12/29/1998 - City Council Special Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting December 29, 1998 page I 00437 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA DECEMBER 29, 1998 Present: Mayor Tom Egan, Councilmember Pat Awada, Councilmember Ted Wachter, City Administrator Hedges, Director of Finance VanOverbeke, Communications Coordinator Foote, Intern to the City Administrator Hertel. OPENING AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Mayor Egan called the meeting to order at 5:03. City Administrator Hedges asked the Council to consider adding a resolution amending and restating resolution awarding sale of Aquatic Facility revenue bonds series 1998 to the agenda. CONSIDER CANCELLATION OF 2-9-99 SPECIAL ELECTION REGARDING ODD/EVEN YEAR ELECTIONS AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NOS. 255 & 256 City Administrator Hedges gave a brief overview of the item and asked that the statements submitted by Councilmembers Blomquist and Masin be read into the minutes. Intern to the City Administrator Hertel read the statements, included in their entirety as Exhibits A and B. Councilmember A wada stated that she had called this meeting in conjunction with Mayor Egan last week for the purpose of cancelling the 2-9-99 special election. She stated that she is still in favor of odd year elections, but respects the decision that would be made by the majority of the 1999 City Council. She stated that her main reason for supporting the change is to save money and staff time in preparing for an election that will be cancelled in the near future. She further stated that this is not a contentious public issue, but an issue that developed in the 1998 City Council and should be concluded appropriately by those members. Mayor Egan invited public comment. Karen Flood of 1518 Lone Oak Road expressed concern about the likelihood of increased partisan endorsements if elections are held during odd years. She stated that city elections should remain a grassroots process and was disdainful of the influence of money in the fall 1998 election. Thomas Pahl of 3706 South Hills Drive volunteered to participate on a task force to consider election issues. He cited his experience as a professor of political science as the reason for his interest. Councilmember Wachter gave a brief history ofthe odd/even year election issue in Eagan and stated his support for creating a task force to consider election issues. Mayor Egan stated that he would continue to be interested in election issues after the completion of his term. Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to cancel the February 9, 1999 special election. Aye: 3 Nay: 0 Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to repeal Ordinance #255. Aye: 3 Nay: 0 Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to repeal Ordinance #256. Aye: 3 Nay: 0 Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting December 29,1998 page 2 00438 Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to direct staff to set up a task force that will deal with election issues, sign issues, and also the partisan issues and to seek direction from the incoming Council on how to set this up. Aye: 3 Nay: 0 RESOLUTION AMENDING AND RESTATING RESOLUTION A WARDING SALE OF AQUATIC FACILITY REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1998 98-108 City Administrator Hedges gave a brief overview of the item. Director of Finance VanOverbeke explained that International Trading Group, Inc. is no longer interested in purchasing the Aquatic Facility bonds and asked the Council to approve the new resolution to name Municipal Mortgage and Equity, L.L.c. as the bond purchaser and make other minor modifications. Councilmember Wachter moved, Councilmember Awada seconded a rnotion to approve the resolution. Aye: 3 Nay: 0 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:32 p.m. Date City Clerk December 29, 1998 .... EXHIBIT A 00439 To Tom Hedges, City Administrator Please read this into the record tonight. I am unable to attend this quickly called Special City Council meeting. I have already voted and expressed my feeling on the even or odd year election issue. I am happy to see those Councilmembers who voted six weeks ago to entertain this expensive and unnecessary election for February 9, 1999 have had a change of heart and would now like to rescind their action. While I applaud this latest measure, please remember, I, Bea Blomquist, have always been in favor of saving taxpayers money, as well as open and fair government. I voted against the original motion on November 17, 1998. Sincerely, Bea Blomquist City Councilmember 12/29/1998 16:34 )IN: IYIASIN PAGE 82 EXHIBIT B For Immedi.t. R.I.... 004~10 Conteet: a.nely ..... · 412-3411 I will not be attending the special Eagan City Council Meeting called for Tuesday, December 29, 1998. I feel the citizens of Eagan should know my reasons. FIrst, .. anyone would expect, the holiday season Is filled with famUy functions, many of which were. planned weeks ago, and it I. extremely dlfRcult to change or cancel on short notice. Exceptions are emergencies. Second, I believe an "uue which has the Interest of more than 3,000 citizens, deserves proper notice and participation of the citizens. Third~ the mayor-elect IndlC8ted that the new year and new council should begin their work without controv~rsy. This meeting will guarantee that at least one new member. who has a stated Interest, but Is unavailable, will be disenfranchised before she .s even sworn In. Fourth, advisory committees of the city are appointed through an application procedure which asks for credential., experience and knowledge of the Issues. The committee workfng on this issue, which h.. spart<ed such inter..t and controversy should be no exception. Additionally. the Attorney General and the Secr.tary of State, just this week, iirected state agenci.. to Ignore ..ven appolntment& made by out..going Govemor CarIeon. They stated these appointments are not lawful becau.. the work of these appointees will not begin until .IflI[ this Governor leaves office. The appointments belong toth, new, INCOMING governor. If this criteria applies to state appointments it. surely should apply In eagan. New council memb.... should be included In appointing thfs committee. Fifth, this Is an added expense to tupayers. There is no urgency, no emergency and no stated valid reason to rush this through when it is noticed and scheduled for the regular January 5th meeting. I have considered this action c....fully. thoughtfully and OYer several days_ I have pledged to you that I will be repreeentative ancIlncluslve. To achieve my goal. I need to act in . way that Include. you, the tbpay.r. Taking action, at the January 6tft meeting, Including aU who wish to be heard. I bel'ev. ia the f.ir end proper action you expect from me. My very best to each of you and your famill.. lri :the New Year. R-97% 6124523411 12-29-98 04:45PM P002 ~25