11/08/1999 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota 00330 November 9, 1999 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, November 9, 1999 at 4:45 p.m. in the Eagan City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Awada and Councilmembers Bakken, Blomquist and Masin. City Councilmember Carlson was absence due to a death in the family. Also present were Chief of Police Therkelsen, Director of Finance VanOverbeke, City Engineer Matthys, Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa, Assistant City Administrator Verbrugge, Senior Planner Ridley, Chief Building Official Reid and City Administrator Hedges. Mayor Awada asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. It was suggested that the Aquatic Facility Fund Budget and Business Community Forums be reversed in order on the agenda due to the fact that all participants had not arrived at the meeting to discuss the Business Community Forums. Councilmember Bakken moved, Mayor Awada seconded a motion to approve the agenda as amended. All members voted aye. Mayor Awada stated that Councilmember Carlson's husband's grandfather died and the funeral was held on this day resulting in Councilmember Carlson's absence from the Special City Council meeting. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Mayor Awada asked if there was anyone present who wanted to comment under Visitors to be Heard; there was no one present. AQUATIC FACILITY FUND BUDGET City Administrator Hedges stated that as a result of direction at the November 1 Special City Council meeting, staff provided additional explanation on the capital and food service questions, hours of operation and the sale of non-resident season passes. Mayor Awada asked if there were any questions regarding the written explanation by staff about either the capital or food service. There were no questions for City Council discussion on these items; Mayor Awada noted a consensus by the City Council. Councilmember Masin noted that many reasons have been stated by City staff to continue the hours of operation with an opening at 11 :00 a.m. as opposed to any earlier starting time and suggested that for the reasons stated in the staff memorandum, the Council should not support a change in the start time for the 2000 season. After further discussion and in a motion by Councilmember Masin, seconded by Councilmember Bakken, the hours of operation for Cascade Bay for the 2000 season remain the same as 1999. Staff was encouraged to pursue utilization of the pool for other scheduled activities outside the regular hours of operation as previously proposed. All members voted aye. Councilmember Masin stated that surrounding communities that have outdoor swimming pools or aquatic facilities have always accommodated Eagan residents by issuing non-resident passes and it would be appropriate that the City of Eagan extend the same courtesy to neighboring communities. She further stated that the staff recommendation to not allow the sale of any non-resident passes until April 1, 2000 with a $10 surcharge seems reasonable. Mayor Awada suggested June 1 as the date to allow the sale of non-resident passes. After further discussion, Councilmember Blomquist moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to allow for the sale of non-resident season passes to Cascade Bay at an additional cost of $10 per season pass and non-resident season passes will become available after May 15, 2000. The City Council concurred that a maximum of 10,000 season passes could be sold with a maximum of 1,500 of those sold to non-residents. All members voted aye. BUSINESs/COMMUNITY FORUMS City Administrator Hedges stated that he attended a meeting with Cindy Johnson, President of the Dakota County Chamber of Commerce, Jan Stapleton, Chair of the Eagan Chamber of Commerce, and Johanna Mowinkle, responsible for government action at the Eagan Chamber of Commerce, to discuss whether the City and Chamber should reinstitute the Business Community Forums that were held every other month approximately three to four years ago. Mayor Awada welcomed Jan Stapleton and Cindy Johnson, who were present in the audience, to join the City Council to discuss this agenda item. Jan Stapleton, Chair of the Eagan Chamber of Commerce, provided a number of comments in support of holding the meetings, stating that there are always timely issues that involve the community and would be of interest to business. Cindy Johnson, President of the Dakota County Chamber of Commerce, stated that she was not present with the Chamber when the last business forums 00331 Page 2/Eagan Special City Council Meeting Minutes November 9,1999 were held, but heard feedback and 'would like the City and Chamber to engage in similar forums next year. City Councilmember Blomquist stated that she is very supportive of reinstituting the meetings and felt the value for the business community and local government was strong when they were held three to four years ago. Councilmember Masin asked if the forums are for Chamber members only or the entire business community. Chamber President Johnson stated that notification would go to the entire business community, similar to the format used the first time the business forums were held. It was the consensus that the meetings are more beneficial if they are held at locations other than City Hall to the extent possible. Councilmember Bakken suggested that the forums be scheduled on a quarterly basis during calendar year 2000. Eagan Chamber Chair Stapleton and Dakota County Chamber President Johnson both concurred that quarterly would be sufficient for the first year. Jan Stapleton stated that the State of the City would more than likely be the first business forum to be scheduled for early February. It might be appropriate to offer surveys to those in attendance to help determine what topics would be beneficial for the Chamber and City to consider for the remainder of the year. Mayor Awada thanked both Cindy Johnson and Jan Stapleton for their coordination and planning for the upcoming City Chamber business forums. UPDATE ON 1999 GOALS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS City Administrator Hedges stated that at the last Council retreat on July 6, direction was given to incorporate the City's work program and action plan developed by the City Administrator on behalf of all City departments and the fifteen (15) goals that were prioritized by the City Council into five (5) goal statements. He named each of the five goal statements and stated that each Councilmember was given a document entitled, "Goals and Action Plan 1999-2000" that contains the five written goal statements and a progress update on every objective that was approved for each of the goals. Mayor Awada thanked the City Administrator for preparing the information and asked if the Council and staff should plan for a retreat in December to review the goals for consideration in 2000. Councilmember Masin asked when the goals will be adopted that were discussed in July, 1999. Mayor Awada stated that the Council will need to meet and provide direction to the staff with eventual Council ratification. Councilmember Blomquist spoke to the accomplishments memo prepared by the City Administrator and commended the City Administrator and staff for the amount of objectives that have been completed under each of the five goal statements during 1999. Councilmember Bakken suggested that any discussion of specific goals be held off until Councilmember Carlson is present. Mayor Awada suggested that the City Council meet during the second week of December to review the goals. Councilmember Masin asked that the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission look into plans for a millenium celebration based on information from the White House Millenium Commission. She suggested that the Commission consider a statue as one idea. Councilmember Masin further stated that she is agreeable to a workshop to discuss further the 2000 goals and action plan. Councilmember Blomquist stated that she supports a meeting to review the goals, however, would prefer the meeting be held on cable. Mayor Awada stated that each member of the City Council should prepare notes and a sentence on each topic in preparation for the goals meeting. She further stated that the list prepared by the Administrator should include any additional items we know are planned for 2000 and all items that have been accomplished should be deleted from the goals and action plan as presented. Councilmember Masin asked about Y2K readiness. City Administrator Hedges stated that the City has conformed to all of its Y2K responsibilities with the League of Minnesota Cities, has completed a recent City newsletter article and will be holding a final standing committee meeting with a full report coming back to the City Council at the December 6 meeting. After further discussion, it was agreed that the goal setting retreat would be scheduled for Thursday, January 13, 2000 and that the meeting would be held on cable. ADJOURNMENT There being no additional business, the meeting was adj TLH November 9, 1999 Date