06/01/1999 - City Council Special
June 1, 1999
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 4:30 p.m. in
the City Council Chambers of the Eagan Municipal Center Building. Present were Mayor A wada and
Councilmembers Blomquist, Masin, Carlson, and Bakken. Also present were City Administrator Hedges,
City Attorney Sheldon, Director of Public Works Colbert, and Intern to the City Administrator Rathmann.
Councilmember Carlson stated that she is interested in expanding the Council goals that were
developed on May 25 from 10 to 15. Mayor A wada stated that the best time to talk about doing that
would be at a Council Retreat. Councilmember Bakken made a motion to adopt the agenda.
Councilmember Carlson seconded the motion.
There Were no visitors to be heard.
Administrator Hedges gave a brief overview of the street rehabilitation policy and the current
status of the discussion.
Larry Popler addressed the City Council with a statement as to how the City is handling special
assessments. He raised concerns as to whether the city should continue this process since he feels there is
little equality in the policy.
Duane Deitz, 4277 Boulder Ridge Point, stated that the Council must develop a logical and
reasonable basis for the assessment policy. He stated that the road that he resides on, is a private road, yet
he is still asse~sed on the Thomas Lake Road improvements. He further stated ,that the current policy is
Meryl Lunsten stated that it is difficult to determine how the amount of assessment is determined.
The amount determined must be simplified and more clearly explained to the residents. She further stated
that during the most previous assessment, she was unsure how the money was spent and feels that
residents are entitled to an explanation and more openness.
Mayor Awada mentioned that the City pays over 60% of the costs and typically, a neighborhood
does not protest the assessment. Councilmember Blomquist stated that she has received calls from
residents that never received a break down of costs. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that a break
down of costs are available at City Hall or at the public hearing.
Councilmember Masin stated that the cost of the project is irrelevant, rather what is important is the
Councilmember Carlson stated that a priority for her is to provide better education regarding the
assessment policy to assist in making the residents more comfortable with the process. Mayor A wada
stated that only under heavy construction is the cost of the project more than the benefit.
Meryl Lunsten questioned why homes aren't assessed differently if they are have different values
and why the City can't assess a neighborhood based on a flat rate to reduce confusion and unfairness.
City Attorney Sheldon stated that the City is obligated to assess similar types of property the same.
Tom Monahan, 2840 Highview Terrace, stated that there is a better way to pay for street
improvements such as an increase in taxes or an additional maintenance fee attached to utility bills. In
addition, the process would avoid controversy and allow staff to provide the best maintenance since then,
roads will continue to be maintained regardless if they are in a program. Tom Monahan stated that now is
a good time to adopt a new overall policy.
Carl Sherer, 4268 Boulder Ridge Point, questioned why Boulder Ridge Point residents are the
only people assessed when others located on public streets are also using the road. Director of Public
Works Colbert stated that the current policy states that when a street is improved, the properties assessed
are the frontage properties. Councilmember Bakken stated that when property is developed, the
developer chooses the road to be public or private. A private road doesn't meet the same standards and is
maintained by an association. Councilmember Blomquist stated that it is difficult to prove the benefit of
a road that is not connected. Road construction such as Thomas Lake Road was done nearly 20 years ago
and some of the homes have only been built more recently. She further stated that the policy is unfair and
needs to be reviewed.
Councilmember Bakken stated that there has been a great deal of talk about the policy, however
no solutions or positive action has taken place. He suggested taking action after the current assessment
cycle as discussed at the May 18 Special Council meeting. Mayor A wada stated that the issues discussed
at that meeting would be the only items up for discussion Councilmember Blomquist suggested that item
#5, from the May 18 Special Council meeting, concerning the private driveways within a multiple
residential neighborhood not be charged and removed from the policy.
Councilmember Masin questioned why all property owners on the same street are not charged the
same assessment fee. Mayor Awada commented that they are assessed based on direct driveway access.
Councilmember Masin suggested that research must be done to look at the validity of the assessment
values that the City has been using.
Councilmember Carlson stated that the City is in the middle of a cycle and to remain fair, she
suggested no changes be made until the cycle is complete. Councilmember Masin stated that many
people do not think that it is unfair to change policies in the middle of the cycle. Councilmember Masin
suggested directing staff to check with an appraiser or consultant to review the City policy and do a
costlbenefit analysis and validate the report. Councilmember Bakken stated that the Council has voted
that there will be no changes until after the current policy cycle.
Concerning item #6, as developed from the May 18 Special Council meeting, regarding
appraisers entering homes to complete their appraisals for street rehabilitation projects, Councilmember
Blomquist suggested that appraisers must get approval before entering a home for an appraisal.
Item #7 discussed the motion directing City staff to check with an appraiser/consultant to review
the City policy and do a costlbenefit analysis and validate the report. City Attorney Sheldon stated that
the only way to review the policy is to review the existing appraisals, and stated that this process is not
uncommon. Councilmember Masin stated that this must be done before and after the appraisal and would
be able to provide staff with a consultant who m ay be able to do this for the City. She directed staff to
receive bids on the project. Councilmember Blomquist stated that she is aware of another appraiser who
would be able to do this and will forward the name to City Attorney Sheldon.
Councilmember Blomquist mentioned item #8, the option of activating a special assessment
committee. Councilmember Carlson stated that item #8 may appropriately be discussed at a later
workshop. All Councilmembers agreed to discuss this item at a future Council Workshop.
Councilmember Bakken made a motion to hold the Council Retreat June 9, 1999 at 5:00. Mayor
A wada seconded the motion.
Mayor A wada welcomed District 15 Met Council Representative, Carolyn Rodriquez. She
provided a brief introduction of herself and stated that she hopes to be included on the transportation
committee of the Metropolitan Council since she has a strong interest in the transportation issues for
District 15. She encouraged the Councilmembers to speak with Senator Deanna Wiener, Legislator
Wilkin and Pawlenty to express greater interest in LRT in Dakota County. Representative Rodriquez
stated that Chair of the Metropolitan Council, Ted Mondale was concerned of the fact the Eagan is not a
participant in the Livable Communities Act (LCA), however is still interested in LRT. Councilmember
Blomquist stated that Eagan meets the LCA guidelines and would receive no [mancial benefits of
participating. She further stated that the map of the airport noise impacts on Eagan may be changed
slightly to show the impacts of the North/South Runway. Mayor Awada commented that the City is not
anti-airport and is interested in working together with the Metropolitan Airports Commission.
Councilmember Masin stated that the Noise Conference will be held in San Francisco July 18-21.
Representative Rodriquez is interested in meeting with the Council every couple of months.
Administrator Hedges will work with Representative Rodriquez to set a schedule that will work for
herself and the Council.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
June 1, 1999