06/11/1999 - City Council Special
June 11, 1999
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Friday, June 11, 1999, at 3:30
p.m. in the City Council Chambers at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Awada
and Councilmembers Blomquist, Carlson and Bakken. Also present were City Administrator
Hedges, Police Chief Geagan, Superintendent of Streets and Equipment Erhart and Assistant City
Administrator Duffy. City Administrator Hedges stated that City Councilmember Masin had a
prescheduled appointment but would come to the meeting as soon as she was through.
The agenda was adopted.
Mayor Awada acknowledged visitors to be heard. There were no visitors present
interested in speaking on items not on the agenda.
City Administrator Hedges gave an overview of this item, stating that the Minnesota
Valley Transit Authority (MVTA) had recently added a route on Covington Lane consisting of
four bus trips each morning and four in the late afternoon. Residents had called the MVT A, the
Mayor and City Councilmembers and the City Administrator and expressed concerns over the
safety of their children. This item was discussed briefly at a Council retreat held on Tuesday,
June 8, 1999. At that time, the Council directed the City Administrator to schedule the item on
the agenda for the regular City Council meeting of June 15, 1999. The City Administrator did so
and the item was published as a part of the agenda for that meeting. He explained that,
yesterday (June 10, 1999), Mayor Awada had contacted the Executive Director of the MVTA and
was led to understand that the route would be cancelled in a day or two, allowing time for notice
to be given to the riders. The City received a memo from the MVTA, stating, "If the City feels
that the safety and well-being of its residents is seriously compromised by the new route, we
should respect their wishes." The City Administrator stated that he had lea,rned at noon today
(June 11, 1999) that the MVTA had decided it needed more time to phase out the route and would
operate the route until July 5, which was a surprise.
City Administrator Hedges stated that he had been attempting to call the Director of the
MVT A, Beverley Miller, or her assistant, Mike Abegg, but had been unable to contact them and
his calls were not returned. However, he stated that Assistant City Administrator Duffy did
speak to Mike Abegg at approximately 2:30 p.m. to let the MVTA staff know that this special City
Council meeting would be held. He stated that he did not see anyone from the MVT A staff in the
City Administrator Hedges explained the City Council felt it wanted to hold this special
City Council meeting in an effort to prevent a contentious situation between the residents and the
bus driver. He stated that it was an issue of safety and welfare for the residents and well as the
bus passengers and drivers. He stated that the Chief of Police had explained that he did not have
the authority to stop the bus unless there was an official action taken by the City Council.
Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded the following motion:
Due to concerns about the potential for physical altercations or other disruptions, to
preserve civil order, and to protect the general welfare of the public:
1. To direct the Chief of Police to have squads in the area and temporarily divert
bus traffic from the Covington area;
2. To direct the Director of Public Works to place portable type 3 and type 1
barricades at the entry ways to restrict access to local traffic only; and
3. To direct City staff to determine whether bus traffic can be permanently
restricted from the area, all three points pending final resolution of the issue
between the City and the MVT A.
Mayor Awada asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak. Laura Tramonte, a
resident who lives at 1859 Covington Lane, stated that she was notified on Tuesday by a bus rider
that the bus service on Covington Lane was going to start. She said that there are 19 houses on
Covington Lane with 38 children younger than 11. She says this would be very dangerous for
them. She said she had been told that the MVTA has told riders that they would only have to
wave their hand and the bus would stop. She said school buses had to have regular stops;
however, the MVTA wasn't even doing that. She said the MVTA staff told her that riders wanted
the route; however, when she asked for information on why this route was chosen, they couldn't
give it to her. She said she understood that people wanted the park and ride sites so they
wouldn't have buses in their neighborhoods. She said that there were two sites which were very
close. She said the MVTA staff had asked her that, if her children were older, wouldn't she want
them to have access to a bus. She told them, if her children were older, they could walk the half-
mile to the park and ride site. Ms. Tramonte said she and her neighbors would put up a blockade
and not let the bus come down Covington Lane.
Mayor Awada asked if anyone else in the audience wanted to speak. The members of the
audience indicated that they agreed with Ms. Tramonte and that she had covered their points.
Councilmember Blomquist stated that she was in on the original plilnning for the area
and that the original planning was for a residential street. She said the street does not have true
curbs and there are many driveway accesses. She also said that residents need to leave their car
and go to the mailbox and then back to their car. Also, she said there is a sidewalk which is
always filled with people walking children and dogs. She said there were many safety reasons
why there should not be buses on that street and that it was not designed for buses.
Councilmember Carlson asked Councilmember Bakken to repeat his motion and he did.
She asked what the barricades would look like. Superintendent of Streets Erhart showed the
Council a picture of the barricades. Councilmember Carlson asked if the barricades would only
be there during times the buses were scheduled. Mayor Awada said yes.
Mayor Awada stated she lived near the area and she had not even known that Covington
Lane went through from Galaxie Avenue to Johnny Cake Ridge Road. She said it looks like a
residential street. Ms. Tramonte said that, at least three times over the years, she and her
neighbors had asked the City to put up a stop sign on Covington to slow traffic and had been
denied because of the extra emissions from vehicles. She asked if the bus emissions wouldn't be
much worse. Ms. Tramonte stated that the park and ride sites work. She also said that the riders
that the MVT A is targeting are already riders and those were the only people notified about the
new routes.
A vote was taken on the motion. Aye: 4 Nay: 0
Councilmember Blomquist moved to work with the MVTA to insure that other
residential neighborhood roads are not targeted for bus routes in the future. Councilmember
Bakken stated that was included in his original motion. Councilmember Blomquist said she
thought the original motion only applied to the Covington Lane route. Mayor Awada stated that
both Councilmembers were partially right; however, she also stated that since this was a special
Council meeting called specifically to address an emergency situation that it would not be
appropriate to address another issue. Councilmember Blomquist withdrew her motion with the
understanding that the subject would be addressed at the regular City Council meeting on
Tuesday, J~e 15, 1999.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:00 p.m. Councilmember Masin arrived after
the meeting was adjourned.
June 11, 1999
If you need these minutes in an alternative form such as large print, Braille, audio tape, etc., please contact
the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122, (651) 681-4600, (rOD phone: (651) 454-8535).
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