are charging and added that
Eagan should be in the middle with their charges. She further said she would like to find a way to
balance this budget.
Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to schedule the Civic Arena
budget for discussion at the August 15, 2000 special City Council meeting.
Councilmember Blomquist requested that a cost payback evaluation be included with the other
A vote was taken on the motion. Aye: S Nay: 0
City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item.
Mayor A wada presented options to the City Council for interviewing the consultants for
architect, construction manager and park planner. Councilmember Blomquist suggested that the entire
City Council participate in the interviews. Councilmembers agreed to conduct the architect interviews
on August 22 at 12:00 p.m., the park planner interviews on August 24 at 12:00 p.m., and the construction
manager interviews on August 2S at 12:00 p.m.
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Discussion occurred regarding filling the focus group vacancies. City Administrator Hedges
referenced an advertisement that will be placed in the local newspapers soliciting applicants. He added
that the actual selection could occur at the August 15 or September 5 City Council meeting.
Councilmembers concurred with making the appointments at the September 5 City Council meeting.
Councilmember Masin asked if evening hours would work better for conducting the interviews,
which would provide the public with an opportunity to attend. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa
stated that it takes a significant amount of time for these firms to make their presentation and only
scheduling the interviews in the evening would be cumbersome and inefficient.
Councilmember Blomquist said that the ordinance states that only Eagan residents may be
appointed to serve on task forces. She stated that it was important that the talents of Eagan residents be
utilized and noted that the last task force was comprised of individuals who did not live in the City. She
suggested changing the language in the press release regarding the representation of the focus groups to
be "Eagan residents" versus "individuals." Councilmember Carlson stated that individuals who own a
businesses or property or work in the City are also stakeholders. Councilmember Blomquist suggested
that a motion be made to identify how many individuals may be from outside the City. Mayor Awada
disagreed and noted that the ordinance regulates appointments to specific commissions and committees.
City Attorney Dougherty stated that the ordinance pertains to standing commissions and committees of
the City Council. He further stated that the City Council has the freedom to form special ad hoc
committees and the provisions of the ordinance would not apply. Councilmember Blomquist said that
the City Council should determine how many outside participants could be appointed to the focus
groups because it is important for Eagan residents to plan and design the facility. Mayor Awada added
that she did not know of any other committee or task force where a majority of the participants were not
Eagan residents.
Councilmember Carlson mentioned that it was not necessary to discuss this item because it was
determined that the installation of political signs on fences is prohibited by City ordinance. Mayor
Awada stated that information regarding political sign placement should be distributed to all City
Council candidates.
There were no items for other business.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:15 p.m.
August 1, 2000
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