08/03/1999 - City Council Special
August 3, 1999
A Special City Council meeting was held on Tuesday August 3, 1999 in the City Council
Chambers of the Eagan Municipal Center Building at 4:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor
Awada and City Councilmembers Bakken, Blomquist, and Carlson. City Councilmember Masin
joined the meeting at 4:37 p.m. Also present were Superintendent of Parks Olson, Civic Arena
Manager Vaughan, Police Captain Swanson, Police Chief Geagan, Director of Parks and
Recreation Vraa, Director of Finance VanOverbeke, and City Administrator Hedges.
In a motion by Councilmember Bakken, seconded by Councilmember Carlson with all
members present voting in favor (4-0), the August 3, 1999 Special City Council Agenda was
There were no visitors asking to be heard.
City Administrator Hedges presented an overview of the preliminary 2000 tax levy, the
proposed allocation of the levy to the various funds, the overall levy limit, the General Fund total
budget with the various revenue sources and the projected tax capacity rate. City Councilmember
Blomquist requested additional information regarding the breakdown between inflation and
growth on the increase to tax capacity. City Administrator Hedges acknowledged that the
information would be provided with the proposed budget to be presented to the City Council later
in August.
City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on the request for this agenda item
resulting from earlier discussion on the staff's proposal to increase the peak time hourly rate from
$135 to $140. Mayor Awada asked what the revenue loss is expected to be, given the decision
not to raise the rates. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa responded that there were
approximately 1400 hours of prime time rented during the past season, consequently the revenue
loss is expected to be about $7,000. Director Vraa went on to say that expenses related to
operations such as building costs, staff and other fixed expenses will also probably continue to
increase. The fixed expenses such as heat and other utilities cannot be significantly reduced.
Staff is continually trying to increase revenues by renting additional off peak hours, finding new
sources of revenues, like the Coke arrangement, and by increasing advertising.
Councilmember Bakken stated that he is concerned about trying to find additional
revenues and questioned if there is anything that can be cut from the budget, if the revenues do
not materialize. Mr. Vraa noted that the budget has included approximately $10,000 per year in
capital improvements. Although these are improvement requested by the prime users, there could
be a possible reduction in this area. Councilmember Bakken requested that an itemized list of
potential capital items be prepared.
Councilmember Blomquist suggested that the item was back on the agenda at the request
of Councilmember Carlson and she wanted to hear her thoughts and ideas. Councilmember
Carlson made reference to a two-page letter from the Eagan Hockey Association tournament
director concerning the arena situation. Regarding the East arena, the Association desires
flooring, not a sound system; there is some controversy about the second sheet of ice; they desire
another clock and bleachers. There was a heat problem that has been taken care of already. In
summary they referenced a facility that users do not want to use. The Association is suggesting
that the last few things be completed and that capital improvements will enhance the revenues.
Councilmember Carlson also noted the following items that could potentially increase revenues,
better concessions, e.g. sell specialty coffee; promote more tournaments; roller rink in the east
arena in the summer; increase the public skate fee while increasing the security as some
participants are not paying. Mr. Vraa noted how staffhas tried over the years to provide more
and better concessions, however the capital cost could not be justified. He anticipates some
opportunity to change that since Cascade Bay has been constructed and there can be some
Councilmember Masin asked if there is money left and if it was a good year. Finance
Director VanOverbeke referenced the handout in the packet that was prepared by the auditors and
displayed the cash flows for arena operations. Mr. VanOverbeke explained that from a cash flow
standpoint, the arenas have done very well. He expressed that his main concern was for the on-
going debt service obligations, necessary continual improvements and required capital
maintenance that are required over and above the normal operations.
Councilmember Blomquist suggested that these ideas be given a trial period and that
additional ideas be brainstormed. Councilmember Bakken inquired as to the price elasticity for
open skate and requested that capital expenditures be broken out for potential reduction. Mr.
Vraa responded that the most money comes from skating school, which is being increased for
next year.
Mr. Vraa asked about the possibility of differential pricing for the school district users, as
they would be paying the higher rate in the other district communities. This idea would increase
the rate on approximately 480 hours of prime ice time. Mayor Awada suggested that the rates be
left as approved for this year and that staff should try to expand revenues. Councilmember
Carlson stated that gross hours should be increased to increase revenues.
After a brief introduction by City Administrator Hedges, Director of Parks and
Recreation Vraa explained the process that the Commission had utilized to arrive at these
recommendations. Commission member Lee Markell recognized retired Superintendent of
Recreation, Dorothy Peterson, for her role in preparing the recommendations. Ms. Peterson
explained how the recommendations were derived from the Parks Master Plan through a serious
of iterations using the Commission's preferences, brainstorming of ideas, input from others, and a
review of available dollars. Mr. Markell explained the desire for the document to be flexible and
the desires of various interest groups with a clear dichotomy between the desires for both active
space and open space.
Councilmember Carlson inquired about the possibility of receiving maps to assist in a
visual representation of the recommendations. Staff responded that maps would be provided.
Mayor Awada questioned what the term conservancy meant in the table. Mr. Markell responded
that the idea was to maintain some sort of right of first refusal on certain property at the time of
potential sale to allow for City use, if development were contemplated. Councilmember
Blomquist remarked that some items were kind of vague, e.g. two playgrounds per year listed for
replacement. Superintendent of Parks Olson and Mr. Vraa responded that a visual inspection is
made monthly of park playground equipment. The 11 playgrounds being considered for
replacement had originally been installed in the 1982 through 1985 timeframe. Mr. Vraa noted
that the first two were identified and there is some flexibility after that, although the complete list
will be provided. Councilmember Blomquist made a request for a description of the term
"bubble" on page 8.
Councilmember Carlson was supportive of the access to Ohman Park acquisition. She
went on to express her opinion about Wescott Station Park where the park use cannot be
maximized due to parking concerns. She suggested that parks that cannot be used by the general
public should not be maintained. Ms. Carlson relayed a comment from the Eagan AtWetic
Association and the Eagan Hockey Association that they would have liked additional time to
review the proposal and to respond. Mr. Vraa responded that the material was sent out at least
two months before it was due back to the Commission.
In response to a question, City Administrator Hedges noted that the C.LP. would
probably be adopted in December so there is additional time to explore alternative ideas.
Councilmember Masin asked a question about Wescott Station Park and Councilmember Carlson
responded that the issue is parking. Councilmember Carlson went on to explain that there is a
problem with the soccer field located at Thomas Lake Elementary. Mr. Vraa explained that he
has spoken to the EAA about the situation and requested a letter that can be shared with school
officials since that is district property. He also stated that there are small amounts of money
available within the C.I.P. that can be used on smaller items such as the drainage problem with
the soccer field.
Mayor A wada inquired about the number of acres envisioned in section 9 (map 11). Mr.
Vraa responded that it was estimated at nine acres. Mayor Awada responded that she thinks that
acquisition of this site should be a high priority and envisions the site for a Community Center
and Senior Center. In response to a question from Councilmember Blomquist, it was noted that
the contemplated contribution from the Rotary Club is for the band shell and not for land
acquisition. Councilmember Masin noted that there had been business opposition to public
parking in this section 9 area. It was the consensus of the City Council that acquisition of land in
section 9 become a high priority. Councilmember Blomquist stated that the City Council and
Commission should be decisive on what is desired at this site. Direction was given to staff and
the Commission to meet and determine in a short time frame how much land is needed to provide
for various activities and programs at the section 9 site. Mr. Vraa responded that this should be
possible to complete within 5 weeks. Mayor Awada suggested that the City Council should write
a memo outlining their vision for a park in this particular location. Mr. Markell inquired as to the
availability of funds beyond those in the Park Site Acquisition and Development Fund and Mayor
Awada responded that money was available.
Mayor Awada stated that she doesn't think that the Patrick Egan Park design should go
forward until the City is ready to develop the park. The Commission responded that they thought
they were responding to a City Council desire. Councilmember Carlson responded that she
would like to see it left alone. She inquired as to when the Council could get maps. Mr. Olson
responded that copies of the quarter section maps (not colored) could be made available
Mayor Awada noted that the Cedarvale Task Force is finishing their work and could
possibly be recommending a potential public park in that location. That recommendation would
impact the park system as well.
Mayor Awada and the City Council thanked the Commission for their diligence and hard
work in completing the recommendations.
There was on other business.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m.
August 3, 1999
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