08/25/1998 - City Council Special
Minutes of the Special Council Meeting August 25, 1998 page 1
AUGUST 25,1998
Present: Mayor Tom Egan, Council member Pat Awada, Councilmember Bea Blomquist, Council member Sandy Masin,
Councilmember Ted Wachter, City Administrator Hedges, Finance Director VanOverbeke, Assistant Finance Director
Pepper, Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa, Director of Public Works Colbert, Senior Planner Ridley, Chief of Police
Geagan, Fire Chief Jensen, Chief Building Official Reid, Intern to the City Administrator Hertel.
Mayor Egan called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.
City Administrator Hedges gave an overview of the General Fund Budget. He highlighted the key issues of the
budget as described in the Executive Summary. He stated that according to the proposed budget, the Council would levy
the maximum under State imposed levy limits. He stated that in spite of the tax classification rate changes, the estimated
City tax capacity rate is decreased by 4.4% from 22.434 to 21.457 excluding the MVT A levy. He stated that the
recommended budget incorporates the expanded trail and sidewalk maintenance program at a cost of$180,000,
representing 1.1 % of the proposed 4.7% increase in the entire budget. He further stated that the recommended budget is a
combination of the various budget scenarios submitted by the individual departments and does not fully incorporate a
specific scenario across the budget. He informed the Council that the budget incorporates three new "Clinton Cops" in
the Police Department. He discussed the other proposed personnel additions totaling 3.15 Full Time positions. He
pointed out that the contingency account is proposed as a flat 2.0% of the budget. He stated that the proposed levy
includes an increase to the Equipment Revolving Fund which combined with the 1997 transfer from the General Fund
'lllows for the discontinuance of the use of Equipment Certificates. He commented that the proposed levy includes an
.lcrease to the Major Street Fund allowing for increasing flexibility to address at least some street maintenance, repair and
replacement issues. He explained that the defeasance of the tax supported general obligation bonds eliminated the need
for a debt service levy. He directed the Council's attention to the institution of the General Facilities Renewal and
Replacement Fund to be used to maintain facilities and infrastructure into the future. He explained the preliminary levy
certification for the Cedarvale Special Services District and asked the Council to consider possible dates for the Truth-In-
Taxation hearings in November and December and to take action to reschedule any affected December council meetings.
Finance Director VanOverbeke gave a presentation on expected revenues. He commented that the most
significant change in taxation occurred for CommerciallIndustrial properties. He further stated that the Education Credit
would have a substantial effect on property-owners, but that it would not be present in the City's projected tax liability for
its residents. He further discussed the maximum levy limit and how debt service levy has been eliminated. He stated that
for Eagan residents whose property values remained the same, their taxes payable would decrease by 4.4%, but that
homes with increased market values would possibly experience an increase in City taxes.
Mayor Egan commented that the tax system is very complex and that the classification systems and language pose
challenges for those who don't work with the system regularly. He praised Finance Director VanOverbeke and Assistant
Finance Director Pepper for their outstanding work in presenting the best budget in 20 years. City Administrator Hedges
suggested the Council consider rescheduling their first December meeting to November 30, 1998 and hold the initial
Truth-In-Taxation hearing on that date. The continuation date and the budget and levy adoption date would be the regular
meeting on December 15, 1998. Mayor Egan confirmed that there was consensus by the Council to hold the December
Regular Council meetings on November 30 and December 15. City Administrator Hedges briefly reviewed the process
preceding this budget presentation. Mayor Egan stated that he was willing to support the 1.06 police officers per thousand
residents due to his strong belief in community policing and the other efforts by the police department. City
b..dministrator Hedges commented that any increases that would have been made in next year's budget may be one fewer
Minutes of the Special Council Meeting August 25, 1998 page 2
if the Council chooses to accept all three Clinton cops. Mayor Egan and Councilmembers Awada and Wachter all
;Qmmented that they favored accepting all three Clinton cops.
Councilmember A wada asked about the MIS department and what additional needs they may have. City
Administrator Hedges commented that the City is still working toward many of its technology goals and highlighted ideas
like a 24-hour City Hall through the internet. He commented that the Police need a substantial amount of support from
MIS. He added that MIS Coordinator Peterson is on-call virtually around the clock and that he has been working with
MIS staff to develop a work plan regarding technology. Council member Awada stated that the option should remain open
to reduce the contingency fund and add personnel and/or resources to the MIS department. She commented that an
investment in MIS may mean a reduction in need in other departments. City Administrator Hedges commented on his
work as a member of the Board of Directors at LOGIS and mentioned the extremely competitive market for MIS services,
stating how fortunate the City of Eagan is to have talent like MIS Coordinator Petersen and Information Systems
Technician Pojman. Mayor Egan stated that the City should be forward-thinking and do more in terms of technology and
the MIS department. Councilmember Blomquist stated that the City should look at cutting staff costs elsewhere to
accommodate the increased personnel needs in MIS. Councilmember Awada discouraged that approach at this time,
commenting that she expected the department would need to grow to 4 or 5 full-time persons in the near future to catch up
to where the City should be, given its technology-adept population and their demands for service and information through
the internet. Councilmember Awada recognized that the MIS personnel at the City are currently overworked. City
Administrator Hedges commented that 5,200+ persons had used the City's website. Councilmember Awada stated that
the City should look into changing the URL to something more familiar like www.eagan.org. City Administrator Hedges
suggested an extended discussion of technology at a special work session in the future. He further commented that the
MIS personnel had done a fabulous job making City Hall more computer-literate internally, but that the Council should
consider further efforts to be more accessible to the community through technology.
Mayor Egan questioned any changes in tax capacity made by the County. Finance Director VanOverbeke stated
lmt the County will have more accurate information by the Truth in Taxation hearings, but that final tax liabilities will
only be available when the tax statements are sent to residents. Councilmember Blomquist stated that she did not consider
the change from 1.0 to 1.06 police officers per thousand residents a significant change. Mayor Egan inquired about the
status of the Cairns IRIS helmets for the Fire Department. City Administrator Hedges stated that the proposal would be
considered as part of the 5-year CIP.
Councilmember Blomquist stated that she thought the expenditures made for conferences for Council and staff
were excessive and suggested limiting the number of persons able to attend conferences. Continued participation was
recommended after a discussion of the benefits by Council members Wachter, Awada, Masin and Mayor Egan.
Councilmember Blomquist remained opposed to the appropriations as presented in the draft budget.
Councilmember Wachter stated that the half-time intern in MIS should be a full-time position. There was
consensus by the Council.
Councilmember Masin stated that the City's attention to its cable resources was lacking. She inquired about what
kind of resources it would take to obtain some quality programming. City Administrator Hedges responded that the
situation with cable as a means of communication was similar to the situation with the MIS department. He stated that
there are limited resources available and that most work is done through volunteerism. He commented that there has. been
discussion of bringing the Eagan Report back. Councilmember Masin re-stated her concern about channel 16 and stated
that the City should do whatever it takes to get a first-class cable operation. City Administrator Hedges higWighted three
points for potential improvement, including improved equipment for the Council chambers, an upgrade for the Fire
Administration Building and more active and interesting programming. He cited the recent airtime given to a video
featuring Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa for an informative segment on the progress of the Aquatic Facility.
Councilmember Awada expressed support for the Aquatic Facility segment. Councilmember Masin stated that more
~oney should be spent on cable and that it should be used more effectively. Mayor Egan commented that cable is
_Jmething people should be able to count on being there for community information.
Minutes of the Special Council Meeting August 25,1998 page 3
Councilmember Wachter commented that in past years, there have always been requests for radios. He
commented that other technologies may be reducing this need in the City.
Mayor Egan inquired about the new position in the Parks and Recreation Department. Dir~or of Parks and
Recreation Vraa described the changing job responsibilities process that had occurred since February and the departure of
Jon Oyanagi. He described the restructuring of Parks Superintendent Peterson's position, removing the hands-on aspects
of the job and replacing them with the administrative responsibilities. He clarified that the Events and Programs position
would work on programming at HoIz Farm and on the Winter programs. He commented that the changed registration
times to Spring instead of registration at various times of the year had made the residents satisfied, but had made the
processing of those registrations challenging from a staff perspective, due to the lack of temporary and seasonal help in
March and April. He further commented that the Parks and Recreation Department had recently received two additional
resignations. City Administrator Hedges commented that the City of Eagan attracts talented individuals, mentors them
and then they move on to continue to grow. Councilmember Wachter asked what causes this seeming "loss" of talented
persons, citing wages and growth opportunities as potential factors. City Administrator Hedges commented that a
combination of those factors caused the departures of many persons in key middle management positions.
City Administrator Hedges gave an overview of the potential teen center locations/proposals for Eagan. He
reminded the Council that they had asked for this information to be prepared in conjunction with the budget process, but
that the costs of a teen center had not been included in the General Fund Budget. Councilmember Wachter stated that he
was opposed to the idea of having a teen center in the mezzanine area of the Civic Arena. He stated that once this project
is undertaken, there is no going back and that this is a particularly bad time to be making these choices considering the
still developing needs of the Civic Arena. Councilmember Awada and Mayor Egan expressed support for
Councilmember Wachter's comments. Council member Blomquist stated that the Council should hear from the Hockey
Boosters about their needs in that area.
Councilmember Wachter inquired about the tree conservation budget. City Administrator Hedges commented
that the City-Wide Tree Planting Program Advisory Committee's recommendation had not been included in the
preliminary budget process.
Councilmember Wachter returned to the issue of talent retention, commenting that the across the board 3% salary
increase was probably not the best policy choice in terms of personnel. He expressed concern about the loss of key
personnel and expressed interest in retaining valuable employees. Councilmember Awada stated that it is always the
second highest ranking personnel who are leaving, possibly because there is no room to move up until department heads
retire. City Administrator Hedges stated that the Council should look at this in a positive light, citing the success of
former City of Eagan employee Jon Hohenstein. He commented that the Council had previously prided itself on its
internal pay-equity criteria. He stated that it may be time to look at the external market. He suggested that staff do a
study about how other organizations handle compensation, including performance pay options and competitive salary
ranges in comparable markets. He stated that a more detailed study would be appropriate. Councilmember Blomquist
stated that the City needs more people in middle management positions and commented on the way unions tend to set the
tone for all employees. Councilmember Wachter suggested considering performance bonuses as in the private sector.
Councilmember Blomquist suggested instituting a wide-range performance scale. Councilmember Wachter stated that
employee performance may be improved if employees stop expecting a 3% raise regardless of performance.
Councilmember A wada stated that the Council should empower City Administrator Hedges to review this matter and
bring it to a future special council meeting. City Administrator Hedges commented that benchmarking in the public sector
is more challenging than in the private sector when there are gauges like sales, etc. Councilmember Blomquist stated that
one of the obstacles to performance pay is that the City must publish its salaries as public information. City Administrator
Hedges concurred, stating that the only options available in the public sector are salary increases, whereas private
employers have incentives like promotions and stock options as compensation tools.
Minutes of the Special Council Meeting August 25, 1998 page 4
Mayor Egan asked about the consequences of not levying to the maximum levy limit. Finance Director
VanOverbeke stat(:d that there is no penalty for levying or not levying the maximum under the current law. Mayor Egan
commented that the budget didn't appear to be padded at all in order to reach the levy limit, but that the increase was
legitimate. He stated that he had no objections to the proposed budget. Councilmember Wachter stated that the budget
reflects well on City Administrator Hedges as an accurate reflection of the policies of the Council. City Administrator
Hedges was quick to give credit to the entire management team who made the budget a successful proposal.
Councilmember Masin commented that the public perception of the Council is that they are fiscally conservative. Mayor
Egan stated that the Council had reached consensus and is prepared to consider this formally at the September 14, 1998
Regular Council Meeting.
City Administrator Hedges gave an overview of this item; he stated that this review was an effort by the MVT A
to reach out to its member cities. Council member Masin led a forty-five minute review of the strategic plan, asking the
Council to consult her if they had questions or feedback. The Council had generally positive feedback and minimal
questions of clarification.
Council member Wachter introduced the issues pertaining to the Carl Case property. He stated that Mr. Case's
neighbors had complained about his property and that he had been given until September 15 to clean up his yard. He
mentioned that he had heard that Mr. Case had fallen into ill health and that the City should perhaps look for creative
solutions to this problem, including having volunteers help him with his yard or at least extend the deadline to
accommodate his health. The Council was in consensus that inquiries should be made and the deadline should be
Councilmember Awada brought up the issue of the City Administrator's performance review, clarifying that the
Council had decided to handle the performance review in the same manner as in the past. Councilmember Masin stated
that she thought the review process was poor and that the Council as a whole should have been able to review all the
comments before they were forwarded to the City Administrator. Councilmember Awada stated that the same process
had been followed as before and that maybe the Council should take an opportunity to review his performance during a
workshop in the future. Councilmember Masin stated that the City should bring in a consultant to handle this review
process. She objected to the process because of the lack of criteria by which to judge his performance; she stated that
there are no goals or objectives for the City Administrator's role. She restated that the Council as a whole should have
met to discuss his review. Councilmember Blomquist stated that she didn't approve of the process from the start and that
she didn't participate for that reason. Councilmember Awada stated that all the comments received on the forms were
shared with the City Administrator in a meeting that morning. Councilmember Masin asked what was discussed for two
hours and where the goals and objectives were listed by which they evaluated his performance. Councilmember Awada
stated that the personnel committee had found 3 consistent areas in his performance that needed improvement and that the
process followed had been at the direction of the Council as a whole. Councilmember Masin expressed concern that her
only involvement was to fill out a form. She restated that the City should have hired a consultant. Councilmember
Awada stated that the process itself is acceptable, but should be done annually. Councilmember Blomquist restated that
she didn't approve of the process because it should involve all five members of the Council. Mayor Egan stated that the
purpose of the personnel committee was to collect and synthesize the information and bring recommendations to the
Council as a whole, like many other processes for recommendations. Councilmember Wachter commented that this
process is what was directed by the City Council and that changes can only be made for future performance reviews.
Councilmember A wada stated that the format used by the Council is a standard format used by other cities, according to
Assistant City Administrator Duffy. City Administrator Hedges commented that Assistant City Administrator Duffy had
reviewed other forms and considered this one the best alternative. Councilmember Wachter suggested that the Council
'~ave future decisions about the City Administrator's Performance Review Process to the next Council. Council member
~ wada stated that a key reason the process includes a personnel committee is so two members of the Council can review
Minutes of the Special Council Meeting August 25, 1998 page 5
the comments with the City Administrator without having to make his review public, according to public meeting laws.
~ouncilmember Blomquist asked if the performance review would be an exception to public meeting laws, considering it
is a personnel issue. Mayor Egan stated that Assistant City Administrator Duffy had already informed them that this
would not be an exception to the public meeting law. Councilmember Blomquist asked that the City seeks a legal opinion
on the matter. Councilmember Masin restated that all five members of the Council should be included in the review
The meeting adjourned at 8: 11 p.m.
August 25, 1998