09/29/1998 - City Council Special
A Special City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, September 29, 1998 in the lunchroom
at the Eagan Municipal Center. Those in attendance were Mayor Egan and Councilmembers A wada,
Blomquist, Masin and Wachter. Also present were Wayne Schwanz, Superintendent of Utilities,
Mark Vaughn, Civic Arena Manager, Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa, Director of Public
Works Colbert, Director of Finance/City Clerk VanOverbeke and City Administrator Hedges.
City Administrator provided background on the Water and Sanitary Sewer Utility Budgets.
He stated that there is no significant change in the Operating Budget for either Water or Sanitary
Sewer proposed for 1999 from the budgets approved for calendar year 1998. Mayor Egan spoke of
the 13 percent reduction in the proposed Water Utility Budget and the conservative increase for the
sanitary sewer expenditures for 1999 stating that this is a healthy trend for the City's budgetary
projections for the calendar year 1999. City Councilmember Blomquist asked about the Water
Treatment Plant repairs and, specifically, if there is a cost that should be budgeted for in 1999 out of
the Water Utility Budget. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the Water Treatment Plant at
Cliff Road and Pilot Knob Road is in litigation and it is the opinion of the City that there should be
no financial liability due to the fact the repairs are a result of faulty workmanship, product or design.
Superintendent of Utilities Schwanz stated that the exterior wall has been exposed at the Water
Treatment Plant allowing for inspection by an expert witness during litigation and, further, that the
exposed area will be properly closed and maintained within the next week.
City Councilmember Awada responded to the City Administrator's presentation that two (2)
reservoirs would be painted during 1999 and asked whether the Lone Oak Tree that was painted on
the Deerwood reservoirs would be included on the Yankee Doodle and Safari reservoirs as a part of
the repainting contract. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the bid specifications can
provide for an alternate to include the painting of Eagan and the Lone Oak Tree on the two (2)
City Councilmember Wachter raised questions about the status of the storm water lift
stations, and further questioned delta removal as described in the budget document. Superintendent
of Utilities Schwanz provided information about the storm water lift stations in general and further
commented that the delta removal is the removal of sand that is deposited in several wetlands.
City Councilmember Blomquist asked ifthe sanitary sewer and water utility fees were
increased from 1997 to 1998. Director of Finance VanOverbeke stated that he was not certain if
there had been a fee increase, however, would check that out and report back to the City Council. He
further stated that the utility rates for the water and sewer utilities will be further studied and
examined in the fall of 1998 to determine whether the rate increase is necessary for 1999.
Mayor Egan asked about the water usage and future availability of water for the City.
Superintendent of Utilities Schwanz stated that the City sold approximately 2.9 billion gallons of
water in 1997 and anticipates that number will be slightly higher for 1998. He further stated that the
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DNR regulations for the amount of water pumped by the City is capped at 3 billion, however, due to
the addition of two (2) deep wells he expe.cts that n,umber to be increased to 5 billion that can
pumped on an annual basis. Superintendent of Utilities Schwanz further stated that the odd/even day
sprinkling ban has been a success in the elimination of sharp peaks and a more constant use of water
consumption on a daily basis.
City Administrator Hedges reviewed the Storm Drainage/Water Quality Utility Budget
stating that there were very few changes recommended in the 1999 budget. He stated that along with
the Director of Parks and Recreation they will evaluate how the Water Quality Coordinator position
should be filled for the future. He further stated that the City has the advantage of continuing to
utilize the expertise of Rich Brasch, since he is now employed with the firm of Bonestroo, Rosene &
Anderlik, an engineering consultant to the City. Mayor Egan asked the Director of Public Works for
his comments on the Water Quality Coordinator position. Director of Public Works Colbert stated
that the City has been fortunate to have Rich Brasch as its first Water Quality Coordinator during
years the Water Quality Management Plan was first implemented. He stated that in his opinion it is
extremely important to maintain the position so the objectives set forth in the Water Quality
Management Plan continue to be implemented. The Director of Parks and Recreation and City
Administrator agreed and stated that in the short term the City will utilize the services of Mr. Brasch
in his new capacity as a consultant with the BRA Engineering Firm. Mayor Egan expressed his
appreciation for the Storm Water Utility Budget as presented and reflected on what an excellent asset
the Water Quality Management Plan has been to the City of Eagan.
The City Administrator outlined the Civic Arena Operating Budget proposed for 1999. He
specifically reviewed changes in the Civic Arena Budget that are the result of adding operations of a
second Civic Arena. He stated that the budget has been increased more than inflation for certain
operating expenses such as electricity due to the fact that the City will be operating two (2) facilities.
Mayor Egan asked questions about the advertising and donations that are budgeted for the Civic
Arena. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa and Civic Arena Manager Vaughn responded stating
that the City has had to reduce the charge for advertising in Civic Arena East in order to attract
advertisers for the first year of operation. Mr. Vaughn stated that there is apprehension by local
businesses as to whether there will be enough activity in the Civic Arena East to justify the
advertising expense. He stated that since the cost for advertising was reduced, there have been local
businesses expressing interest in advertising for the 199811 999 season. City Councilmember A wada
asked whether the difference in the forecast of revenues versus budgeted expenditures is for
depreciation of the facility. Director of Finance VanOverbeke stated that a portion of this is set aside
for capital replacement for the building, equipment and related costs the City may incur in future
years. He stated that the City is not specifically funding depreciation of the building for a full
replacement in twenty to thirty years. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that many
communities have reduced rates or transferred funds from Civic Arena operations to balance their
budget with no consideration for future capital repairs which has caused a problem when the building
is in need of improvement after several years of operation. City Councilmembers expressed their
appreciation with the preliminary budget proposed for the Civic Arena.
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City Administrator Hedges stated that staff is pleased that Tom Struve has accepted
employment with the City in his new capacity of Administrative Assistant/Public Works
Coordinator. He stated that Mr. Struve left the City earlier this year in good standing for
employment in Florida and his experience and appreciation for our organization along with the talent
the City was recruiting for the new position provides a good fit for the organization. Director of
Public Works Colbert stated that Mr. Struve has indicated that the work culture in Florida tends to be
that average is acceptable which is significantly different from the Midwest culture and City of
Eagan standard of achieving excellence which Mr. Struve is accustomed to.
City Administrator Hedges stated that along with Dr. Tom Wilson, Principal at Eagan High
School, a Resolution has been prepared acknowledging October 2 as Clyde Thurston Day. He stated
that Dr. Wilson would like to present the Resolution/Proclamation to Mr. Thurston as a surprise and
a special honor at the Eagan High School football game on Friday evening, October 2. City
Councilmember Masin stated that recognizing certain residents and honoring them gives an excellent
precedence and supports the effort. Mayor Egan stated that Mr. Thurston has truly been an
exceptionally dedicated volunteer to the community and exemplifies humility and unselfishness in all
his service. After further discussion and in a motion by City Councilmember Awada, seconded by
City Councilmember Blomquist, with all members voting in favor, Friday, October 2, was
proclaimed as Clyde Thurston Day as a collaborative recognition with Eagan High School.
City Administrator Hedges reviewed the need to appoint a member of the City Council to the
Koch Refining Citizens Task Force that will review supplemental environmental projects. He stated
that a Stipulation Agreement was executed between Koch Refining Company and a Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency, whereby, Koch is required to pay $1,107,500 into a Trust Fund for
supplemental environmental projects. He stated that a Citizens Task Force is being organized with
representatives from Dakota County, Inver Grove Heights, Rosemount, Hastings and Eagan to
determine how funds should be spent. City Councilmember Awada volunteered to serve as the City
of Eagan's representative on the Citizens Task Force.
~ The City Administrator Hedges stated that a letter was received from Christopher Moarn,
President of Parks Real Estate, asking for an opportunity to present a plan for the development of the
80 acre parcel adjacent to Lockheed Martin currently under the ownership Scenic Enterprises. He
stated that he has shared with Mr. Moarn the policy of the City Council to not discuss development
proposals and concepts at work sessions due to the fact that the Planning Commission, Park
Commission, public and in some cases the City staff have not had an opportunity to -review the
proposal. Mr. Moarn's letter was distributed by the City Administrator, requesting the opportunity to
present the plan to the City of Eagan. City Council member Blomquist stated that she supports the
City Council policy and feels that it would inappropriate to review this proposal with Mr. Moarn at a
special workshop. City Councilmember A\\ada expressed her concurrence with the policy, further
stating that if he would like to send a copy of a proposal to the City Councilmembers for their review
or contact them individually, this is acceptable which is the policy that has been shared when other
similar requests have been made to the City Council.
City Administrator Hedges stated that a meeting was held with those firms that received an
RFP for the greater Cedarvale area development proposal and a request was made to the City that a
time extension of four (4) weeks be granted to all the firms that received a copy of the Cedarvale
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RFP. He stated that the Economic Development Commission met on September 28 and approved the
extension oftime to November 27 as the final date to receive the proposals. City Councilmembers
expressed their agreement with the time extension as presented.
City Administrator Hedges provided an overview of a proposal to construct the joint parking
lot between the City of Eagan and United Methodist Church. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa
stated that the United Methodist Church is proposing to expand their church facility and, as a result,
needs more parking and it is suggested a realignment of the access to the church and Patrick Eagan
Park with the intersection of Northview Athletic Road and Lexington Avenue. He stated that the
APrC is supportive of the joint parking lot, the County and City Engineering Departments agree that
the new alignment is a safer and better designed for access to the church and City parkland. Director
of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that church property is properly zoned and platted and they have
the ability to apply for a building permit without any review by the City Council. He stated that there
is no formal process to present the access realignment to the property and the proposal for a shared
parking lot with the City Council. He stated that the parking lot is proposed where a City nursery is
currently located.
City Councilmembers generally agreed that the new alignment is an improvement for both
the church and the City property, however, express some concern that another location be considered
for the City nursery. City Councilmember Wachter stated that the soil conditions are excellent for a
nursery at the current location and that is the main reason trees have been so successful at that
location. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that internally staff has known the nursery
will not always be there and as a result, there has been a limit to the amount of new nursery stock
planted in recent years.
City Councilmember A wada suggested that the City hold an informational meeting at the
McCarthy House to present the proposed improvements. City Councilmember Blomquist stated that
she is in agreement with the proposal and stated the mitigation for a safer intersection is her most
important reason. She further stated that a plan should be prepared that lays out the present and
future development of Patrick Eagan Park before actual improvements are made to the parcel. She
further agreed with the suggestion of holding a meeting with the neighbors and suggested that the
church might accommodate more people given the number of neighbors that may want to attend.
Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that he will proceed with a meeting at the United
Methodist Church with the neighborhood and prepare alternatives for the relocation of the nursery to
discuss with the City Council at a later date.
City Councilmember Masin stated that she has been asked, while door knocking, about the
status of a traffic semaphore at Silver Bell and Blackhawk Roads. City Administrator Hedges stated
that he would review the status of the proposed semaphore with the Director of Public Works.
City Councilmember Blomquist stated that she has learned through candidates who are
campaigning for local office, that residents on Ashbury are expressing frustration that the City has
not responded to a study and remedies for short and long term traffic mitigation on Ashbury Road.
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The City Administrator stated that he would review this matter with the Director of Public Works
and report back to the City Council.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Mayor Egan
confirmed that the meeting was adjourned prior to sundown in recognition of the City Council's
commitment to adjourn prior to start of the Yom Kippur Jewish holiday.
September 29, 1998