12/06/1999 - City Council Special
Eagan, Minnesota
December 6,1999
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Monday, December 6, 1999 at
4:45 p.m. in the Eagan City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Awada and Councilmembers
Bakken, Blomquist, Carlson and Masin. Also present were Communications/Recycling Coordinator Foote,
Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa, Assistant City Administrator Verbrugge and City Administrator
Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to approve
the agenda as presented. All members voted aye.
Mayor Awada asked if there was anyone present who wanted to comment under Visitors
to be Heard; there was no one present for that purpose.
City Administrator Hedges stated that all advisory commission chairpersons had been
contacted and are scheduled to appear at different times during the Special City Council meeting to
provide an update on their respective work program and accomplishments for 1999. Mayor Awada
recognized Rick Pat raw, Chair, Solid Waste Abatement Commission, who reviewed that Commission's
work program which includes monitoring County activities relative to solid waste, neighborhood organized
collection, discussion of various company mergers, commercial hauling and exploration of the impact the
City can have on special events, Le. education regarding recycling activities such as reusable cups.
SW AC Chairperson Patraw further shared the Commission's Mission Statement and emphasized the
need for ongoing education as it relates to recycling. He further asked, on behalf of the Commission, what
the City Council would like the Solid Waste Abatement Commission to be working on. There was
discussion by Councilmembers to include consolidated neighborhoods and education as the two important
points. Councilmember Carlson stated that she would like SW AC to consider a new image by changing
the name of their Commission. Chairperson Patraw stated that they will revisit the name Solid Waste
Abatement Commission in early 2000 and report back to the City Council. Mayor and Councilmembers
thanked Chair Pat raw for the contribution of the Solid Waste Abatement Commission.
Mayor Awada recognized Maggie Jensen, Vice-Chair of the Joint Burnsville/Eagan
Telecommunications Commission, stating that the Chair alternates between the two cities each year and
is currently held by a resident of Burnsville. Vice-Chairperson Jensen presented the Vision Plan, the
community TV take-over, increased programming and the recent franchise agreement. She specifically
shared results of the recent retreat/goal setting workshop and spoke to the challenges in 2000.
Commission Vice-Chairperson Jensen stated that communications should be enhanced for both the
communities of Burnsville and Eagan by using the Internet as an effective way to present information. She
further commented on the results of the proposed franchise renewal. The City Council thanked Vice-
Chairperson Jensen for her report and for all the work that is coordinated by the Burnsville/Eagan
Telecommunications Commission.
Ted Gladhill, Chairperson of the Airport Relations Commission, appeared and
commented that half of his Commission consists of new appointments, resulting in 'a certain amount of
education on airport relations matters during 1999. He stated that only the Cities of Eagan and Mendota
Heights have signed contracts with MAC relative to affected costs associated with the construction of a
new runway. He further stated that approximately 70% of all air traffic impacts Eagan. With the new
proposed north south runway, that percentage could increase, causing a greater impact in the community.
Chairperson Gladhill stated that the Commission's objective is to keep planes on a straight course and
addressed concerns the Commission has that some communities are promoting elimination of the corridor
and fanning out-traffic. Chairperson Gladhill also spoke to potential airport impacts on Cedarvale, stating
that the area needs redevelopment with some residential, but expressed caution that all redevelopment
efforts be compatible with airplane noise standards. Following some questions and answers,
Councilmember Blomquist thanked Chair Gladhill for his work and presentation as a member of the
Airport Relations Commission.
Page 2/Eagan Special City Council Meeting Minutes
December 6, 1999
Gary Morgan, Chairperson of the Economic Development Commission, appeared and
distributed a flyer regarding a Northern Dakota County Chamber event that is planned for the Minnesota
Zoo on Thursday, December 9, sponsored by Dakota Electric. Chairperson Morgan proceeded to update
the City Council on the Economic Development Commission, stating that surveys are well underway in
conjunction with the University of Minnesota to interview local businesses about how the City is doing with
its economic development strategies. He further stated that the Commission recently overhauled the
economic toolbox, which has been submitted to the City Council for consideration. Chairperson Morgan
spoke to the Commission's efforts relative to the TIF District at TH 55 and TH 149, the Special Service
District in place at Cedarvale and further comments about the Cedarvale Task Force process. He
specifically stated that, in his opinion, the first step to redevelopment in the Greater Cedarvale Area is to
modify the Silver Bell/Beau D'Rue intersection which would lead to the first phase of redevelopment in that
area. He also commented on a picture book that the EDC has worked on with the local Convention &
Visitors Bureau, expressing a special thanks to Dakota Electric and West Group for their contribution in
deferring the cost of the book. Chairperson Morgan concluded by suggesting that in the future the City
Council appoint representatives to the EDC that would have background in manufacturing, hospitality and
a representative from the Cedarvale area. Councilmembers thanked Chair Morgan for his presentation.
Carla Heyl, Chairperson of the Advisory Planning Commission, appeared and stated that
most items the Planning Commission has been working on during 1999 have been reviewed by the City
Council. She suggested that when the property maintenance ordinance is considered, a special meeting
be held to consider that ordinance. She provided a brief summary of projects the Planning Commission is
currently on, such as modification to the subdivision and zoning ordinances as a follow-up to the
comprehensive guide plan. Councilmember Blomquist expressed her thanks and appreciation for all the
work and coordination of the Advisory Planning Commission.
Lee Markell, Chairperson of the Advisory Parks Commission, and Terry Davis, a member
of the Commission, appeared to discuss the accomplishments and future work program of the APrC.
Chairperson Markell stated that the accomplishments include the opening of Cascade Bay, which was
under budget and on time, the acquisition of the Don Grant property, Eagan Forever Green project and
the many successes at Holz Farm. He made some comments about the Central Park Community
Activities Center proposal, expressing a strong support on behalf of the Advisory Parks Commission. Mr.
Davis spoke to environmental issues that are of concern to the APrC, stating that the number of parking
stalls required for development in the City of Eagan is higher than other cities, which eliminates a certain
amount of green space. Further, it is the suggestion of a study committee of the APrC that more
consideration be given to the placement of buildings on sites that would enhance and better mitigate
environmental issues. Mr. Davis spoke highly about the tree replacement policies that have been enacted
by the City. He suggested that the APrC, along with the Planning Commission, address the policy and
ordinance changes as a special task force of the City Council. Councilmembers expressed their support
and asked that this matter be shared with the Advisory Planning Commission at their next work session
scheduled for December 9 and a recommendation to form a joint task force to study certain development-
related ordinances be placed on the next Special City Council meeting agenda. City Administrator
Hedges stated that it will be placed on the December 14 meeting agenda. Mayor Awada and
Councilmembers expressed their thanks to both Mr. Markell and Mr. Davis for their presentation and input.
Councilmember Blomquist suggested that information be gathered on why the City
adopted an ordinance requiring a limitation of three 3-year terms for advisory commission members and
that the information be shared at a workshop in January.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
December 6, 1999