04/11/2006 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 11,2006 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, April 11, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, Jason Bonnett, Daniel Flanagan, and Charles Thorkildson. Absent were Valerie Dosland, Dean Haehnel, Nathan Krahn, Tammy Mencel and Jack Prentice. Also present was Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator. AGENDA There was no quorum to approve the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the February 13,2006 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission were not approved for lack of quorum. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. COMMUNICATION UPDATE Miller introduced the item stating at the February 13,2006 ARC workshop, the decision was made to disband the 3 communication subcommittees noting Runway 17-35 is now operational. Miller stated that per the direction of the Commission, the item for the monthly agenda will now be titled "Communication Update" and any questions or recommendations regarding airport communications can be presented at that time. The Commission voiced no Communications recommendations at this time. MAC MONTHLY REPORTS - EAGANIMENDOT A HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANAL YSISffECHNICAL ADVISORY REPORT/17-35 OPERATIONS REPORT Miller introduced the item stating the enclosed February 2006 Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis, February 2006 Technical Advisory Report and the February Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report are the most current reports available on the MAC website. Miller stated these reports are included each month for the Commission to review and discuss any significant deviations or issues that have occurred. Miller called attention to the Technical Advisory Report noting a new feature, time above dB threshold for arrival and departure related noise events. The Commission discussed the time above dB threshold and also the number of complaints from the cities of Eagan and Apple Valley. Miller stated she has received more complaints in the past month regarding low frequency noise and departure operations. She further noted an untrue perception from residents of departure operations having to follow Cedar Avenue or the river. Miller stated she spoke with Cindy Green of the FAA regarding Corridor compliance and arrival operations outside of the Corridor. Miller added that Ms. Green stated that the new runway will not impact Corridor compliance. Airport Relations Commission Minutes April II, 2006/2 Aljets noted a weekly prop aircraft that departs off Runway 17/35 and then turns east over St. Paul.. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL RE: PART II OF THE WYLE NOISE STUDY Miller introduced the item and noted at the completion of the Noise Study by Wyle Labs, a decision would be made in the spring of2006 by the Commission and City Council to determine whether a follow- up study would be conducted to measure noise levels in the community following the opening and operation of Runway 17-35. It was unanimous amongst Commissioners present, noting a quorum was not present, to recommend to the City Council to conduct Part II of the Noise Study in June of2006. The Commissioners discussed the merits of the study and stated the data can be used to analyze the impact ofthe new runway. NOC WORK PROGRAM / PRIORITIZATION OF PART 150 NOISE COMPATIBILITY PROGRAM NOISE MITIGATION MEASURES Miller introduced the item noting the memo from Chad Leqve, Manager for the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs, to the MSP Noise Oversight Committee regarding prioritization of the Part ISO Noise Compatibility Program noise mitigation measures; stating this memo is included for the Commission's review. Miller also stated the Compatibility Program has not been approved by the FAA, but will be considered with the entire Part 150 document. The Commission discussed the next contour map which should begin to be prepared in 2007. They further discussed the Commission's role in the process of developing the new map. JOINT MEETING WITH THE MENDOTA HEIGHTS AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION Miller introduced the item stating the City of Mendota Heights approached Eagan regarding a joint meeting between the Eagan and Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commissions. This meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 9, at 7:30 p.m. Miller stated the regular monthly Eagan Airport Relations Commission meeting will be at 7 :00 in order to take care of Organization Business items and the introduction of new members. Miller suggested several possible topics for discussion; corridor compliance, the impact of the new runway and responsiveness ofthe MAC. Miller asked the Commission to email her with suggestions they may have for additional discussion topics. CORRESPONDENCE TO EAGAN LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION RE: MAC REPRESENTATION Miller stated a letter dated March 16,2006 was sent to all of Eagan's legislative delegation regarding current representation on the Metropolitan Airports Commission. She stated this letter was sent per the direction of the City Council and the ARC at the joint meeting held on March 14, 2006. Miller has not received a response to this letter, but will place follow-up phone calls to each legislator. Airport Relations Commission Minutes April II, 2006/3 AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION 2006-2007 WORK PLAN Miller stated the 2006-2007 Airport Relations Commission Work Plan, as approved by the City Council at the March 14,2006 Special City Council workshop, was included for the Commission's reference. Miller further stated she spoke with a representative of the Southern Twin Cities Association of Realtor and will be meeting to discuss a property value study/survey. NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE / CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Miller introduced the item noting that the Noise Oversight Committee unanimously approved the City of Apple Valley joining the at-large communities at the March 15,2006 meeting. Miller stated the bylaw change provides for a single representative of the at-large cities to serve a 2-year term and was suggested in order to increase continuity amongst the at-large seat. THANKS TO OUT -GOING COMMISSIONERS Miller thanked the Commissioners whose terms expire in April for their service on the Airport Relations Commission and stated that Commissioners Krahn and Nierengarten will not be re-applying because of other commitments. She also stated that Commissioner Dosland has resigned from the Commission because of a new job. Miller noted the City has 2929 applicants who will be interviewed by the City Council for the Advisory Commission appointments. These appointments will be made at the May 2, 2006 regular City Council meeting. ROUNDTABLE Miller stated the City of Minneapolis has contacted Eagan and the communities surrounding the airport in regards to holding a one night seminar entitled "Airport 101" as an overview on noise and airport issues. She stated no date has been set, but will let Commissioners know when the City receives notification of the meeting time and location. Miller noted the first story in the most recent Airport Noise Report is on the St. Petersburg/Clearwater International Airport, which has hired Wyle Labs to do a noise study out to the 50 DNL. Miller gave a brief update on the status of the lawsuit between the cities of Minneapolis, Eagan and Richfield and the Metropolitan Airports Commission regarding the noise mitigation program within the 60 to 65 DNL contours. Miller stated she will be attending a mediation next week regarding the lawsuit. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. DATE SECRETARY