09/23/1999 - City Council Special
September 23, 1999
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Thursday, September 23, 1999
at 5:00 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center lunchroom. Present were Mayor Awada and
Councilmembers Bakken, Carlson and Masin. City Councilmember Blomquist was on vacation.
Also present were City Attorney Sheldon and City Administrator Hedges.
Mayor Awada asked ifthere were any additions or changes to the agenda. Mayor Awada
stated that she would like to add discussion of an Eagan Youth Commission to the agenda. City
Attorney Sheldon suggested that a brief announcement be made about a proposal for co-counsel
in the litigation matter involving the Cliff Road Water Treatment Plant. Councilmember Carlson
moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended. All
members voted aye.
Mayor A wada assured everyone that the conversation she had with Maya Babu and Katie
Tilley to present the concept of an Eagan Youth Commission will provide youth of Eagan a voice
and opportunity to express opinions and concerns about their local government. She stated that
there is necessity for staff and Council liaison and at some point funding for a youth commission
would be necessary. Mayor Awada shared an outline she received from Ms. Babu and Ms. Tilley
regarding the proposed Eagan Youth Commission. City Councilmembers expressed support for
the Eagan Youth Commission and that other Eagan youth such as Katie Munson, who is a
member of the Eagan Foundation, be made aware or contacted to participate in the development
of the Eagan Youth Commission. After further discussion, Councilmember Masin moved,
Councilmember Carlson seconded the motion to direct City staff to proceed ahead with the
structure and formation of an Eagan Youth Commission.
City Attorney Sheldon stated that after further review of the Cliff Road Water Treatment
Plant litigation, it was concurred with the City Administrator and Director of Public Works that
outside counsel be retained to assist the City Attorney's office in the litigation. He recommended
John Lunseth II, from the firm of Rider, Bennett, Egan & Arundel, to be retained as co-counsel.
It was noted that this does not require an official action, however, City Councilmembers did
express their approval of retaining Mr. Lunseth to assist in the Water Treatment Plant litigation
City Attorney Sheldon provided a history on parliamentary procedure stating that rules of
order for conducting business at official meetings stems from governance procedures that
Special City Council Meeting Minutes
September 23, 1999
Page 2
occurred in the old English parliament. He further stated that Robert's Rules of Order are only
part of the procedure governing a city. He stated that cities are a creature of state law and are
required to be consistent with state law, secondly an ordinance that adopts Robert's Rules and,
third, any rules the City adopts for their procedure at City Council meetings. City Attorney
Sheldon stated that Robert's Rules of Order are considered a fonnal process and that most City
Councils use Robert's Rules to bring order and are not used as rigid as the old parliamentary law.
City Attorney Sheldon also referenced a memo he distributed on August 30,1999 and
distributed a handout entitled "Duties of the Presiding Officer ofan Assembly" which he
reviewed each of the points in the document. He stated that the Chair makes rulings on process.
City Attorney Sheldon further stated that Councilmembers should go through the Chair if there is
a question for the Parliamentarian. He stated that there is an appeal process that requires a motion
and second and a majority if the Councilmembers should disagree with rules of order established
by the Chair. He stated that the Parliamentarian is considered a consultant or an advisor to the
Chair which W8$ a direct quote from the Robert's Rules of Order.
Mayor Awada thanked the City Attorney for his comments. Councilmember Masin
passed out a letter to each member of the Council and City Administrator expressing her concerns
with the conduct of the City Council. She further stated that the meeting should be continued
until there is opportunity for a good constructive debate.
Councilmembers discussed issues that are related to the Consent Agenda. There was
discussion regarding a future opportunity to view tapes of recent City Council meetings.
At approximately 6:00 p.m. Councilmember Masin indicated that she would need to
leave the Special City Council meeting for another commitment. Mayor Awada also stated that it
had been her plan to leave prior to 6:00 p.m. for another commitment. Councilmember Masin did
excuse herself from the City Council meeting. Mayor Awada stated that discussion regarding
Round Table, televising Special City Council meetings and rules of procedure were not discussed
and how the City Council wants to further consider those items. After a brief discussion and in a
motion by Mayor Awada, seconded by Councilmember Bakken with all members voting aye,
further discussion of Round Table, televising Special City Council meetings and other
organizational business was agreed to be discussed at a future City Council work session.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:45 p.m.
September 23, 1999